
Highschool AxL: Holy lion

Meet Daniele Berti, a reincarnated person,At least he learned that when he turned 5 But unfortunately the world he is in is more dangerous than he thinks.

Goksumr · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

An extremely long and tiring day

third person pov 

"Hahahahaha, sorry, I think there was a mistake" 



Daniele let out a sigh as he looked at the mound of muscles scratching the back of his head in front of him.



"I am Sairaorg Bael, I assume we're here for the same reason" 



He extended his hand to Daniele 



" I Daniele Berti. A rogue exorcist was found to be causing needless killing and harm to innocents, and I was sent for hunting purposes. "



"Well, in my case, someone was killing our  customers  in this area, I was going to investigate."



Sairaorg looked at Daniele for a while and then finally spoke. 




"Hey do you want to work together" 



"Do a devil and an exorcist work together, seriously?" 






He said looking at Daniele with an extremely serious face 



Daniele got information about this mission, the stray exorcist is a low-middle class person at most, so he can easily take him down by himself, but for some reason Daniele has been feeling bad ever since he came here.It's as if ...as if he's missed something. 



"Okay, but let's still keep a certain distance between us."



"It suits me " 



With Sairaorg's words, the two continued walking 




When Daniele looked at his back while walking, he couldn't see even the slightest gap. 



[Be careful partner, I sense a tiny bit of Demonic power, but there's a ridiculous amount of life force .It's literally impossible for him not to have Touki at this level ]


<What do you suggest?>



[Excalibur Blessing barely scratches his skin, useless against this devil ,Even if Ascalon inflicts deeper wounds on him, it will still not be enough,If he uses his touki they can't even penetrate the skin ,the best choice would be to use Regulus Nemea directly in case of emergency. ]




Touki is a sub-branch of senjutsu, giving its user tremendous physical augmentations and additional effects such as increasing the amount of damage dealt with each blow. 




Normally, those other than Youkai cannot choose use senjutsu because the user is in danger of being affected by the evil of nature, but Touki is different. Anyone who has reached a certain level with sufficient physical training can use touki 




<I just realized, but isn't your protective aura and Touki a bit similar,They both buff plus yours is better at defense increasing damage>




[Hmph!!Even so, its still can't compete with my destructive power,But yes, you can think of the protective aura as my version of Touki, I was planning to recommend you to learn Touki after a while, even if your body is close to the limit, it is still not completely enough , best choice find Youkai]



<I'm a member of the church, Regulus, how do you expect me to find Youkai>




[You are a member of the church who celebrated Christmas with the Leader of the Fallen Angels and  descendant of Lucifer]



<Touché >



Daniele definitely loved Sairoarg from anime/LN, but that was the problem, it wasn't the same "fictional" world 



It doesn't hurt to be a little cautious. 


Since there was nothing in the warehouse, the two decided to investigate the surroundings, but Daniele made it a point to keep the distance between them and Sairaorg respected this. 



While the two were walking around the area, the duo suddenly stopped. 



Daniele sighed. 



"So it was a trap after all "



He said calmly as he turned and watched the three staring down at them from above the hill. 



"Well, it wasn't exactly a trap, there really were strays, but that maniac suddenly tried to kill us and we used our right to defend ourselves." 



The one who responded to my words was two Male one female trio, they quickly went down. 



He was a handsome man with snow-white hair and red eyes, he looked a little older than me, and he was wore a gakuran, and on top of it, a priest's coat



The girl next to him was wears a girl gakuran, with armor worn on top of it.



She was a beautiful woman with sky-blue eyes and blonde hair, she looked the same age as the man. 



The last man was a handsome man with smooth brown hair and the same color eyes. 



He was wearing gakuran like the other two, and on top of that he had armor that looked like it was based on Greek.




"Then I don't think you're  still here out of boredom." 



"Well, isn't someone smart? I'm Jeanne, nice to meet you Ele-chan!!White-haired ikemen Sieg-kun and brown ball of arrogance Pe-chan"



"E-Ele-chan , what the hell?!"



"Hey!! Who is Pe-chan!? I men-of-men Perseus-sama."



"Perseus-sama? Pfffttt you seriously call yourself '-sama', you're such a child!"



"Are you the one who said that!!!"



Ignoring Daniele's words, Jeanne and Perseus began to argue 



Daniele's eyebrows twitched even more. 



"Isn't they an interesting group?" 



Daniele stared blankly at Sairaorg's words and finally reached the end of his patience. 



"Stop it!!!!!"




When the two finally stopped, Siegfried rubbed his eyebrows and looked at the duo of Daniele and Sairaorg. 



",I'm sorry for both of them, whatever! Let's stay on topic, Daniele Berti I'm here to invite you to our Group"



Daniele looked at Siegfried for a while 


"You are 'Chaos Edge Sieg', right, the user of the strongest demon sword. I heard that you suddenly turned your back on the church 1.5 years ago."



"You can't call it turning my back, I can rather say I chose my own path.That's why Jeanne and I, both former church members, have come here to invite you to our Group, my kouhai"



"...kouhai? Seriously?"



 "Even if I leave the church, technically I'm still considered a your senpai , right?" 



Daniele snorted at his words 



"Still, I wasn't expecting the Devil next to you .Well, not everything goes as planned.Coming back to the topic, we invite you to our Group,  to the Hero Faction "



"I don't think I'm a hero"



"*chuckle* That's not the goal, our goal is to show the supernatural world the power of humanity, you, an exorcist, are aware of how people treat the supernatural, right? So what do you say?" 



