
Highschool DxD: The Monstrosity of the Abyss

His soul has been tainted in the depths of the Abyss, as the Abyss itself, who happened to be a very powerful omnipotent being. Offer the soul a second chance of life. But unlike most fanfics, due to the tainted soul of his, he wasn’t given any kinds of wish, and his choices of anime worlds was limited to three. First being Dragon Ball, which was denied, due to the fact, it is very dangerous. Second was Fairy Tail, with a twist that everyone’s genders are swapped. And the soul’s geek/otaku’s side cannot handle the fact, there is a female Gray and Natsu in that world. So, he picked the last choice, which was Highschool DxD, with the only twist, there both OCs and characters from other animes will be existing in that world. As the otaku/geek he is, the soul was overjoyed as he accepts this offer, with no wishes, and only power he has is something he soon will call Abyssal Power, the power from the Abyss itself. Little did anyone will know, how much an impact he will have on this parallel world of DxD. And when the Supernatural, the world that houses the Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods, and even Dragons, and many more. Many will react differently when they find out about his existence. Many will want to hunt him down. Many will fear him, and his Devil and God-like Powers. And there also those that admire and worship his existence. But one thing is clear, the day when he awakened the powers known as the power of the Abyss, Abyssal Power. Will be the day when the Monstrosity from the Abyss is born. And his followers, who also create as much chaos in the Supernatural as he does.

AnimeDamon · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

DxD 33 – Meeting the Fujiwara Sisters (1)

Within the main city of Japan, Tokyo. Within the wards that hold warehouses, and other such buildings. Lies a young boy, with a long hood over his face, and that hooded young boy is no other than Gunnar, who looked at the moon in the sky, with his sea blue eyes. Before he turned his attention towards the several people on the ground, as he stood on some tall building's rooftop.

There is about 1.5km between them and Gunnar. However, if Gunnar focus his Abyssal Power to increase his physical ability, even his senses such as his eyesight increases. Making it possible for Gunnar, to see those people in hoods, guarding some warehouses from where he is at.

While watching these men, like a hunter watches their prey. All of the sudden, Gunnar's phone rung within his Devourer's Subspace. Because Gunnar can sense what happens inside his subspace. He could tell at any time, if someone is making a call.

Of course, there is the question how they can be a signal inside his Devourer's Subspace. However, Gunnar don't really question that. And just summoned his phone from the black mist, before answering the caller.

"Oh, Uncle, how is it? Did our client, the former Prime Minister, or the current one, accepted our aid?" Gunnar asked, not once removing his eyes from his prey.

[Yeah, I also heard you skipping work again, hahaha, don't blame you kiddo. And it seems to be an error in the Information Division, that the information of the current Prime Minister is wrong, since the Fujiwara Sisters' uncle, is the running to be the next Prime Minister. And it seems he has a high chance of becoming one, or so it says in the rumours.] Jan Lewy, the one behind the phone said.

"Well… small mistake this time… never mind about that now. So have they?" Gunnar asked to confirm, if he can began the hunt.

[As expected, they become wary, when they found who we were. However, the former Prime Minster given in to our demands to save those girls… however, Gunnar, I also found something else out.] Jan said in a somewhat serious tone.

"Hmm… did you found who these hooded guys are?" Gunnar asked, with a bit of interest, who his prey is.

[Yeah… if my intel is right… these guys are High Humans, Gunnar.] Jan suddenly said, which got Gunnar interested.

"High Humans… if I am not wrong… the Hero Faction, right?" Gunnar went.

[Hero Faction? Oh, you mean that strange faction, that has members named after famous heroes? No, not much is known about them, since they are good at covering their tracks. And the faction you are thinking off, is the Heroic Faction, one of the few High Human Factions out there. No… they will not kidnapped these girls, since they are even trusted by the Church.]

"They are what now? Heroic Faction, what the heck is that??" Gunnar went, as he even tilted his head in confusion. As this the first time he had heard such a faction.

[You had heard about the Great War… have you? How all of the sudden, before the clash between the White and Red Dragon Emperors, a dimensional crack appeared, and from the crack itself. Several people entered in this world, humans and demons from another world?]

