
Highschool AxL: Holy lion

Meet Daniele Berti, a reincarnated person,At least he learned that when he turned 5 But unfortunately the world he is in is more dangerous than he thinks.

Goksumr · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Winning the imperial child , The first meeting between the lion kings

Daniele pov 



Me, Vali and Tobio are sitting in the living room right now 





It is worth noting that we all try to avoid the gaze of the girls in front of us by looking away 




We receive mocking looks from other adults and Dulio 




Azazel, on the other  couch , is almost rolling on the ground while laughing at us with his ass in the opposite seat... Oh wait, he's actually rolling!!!




"Are you going to stop it!!!!" I finally gave up and shouted 




"Okay, okay, congratulations anyway, you three....pffft hahaha this is really awesome, you might be the only ones who get a girlfriend as a gift from Santa Claus "



His words made us blush slightly 



"T-It's not our fault!!!" 



Vali finally came to his senses, but he still seemed to be making a conscious effort not to look at Genbu, and Genbu couldn't look at Vali either, they were both red. 



"But you weren't that sad, Vali." 



",S-Shut up Azazel!! What does this have to do with anything!!!"



Meanwhile, Dulio was examining the cards the old man had left us. 



Then he suddenly raised his hand and caught everyone's attention. 



"You know, there's something I'm wondering about." 




"Hmm, what's wrong Dulio, you want to know why you didn't wake up with a girl, maybe you weren't a good enough boy this year" 



Azazel made fun of Dulio



Dulio rolled his eyes but continued 



"I've read what's on the card over and over and it's exactly the same on all three cards, and it says 'Kids' .It seems to encompass everyone involved in a fight rather than a term like 'Boys' or 'Girls'. 



Dulio suddenly attracted everyone's attention 



"So what?" 



Mephisto asked 



"If Santa Claus didn't fail his grammar test, there seems to be something wrong.So, if it covers everyone, on what basis did he separate the boys and girls? "



third person pov 



"Pfft, was this the question, isn't it obvious, because gir-----"



Just as Azazel was about to continue his words, he suddenly felt a chill.



He immediately looked around the corner and saw three mothers looking at him with sweet smiles. 



Azazel's whole body trembled. As someone who has lived for a long, really long time, he has had relationships with many women. 



 He can proudly  say "I understand women" and of course he understood the meaning from those smiles 



'Don't open your mouth or you will be ruined' 



Here Azazel did what any smart man would do: he succumbed to female terror. 



"Because ...I do not know" 




"What , Why . Tell me!!" 



Vali jumped up and grabbed Azazel's collar. 



"How do I know, I can't read minds" 



"Liar!!! You were about to say something, say it quickly!!!"



"I don't know what you're talking about" 



Eventually the two continued arguing for hours. 



When it was time to go to the end, my mother and the church side stood at the door to bid them farewell. 



"Well, they weren't as bad as I thought, the kid who called himself Lucifer was a bit annoying after all, he lies at this age."



Xenovia growled slightly. 



"He didn't lie" 






"He seriously was a descendant of Lucifer "



"A- but the sacred gear " 



"He's a hybrid" 







Suddenly, a magic circle opened next to Xenovia and Durandal came out. 



"Come  back here you little -----"



Me and Irina held her and covered her mouth, I'm sure she wasn't saying good words right now. 





third person pov 



A man was sitting at the table having breakfast in a house  



The man had a slightly muscular physique, black hair and brown eyes. 



"I'm telling you Serena, I'm serious" 



"Yes yes Magnus, you are definitely not dreaming." 



The woman who answered the man sat at the table where the man was sitting, with a tray in her hand. 



The woman had curly blonde hair, an attractive body and blue eyes. It can be said that she was an  beautiful woman. 



But the most striking feature of both adults was the matching wedding rings on their fingers. 



Magnus was a lucky man to be with such a woman, as his friends said and he himself admitted. 



These were Magnus Rose and Serena Rose.