Siegfried was speaking looking directly at Daniele



"Well, I can't say I don't appreciate your point, though...DAGA KOTOWARU"



"excuse me"



"*cough* sorry bad habit ,Although I respect your purpose  I have to refuse" 




Just as Siegfried was about to speak, Jeanne intervened. 



"Can I ask your reason and don't give me a stupid reason like 'in the name of God', I don't see such an obsessive look in your eyes towards God, I mean why?"




Jeanne was treated like a Saint in the church. Everyone who looked at her saw not her, but the woman whose soul she inherited.It wouldn't be wrong to say that they almost adore her, but Jeanne has also become able to read people a little because of this. This boy in front of him did not show any sense of obsession or worship like the others, his eyes were very calm. 



"There are many people in the Church who are dear to me"



".....Is that all "




"Yes, what? Were you expecting a sad backstory or something?" 



Daniele raised an eyebrow and questioned the sky-blue eyed beauty. 




"Pffft. What is this? Are there any 'normal' people like you left in the church?"



"Still before we leave"



Jeanne suddenly created a rapier in her hand and swung it at Daniele. 



Suddenly, countless white blades rose from the ground towards Daniele. 



"Let's see what our kouhai can do." 



While Daniele was preparing to use Ascalon, Sairaorg suddenly appeared in front of him and shattered countless holy swords with one punch. 



"*Whistle* Are the Devils supposed to be able to do this?" 



"Well, I guess the name 'the strongest youth' wasn't in vain." 



Siegfried answered Perseus' question  




"Then me and Pe-chan  take Devil-kun.You can take Ele-chan "



"""I'm not Ele-chan/Pe-Chan!!!"""



Jeanne skillfully ignored them both and turned to sairoarg 



"Let's move the battlefield to another place, big boy!!"



Perseus and Jeanne quickly ran away 



Sairaorg then turned and looked at Daniele. 



"Go. I'm not weak "



Sairaorg was about to turn and leave, but Daniele called out to him once more. 




"Let's have something to drink after this is over, Sairaorg." 



Sairaorg turned and looked at Daniele in surprise. 



"It suits me " 



He said with a toothy grin and turned around, suddenly darting off at full speed towards where the duo had gone. 



Daniele pov

"Was the sudden attack really necessary?"



I questioned and Siegfried chuckled a little 



"I can't blame her, after all, I'm quite curious too.But I believe that fighting, rather than talking, helps us understand each other better." 



He then put his hand inside his jacket and when I saw what he pulled out of his jacket, I focused my attention completely on its.



What Siegfried revealed was an ornamental sword




The pommel is a golden cone shape with the addition of a triangle attached to the pommel, the triangle is missing the base and middle of it because of the pommel and the hilt is colored with a mixture of red and purple. The crossguard is a black rectangular bar with gold symbols engraved with a brown X mark in the middle and features a red semicircular protrusion on both sides of the crossguard. The blade is black with a red edge, but a red aura sometimes surrounds it, giving it a dark red color all around.




Demon Emperor Sword is another variant of the strongest demon sword – Gram




Good thing I put Excalibur Blessing back into my space storage, one blow from that swords would have shattered it to pieces 




"Judging by your reaction, I can tell you recognize this sword"



He then revealed his left arm and a silver sleeve coming from his left shoulder, both of which went into his jacket and pulled out two more swords 



Are you Doraemon and how big is that damn jacket? 



showed his left hand 



"This is balmung"



Then he shook the silver arm coming from his shoulder. 




"This is Dáinsleif "




"Oh right that's my Sacred Gear Twice Critical is a sub-species of course"



I deployed Ascalon before me




Siegfried suddenly attacked me with Swords



third person pov 




Cuts appeared on Daniele's body as he tried to withstand the attack with three different swords. 



Finally he flew back with a blow from Gram 



Just as he was balancing himself, he saw a wind attack coming towards him. 



Daniele dispersed the wind attack with Ascalon but couldn't move. 




His feet were covered with ice extending towards him from the ground, Siegfried ahead impaled Dáinsleif into the ground. 




Finally, he lifted Gram into the air and swung down hard, the sword glowing with dark crimson aura. 




Daniele's eyes stared only at the crimson glow that engulfed him. 



At that moment, a golden light flashed from within the crimson destructive power that engulfed Daniele and broke through the crimson power. 




When the light disappeared, the sleeve fabric of Daniele's right arm was completely torn, but other than that, no wound was visible. 




Ascalon was now in his left hand and  had a golden axe with a lion pattern on his right arm. 




The axe blade and the three protrusions on the back were silver 




"Regulus Nemea "



Rather than surprising or worrying Siegfried, this only widened his smile. 



[It was barely there, partner ]



"Well, I guess it was a bad idea to withstand three swords with one, but hey, at least I can brag that I resisted the 'santoryu' with one sword, even if it was fake." 



[What is this ]



"Nevermind "



"So this is Longinus Regulus Nemea.I heard it has similar destructive power as Durandal. Let me try!"



Siegfried swung Gram, unleashing destruction power once more 



Daniele wasn't outdone either and launched his own Gold aura attack by swing  Regulus Nemea 



When two destructive forces collided, each tried to outmaneuver the other, but they were evenly matched and canceled each other out with an explosion. 



Siegfried swung  Balmung to disperse the smoke, and the winds served their purpose 



When the smoke cleared with the wind, 17 fire sphere surrounded Daniele. 



†Magic Arrow 'Series of Fire†



Following Daniele's words, the fire spheres suddenly turned into flame arrows and flew towards Siegfried. 



