
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · Filmes
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65 Chs

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Astrid Pov:

I am worried about Hiccup he has been gone too long and he should have been back by now. Sure he left taking Thorfinn to the island yesterday but he should have been back by now. I go and gather the crew together so I can share my suspicions.

I have Nuffink and Zephyr wait on the other side of the ship. Once we are in the clear I say. "I am worried about Hiccup, he has been gone to long. He should have been back by now." At this everyone starts thinking.

"Astrid I know that you are worried about him but he can take care of himself. Remember that he can transform into a Nightfury and he has Thorfinn." Fishlegs trys to reason.

"But they have Dragon Root Arrows I am pretty sure. Plus what if he got shot down after he dropped off Thorfinn and is in trouble." I say trying to get them to see what I mean.

"But what if he has to wait for night to get back. I mean he would stick out like a sore thumb here Astrid and you know it. We just have to wait." Tuff says trying to change her mind.

"But remember when I went missing when I first encountered Ryker. He came for me even though I was prepared to survive on my own. Even when I had been gone longer before." I reply trying to make them see my side.

"How about instead of going into what will most likely be an ambush, we go around. By that I mean we stick to the horizon and head north around the island to the hidden port. We can signal the library to see if they made it or not. An I am pretty sure that we can take on an armada alone like last time." Snotlout says with surprisingly good reasoning.

"What's an Armada?" I hear from behind me and turn to see that Zephyr and Nuffink had sneaked over.

"Give me a sec and I will answer your question." I say and they nod as I turn back to the group. "Fine we will go with Snotlouts idea." I finish and we head north in a circle with a radius of 35 miles since it was a clear day. We would slowly go in till we were only 10 miles off coast on the west.

If we take that into math terms. We have a total of a 70 mile diameter with the center as the islands center. We take a smaller circle and offset it to the east by 7.5 miles. The one side if it was in a square where we start and the other side where we end 10 miles off shore. If the radius is 27.5 miles then the diameter is 55 miles. We then take the equation 55 x π = 172.79 or more precise 173 miles around in a full circle. We then take that and divide it by 2 and end up with a 86.5 mile trip.

I turn back to Zephyr and Nuffink. "What was it again that your were wanting to know." I ask as I take them down to a table on the front of the ship.

"What is an armada and what did he mean by last time." Zephyr asks and I think back to 10 years ago as Hannah brings us food and water. 10 Years ago we had faced off against Drago who had about 1/3 their entire armada. That went back to the warlords. We ended up having to face off against over 100 ships alone.

"Sorry I got lost in thought." I say since I was thinking adn forgot about them. "9 Years ago when we first got to new berk we were fleeing." I start only to be intterrupted.

"Who ere you fleeing from mom and wouldn't you have stood a better position if you stayed?" Zephyr asks.

"Maybe and don't interrupt I will tell you who it was we were fleeing from." I continue. "We were fleeing from the Warlords of the north. They were after us because of the amount of dragons we lived with and because your father defeated their leader. We also left because they had hired a hunter to hunt down Toothless. That mans nickname was 'The Nightfury Hunter', Otherwise known as Grimmel the Grisly. Do not tell that to anyone because it always brings back bad memories. On our trip we had to take a stop since Fury type dragons cannot fly for long periods of time without rest."

"As we were flying and we needed a break we saw the island. It was rising unnaturally from the ocean and provided us the best protection. A place only Dragons can reach for dragon people. It was a lot like our old home in the cliff aspect but these are much more severe in height and steepness." I say. "We stayed there a few days before Toothless and Luna the Lightfury was taken by Grimmel. Hiccup had no way of getting to them becuase we had not turned into dragons for quite some time. In the end he gave us all flight suits and we used those to glide to th armada on our western side. If you swim down to the bottom of the ocean you will see the mass sunken armada. Now we took down that Armada without the dragons help, the 3 that were for your Grandma, Gobber, and Eret got them to fight the remaining Warlords. As for what Happened to Grimmel only Hiccup knows, all he said is that Grimmel is gone in the same way like Drago." I finish.

By now we are nearing the end of our trip and it is almost night. I look and see fighting among the ships near the dock and that is when I notice a figure causing distraction. I look closer and see that it's Thorfinn. Just what has happened.