
Highschool DxD: The Monstrosity of the Abyss

His soul has been tainted in the depths of the Abyss, as the Abyss itself, who happened to be a very powerful omnipotent being. Offer the soul a second chance of life. But unlike most fanfics, due to the tainted soul of his, he wasn’t given any kinds of wish, and his choices of anime worlds was limited to three. First being Dragon Ball, which was denied, due to the fact, it is very dangerous. Second was Fairy Tail, with a twist that everyone’s genders are swapped. And the soul’s geek/otaku’s side cannot handle the fact, there is a female Gray and Natsu in that world. So, he picked the last choice, which was Highschool DxD, with the only twist, there both OCs and characters from other animes will be existing in that world. As the otaku/geek he is, the soul was overjoyed as he accepts this offer, with no wishes, and only power he has is something he soon will call Abyssal Power, the power from the Abyss itself. Little did anyone will know, how much an impact he will have on this parallel world of DxD. And when the Supernatural, the world that houses the Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods, and even Dragons, and many more. Many will react differently when they find out about his existence. Many will want to hunt him down. Many will fear him, and his Devil and God-like Powers. And there also those that admire and worship his existence. But one thing is clear, the day when he awakened the powers known as the power of the Abyss, Abyssal Power. Will be the day when the Monstrosity from the Abyss is born. And his followers, who also create as much chaos in the Supernatural as he does.

AnimeDamon · Anime e quadrinhos
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58 Chs

DxD 32 – Can I quit? (End)

"Even if they are real people or not, that isn't the matter here, Tatsuya. We don't get ourselves involved, unless it is a matter relating to the Supernatural. A matter, that normal humans cannot handle, not to mention, those girls might be real. But the possibility of this not being a ploy doesn't go away." Gunnar reminded and yawned a little.

"Of course, I know that as well. That is why I requested the Information Division, and Uncle Jan to run a double check in this matter. According to the results they found, it seems this unknown group, that had kidnapped the Fujiwara sisters, is most likely they are not human humans, or humans at all, counting on the intel of how they are kidnapped." Tatsuya informed.

"Oh? And that is?" Gunnar asked with interest.

"Magic… they were teleported away, which means, the criminal, or criminals are either Magicians, or have one among them. Are maybe a Devil, or Devils." Tatsuya said.

"Don't forget, it is possible for Stray Priests to used simple ways of teleportation. Or any other faction or strays out there." Gunnar said, with a slight serious look.

"I thought so as well, and asked the Information Division to double check, but the result remind the same. What should we do?" Tatsuya asked.

"Had the former or the current Prime Minister, requested our help?" Gunnar asked.

"No, however, Uncle Jan already confirmed he has a way to speak to the former or the current Prime Minister of Japan, at any given movement. But he said sooner the better, since this will be a great advantage for us, since doing this mission, will opened up a new line of work for us, and our men in, and around Japan."

When Tatsuya said that. Gunnar didn't really say anything, and knew what Tatsuya meant. Even if Gunnar is 12 years old, but mentally Gunnar is 33 years old. And he knew the benefits of saving those three sisters. Since this will get them in the favour of the current Japan Government, and a new line of work in Japan will opened before them.

The core income for Black Gate, is of course mercenary work, that is why opening a line of new jobs in Japan is very beneficial for Gunnar and everyone else in his Faction.

Of course, Gunnar knew, they cannot survive on the income of mercenary work forever. That is why, Black Gate Faction already have several projects in the making, and it will only be a matter of time, when those projects become the main sources of income, which will allow their Faction to grow even stronger.

"Haa… as in line of work, you mean our men and you guys are going to execute that plan? You sure?" Gunnar asked with a sigh.

"Yes, as you know. Several Factions and governments that are involved with the Supernatural. Are blocking our line of work. And even been a time, when 'Ban' had to go, and deal with some attackers on our men. Plus… Japan is one of the few countries in this world, that has nearly no involvement in the Supernatural." Tatsuya stated.

"You know… this might get either the Yokai Faction or the Shinto Gods mad at us, you know?" Gunnar said in a somewhat serious voice.

"It does not like we going to take their territory away from them. We only going to sell low-grade weapons and gadgets. There be no way, we going to sell weaponry above the Middle-Grade to others, unless we can mass produce Ultimate-Grade weapons… however, the materials and sources of energy for such weapons are not easy to get by… so, there no problem with this plan.

However, the Three Factions might or not get involved with this. That is why, I recommended to lay low for the next few years, and focus on research, and development of the Black Gate faction, before we engage with our next plans. By my estimate, we should have enough power to face the other major Factions, not play run and hide with them, within 3 years… plus, you need more time to ingest that you had devoured from that 'place', and also that other 'place'."