When Jan said that Gunnar froze… since when there was such a thing in DxD? When did beings from another world was a theme in DxD!? And Demons? Isn't that the title Gunnar gives to people in his faction, that has strength of Ultimate-Class or higher in Black Gate? Since when, did Demons existed in DxD!?

"Demons, not the titles that we give… but real demons? In this world?" Gunnar went, as he even forgotten why he is here, that is to save the Fujiwara Sisters.

However, right now, Gunnar felt he doesn't know this world at all. Where is this place? Did that abyssal ROB sent him to the wrong DxD world? Of course, Gunnar did recalled this is not the original anime world of DxD, but a parallel one… there bound to several elements that exist here, that don't exist in the original DxD, like Tatsuya himself.

But not once, Gunnar thought this parallel world of DxD, will have another world element to it! Gunnar tried to recall what anime, light novel, or manga canon, that has the elements of humans and demons from another world, or least something familiar to that.

'Can't be 'The Devil is a Part-Timer', right? No, that makes no sense… since it made more sense, if those anime characters from the canon come in this era I am in right now. Not in the middle of the Great War… which means it either another canon? Or maybe it just a theme of humans, aka High Humans, and Demons that crossed another world, to fit into this world, that already has Devils?'

When Gunnar thought about the possibilities. He also felt a headache coming along as well. However, because Jan Lewy cannot see Gunnar expression on the other side of the phone. He made Gunnar's head hurt even more, than he begun to tell the history between High Humans and the Demons coming to this world.

[About that Gunnar… they no longer Demons in this world anymore. According to what I know about them. Is when the Dimensional Crack appeared, the Church and the Angels begun to fight with those Demons, who also has Demonic Power within their bodies, just like the Devils.

The High Humans who are enemies of the Demons to begin with. And even joined the Angels and the Church alongside them, to fight against the Demons. The Demons themselves, was taken in by the Devils themselves. And some Devils houses, even wanted to use the Demons as foot soldiers.

However, it was found out, that among the Demons, there was a person called the Demon Lord, and that Demon lord was more powerful than the Devil Kings at that time, a Super-Class being himself. And made a deal with Lucifer himself, to take his people in. And become part of the Devil Faction.

However, soon after that happened… before the Demons and those High Humans who called themselves Heroes begun to truly take part in the Great War. The clashed between the Heavenly Dragon Emperors begun. Of course, the main reason why there no longer any Demons, is not because most of them dying between the clash of those two heavenly dragons.

But because the Demons and the Devils begun to crossbreed with each other, this made a new noble family in the Devil Faction. Because of mixing the two Demonic Powers and bloodlines, the Demons no longer Demons themselves, just Devils like any others. However, there still the special type of Devil was born between the crossbreeding, and this was made to believe the Devils' Sin of Lust was the thing that brought this subspecies into existence. And that Devil subspecies is called the Succubus.]

'What is this hentai setting!?' Gunnar shouted in his head. No matter how much he sees this, isn't this just a setting to explain why there is another household among the 72 Pillars? No should there be 73 Pillars now, right? And also explains why their succubus in this world, right?

When Gunnar heard their Succubus in this world, he cannot help to think, there might be anime characters from some kind of hentai canon in this world. After all hentai still counts as anime, since it is anime porn. So it not surprising to think such characters existed in this world.

Of course, there still exist the possibility of the anime characters that Gunnar will find in the future, not from a hentai, but an anime canon instead. Either way, this made Gunnar's head feels like it going to split into three parts. Of course, there also the side of him, that is curious about the Succubus themselves.

It is because Gunnar's sexual drive/desires is clouding his mind? Maybe so, however, even if it was three years ago, before the development of his hormones. Gunnar knew, he still be curious about them, since they don't exist in DxD, but they do in this Parallel World of DxD.

However, when Gunnar's headache begun to fade, as he once again looking forward to meeting all the different anime characters in this world. How many other anime canons are in this world? Thinking that, put a child-like smile on Gunnar's lips, the kind that a child looks forward to the unknown future itself.

Without mercy, Jan Lewy begun his second attack of making Gunnar's head hurt, as he mentions something that made Gunnar completely confused once again.