Siegfried jumped to dodge the arrows, but they suddenly turned in his direction. 



Siegfried gritted his teeth and pointed the Dáinsleif, which he held with Twice Critical, towards the arrows, creating the same number of ice spears around him as the fire arrows. 



Once again, the two attacks canceled each other out as a result of a collision of ice and fire.



The moment he landed, he was attacked by Daniele, who was surrounded by a golden aura. 



He blocked the attack with Ascalon with Gram and the other two demon swords stops Regulus Nemea.Regulus Nemea glowed with an unstoppable golden aura, and the ground beneath Siegfried shattered. 



But Daniele didn't stop there 



†Come from the void, oh thunder, cut down my enemy!

Axe of God!†




Shining with lightning, Regulus Nemea completely overwhelmed Siegfried and was caught off guard by a new circle of magic that opened beneath him. 






Engulfed by lightning, Siegfried  crashed into the hill, sliding on the ground and causing cracks that spread throughout the hill. 



"Are you good senpai?You look 'struck' "



[Boooo~~.Get off the stage!!!]



"Come on! It was great"



"Seriously what a cheeky kouhai I have"



When the smoke cleared, Siegfried appeared, but there was no trace of his previous good appearance. 



His clothes were torn in places and some blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. 



 Daniele couldn't afford to let him recover and attacked again , and Siegfried did not lag behind. 



They both swung their weapons at each other at high speed. 



Daniele was using Regulus Nemea for defense and Ascalon for attack, and at that moment a similar thought crossed their minds. 



'''''If I take/deal damage by this sword, I lose/win!!'''''''




Siegfried finally swung Gram towards Daniele with destructive force, and Daniele blocked the attack with equal destructive force, but an aura burst erupted from Gram for a moment. 



Siegfried used this to bend Gram and Regulus Nemea to the Daniele's left side and swung the two swords on his left side at Daniele at the same time. 



'Regulus Nemea is a heavy attack type weapon .Precision moves cannot be performed perfectly, even barely performing them cannot block two swords at the same time .In Ascalon, cannot swing to the left side easily because of Regulus Nemea. This is my victory my dear kouhai'



As the attacks approached Daniele, his eyes were covered by his hair 



Although Siegfried thought about this during the last attack, something suddenly happened that surprised him. 




A golden glow struck Balmung and Dáinsleif as they launched a stabbing attack, knocking the two swords off balance. 




But that wasn't what surprised Siegfried, no.Regulus Nemea's destructive aura was now almost disappeared and its was in a vulnerable state 



If he were to compare, if the previous Regulus Nemea was a big heavy sword, the current one was like a thin katana 



Daniele, who hit two swords and held Regulus Nemea behind him with his right arm, The hair covering his eyes dispersed with the force of the wind, allowing Siegfried to see the almost transparent, There was a light vertical amethyst light 




Regulus Nemea was once again filled with destructive aura, and an enormous amount of golden aura appeared around its.




Daniele swung Regulus Nemea at Siegfried with all his strength from close range




At that moment, a light suddenly came from Siegfried's right diagonal and flew away, taking Daniele with its, leaving cracks on the ground. 




"Looks like it's time to go" 




When the smoke cleared, Daniele was in a crater, blocking the head of an extremely long spear with Regulus Nemea and Ascalon, allowing the spear to lodge above his right shoulder. Unfortunately Daniele's shoulder was injured in this situation



"I believe this is cheating, Senpai."



Daniele called out in a sarcastic tone. 



"I'm sorry, but technically I wasn't aware of the attack either,We're leaving here"



The spear was suddenly withdrawn 



While a purple mist appeared around him and swallowed him, a handsome boy with black hair and blue eyes next to him looked at Daniele and smiled. 



He said something by moving his lips 



"---------Next time I'll be your opponent, The Lion King"


After a while, Sairaorg arrived, with light scratches and a scratch on his cheek. He shared his side of the events with Daniele 



Apparently they both disappeared at the last minute, swallowed by a purple mist. 



Daniele of course knew the identities of the two due to his knowledge of DxD 



User of True Longinus (the first and most powerful Longinus) - Cao Cao


Dimension Lost (fourth strongest Longinus) – Georg


Daniele wanted to roll her eyes when he remembered 'True Longinus', that damn NTR spear 


He couldn't tell whether its was strong or weak. 



It doesn't kill Issei in one hit, but it puts a hole in Ophis... What is this  fucking calculation 



As for what Daniele and Sairaorg are doing right now ...they are sitting in front of the fire making Coffee with marshmallows 



Yes that's right



While they were both drink their marshmallows  coffee they talked about families and so on and so on, eventually Sairaorg talked about his mother 



"My mother, she was the one who guided me,taught me that all you have is my body and that I have to go further with everything I have .I will definitely rise to the top and prove to everyone that you can be strong even without demonic power. "



Daniele looked at Sairaorg



"Why are you saying this like you're alone, there must be people supporting you too." 



"Hahaha, unfortunately, my dream is a joke to most people .So I must climb to the top alone "







"This is stupid " 



Sairaorg showed a bitter smile at Daniele's answer 



"So you're the same ---"



"I respect your dream and I think it's possible, but it's not your dream that's stupid, it's your mentality." 



"W-What do you mean by my mentality? "




"It's like this, Sairaorg, after you became powerful, did your peerage members join in and respect you? "



"No "



"Do they have ulterior motives to be with you?" 



"Of course no !" 



"Did they laugh at your dreams or talk behind your back?"



"What nonsense are you talking about? My peerage members are not such people!!"