When Tatsuya said that Gunnar wasn't shocked that Tatsuya knew this, after all, Gunnar already explained how his powers worked to Tatsuya. And also thanks to Tatsuya, and his monstrous IQ level, that Gunnar could developed several tricks with his Abyssal Powers with his help.

And it also thanks to Gunnar knowledge of anime, and other otaku stuff, that Tatsuya could designed several things. After all, this boy hobby is to create magical weapons based on modern weaponry with magic. How can Gunnar not take advantage of that, and create 'toys' for himself?

"I supposed you are right, if I managed to devour what's inside my Devourer's Subspace, being Super-Class is no problem… we were lucky find to those places… never mind that. So, who going to save these girls? Out of the 'Demons' there are only you here… but if I am not wrong, it been nearly three years, since you met your sister, Miyuki, I am right?" Gunnar asked, with a smile on his face, which caused Tatsuya's blue eyes to narrow seeing Gunnar's smile.

Even in this parallel world of DxD. Shiba Tatsuya is still a siscon, who holds his sister the highest among everyone in this world. And Gunnar knew unlike the canon of 'The Irregular At Magic High School'.

Both brother and sister, doesn't belong to a clan that well developed in magic. But a rich family, that disowned Tatsuya, which even lead to his own death, if Gunnar didn't save Tatsuya at that time.

Tatsuya never went into detail, and Gunnar never dwelled on Tatsuya's past too much. But the two boys do trusted each other like brothers. But when it comes to Miyuki, anyone can tell the overprotective Tatsuya comes out.

"What does that smile mean?" Tatsuya asked in a serious tone.

"Nothing, it is nice, for my right hand, who is mostly like a robot, has human emotions, well, I don't mind the whole forbidden love thing, it very common among some Devil families in the Underworld, or so I heard." Gunnar went with a grin, and even sat up from his bed, and patted the Tatsuya, who has killing intent in his eyes.

"Can we not talk about this, we still have other issues on hand here, that need to be seen through." Tatsuya informed, with no change in his expression.

"How cold… you wouldn't talk to this big brother…" Gunnar went with fake tears, before he turned serious again.

"So, who going to handle the Fujiwara Sisters? Out of all the 'Demons', you the only one here, well, I suppose, we don't need to send any 'Demon' for a mere group of kidnappers, our normal troops do just finely." Gunnar went.

"It is as you said, I already have a team on standby, I was only waiting for your say so, if we were to follow this plan or not. Since not any of the 'Core Members' or 'Demons' have any say when it comes to matters, that will affect the whole of the faction itself. Not even I, your Right Hand, has that right." Tatsuya told.

"I see, well, having a link with the Japanese Government is not bad. If everyone agrees, I don't see why not. And that plan of yours, of us laying low for few years? Let's do that, since you are right, I do need to finishing digesting, and develop my Abyss to the next level or two. And we are, as a Faction, growing a little too fact, it only be a matter of time, before any of the Major Faction get involved with us.

I already can sense their gazes on me… I been overlooking them looking at me. Especially those Greek and Norse Gods, since I really don't want to make them my enemy… and they not even hiding their desires for our knowledge and technology. But to think Tatsuya, we are going from mercenaries to a mercenary group… and now arm dealers!

Well, it doesn't matter to me, as long we become stronger… we need strength as a group, to stand against those major level factions. Well, since there nothing else to discuss, I might as well play some games!"

Gunnar said, as he yawns, before he got off the bed, and was about to walked towards his gaming console. However, as Gunnar thought he was done, since Tatsuya only here for his permission, as the head of Black Gate, Gunnar suddenly halted his steps, and slowly turned to looked at the expressionless Tatsuya, who grabbed Gunnar's shoulder.

"Milord, it is true, that I am here to ask for your permission. But that is not the main reason why I am here." Tatsuya said with a stoic expression.

"You… also want to play? I have a second gaming pad…" Gunnar went, as his already snow-white pale face, become paler like a corpse, as Gunnar had a bad feeling about this.

"Milord, I am not here to play, even I hasn't have much time, with my duties as your Right Hand, and the head of the Development Division. No, I am here to bring you to your office, your workload has been piling up, milord."

When Tatsuya said that. Gunnar felt like he wanted to know. Whose idea was it, to establish a Faction!? Of course, Gunnar already forgotten it was his own idea to become a head of some faction, because he doesn't want to have his freedom taken away from him. However, Gunnar did truly underestimated what it meant to be a head of some faction.

He truly underestimated what it meant to become a head of some faction. Is no different of joining a Faction, and having your freedom taken away from you! Gunnar is truly an opened minded person, and he doesn't like working so hard for no reason!

