
Hidden Reflections

Serene, a brilliant surgeon and researcher from the year 2300, was a force to be reckoned with. Her determination and intelligence were unmatched. But fate had other plans for her. A tragic experiment gone wrong led to her untimely demise, and she found herself suddenly thrust into the 21st century. But this was no ordinary rebirth. Serene was reborn as Lin Chang, the fake daughter of a wealthy family who had been swapped at birth. And she was determined not to repeat the mistakes of her past life. Cast out of the Yun family, she set out to make a better life for herself and those around her. Meanwhile, he who had risen to the top of the world at the young age of 25. He was so powerful that even world leaders bowed down to him. But he was not interested in the young ladies who fawned over him. He had his goals set, and that was to bring innovation. Join Lin Chang on her journey as she experiences romance, mystery, and suspense in a world that is both familiar and strange.

DK_writes · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Where did the money come from?

As Yun Chun drifted off into her own thoughts, a sudden noise jolted her back to reality. An insidious idea crept into her mind, taking hold like a vice. "Lin Chang," she began, her voice dripping with honeyed venom. "I understand that it's difficult for you to accept the truth. But even I never expected to be the true daughter of the Yun Family. I never wanted to take your place, but the fact remains that I am the biological daughter of my parents. What have I done wrong? I know you don't want to be my sister, but can we at least be friends?" Her words were punctuated by the sound of her own sobs, echoing through the air for all to hear.

"Chun?" The voice was laced with concern, ringing through the store like a bell tolling for a tragedy.

Lin Chang couldn't help but roll her eyes, knowing exactly what was coming next. "Here comes the drama," she said.

Yun Chun looked at Lin Chang in disbelief for a moment, before resuming her act. "Chun, why are you crying?" Meng Shui and Tao Zan, Yun Chun's loyal followers, chimed in. "Tell us who bullied you and we'll teach them a lesson."

Lin Chang couldn't help but feel ironic as she watched the scene unfold. She remembered a time when Meng Shui and Tao Zan used to follow her, back when she was the daughter of the Yun Family. They were loyal to her, and used to bully Yun Chun on her behalf, gaining luxury items from her as a reward.

Through her tears, Yun Chun declared, "no one bullied Me, I am the one to blame. Lin Chang is innocent in all of this." Her sobs grew louder, she knew that her performance was flawless. These two fools would undoubtedly cause trouble for Lin Chang.

"Yeah, like you said, it's all on you, not me. So, sorry but I gotta go. And damn, you're looking like a slaughtering pig, with your red face and loud weeping voice" Lin Chang said as she turned around to talk to the Shop assistant.

The people around her tried to control their laughter, but one of the elderly customers couldn't help but laugh loudly. Yun Chun, who was already a crying mess after her act, looked at Lin Chang in disbelief, her face which was already red with the act, got redder with embarrassment.

Yun Chun's gaze fell upon Meng Shui and Tao Zan, whose eyes were bulging out of their sockets as they stared at Lin Chang in utter disbelief. The sight of their incredulous expressions ignited a spark of anger within her. 'What a bunch of useless fools,' she thought to herself, struggling to contain her frustration. With a forceful cough, Yun Chun snapped Meng Shui and Tao Zan out of their trance-like state, bringing them back to reality.

"S…she is Lin Chang?" Said Tao Zan who still couldn't help but take a few glances at Lin Chang in disbelief.

"Why... is she looking so... so…" Meng Shui couldn't even complete her statement.

Both of them looked at Yun Chun who was crying earlier and slowly came back to their senses. However, their emotions quickly shifted from disbelief to fury as they beheld the stunning transformation of Lin Chang. Once an unremarkable and repulsive creature, Lin Chang had blossomed into a breathtaking beauty? The two had previously taken pleasure in mocking her unsightly appearance indirectly following her closely, relishing in the fact that despite her wealthy family, she was still a lowly peasant in comparison to their refined beauty. But now, as they gazed upon her radiant countenance, they were consumed with a burning desire to rip her apart.

As they approached her with thunderous steps, their faces twisted with anger and malice. But what happened next left them all dumbfounded, their jaws dropping in disbelief.

Lin Chang turned to the shop assistant and requested the bill. The assistant, with a smile on her face said, "Total cost would be around seven hundred thousand"

Without batting an eye, Lin Chang took out her uncle's card and handed it over to the assistant, "please check out," It was clear that she had anticipated the exorbitant cost, given the premium quality of all her gadgets.

As Meng Shui, Tao Zan, and even Yun Chun who was standing just a few steps away, looked on in utter shock.

Tao Zan's inquisitive gaze fell upon Chun, "Didn't you mention that her family reside in the slums?"

Meng Shui's eyes widened in disbelief, "And yet, she didn't bat an eye before shelling out a whopping 700 thousand. It was as if nothing had changed, and she was still the illustrious daughter of the Yun Family." She watched as Lin Chang's silhouette disappeared into the distance, her mind still reeling from the unexpected turn of events.

Yun Chun's fists were tightly clenched as she struggled to come to terms with the reality of the situation. She was all too aware of the capabilities of Lin Lisha and Lin Bao, In fact, she had already been reborn a month prior to being discovered by the Yun Family. During that time, she had made sure to drain Lin Lisha with her every single penny.

Yun Chun was also privy to the scene that had transpired the day before she bid farewell to the Lin family, the landlord had caused a huge scene for rent, because Lin Lisha couldn't pay the rents on time, as she herself had spent the rental money also, so that Lin family will be left with no roof, but today Lin Chang was able to take out 700 thousand?

As she pondered the sudden shift in circumstances, Yun Chun couldn't help but wonder why everything was so different from the past?

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, Lin Chang finally arrived home. She pushed open the door and was greeted by the familiar sight of her mother and uncle hunched over the kitchen counter, their hands busy with the task of chopping and cleaning vegetables.

"Mom, Uncle," she called out, her voice ringing out through the quiet house.

Her uncle looked up from his work, a smile spreading across his face. "Did you buy those things?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Lin Chang nodded, a grin spreading across her own face. "Yes, they'll be delivered soon. Oh, and by the way, I got a new phone. I have my own number now. Let me give you both a missed call."

She pulled out her phone and dialed their numbers, watching as the screen lit up with each ring. It had taken her the entire ride on the metro to figure out how to use the device - it was so different and outdated from the communication tools they had in their time.

Lin Lisha and Lin Bao were quick to save her number as soon as they received it.

"Chang, what in the world are you up to with all these ingredients?" Lin Lisha inquired, her eyes scanning the chaotic kitchen. She had already asked Lin Bao, but he was just as clueless as she was.

"Mom, tonight I'm taking over the kitchen. I'm going to make dinner - a single portion of every dish we serve at our stall. You'll just review," Lin Chang replied with a grin as he strutted into the kitchen.

Lin Lisha exchanged a bewildered glance with Lin Bao before they both got to work.