"Do you seriously expect me to believe that a priest is following you?" 



"I'm not lying, Serena, in fact, I saw a man in a suit watching me the other day. ".


Serena grumbled as she ate her breakfast. 



"Are you sure you haven't gone crazy from working too hard?" 



"Don't start again Serena" 



"Come on Magnus, you're working too hard, you should learn to relax a little, I'm worried about you." 



She held her husband's hand as she said the last part



"I'm fine Serena, these are preparations for the future so that when the time comes, I can live comfortably with you to the fullest." 




Serena looked at Magnus for a moment and finally sighed. 


"*sigh* you really are so stubborn  but—"



Serena then leaned down and placed a kiss on his lips 



"---that's part of your charm"



Magnus smiled at his wife and was about to lean in for another kiss when suddenly his watch started beeping. 



*Ring* *ring* 



"I'm sorry honey I have to go"






He immediately took his jacket from the hanger and opened the door. 




"I love you!!"



Then he quickly turned around and left the house 



"I love you too !!!"




Magnus unconsciously let out a light laugh when he heard the voice coming from behind him. 



He is currently 27 years old and has been married to Serena for 3 years 



Even though he was happy with his life, strange things were happening to him lately. 



Mechanical devices would malfunction and suddenly open when he was nearby, or iron objects would shake. 



But that wasn't the real strangeness, he could have dismissed them as being overly coincidence , but the real strangeness was the priest and a few men in suits who had been watching him for a few days. 



Who are they, why are they watching him, what will they do to him, how can he protect Serena from them, questions like these filled Magnus' mind. 



He finally arrived at work 



 Currently he working in a regular well-paying desk job 



"Hi Magnus" 



"Hello to you too Steve, how are you today?" 




"Ugh it sucks, who's good on Mondays?" 



"*chuckle* I think you're right" 




When the two of them finally arrived at the desks where they were working side by side, the computers suddenly turned on and then immediately turned off again. 




Steve looked at Magnus next to him. 






"No, you're just in shape today, technology bender." 






"You know the name they call you at work" 



He pointed to the computer. 



"Ugh, fuck me, who the hell came up with that nickname?" 



"Oh, it's me" 






"Damn you *************"



"Now now Magnus there was no need to exaggerate so much and the last two were really rude" 



Magnus grunted and they got to work. 





When Magnus was finally done, he stretched and prepared to leave. 



The sun was setting and the sky was somewhere between red and black 



While Magnus was walking, he secretly checked his around  to see if there were those strange priests and people in suits, and there was no one!!!



Magnus breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, maybe they finally got rid of them or they gave up on him. 



While Magnus was walking, he suddenly noticed that the streets were completely empty



The location is not a side street or a strange construction site, is this place empty at this hour, this is America!!!What was going on here 




When Magnus got tense, he looked up into the sky and what he saw was a purple sky. 



"*sniff* sniff* it has a human smell, a little metallic, Gilard doesn't like tough meat, but that's okay, Gilard will soften the meat." 



Magnus completely shuddered when he heard that deep voice. 



As he slowly turned around to where the voice came from, he saw a being he could only see on television or read about in books. 



It was a 4 meter tall monster with an extremely muscular body on two hooves, a bull's horns instead of a head, and a body covered with brown hair. 



.....a minotaur 



Magnus wanted to believe it was a dream, it had to be, it had to be. 



The Minotaur took a step towards him and at that moment his body moved against his will and he started running, heading towards the nearby alley and running as fast as he could, even though he was out of breath, he didn't care.



When he finally stopped, the place he was in was a half-completed construction site, and there were still iron bars and various things around. 



Magnus would have laughed at the irony of the situation if he wasn't so scared, now he's exactly where he was talking about. 




"It's not bad, human, Gilard likes to exercise before dinner"" 



"W-what are you?" 



"Hmmm, so you're wondering, Gilard was a minotaur but now he's a devil minotaur."