"Then why do you keep saying you're alone?"







"So why all this desire for loneliness when you have people supporting you and respecting you with all their hearts? "



"B-but my mother---"



"Your mother told you you 'only had your body' but that was then ,you have charted your own path, established bonds and most importantly, you have grown up and now you have more than just your body."



Sairaorg's expression was confused, but Daniele continued speaking. 



"So, Sairaorg, do you prefer to stand alone at the top in success and kneel in despair in failure, or Would you rather have a life where there are people who smile with you and encourage you to get up when you fail? "



Sairaorg sat on the stone once more, head bowed and silent, looking at the fire in front of them. 



"Let me tell you a story, Sairoarg. To be honest, this story came to my mind as soon as I saw you."



When Sairaorg heard Daniele's words, his gaze turned to has and  Daniele began to tell the story  



'The story was about a magical world and someone who was born into a prestigious family in this world. '



'But he was considered flawed because, unlike the others, his magic power was much, much less.'



'Just when he fell into despair and gave up on himself, he met his grandfather and found the courage to continue with his words. '



'He worked and worked and worked and worked, perfecting the little he had '



'No one thought it was worth teaching him anything, so he taught himself, watched, imitated, tried and learned. '



'This kid eventually got into a prestigious academy, but even there he was underestimated. '



'He was nicknamed 'The worst one' '



'Finally he met a girl, the girl had tremendous potential, power, authority, dignity, she was stronger than the boy in every way.But in the end, the two of them pointed their swords at each other on the field. '



"What happened then " 



Sairaorg was listening with absolute attention, his story was literally the same as the boy's, he had to know what happened, what the boy did. 



'Even if the boy did everything he could, he normally couldn't win against the girl.The difference between them was like heaven and hell'



'But he did not give up, He decided to overcome his greatest weakness with her greatest strength. He put all his effort into all training and everything he had into one minute, which was his single most important moment. '




"How can that happen?" 



Sairaorg asked curiously. 




"Well, basically it removes all the limitations that the body has put in place to protect itself and maximizes instinct and all other characteristics. However, since the body's defense mechanism is turned off, every movement puts a lot of stress on the body, so it lasts for a minute at most. "



To be honest, Daniele tried this too, but he didn't have enough control over his body and his body wasn't at its limit yet, so unfortunately he failed. 



"...I understood. So what happened next? "



'He won the fight and the girl was the one who saw his efforts and efforts closely, over time other people noticed his efforts and started to support him. He formed many bonds'



'A problem arose during the most important fight of his life, his family took him down and tortured him for days, it was impossible for him to make it to the match.'



"So it failed in the end, huh?"



"let me finish dude"



"sorry sorry"



'He couldn't grow up in any way, but he couldn't do it alone, the bonds the child established supported him at this very moment. People who witnessed his efforts and helped him with everything they could .They made sure he was released, made sure he got to his match and many more things.'



'The last time he came to the arena, the rest were on the boy's shoulders, but he was happy. There were people who supported him '



'A final attack was made and ....he succeeded, he took it all in a single second, not a minute, but he succeeded, he overcame even the fate that limited him and came out on top '



"Is this story .... true"



Daniele smiled. 



"Who knows, maybe it is, maybe it isn't."



Daniele burst out laughing at Sairaorg's grumbling. He looked at the coffee in his hand and drank it all in one gulp. 



He licked his lips and stood up 



"We are leaving here, it was a pleasure meeting you" 



"Same way "



The two lion kings shook hands and turned and left 


Sairaorg pov 

As I walked I thought about my encounter with Daniele



Am I seriously wrong? Do I really not have to take responsibility for everything? Did I insult their feelings? 



I remember the time I spent with My peerage....I was really stupid, huh 



Then, of course, there was the story he told me, the main character of that story and I were really very similar, but ----



"....Ittou Shura "



Sairaorg seemed to find a new path for himself 

Daniele pov 


Now I came to the nearest church, 



I completed the mission so I don't feel the need to stay here anymore 



"Did you hear that, Holy Maiden ------"






"Even the Holy Maiden healed devils, I thought she was a good person"







Suddenly, I came to the nun who said this and held her shoulders with both hands. 



"Y-You are the warrior Daniele, aren't you?"



"Can you please explain this in more detail?"



The Sister's face turned red for some reason, but she spoke anyway. 



"Holy Maiden named Asia Argento healed a Devil, and the same devil brutally killed many church members .That is why the Holy Maiden was excommunicated"




Well damn 



"So how long has he been excommunicated? "




"F-five days ago I think" 




Can I still keep up...I must try







When I quickly left, unfortunately I didn't notice the two nuns behind me whispering to each other with blushing faces. 

third person pov 

Daniele was now pointing a cross at his ear, and it was glowing with golden light. 



"hmm, is that you Dany?"




"Griselda, do you know about the excommunicated Holy Maiden? "




"*sigh* Unfortunately, it was too late when I heard about the incident, even though Mr. Vasco tried to prevent it, we were too late "



"Don't you think there's a problem with this? "



"What do you mean"



 " How did a devil who was extremely weakened from his wound manage to reach the entire headquarters of the church, where the Holy Maiden is?" 



"You mean...."



"There have been many Holy Maiden abductions before, so don't you think it's too much of a coincidence?" 



"I'll look into this, do you have any other information regarding Holy Maiden Asia Argento?"



"I... I think I might know where it is, but I'm not entirely sure."




"Okay, Daniele Berti I have an urgent mission for you.Secure Holy Maiden Asia Argento and I will handle the situation here."




