
I just cant...

Nia's POV

Where is Noah? If Chania is telling me that he is not usually like this, what is making him act like this. "Don't you want to write ?" Chania asked. " I usually write what I will forget." I replied. She looked at me with a questioning gaze. "What?" I asked. "Are you sure you didn't know Nick before, because he replied with the exact words you have said right now when I asked him the same question. " she said. "Coincidence I guess. " I replied.

Nick's POV

I just touched her and really looked like it irritated her a lot, it's normal, she is a stranger so touching her had to irritate her. It's just that because of the dream I was already harboring feelings for her. I really like her but the simple action has knocked some sense into me, I just don't feel like running after another girl.

Too bad she has seen my happy side already but I was already liking this thing of not over speaking, I just can't, am not ready to feel overpressured by a one sided relationship. But I do really need some rest. Let me go to my room, I am really tired, I will come up with an excuse for the teachers tomorrow . Before I had already knew it, I was dead asleep.


Awake, what's the the time , on checking my phone, wow, it's already eight. I moved to the living room and I found my sister on her phone. "Hey Jackie" I greeted her. "Anything wrong, you slept the entire day?" she asked. "I was feeling tired." I replied. "Tired, then you're not okay, it's a Monday, it has been an entire weekend of rest, now you're tired." she continued. "You know I can't fall sick." I replied

"Don't you want dinner? " she asked. " No, I feel stuffed." I replied .I moved out and walked a bit, then idea popped in my head, what if I go into the hall and I continue practicing for the music festival.

sorry the chapter really short, I am really tired, I will write more vfc tomorrow. Please comment and rate. Thanks

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