Two bat-like wings suddenly sprouted from its back. 



"Gilard learned magic, Gilard was superior to his peers, and Gilard killed the weakling who called himself 'master' "



The minotaur named Gilard slowly approached Magnus 



"Let Gilard soften the meat a little before eating it." 



When the Minotaur swung its arm at Magnus, Magnus defended himself with the jacket he had wrapped around his arm and  bag on his shoulder, but he still flew backwards and crashed into the wall of the unfinished construction. 




Even though Magnus didn't have any broken bones, he wanted to vomit right now. His whole body was opening up as if it were torn apart. He looked at the minotaur coming towards him. 



Was he going to die like this, at the hands of a monster from the stories, without even knowing how such an event happened? 




...Would this monster attack Serena later? 



As soon as this thought entered his mind, Magnus' eyes instantly widened. No one can touch his wife !




The Minotaur suddenly stopped and looked at the sky, staring blankly without making a sound.  



"Why the iron rods point to Gilard "



Upon hearing the voice of the minotaur, Magnus looked up and saw iron rods in the air, all pointing at the minotaur. 



Although he didn't know how or why, Magnus strangely realized that he was the one who did this. 



He slowly stood up, his feet still shaking 



"Die monster!!!"



Upon his words, the iron rods stabbed the minotaur and flew him to the opposite side of the construction. 




Even though the minotaur was no longer visible because of the many iron rods, when he saw some blood between the iron rods, Magnus relaxed and leaned his back against the wall. 



Suddenly, the iron rods flashed from where they were fixed and scattered around, and the minotaur revealed itself. 



Although blood was flowing from various parts of his body, it only appeared superficial and his red eyes were looking at Magnus with hatred. 



"Vile food Gilard will destroy you!!"



While the Minotaur was running at full speed, Magnus prepared for to damage, but suddenly a light shined in front of Magnus and the Minotaur screamed in pain. 



Although he was surprised at the scene, when Magnus looked more carefully, there was a 16-17 year old boy wearing black jeans and a black jacket. 



His long hair flowed under the hat he wore on his head. 






"Well, let's leave the conversation for later, let's first cut the steak in front of us into pieces." 



For a while ago

In front of a mobile wheel vendor selling hot dogs, there was a young man aged 15-16 wearing black jeans and a black jacket. 



His black jacket was open and his red T-shirt was wearing a bracelet adorned with a cross adorned with gold jewels and He also had a bracelet decorated with sword



He also had a black hat on his head and dark brown hair was flowing through the hat. 



 Daniele pov 


"Can I have a hot dog?"



"Of course sir, do you want one or two?" 



"About 13 please" 






The hot dog guy frowned at me 



"Look kid, don't make fun of me -----" 






When I showed him the banknotes in my hand, his eyes suddenly turned into dollars. 



He gave me hot dogs in a big cardboard box 



"We wait again!!!!!"



While I was walking I grabbed one of the hot dogs and took a bite 



It has been 2 and a half months since Christmas and we are now in America on a specific research mission. 



"This is the taste of freedom" 



[Can you stop this already]



<What are you talking about>



[Since we came here, the air of freedom, the step of freedom, the community of freedom, haven't you really been bored? ]



<We are in America right now, what do you expect me to>


[Stop saying that thing]



<So you don't want the other hot dogs>



[... Freedom is the best!!!!]



<Agree >



I cast a spell to distract people from here and threw all the hot dogs into my space storage.



It's a spell I created inspired by Boosted Gear's ability to store items, but it mostly connects my space storage to Regulus, and Regulus can connect to my spatial storage. 




After a while, Regulus' voice was heard in my head again. 



[I give the taste of freedom a 10/6, not bad]



I grunted with pleasure. 



[But seriously, partner, was it worth coming all the way here.We flew here as soon as we heard about the interesting people in the church report. ]



<Well, metal swinging around a person is one thing, but technology what's remarkable>



If he is the person I think he is, I would even run, let alone rush by plane. 