[All honestly Gunnar, I am shocked, seeing you don't know about this matter, since you know a lot of the House of Gremory.] Jan suddenly went. Before Gunnar can understand what Jan meant by that, the man carried on speaking.

[I mean, according to the intel I have on the House of Gremory. It was them who opened their arms to the otherworldly Demons, and it is because of that. The House of Naruse, are known to have crimson hair, just like the House of Gremory, you know? Sometimes, Devils and other races get them mix up, because of that.]

Naruse? Gunnar never heard a Naruse!? Crimson hair? There is another household with that trademark red hair? Gunnar has no idea what this canon is! It not like Gunnar had seen each and every anime in his past life!

One has to recall; Gunnar was very ill in his past life. And the illness that Gunnar had before his death, was slowly taking away his body. It is because of that, Gunnar never read the Light Novel of DxD.

Audio books? Sure, maybe there is one for DxD… but you know who buy the blind Gunnar his audio books? His family servants, who always report back to his parents in his past life.

So imagine this… if your blind unhealthy child, suddenly asked for an audio book of a very perverted anime? Even if you are blind, you can still hear! Just thinking of the looks he will get from his family, and their servants, made Gunnar unable to know the ending of DxD, and several other perverted animes.

After all, Gunnar didn't want to make his family think, just by the perverted covers of DxD, and other canons, he never seen or heard off. That his only regret in his past life, was that he died as virgin! Or their son was some kind of dying pervert!

Feeling this massive headache. Gunnar sighed, and made all thoughts about Demons, Succubus and this House of Naruse go away from his mind. And refocus on the matter before him.

"Hey Uncle, I think we are going off track here, we can discuss whoever these Naruse or whatever they are called later on. For now, informed me about these people that kidnaped the Fujiwara sisters, are High Humans, right? But they are not part of the Heroic or whatever they're called faction, right?" Gunnar asked.

[Sorry about that. Yes you are right, not much is known about this group of High Humans. According to what I could find. They had been kidnapping humans from the age of 6~17 years old. And another source of mine, tells me most of the people they kidnapped, has traces of a High Human in their bloodline. You must know that most people live their life, without knowing, they have the potential to become a High Human. They are after High Humans, and especially those that has Sacred Gears in them.]

Gunnar wasn't really shocked hearing that. Even if Gunnar truly had no clue about the background of High Humans, was in fact just humans from another world. But even he knew, for a human being to have a chance to become an Ultimate-Class. Is either owning a Sacred Gear, a Holy or Demonic Sword. Or having a bloodline of a High Human in their veins.

There really not much differences between a human, and a High Human. Since both have the same limited lifespan. However, for some reason, when they trained their Magic Power, some of it stores in their muscles and bones, making their bodies stronger. It is because of that, that makes them different to other humans.

Another thing that Gunnar knew about those special humans. Even if they only have few drops of a High Human in their bloodline. There is a way to make their bloodline purer via training alone. However, they must activate their bloodline as a High Human before turning 18 years old. If they don't, the High Human bloodline will never awaken in their whole lifetime.

"High Human this… and High Human that… I am getting a headache because of them… I had enough Uncle, is there anything else? If not… I want to begin my hunt." Gunnar asked, while his sea blue eyes narrowed, as he still looked at the several hooded people never the warehouse, that stands about 1.5km away where Gunnar is.

[Sorry, by the way, I guess since you are here, meaning you didn't see the two files on your desk, right?] Jan asked.

"Files…? No, what are they?" Gunnar went, as he already forgot what he asked Jan to look into already.

[You will see, I will send all the information I have on the Naruse, and the history of the Great War to you later on. Good hunting, Gunnar, and I know you don't need it. But Tina will give me an ear full, if I don't say it. Be safe out there.]

When Jan said that he hung up on Gunnar, who only show a faint smile. Before he sighed and summoned his black mist.

"Funny… my Demon Mask is not in here? Did I leave it behind? Never mind… all this thinking is really stressful… plus I only wanted to relax, that why I hope you lot entertained me… don't die too soon, you hear?" With an evil grin on his flawless face. Gunnar took another look at the beautiful city before him. Before he vanished like a ghost.