
Hidden Reflections

Serene, a brilliant surgeon and researcher from the year 2300, was a force to be reckoned with. Her determination and intelligence were unmatched. But fate had other plans for her. A tragic experiment gone wrong led to her untimely demise, and she found herself suddenly thrust into the 21st century. But this was no ordinary rebirth. Serene was reborn as Lin Chang, the fake daughter of a wealthy family who had been swapped at birth. And she was determined not to repeat the mistakes of her past life. Cast out of the Yun family, she set out to make a better life for herself and those around her. Meanwhile, he who had risen to the top of the world at the young age of 25. He was so powerful that even world leaders bowed down to him. But he was not interested in the young ladies who fawned over him. He had his goals set, and that was to bring innovation. Join Lin Chang on her journey as she experiences romance, mystery, and suspense in a world that is both familiar and strange.

DK_writes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

An unexpected encounter

Lin Bao inquired, "what?"

"Uncle, I will be going out to buy some items. In the meantime, kindly prepare all the necessary ingredients to prepare all the dishes listed on our stall's menu," stated Lin Chang before departing, leaving Lin Bao perplexed.

Lin Chang stepped out of her house and made her way to the nearby metro station. Looking at the city center and its allure she couldn't help but smile. As she strolled down the bustling shopping centre, her eyes caught sight of the electronic store. She knew she had to have a new phone, and without hesitation, she made her way inside. But as she held the sleek device in her hand, she couldn't help but feel a longing for something more. She needed a laptop.

In her past life, Lin Chang was more than just a doctor or researcher. She was a master hacker, a force to be reckoned with in the world of cyber warfare. Hacking wasn't just a profession in her time, it was a game - a bloody game where countries battled it out in the digital realm. From junior school to university, codeing was the most important subject, mandatory for all majors, including medicine.

Serene's love for technology was more than just a mere passion; it was a necessity. Growing up in the lonely confines of an orphanage, she found solace in the world of circuits and codes.

It was this very need that caught the attention of the esteemed Dr. Lopez, who saw in her a kindred spirit. Serene was not just a hacker, but a visionary inventor who had created a plethora of powerful gadgets under the guidance of Dr. Lopez. Her creations had helped Western force rise above its Eastern force, making her a disciple of the mighty Dr. Lopez in her past life.

For 19 years, Serene learned under Dr. Lopez. It was a just after completing her Masters in Medical that she joined his research lab.

She still remember her graduation day, unlike her peers who had the luxury of parental support during their graduation, Dr. Lopez was the one who stood by her side, cheering for her. He plucked her from the confines of the orphanage at the age of 16 and provided her with a home. He imparted all his knowledge and wisdom to her, treating her like a precious gem.

Despite never having a wife or children of his own, Dr. Lopez showered Serene with all the love and affection he had to offer. Though he was strict, Serene knew that it was only a facade. Deep down, he cared for her like a father would for his own child.

Dr. Lopez had trained Serene to the point where she was second only to him in her past life. That's why Serene's life hung in the balance, with the threat of Eastern spies lurking around every corner of their country and laboratory.

It was on that very day that Dr. Lopez called her to meet him, his eyes heavy with the weight of his three-decade-long project that had just been rejected by the government.

"The officials above us are nothing but ravenous wolves, Serene," he confided in her. "They hunger for power and control, and they fear the success of my super brain project. They know that it could topple their reign and bring about a new era of innovation and progress. But they won't stop at just rejecting it - they're after my life, Serene. And that's where you come in, now, I needed you to be the human brain for my experiment. I trust you, Serene," he said, his voice filled with urgency. "If it succeeds, then we'll have made history. But if it doesn't, I promise you that I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe. Will you help me?"

Serene agreed to him without much thought, because she trusted Dr. Lopez.

On the day of her rebirth, she was sad because everything happening around her, and she was even more sad when she heard Dr. Lopez's conversation with Lizi, but during her last seconds when she saw the pure panic and fear on Dr. Lopez's face she was relieved.

As she randomly tapped away on the keyboard of her new laptop, a wave of nostalgia washed over her. The familiar click-clack of the keys brought back memories of her past life, when life was more complicated but very smooth.

"I also need some other equipment, like antivirus software, an external hard drive…," she recited the list to the shop assistant, who was eager to help.

Meanwhile as Yun Chun scoured through the electronic shop in search of the latest desktop computer, her eyes caught sight of a figure that seemed all too familiar. Though the person's back was turned towards her, Yun Chun couldn't shake the feeling that it was none other than Lin Chang. However, upon closer inspection, she noticed the simplicity of the person's attire and the dark hue of her hair, leading her to dismiss the thought, because according to her Lin Chang was just like a road side tyrrent with revealing clothes and colourful hair.

Just as she was about to turn away, the sound of a familiar voice caught her attention. It was Lin Chang, without a doubt. Yun Chun had known that voice for two lifetimes, and it was unmistakable.

As Lin Chang was selecting the gadgets, she was interrupted by a grating voice. "Lin Chang, why are you here?" The voice belonged to Yun Chun, whose deliberately sweetend tone grated on Lin Chang's nerves.

Turning around, Lin Chang replied curtly, "Why can't I be here?"

As Lin Chang turned around, Yun Chun was horrified, she felt as though her mind had been hit with an atomic bomb. The person standing before her was a complete stranger, a far cry from the heavily made-up and clodhopper she had known. This new Lin Chang was a revelation, her skin as smooth as silk, her lips naturally red and glossy, her eyes big and dark and full of mystery. She exuded an aura of confidence and power, as if she were the queen of the world.

Yun Chun was dumbfounded. "Li...Lin Chang? Is it really you?"

Lin Chang raised her beautiful eyebrow. "Yun Chun, have you lost your mind already? We only met yesterday, and you've already forgotten me?"

Lin Chang's words hit her like a tidal wave of icy reality, drenching her in a sudden sense of panic. 'But shouldn't I be the epitome of beauty and culture in all of Qingdao city?' she wondered, her mind racing with disbelief. Ever since her rebirth, she had believed herself to be untouchable in the realm of beauty, a goddess among mortals, She was the shining star in the sky, the one that all the young masters of Qingdao city would crane their necks to catch a glimpse of. Her radiance was unmatched, her beauty unparalleled. But in last life she made a small mistake, she fell for a man who she believed to be the diamond among the glass. Little did she know, he was nothing more than a mere imitation, a fragile and breakable facade.

In her current life, Yun Chun was about to embark on a journey to win the mysterious handsome and the powerful man from her past life. However, upon encountering Lin Chang, whose beauty surpassed her own, Yun Chun was consumed with anger. Despite her intense emotions, she managed to maintain a composed demeanor, having become accustomed to suppressing her feelings over the course of two lifetimes.

'No I won't let Lin Chang win, I made her life miserable in past and made her suffer till her last breath, I will do the same this time' Yun Chun thought to herself with determination, but she knew she couldn't do it alone.

With a flicker of hope, Yun Chun prayed for the mysterious figure from her past life to contact her as soon as possible. She knew that with his help, she will not only make Lin Chang suffer but also will ascend to the top of the world.