When I finally entered the alley, I turned to a specific location and called out 



"Don't you think it's time to come out? After all, you've been watching me for a long time." 



"Guess I'm not good enough huh" 



A man emerged from the shadows, wearing a jet suit, black sunglasses, and a wired earphone in his right ear. 



"Hi, I'm Agent Smi—"



"Aren't the others showing up?" 



The corner of the man's mouth twitched slightly at my words. 



Other people emerged from the shadows 



A total of three people appeared 



"*cough* OK, let's start from the beginning, I'm Agent Smith and I'm from the CIA may I ask why the exorcist from the church is here?"



I raised one eyebrow at his question. 



"As far as I know, the church is quite active in America, Agent."



" Yes, but you are not particularly active in this region and I was very curious." 



"I'm here for someone specific" 



"Could this be Mr. Magnus Rose?" 



"Who knows " 



I smiled and didn't say anything else. 



"You, talk to the team leader correctly!!"



One of the people behind Agent Smith shouted at me and shadows began to come to life and surround me. 



"Agent Brook, stop!!"



So *Night Reflection *



While shadows surrounded me, Regulus Nemea suddenly appeared with a light in my hand. 



I swung upwards hard and the resulting force completely shattered the shadows surrounding me. 






The attacker couldn't finish his sentence because Regulus Nemea's knife was at his neck. 



"Is this a declaration of war, Mr. Smith? "



"*sigh* I apologize for my subordinate, please let him go"



I stared at the man for a while longer before finally pulling the ax blade from the attacker's neck and letting him disappear in a flash of light. 




"We will not be directly involved in your case with Mr. Magnus, but I hope you do not force him into anything, otherwise we will intervene anyway." 



I didn't want to make things difficult for them 



"Don't worry, I swear I won't force him into anything he doesn't want." . 




 At that moment, I turned my head in a certain.







[A limited area ]



I immediately headed towards where the feeling came from. 


Agent Smith pov 



"Is it right to leave him like this, sir? "



I grumbled at the subordinate's question, rookies really cause trouble sometimes 



"The object that the boy revealed was Regulus Nemea, one of the 13 longinus, which shows that he was at least highly valued in this church, and there are many documents about him.If there was a war, we would be the only ones who died, there is no need for unnecessary bloodshed ." 



Then I turned to Brook on the ground



"When we return, your education will double." 



Seeing his devastated expression made me feel better, after all, this job had its benefits too 


Daniele pov 

When I finally reached the edge of the limited area, I saw a minotaur running towards a man sitting on the ground. 



[That thing has the smell of devil, so it's very possible that it's a reincarnated minotaur]



<Let's not hold back then>



I immediately removed Ascalon from my Space storage. 



I supercharged my body with magic and shot forward in a sudden burst of speed. 



I powered up Ascalon and made a cut on the minotaur's shoulder. 



When the minotaur in front of me screamed in pain, a lot of smoke was coming out of the wound. 






The man on the floor stammered, well I can't blame him 



"Well, let's leave the conversation for later, let's first cut the steak in front of us into pieces." 



" You hurt Gilard" 



"You also will be Gilard's food!!!!!"



Has his intelligence increased because of Evil Pieces? 



The Minotaur immediately came to his senses and lowered his head as he ran towards me



So he's going to butt heads, unfortunately--



I blocked the horn that was about to hit me with Ascalon






As the magic circle appeared under the Minotaur's feet, I used the momentum to throw Ascalon sideways, knocking him off balance. 



As he was about to fall sideways, I swung the sword quickly and left a cut on his neck, but I didn't stop there. 



I slashed with Ascalon one after the other on his shoulder, head, and legs, creating cuts with smoke everywhere. 






The minotaur screamed in pain and pulled an ax from a magic circle that appeared next to him, swinging it up and down towards me. 



I slid the ax sideways, barely dodged it, and got in deep. 