"No! I don't wanna!" Gunnar shouted and tried to run away. However, an iron gripped was still on Gunnar's shoulder. And, Gunnar slowly turned around, and meet the Devil once again, and that Devil name was called the smiling Tatsuya. Tatsuya never smiled unless he meant it! And this scares the boy, that has is known as a monster himself.

"Wanna, isn't a word milord, let's come along, I already have my own duties as well." Tatsuya, and even begun to dragged Gunnar, who pulled down the hood of his hoodie, while being pulled out of the room.

"Say Tatsuya." Gunnar suddenly said, when they left the simple room, they were in. And into the hallway.

"What is it milord." Tatsuya asked.

"Can I quit?" Gunnar said with a deadpan face.

"Sorry, but this is your responsibility as the Abyssal King. According to the rules, that you made up milord. The only one that can take on the position of the Abyssal King, who has the highest rights in Black Gate, is the bloodline of an Abyssal Human… but there only one person in this whole world, who is an Abyssal Human, I am wrong, milord?"

When Tatsuya said that with his 'kind' smile. Gunnar only can cursed at himself. After all, who was the one that created the rules of Black Gate? And design the faction ranking system? It was no other than Gunnar himself!

There is a reason, why nearly two years ago, when Black Gate was formed. Why Gunnar begun to call himself the Abyssal King. Instead of his other nicknames like the Devourer, or the Black Tempest. It is because, how Black Gate classification of ranks between members work.

From the highest rank is the Abyssal King, the King of the Abyss. Because there are High Humans in this parallel world of DxD. And because Gunnar was born as a human to begin with. Gunnar, or more like Cantina Lewy, advised Gunnar he should name his own race. Since he is the only one in this world, that can used Abyssal Powers.

And because Gunnar called his powers as Abyssal Power, tainted by the real Abyss itself, and born from normal humans. Gunnar named his race as an Abyssal Human.

According to the rules of the Black Gate Faction. That were agreed on by all founding members. The only person that can take on the Abyssal King's position, as the head of Black Gate, is someone with the bloodline of an Abyssal Human in their body. And they must challenge the current Abyssal King and win, if they wanted to become the next Abyssal King.

Knowing all that, a sigh left Gunnar's lips once again, and with his stull deadpan facial expression. Gunnar turned his sea blue eyes towards Tatsuya once again.

"Say, Tatsuya, since I am the leader, meaning I can change the rules, right?" Gunnar asked, while being dragged by his collar by Tatsuya.

"You are right, however, as the rules you and the other establishing members has put down. Important rules, such as the rule of changing the obligation for the leader of Black Gate. Must be agreed by equal voting between the 'Demons', the vice-leaders, and other Core Members who have important roles. And for the 38th time, do you think the other 'Demons' want the position of leader?" Tatsuya went, who still have that 'kind' smile on his face.

"But aren't I, your leader, right!?" Gunnar tried to protest.

"It is because, you are our leader, that you have the responsibility to uphold them." Tatsuya said, while still dragging Gunnar towards the door at the end of this hallway. Lucky no one else is here, to see their 'leader' being dragged like a stack of potatoes.

While the 'stack of potatoes' himself, is still being dragged by a boy a year younger than himself. Gunnar suddenly had an idea, and a smile appeared on his lips, as he somehow managed to slip away from Tatsuya's iron grip.

"I know! How heartless I am! Three innocent girls are scared, and alone! How can I, the Abyssal King stand by, and let such matters handle by my men!? I am some tyrant! In order to leave that shitty workload… I mean save those innocent girls, I cannot lazy around! That is right, it is decided Tatsuya! I will go see them asap!" Gunnar went, as he instantly disappeared, before Tatsuya could capture him again.

Upon seeing this, Tatsuya could helplessly shake his head at his leader's irresponsible actions.

"Milord… running away from your duties, are not going to reduced them. The only thing it will do, will increased the workload further, not to mention, aren't you forgetting something?" Tatsuya sigh, knowing Gunnar not only run out of their base, with his demon mask. But even have no clue where the Fujiwara sisters are at!

Knowing this, Tatsuya just sighed at his irresponsible leader once again. Before bringing out his phone.

"Milord has agreed, and personally went to deal with the kidnapping of the Fujiwara Sisters. It is very likely for our milord to ring the Head of the Information Division, Lan Lewy. Please informed him of this." Tatsuya said that, before hanging up the phone. And begun to walk towards his workshop in this building they had rented in Japan.

"Oh that reminds me… I still haven't told milord about the two reports, that Uncle Jan left in his office, well he gets to it when he come back." Tatsuya went, walking to his workshop in this building they had rented in Tokyo.

And where within an office room, that has piles of paper waiting for 'someone' to finished them off. Lies two folders, one has a Japanese name, a very familiar Japanese name to Gunnar, and the other folder as a single word on it. And that word was Kuoh.