There was absolute coldnes sand harshness in her voice when she said the last part. 







I confirmed her words and ended the conversation 



third person pov 



In the church, Freed was waiting boredly.



"Seriously boring!!A devil scum that will kill or not even a whore to fuck!!!Let's have something fun now!!!!!!"



As if answering Freen's search for excitement, the doors of church opened and a figure entered. 



He was a handsome man with dark brown hair and golden eyes. He looked to be around 17-18 years old. 



He was dressed in priest's garb and had a jeweled cross around his neck. 



He had a European sword decorated with green branches on his waist, and a large amount of Holy power was flowing from the sword. 



Freen was immediately delighted: a hunt had finally been discovered. 



Freed is undoubtedly a maniac, an absolute bastard who is more than capable of killing, raping, harming others. 



When he saw the guy in front of him, he took action immediately. 



"Hello my lovely, beloved, perfect lost lamb, let this priest teach you  there is a need for a little pain in life "



Freed immediately took out his light sword and exorcist  gun and jumped towards Daniele. 



Daniele immediately blocked it with the Excalibur Blessing at his waist. 



He threw Freed backwards with a hard swing. 



Freed quickly regained his balance and looked at Daniele with a crazy expression on his face. 



"What do you think you're doing!?! You weren't supposed to run away, God's pet dogs like you were only to be torn apart by lone wolves like me!!"



He held the gun in his left hand and fired many bullets at Daniele. 



Unfortunately for him, Daniele had no intention of prolonging this fight any further and had to hurry up and take Asia. 



The sword blocked the incoming light bullets and strengthened its body with magic, catching up with Freed in an instant. 



Freed blocked the Excalibur Blessing that was swung at him with his light sword. Excalibur Blessing flashed with Holy Power and shattered  light sword in an instant, creating a  cut on Freed's chest. 



Freed jumped back with his last strength and opened some distance between them. 



"This is not over"



He threw a ball to the ground while blood was flowing from his mouth, and when there was an explosion of light, Freed ran away, but the  church's window was shattered. 



[Is it good to let him escape ]



<I have more important things to do right now>



Daniele came to the middle of the church and kicked open the door that led to the underground crypt. 



As he descended the stairs, he finally came to what looked like a ritual area. 



There were many stray exorcists, one male, three female fallen angels, and finally Daniele's target, a cute and innocent looking girl with air-tied blonde hair and emerald  eyes. Asia Argento 



Everyone around turned to the newcomer Daniele. 


"Look, it looks like we have an uninvited guest here.You are not a stray person, why is someone from the church here?"



The woman with the violet eyes spoke 



As soon as she heard the words 'Church', Asia was startled and looked at Daniele 



"*Cough* With the approval and orders of Griselda Quarta, Vasco Strada and Dulio Gesualdo, I have come to secure Asia Argento."



"Securing??? You kicked her out !"



This time the woman with blue hair and a plump body spoke. 



"I'm afraid I can't reveal the reason because this is confidential information."



"Hmph then all we have to do is put a hole in you"



A middle-aged male fallen angel wearing a fedora and trench coat spoke 




The four fallen angels also rose with their two wings and formed light spear in their hands. 



"I understand that you want to take care of them."



Daniele, seen from outside, talked to himself and smiled 



"Are you crazy, you stupid exorcist!!?" 




Petite fallen  angel with blond hair and dressed in gothic garb said  



The four of them threw their spears at Daniele, the four spear moved inward and advanced towards Daniele at full speed. 



Suddenly, Daniele's shadow seemed to come to life and shattered all the spears that came close to Daniele. 






Suddenly, a lion with black fur and red eyes appeared behind Daniele. 



But the most striking feature of the lion was the many golden stripes on its mane. Although it looked strange, it gave people the feeling that it was supposed to be like that. 



Daniele raised his hand 






Following his words, Asia, tied to the cross, and Bester behind him momentarily changed places. 



Surprised by the exchange of places with Bester, the four fall suddenly became stiff with surprise, unfortunately Bester was not going to miss such a time for them. 



In an instant, he jumped up high enough to reach the fallens and shadows  gushed out from his body. 



Attacked by the shadows, the fallens flew into the walls, creating craters where they hit. 



Daniele caught Asia, who appeared out of nowhere, in a princess hug 



At that moment, Asia and Daniele looked at each other. 



"Hi Princess"



Asia's eyes flickered a few times, and then her body suddenly relaxed and she fainted. 



[Her body couldn't handle the stress 



<Well, it's better this way, after all, such a brutal scene is not something she can handle>





Suddenly three young people entered the cellar door. 



A handsome young man with blond hair and bluish-gray eyes -Kiba Yuuto



A petite girl with white hair and golden eyes -Koneko Toujou



The last youth was a male with brown hair and brown eyes -Hyoudou Issei 



All three were wearing uniform  that looked like they were from the same school. 



The three of them came here to help Issei save Asia, but the scene they saw made them stiffen.



There were many stray exorcist corpses on the ground and fallen angels embedded in the walls 



 In the middle was an exorcist and a black lion with golden patterns on its mane. 



Following Issei's voice, Daniele turned and looked at them. 



"What are Devils doing in a church? "



Upon the question, the three of them suddenly recovered from their surprise and Yuuto came forward. 



"We came to save the nun"



Daniele pov


Of course, I know their identities and their reasons for being here, but that doesn't change the fact that we are enemies right now. 



"The Church has taken up the Asia Argento case, please leave"



"What are you going to do to Asia!!!"



"I'll take her to church, after all her excommunication depended on special circumstances ."