I wrapped the cross around my neck around my right hand and my right hand started to shine with holy power. 



†Holy Fist† 



I slammed my fist directly into the cut I made on his neck earlier, and the holy power shot out from the back of his neck and separated his head from his body. 



Finally, after turning around,I carefully put the cross around my hand back around my neck. 



"Well this was an interesting encounter"



I extended my hand 



"Daniele Berti" 



The man looked at me blankly and then managed to answer while stuttering. 



"M-magnus Rose" 









"*Cough*Nevermind " 



"This---what the hell was this!!!!"



"I'll explain everything, but how about we go forward to a better place?" 



"Now, to be clear, you are saying that all mythologies and supernatural  are real and hidden from the world.And you're the exorcist from the church.I also have a special weapon created by the god of  bible "



I nodded in agreement as Magnus went over my words with his wife sitting next to him. 



"Little one, do you want to go to the hospital?"



His wife gave me a look that said she was worried about my sanity, and Magnus stared blankly at his wife next to him. 



I shrugged and let the magic circle open next to me 



.When he took Ascalon out of the magic circle, the woman opened her mouth but couldn't say a word. 



"Th-that was an impressive magic trick" 



When I rolled my eyes, I tapped the ground with my foot and my shadow suddenly changed shape and Bester appeared behind me. 



When he saw the 4 meter tall lion in the living room, he felt like fainting, but Bester was relieved when he suddenly turned into his chibi form. 



"Okay .....now I believe"



"I happy about this" 



I smiled and took one of the donuts they offered me before, put it in his mouth and gave the other one to Bester.



"So, hmmm, what was it? Can't you take the Sacred Gear from me?" 



"I'm sorry, Mr. Magnus, but what do you think would happen if we forcibly removed an object that has been there since you were born?" 



Magnus opened his mouth then closed it 



"Is there any way not to interfere with the supernatural?" 



"I'm sorry but once you're born with a Sacred Gear you're basically pretty much part of the supernatural ,This can be said to be an unwritten rule." 



"What about you, How did you get involved with the supernatural ?" 



I shrugged at the man's question. 



"The same thing happened to me when I was about 8 years old and I was saved by an exorcist, and I've been involved in the supernatural ever since." 



"You....how old are you now?" 



"I haven't turned 16 yet so I must be 15 and a half "



Magnus looked at me calmly, opened his mouth, then closed it, and his wife next to him was looking at me with a pitying look. 



finally he sighed and spoke 



"So what should I do?" 



"Well, the best situation is to join an organization, even if you could start an organization on your own or want to stay on your own, you don't have that much power right now." 



"What are my options?" 



"First of all I want to invite you to church, besides there are three Bible groups fallen angels and devils, oh there is also the CIA" 



"Probably the best of them all is the church, right?" 




He said speaking in a sarcastic tone 



"Hmm, actually calling it the best would be a bit of a lie, the church has its scum, just like every organization, things like human experiments have happened before.For Devils, you are basically a servant of noble peerage, and the fallen can work with you for research, provided they don't deem you dangerous and kill you. "



Of course, I didn't just talk about their bad things, I also talked about their benefits. 



Magnus looked at me and suddenly started laughing. 



"Pffft, hahahaha, you really don't understand agreement, do you? In such situations, you are hurting others and shouldn't you be praising yourself?" 



"Well, if things turn out to be unexpected later, I'd rather not be a partner in the first place than risk being stabbed in the back." 



I didn't disturb Magnus when he took a thinking position, I'm not going to lie I really want him to join in, I really really do. The Unknown Dictator may be inestimably useful to the church, but it is still his decision.



"So...how much money do I get?" 




I answered his words with a smile on my face 



"First of all, welcome to the church, Mr. Magnus." 



He took my outstretched hand and shook it. 



"You look very happy"



"Of course, after all, those who recruit talented people into the church receive high bonuses." 



Magnus 's corner of mouth twitched. 




