
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · Filmes
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65 Chs

Chapter 38

Chapter 38


Astrid Pov:


 Hiccup got shot down and from past experiences I have to be careful. I survey the Island and realize that it is berk, This is bad. WE go and land in the cove and set up camp. I go into the Hideout with Luna and she sleeps in a side Room for Dragons.


 I head down to Thorfinn's and when I get there I am jumped from behind. Next thing I know I am strapped to a chair. I look up and see Thorfinn and he says. "Who are you, and why are you here."


 "We were flying when we got caught in a storm and once we got out, my friend was shot down. Though I am mad that you don't remember me." I say and he looks surprised before saying. "Astrid?"


 "Yes, though call me by my alias Valkyrie." I say as he unbinds me and we hug. We talk a bit and he will see about Hiccup/Ryder but for now I should hide in the hideout.


 I go back and wait, He said that when Hiccup gets out he will send him to me.


 It has been a while and I can't stand it so I start to go to the village in the trees when I am bola'. I fall and as I am I see that the one who did it was Einar. Next thing I know I am knocked out. 






Hiccup Pov:


 I look around seeing that I am in berk. The on on guard is someone I don't know but soon he changes out with Thorfinn who says to me. "Valkyrie is worried. When you get out go to the Tunnel, she will be waiting." And then he leaves and Fishlegs comes in.


 A little later Einar comes in with... Astrid? He throws her into my cell and replaces Fishlegs and he goes off somewhere. Astrid starts to wake up and asks me. "What happened Ryder." "I don't know, you were out cold when Einar brought you in." I respond in Dragon so Einar can't understand us.


 Then Stoick comes in and says. "You will be held trial for consorting with your Dragon and you will be held trial for sneaking around on our island." "But why, we never did anything to you Stoick, or is this because of Hiccup." I say.


 He does not like it one bit and responds. "You let my son drown, You let my best warrior die, You will pay. As for you I want to know why you were on my island." He says as Astrid hugs me, scared a little. "Wait, you two know each other. Then you will be held trial together." He says and walks off.


 Me and Astrid discuss how to get out of this until the trial. Then Einar takes us out and to the Kill Ring. When we arrive Stoick says. "You will be trialed for consorting with dragons and sneaking around on our island. What do you have to say for yourselves."


 "We were getting out of a storm when you launched bolas at us. As for the sneaking I was trying to find Ryder." Astrid says. Stoick still doesn't like this and yells. "Well what were you doing on the back of Dragons!"


 "Dragons are our friends and we were simply escaping from the storm rather than be separated. Also we were also students at the school when it was attacked, You think you were the only one to lose family and friends that day!!" I yell at him catching him off guard.


 I take this chance to snap my bonds and Astrid does the same. They take notice and start to charge. We transform into Dragons causing gale force winds, destroy the doors blocking Toothless, and Transform back before they can see anything.


 Stoick then jumps down and charges me. I dodge his sword, Uppercut him to the chin stunning him for a moment, and jump on Toothless to leave with Astrid. We set off and hear cursing at us as we go to the cove.


 When we get there we get Luna and after the Hideout is closed we set off but Astrid and Luna are caught in bolas. Since there is no other way out I transform and grab Astrid as Toothless grabs Luna. The Berkians are completely caught off guard and we fly away.


 Once at a safe distance we get Luna's bonds off and Astrid's. Astrid jumps on Luna and I transform back onto Toothless. "We can't do that again." I say as we head back. "I agree." Astrid says.


 We have a bit of conversation and decide to end this way of life in some way.


 When we get back Scribbler is reading a note and says to us. "Guys, as it turns out berk just set off according to this to another Red Death found by Mutism." At this we get concerned but I say. "We were looking at going back to berk so we could try that as a way to go back."


 "I see so you want to return to life with family and friends correct, If so I am all for you going. I will just join Mutism." Scribbler says and I thank him for being a friend.


 We pack up and put on gear the berkians know and leave for the island.