I looked at Issei Hyoudou in front of me, the main character of this world's story world. But unfortunately this world wasn't a story, it was real for me 



[This boy reminds me of the first time I met Dog's host]



<Well, you're not wrong>



"As I said, the church has taken this situation into its hands, please leave, otherwise are you hoping to create an unagreement between the three groups?"



Suddenly kiba and koneko looked complicated






Kiba put his hand on Issei's shoulder,But Issei brushed the hand off his shoulder with his hand. 



"No kiba!If you don't help me, I'll do it alone."



And then suddenly he started doing superhero poses? 



"Go Sacred Gear"



After his left hand glowed with green light, he was holding a red colored gloves with green jewel. 






The moment this sound came from the glove, I felt Issei's strength doubled. 



[Hmmm, this smell...no way, it must be impossible for it to be this weak]



Unfortunately, the corner of my mouth twitched slightly when I heard Regulus humming in my mind. 



Even though this sacred gear seriously looks like Twice Critical, I knew what was underneath the image and it looks like Regulus 'ds caught the scent 



"*sigh* Well, there's nothing to do when we get here."



Kiba then held the sword in his hand.. 




"I'm also interested in the sword on his waist."




"There's no way to handle it without fighting, huh?Bester"



I put my hand on the Excalibur Blessing on my waist and whispered 



†You evil beings who enter the lord's territory in his name will be met with his censure and hatred.†



With my whisper, Excalibur Blessing shined on my waist and created a dome that covered us. 



The Devils got a little nervous, after all, it's a barrier that restricts them 



I handed Asia to Bester, both he and Asia were buried in my shadow. 



"Asia!!You asshole" 



Issei was suddenly running towards me.But that wasn't the real danger here. 



I immediately blocked Kiba's sword using my light sword. 



Using Excalibur Blessing against this guy will only make him more unstable, it's easier that way 



He swung his sword from various angles and I responded with my own sword. 




"Not bad, for an exorcist, of course."



"Really, I think you suck, for a devil of course."



My words seemed to anger him. The blade of his sword suddenly turned black, emitting a sinister aura that tried to swallow my light sword. 



The sinister black energy was trying to swallow my sword, unfortunately for him this was not an ordinary light sword.



I pressed on a certain place on the side of the sword and at that moment the light shone with tremendous light and matched the power of Kiba's sword 



We both retreated from the reaction 



"You have an interesting sword there"



I shrugged. 



This is a light sword made by Magnus. It basically has a second generator inside that gives the sword a momentary burst of light power. 



It's a shame it's a one-time thing. 



Suddenly I felt something attacking me from behind, I didn't panic at all when the white haired Loli was about to punch me. 



I immediately took out a flash bomb with my free hand and threw it backwards.



Yes, I have them too, so what, they are fun.



The light blinded the koneko that attacked me 




A lion's paw suddenly rose from my shadow and hit Koneko, throwing her against the wall. Bester came out of my shadow and this time he sprayed fire from his mouth towards the wall where Koneko hit. 






The flame engulfed the loli with an explosion and she fell unconscious to the ground with wounds and burns all over her body. 







"Don't get distracted!"



I attacked kiba again 



He responded angrily, but I had no intention of fighting directly. 




I suddenly closed my light sword. 




Surprised by the emptiness of my sword, I moved closer to Kiba and brought the sword closer, pointing at his body, and opened it once more.




As the light sword entered from the front and came out from behind, blood flowed from Kiba's mouth and he first dropped the sword in his hand and then collapsed on the ground himself. 






Following the sound, next to me was Issei Hyoudou, who was getting ready to punch me. 



But your 'surprise' punch was blocked by my magic barrier



Ignoring the guy who was stunned by the magic circle that prevented his attack, I opened a wound on his body with the light sword in my hand. 



Issei finally fell to the ground, his knees shaking 






I dodged the incoming punch by stepping to the right. 



"I won't forgive what you did to Kiba and Koneko!!"






Once again his power doubled with the sound 




"Aren't you the one who attacked first? No matter how you look at it, you're the  one who is wrong  here."







The strength of the light continued to increase 



"I don't care, I will beat you and take Asia back!!!!"



On that behalf, a bright light shone that was incomparably brighter than before, and with the light, sounds began to come from the glove and it seemed to begin to change. 



[Stop him now, partner!]






Suddenly the light stopped and the Glove was still in its Twice Critical form 



Issei first looked at the wound on the left side of his abdomen, then looked at the gun I held in my left hand. 



"This is not a game and your enemy will not be waiting for you"



At that moment, the glove in Twice Critical form disappeared and Issei fainted. 



[So I was right, this brat is this generation's Red Dragon Emperor ...pffft Hahahaha, what is this? The demonic power in his body may be even less than that of an ordinary newborn devil. I'll definitely make fun of that red lizard when he wakes up. Hahahaha. Anyway, what are you going to do partner, the kid in white is the devil and this kid is the reincarnated devil.Devils can also have two heavenly dragons .So, kill or keep alive]



I looked at the body of the fallen Issei, he is the main hero of the [DxD] story but that's the problem. This isn't a novel or anime anymore 



At that moment, I used the light sword to block a momentary blow, but unfortunately the light sword shattered as I flew back. 



When I looked at the scene in front of me, Kiba Yuuto was standing in front of him and....he was holding a sword that looked like it was made of black tar???



It didn't have a definite shape, it seemed like the amorphous tar conservation was trying to take different forms but couldn't succeed. 



Kiba attacked me with an attack that was incomparable before, I immediately blocked it using the Excalibur Blessing on my waist. 