1.5 years later 

third person pov 

At this moment, a person dressed in black priestly clothes  was walking through the corridors of the church. 



He had an  jewel-studded  cross around his neck and was a handsome man with golden eyes and dark brown hair. 



There was black fabric with gold patterns around his neck. 



This is Daniele Berti, he was currently on his way to pick up the equipment he ordered 



When he stopped in front of a large door, he opened the door and entered. 



Daniele was now 17 years old, of course he did not forget the promise of revenge they made about a year ago, but unfortunately ,Things didn't go quite as his wanted. 




Daniele was currently waiting in the balance breaker state 



It was nearly midnight and that old man was definitely coming 



He left milk and cookies in the corner again, after all, he can't hunt without bait, right? 



Daniele blinked and the cookies and milk disappeared instantly. 



"*crunch* *crunch* *crunch* cookies were pretty good" 



Hearing this cursed voice, Daniele quickly turned around and swung his two-handed axe, but unfortunately his vision was already tinted green at that moment. 



Damn it!!!!!!!!!



That was all Daniele could think as he was engulfed in light. 



When Daniele heard the alarm sound in the morning, he reached out and tried to turn it off. 



He frowned with his eyes closed and continued trying to lie down. 



squishy squishy

Feeling that he was squeezing something soft, Daniele was a little surprised with his eyes still closed. There was also something like a button in the middle of this soft object.



But it was as if Daniele felt this feeling somewhere else, but where? 







"You look like you're having fun"



Daniele suddenly opened his eyes .His eyes were red from the sudden opening 



Seeing the vermillion eyes staring directly at him, Daniele began to break out in a cold sweat. 






Daniele's words ended with the door opening 



"It's time to wake up Ojou-sama"



The woman entered and her eyes opened slightly when she saw the situation, then suddenly returned to her cold-blooded state. 



"I'm sorry to bother you" 



The woman closed the door and left 



"Wait no!!"



"*sigh* Looks like you've created a new problem for me, little pervert." 



"I'm not a pervert!! That old geezer (Santa) did it again"



After looking at Daniele for a while, her eyes suddenly narrowed and she extended his hand. 



Suddenly she took a piece Daniele's hair and played it lightly with her hand. 



"The ends of your hair are broken, don't you take care of them?" 



"Well, I haven't had much time for things like missions, I've been pretty busy these days." 



Suzaku looked a little longer and finally pulled Daniele's hand away. 



A flame suddenly burst out in his body and covered his entire body. When the flame disappeared, 



She was wearing a sand-colored sweater that emphasized her curves, a black skirt and black pantyhose



Daniele was surprised by the change and couldn't help but look some more 


"Stop spying on me, let's go "



Daniele didn't open his mouth, his ears just turned a little red 






Daniele was currently sitting on a chair 



Behind him, Suzaku was holding scissors and various hair cutting equipment. 



There was a place to wash and a mirror right in front of where he was sitting. 



"Are you... going to cut my hair? "



"Yes  " 



She started interrupting Daniele's words carelessly. 



Daniele wanted to protest, but he soon fell silent because, in a way, he felt strangely comforting and at the same time, Daniele felt strangely embarrassed. 



The hair cutting process lasted about 10 minutes, neither side spoke during this time, they just enjoyed the silence. 



Daniele's long hair was shortened to just past shoulder length. Even though it was still tall, it was shorter than before 



Daniele was surprised when he looked at the mirror in front of him 




Suzaku didn't say anything and started washing Daniele's hair in the fountain in front of him, applying shampoo and rubbing it while Daniele felt like he could sleep here for some reason. 



Finally, she finished washing his hair and dried it instantly with the flame. 



"You're pretty good at this" 



" I washed my cousin's hair when she was little "



"So I'm a girl, huh?" 



Suzaku chuckled slightly. 


"So, are we done?" 



"hmm~~ seems like there's something missing."

