
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · Filmes
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65 Chs

Chapter 5

Chapter 5


Astrid Pov:


  I go under the bed and find the note and it says that: "Your hunt will begin by the shield stuck in the place where you met my dragon." It took me 2 days to figure it out. Eventually I figured since I didn't see the dragon until the cove I went there and searched and I eventually found the shield.

  It had the second note on the back with another riddle: "Go to the arena and find the terrible terror." Why does he want me to go to the terrible terror I wonder as I go and get the Terrible Terror.


  Luckily no-one is there except Gobber so I ask. "Gobber did hiccup leave anything on the terrible terror because he left me a treasure hunt you could say to follow." He looks a little bit surprised and says. "Yes las here let me help you." as he said that he goes and grabs the terrible terror and yanks a note off its foot and gives it to me.


  The 3rd note says: "You already have what you need to find the location. You got it with the gift, surely you noticed right." I go back home and check my axe for 3 days to find it. On the scales there is a scene that looks like a lake from above, but where is the question. I decide to look at the other since I've had no luck. It shows a Shield and I think that I have missed something on the first riddle.


  I go to the cove and check the front of the shield and it has a dent that fits the bottom of my axe. I put my axe in and it gets stuck so I try to pull it out but it only goes side to side. I then realize that I need to turn it so I do and then a rock nearby starts to move. Then my axe drops as the rock stops and I go over to it and I am wondering when hiccup built this.


  I go down and see an entire house basically here and there is a table with a note. This is what it says: "Dear Astrid, this house belonged to a good friend of mine and he helped me build it. He is the only one other than you who knows about Toothless who saved my life from an avalanche. We decided to keep him secret since he is the last of his kind. The gold and NightFury scales are in your pillow. If anything ever comes up and you need to hide you can hide here. You can close the door behind you by pulling the lever down by the ladder."


  So I can use this to hide when I need to and wait that's why my pillow felt weird. There was gold and Dragon scales in it. I leave, closing the hideout in the process and go back home after practicing with the new axe a little and find the gold and dragon scales. I think that I will hide them for now. There is another note for some reason saying: "Destroy everything related to finding this, as in the notes, Thorfinn can help." Well I guess he doesn't want anyone finding out about that stuff.


  I go and grab all the notes and hide the pouch with the gold and scales in the hideout and then go to the great hall for lunch. I get there and have lunch and I notice that everyone except for those from my class are now and then looking at my axe. Well that is what I get for having a NightFury scale axe. When I leave I find that somebody broke into my house and tore up my room looking for something.


  I tell the gang about it along with Stoick and he says. "It probably has something to do with the axe." Knowing he is right I say. "Yeah." I decide not to mention anything else since that is a secret but I decide to visit Thorfinn who lives at the secluded beach In 2 days.


  I go to the beach and I am about to call out when I see a ship that shouldn't be there and that I don't recognize. I look around and see a man interrogating Thorfinn about something though he won't answer and just when I am about to go down he does something I am not expecting. He gets to his feet and charges knocking the guy out and taking the guys dagger, freeing himself and then kill the guy ruthlessly. Then he sees me and beckons me.


  Since I don't want to be dead I go down. When I get there He asks. "Are you here because of Hiccup." Seeing he kind of knows why I am here I Nod and he Responds: "Then wait for me in my hut I have to finish up some business." Since I don't want to get on his bad side I go inside and since my curiosity can't hold me back from that good fighting from a carpenter I look out.


  I see him RUN towards the ship and jump, not any jump, a high jump up about 10 feet probably and then I hear more screams and cry's as people are killed and can't look anymore. Even though I didn't see anything I don't want to look anymore.


  He comes back after burning the ship and everyone else on board and setting it out to see. I ask, "What was that about." He looks a bit surprised and mad and then responds in a surprisingly calm manner. "Some people from my past, If I am correct Hiccup showed you my old hideout and also people ransacked your house during lunch." He knew that but how, instead of asking questions I nod.


  "Well since he probably told you it has something to do with Toothless." Seeing where this is going I respond saying. "Yes the scales are worth a lot and also I need help getting rid of some notes." He doesn't seem surprised and responds. "Follow me." We go and he sets up a fire.


  We burn the notes and as he is going back inside I ask. "Can you teach me how to fight." which makes him tense up. He relaxes and responds. "Sure I should have guessed plus hiccup has a Crush on you so I kind of have to make sure you are hard to get." That was-s Surprising.


  "Come lets start with..."