"Excalibur.....I won't forgive the Excalibur .Excalibur trying to take my friends away from me once again... never again!!!"



[That brat has entered an incomplete balance-breaking situation]



"Tsk, what's this ridiculous plot twist? "



Kiba's sword transformed into a strange form with a black ball floating in space surrounded by the sword blade. 



With the swing of his sword, he generated enough wind to The exorcist gun in my hand will blow away 



Then he appeared in front of me at full speed and shook me from top to bottom. 



I blocked with Excalibur Blessing and created an opening by pointing my sword downwards. I hit his face with my left elbow 



When he staggered a little, I reached with my left hand with as much magic power as I could muster and punched him hard in the face. 



He pushed his fallen body up once more and his killing intent strengthened several times, this bastard really wants to kill me 



A sword formed in his hand once again, this time it was a pitch black sword, the blade, the handle, everything. 



It seemed like he was suddenly thinking of attacking me at full speed once again. 



As soon as he took a step, a magic circle appeared under him. 






Due to its instantaneous acceleration and the elimination of friction under it, it passed me at full speed and crashed into the wall behind me. 



It left a large crater in the wall and remained motionless in the form it hit the wall.  



I raised my free left hand 



†Scathach,  who rules the land of shadows,

Give into my hand one barbed demonic spears.

Lightning Spear Throw†



The resulting lightning javelin flew towards Kiba and exploded the wall with it. 



Cracks appeared from the crack, spreading to the all wall. 



I took a breath .Finally ov----






Of course it's not over 



When I looked back I saw a very beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body with crimson hair and blue eyes. 




There was also another woman next to her, with black hair tied in a ponytail and reaching down to her feet, and violet eyes, and had an even more voluptuous body than the previous young woman



Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima ...Things will get messy 



She looked at her peerage's situation and then at me. 




"You, did you do this?"




Her eyes were shadowed by her hair and a red demonic power was radiating from her body. 




 Crimson demonic power emitted would normally shake the church, but unfortunately for her, this area was already surrounded by a barrier.




"Yes, but the one who attacks first is ----"




I immediately stepped to the side and dodged the red-black energy mass that was about to hit me. 



The attack continued to advance and created a large crater in the wall 



[Partner, The attack just now.....]



<Yes, it was to kill me. Well, at least I won't have any remorse>



I took out Excalibur Blessing from my waist 



"Support me Akeno"




I watched as Rias told her queen next to her 



Akeno suddenly rose into the air and changed her clothes into a Shrine maiden outfit. 



Then she threw lightning at Bester responded with his own fire breath 



"Fufufuf, you're reciprocating too, kitten. But this only excites me even more!!!"






While Bester was growling as if he was not happy about being called 'kitten', I was dodging PoD attacks coming towards me.



With a backwards move, I got to where I wanted and cut off the PoD orb coming towards me. 



I reached into the magic circle that opened next to me, leading to my space storage, and pulled out three bottle holy water.



 Then reached for a certain demon sword that was next to me at the moment. 



This was the wind sword that Kiba had created before. 



I shattered the three bottles in my hand with magic and swung the devil sword, causing the holy water scattered in the air to splash towards the sadistic woman in the air. 






Akeno was screaming in pain, it was holy water after all 




I immediately strengthened my body with magic and jumped towards Akeno. 






Rias screamed in concern for her friend and shot a PoD shot at me as I jumped towards her 



As PoD was about to hit me, a magic circle suddenly appeared under my feet and I jumped by stepping on it.



This was the spell I created as a precaution against flying opponents. I also tried flying with the wind spell or with Dulio's help, but creating steps in the air was the best. 



Meanwhile, Bester also attacked towards Rias 



Rias charged and fired a PoD attack to counter, but Bester balanced the two with a  fire from his mouth. 



At that moment, Akeno barely came to her senses in the air and she gathered lightning in her hand and tried to attack me , but unfortunately for her ----






When I disappeared from my place, there was a black lion in my place, Akeno, before he could react, it hit Akeno with its giant claw towards her chest and slammed her to the ground, creating a crater on the ground. 



I attacked Rias when Akeno lost consciousness 




I pumped as much holy power into Excalibur Blessing as I could to interrupt the explosion that created a clash of flames and PoD in front of her.






The explosion split in half with a cut in the middle and I finally came face to face with Rias Gremory. 



When her  blue and mu gold intertwined, I already made my move and swung my sword towards her. 



She covered herself with her hands and waited for the damage . Tears appeared in her eyes 



At that exact moment I felt something break through the barrier my built. 



I made this barrier with the help of Excalibur Blessing, so anyone who is not at least Low-Ultimate class should not break it. 



I suddenly felt the danger and took a step back, and the place I had just been was blocked by ice spears emanating from the ground.




When the ice that prevented me from seeing Rias cracked and shattered, a new woman stood in front of me. 



This time, unlike Rias and Akenon, she was a mature woman. 




The woman appeared to be in her early twenties,she wears blue maid outfit  with long silver hair in two long braids on either side of her head, with the rest flowing down the back of her head. She had red eyes and a very voluptuous body




I know this woman, after all, in my previous life, she was one of the top DxD waifu's. 





But still I've already reached the limit 




"Oh, come on!! I defeat the servants, his master comes, I defeat her too, and now her sister-in-law comes? If I defeat you, who will come? Lucifer? What the hell is this ridiculous Chinese novel scenario!"