Suzaku suddenly took out the black clip with which she tied his own hair in a ponytail and asked what happened to her hair flowing behind her. 



Daniele found this view truly fascinating 



Then she ise that   hairpin and tied Daniele's hair into a small ponytail and let it fall over his right shoulder. 



"It's perfect now "






Daniele prepared to leave



"I'm sorry again for what happened, it was really out of my control."



"Don't worry, I already used to it from last year, do you want me to prepare for next year as well?" 



Suzaku's playful tone caused Daniele to laugh lightly as he twitched his cheek. 



"Meanwhile " 



Suzaku suddenly wrapped his hands around Daniele's neck, the contact of his hands making Daniele feel a little ticklish. 




When he took his hands away, he had a black fabric accessory with gold patterns around his neck. 



[looks like a collar]



<shut up>



"This --"



"Think of it like a past Christmas present"



Daniele blinked at Suzaku's words. 



Suddenly, he put his hand into the opened space storage next to him and took out a Japanese amulet decorated with flower patterns. 



Daniele then gave this to Suzaku 



"Then I'll give it to you." 



Suzaku looked at it then picked it up and put it in his pocket. 



Daniele smiled as the magic circle opened under 



"See you later!!"



Suzaku's calm expression suddenly turned into a smile 



"So way you little pervert" 



flashback end 

After that incident, Daniele was received message  from the other duo (Tobio and Vali).



Vali: I will kill that old man!!!!!!


Tobio: He really went too far this time!!!!!!!


With a chuckle he finally opened the door he was standing in front of. 



"Hmmm, are you here Dany?"



"I'm here Magnus, I heard it's completed"



At this moment, Magnus was different than before; he was wearing a white lab coat and brown glasses. 



These 1.5 years were productive for both of them. 

When Daniele brought Magnus to the church, he wrote a letter of recommendation to be sent to the production and laboratory department for Magnus 



Even though  management were surprised at first, they still accepted. 



Unknown Dictator showed his worth there 



Previously, exorcist  guns that would only harm low-class devils could now affect mid-level and even low-high class devils, and the same was true for the light sword. 



At the same time, robotic limbs etc. were also made for those who lost their limbs. 



Many more additional help 




Of course, he got an extremely high salary, and Daniele also got a huge bonus for being the one who discovered Magnus.Serena Rose was relieved to hear that her husband was working in laboratories and equipment manufacturing instead of dangerous jobs. 



In short, everyone is happy. 



Magnus pointed to the covered structure next to him. 



When he suddenly reached out and quickly lifted the cover covering him, there was a black motorcycle underneath him. 



Even though the motorcycle was normal, the part Daniele wanted from Magnus was to modify it.And added many special features to it as well 



Reaching out and caressing the  motorcycle , Daniele smiled. 



"Thank you Magnus "



"Of course, are you going on a mission now?" 







"Be careful then" 



"I'm always careful so don't worry"


Daniele was currently on her way to the mission area, to hunt down a stray exorcist. 



When he reached the given place he saw a warehouse 



"A warehouse.....why is it always a warehouse?"



Daniele slowly opened the door and at that moment an extremely fast punch came towards him. 



Daniele immediately blocked the Ascalon he was already holding at his side and swung the Excalibur Blessing from his dimensional storage at the attacker before flying back.


When Daniele slid on the ground for a while, The attacker had a scratch on his shoulder, but that was all, not even blood was shed.



Daniele squinted his eyes, the thing in his hand was a holy sword but did it only cause a scratch? 





The attacker's face was not visible from the shadow, but the two Devil wings behind him were enough to reveal his identity. 



Daniele then realized that this situation was a trap!!!!


He pointed at the attacker with his sword 



"So this situation was the Devils' trap!!!/So you're the stray exorcist!!!"






At that moment, the moonlight hit the man's face, he was a handsome man with purple eyes, black hair and an extremely muscular build. 




This was the first meeting between Devil and Holy Lion King