

Nia's POV

"Break is done so early." I said. "Well, it's just thirty minutes." Chania said. I actually enjoyed this break, Jack kept complimenting me but I was shutting him down whenever he tried to but the stares from most of the boys were really disturbing.

"It's Miss Sharon, I think she's in for biology." Chania said. "You're just thinking, does she teach any other subject?" I asked. "Yah, she even teaches chemistry. " she replied. "Where did we stop last time?" Miss sharon asked.

"Circulatory system." one of the students replied. "Okay..." she said as her eyes crossed the entire room until her eyes landed on me. "We have a new student. " she said. "Care to introduce yourself?" she continued. I have to stand up once again, why do these mortals have to make one tired. I stood up as I replied, "My name is Nia." "Which school have you come from?" she continued asking. "Not really, I was home schooled." I replied. "Home schooled? Do you understand the Circulatory system, if you don't, don't worry, one of the students can describe it fully for you." she said.

Good thing I am able to do things like Lords, I just have to close my eyes and get the knowledge. "I understand the Circulatory system fully. " I replied. "Okay Nia, I know I maybe asking a lot, but can you explain a ventricular systole? " she asked but the way she speaks is really polite, I can see actually that she just wants to check if I understand this topic properly. "The ventricular systole refers to a period of contraction of the ventricles, the electrical impulse arrives at the atrioventricular node which is also called the av node shortly after the atria are depolarized, there is a small delay at the av node which allows the atria to complete contracting before the ventricles are depolarized. Should I continue? " I replied as the students were clapping.

"If most of you could be like Nia here, she's new but she gives explanations of people at college, okay open your guide books to page ninety seven." She said. After sitting down, Chania looked at me , "Wow, you are reallly smart, so you were just home schooled. " she said. "Yah, it's a long story." I replied. Suddenly, a question popped in my head, where is Noah or Nick as they call him.

He went out before break but upto now he's not around, and the way he went, he looked like he was over thinking something. So I decided to ask Chania, "Any idea where Noah is." "who?" she replied. "Noah" I replied , "oooh, you mean Nick?" she said. "yah" I replied. "I don't know really, but this is not like him, he doesn't just disappear like that." she said . "Huh, do you know where he may be?" I replied.

I was getting a bit worried, did he get to find me out or something. "He might be at his sister's place, but I have a question. " she said. "Yes." I said wondering what her question is. "Did you know Nick before you came here?" she asked and I had to look for a way to answer her. "Not really, why ask ?" I replied. "It's just that the way you asked, you show great concern for him? she said.

It was evident in Chania's eyes that she cares about Noah too. "It's just that he was nice to me and now I was just worried that something bad has happened to him." I replied. "I get it." she said.

"Where's Nick by the way? "Miss Sharon asked as she looked our way. "He went out and he was not feeling well." Chania replied the teacher. "Is it something to do with the new student, she may have burnt him, you can see she's hot." miss Sharon said as most of the people in class laughed. "Jack, how do you see this one , huh? she said as they went into a deep laugh.

Where's Noah

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