That's right, actually this woman's identity is



-------The strongest queen Grayfia Lucifuge 




[Partner, this woman is bad news]



<Are we in that bad situation>



[Well it depends, you can't beat her in her current state ,If it is a war in which we will risk our lives, we will definitely win by using "that form", but you will either be injured or die. If Bester helps us, we will escape, but whether she will follow us is debatable. A few trump cards in their front could do this woman extreme damage at most, but they all require long preparation time so we're half screwed. ]



<well, it's better than nothing>



[Of course, this is also a point of view. ]



The strongest queen, who I guess had just recovered from her surprise due to my previous outburst (her face literally does not change at all), looked at me. 



"Greetings, I am Maou Sirzechs Lucifer's Queen, Grayfia Lucifuge. I hope you have an explanation as to why you attacked the heir of the Gremory family, Mr. Daniele Berti."



Even though her words and facial expressions showed no emotion, the heaviness in her words could still be felt, but something else caught my attention. 



...she knows my name! why does she know my name?!



"Do you know me "




"Mr. Daniele, it would be very difficult for me not to know, considering you have previously been involved in the death of a demon from the Búne family, and more importantly, the death of the last remaining member of the House of Forneus"



So I just ended one of the Devil Pillars? ...Cool 




"As for your question, I'm the one wondering, first the peerages broke in and attacked and then those two broke in and attacked and now you .Since when do Devils enter the Church so easily? Is your aim to start a war? "




Grayfia slowly looked at Rias without saying anything 



"They came to save the nun, rogue exorcists and fallen angels were going to kill her"



"When they got here I already told them the church was taking over this and I tried to tell you too but you attacked me before I even had a chance to speak!!!!"



Rias opened and closed her mouth and finally bowed her head and she didn't speak out 



"*sigh* Then Mr Daniele, I'll take Rias-sama and the others from here ,There would be a formal apology and compensation to be made to the church for what happened, I assume you will not stop us from going "



Even though I want to deny it, my chances of winning against this woman are next to impossible without harming my own life. 



For now I can just let her go, after all my biggest priority is Asia 




I shrugged at her words and Grayfia nodded, a silver magic circle opened under her, Rias and her peerage and the magic circle moved upwards teleporting them.



Bester sat next to me and I caressed his head. 






"You were great buddy, so did you get what I wanted? "






Bester opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue and there was something black on the tip of his tongue. 



I reached out and took it, but its saliva came with it. 



"Ugh, gross dude"






He shouted angrily as I wiped the slobbery object onto Bester's mane. 




"I told you to take it, not stuff it in your mouth!"



Bester made a grunting noise in response. 



Finally the object looked better, it was a black hair clip in the shape of a cat 



What I was holding was Koneko's hair clip 



[Why did you take  this, are you a lolicon now?]



"What?! Of course not, but I did a thorough inspection during the fight and this hair-clip is not actually a hair-clip."




I played around with the hair-clip a little and finally I found a way to open it, the Hair-clip split in two revealing its true appearance to the world 



[Is this...a Flash Drive??]



I sat under the cellar's cross-shaped Sacred Gear removal device



I took a computer out of my space storage and plugged the Flash Drive into it 



I examined the opened file and 



.....damn it 



I knew that Canon was where the information about the hairpin was stored, but I couldn't remember what information it contained. 



"Way to create artificially Super Devils"




[What are you going to do with this ]



"I'll send it to Magnus, maybe with its he can complete the 'that project' faster "



[Is that the anti-devil machine? If successful, he would seriously be an asset against the Devils ]




"Let's hope so"



I took out a pure white phone from my space storage 



This was a communication device Magnus designed just for the two of us. 



I have no intention of letting the highest authorities of the Church find out about this. Otherwise human experiments can be done 



I called Magnus on the phone 




"Well, at least I can't say it's been a boring day."




"This is rude, you act like I only call you when I want something"




"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I don't call much, but you're busy, in the meantime, I'll send you something, can speed up the completion of 'that project' "




"Well, you'll know when you see something pretty interesting, upper management shouldn't know about it."




"Ok thank you see you"



I scratched my head when I hung up the phone



Finally, I headed towards a certain room in kikise and when I opened the door, Asia was sleeping on the couch there. 



Actually, Bester didn't embed Asia in my shadow, even if he could enter himself, he doesn't have the ability to embed others in my shadow. 



But over time, as he grew up, he gained the ability to jump from shadows, just like Jin 



I pretended to hide Asia in my shadow and placed her in another room, thus giving others the illusion that Bester could use my shadow to hide or could  enter and exit  only my shadow.



I reached out my hand and pulled the girl's blonde hair aside. 



She had a cute and innocent face....this girl didn't even deserve this 



This time I took out a bed from my space storage (there are many, many things inside)



I held Asia in a princess hug and gently laid her on the bed, and as I was about to leave, I felt something pulling me. 



 Asia gripped my jacket tightly. 



This girl 





I took off my jacket and covered her and Asia hugged its tightly 



It's a little embarrassing



I covered her with another layer of blanket. 




I cast every barrier spell I knew into the church and made Excalibur Blessing the center of the barrier. 



This place should basically hold out a bit even with an attack from a Mid-Ultimate Class person 



Finally  settled in a room close to the main entrance. 



There was no bed in the room, but there was no need. 



In a flash of light, Regulus appeared next to me and lay down on the ground, so I decided to bury myself in his mane and fall asleep there.


"You're on duty, Bester. "



After all, someone could attack at night. 






With the approval, I finally relaxed and left myself to the mane. 



[It's been a long day, huh ]



"It's been a very long day"




I mumbled as I let the darkness take me and ...zzzzzzzzzzz