
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · Filmes
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65 Chs

Chapter 31

Chapter 31


Hiccup Pov:


 It had been a week since Scribbler had gotten back. He woke up 4 days ago and I had Finally healed. We were going to head out with the weapons order since that was the time frame when we got a Terrormail from Mutism.


 The mail said. "Do not bring the weapons. Berserker island has been invaded and the 2 people in charge are waiting for them. I will be at your island soon. I sent this last night." Upon reading the message I understood that Mutism would be here today and I went to get ready.


 I saw Scribbler and informed him about the letter. From there we started getting our gear ready and went to wait for Mutism at the boat entrance. Since sending Mutism and Dagur off we had made 3 boats.


 One for each of us and a Guest. It was not long until we saw Mutism enter with Dagur. Me and Scribbler were in our armor so Dagur didn't Recognize us. Though I didn't like it that Mutism had showed Dagur this entrance.


 "What is the status of the village?" I ask Mutism and he responds. "Not good, they have Oswald and his daughter Heather in prison. We can't get them out easily."


 "I will send for help from berk. I will let my friend know you are coming. I will go ahead with my friend and get them out." I say to Mutism but before he can respond Dagur jumps in. "You are not saving my family without me!!" He yells.


 I guess we have no choice but to do that. "Then I can't tell berk and we have to take back the island on our own." I say trying to change his mind but to no avail.


 "Fine but if you want to do that you guys need Dragons." I say and at this Dagur sighs and say. "Fine." and Mutism nods. Scribbler takes the next 2 days since that is the most we can put off helping Dagur train a Triple Strike and ride it. Mutism is doing well on a Gronckle. The Triple Strike's name is Sleuther, and the Gronckle's name Shattermaster.


 While Scribbler is doing that I am making armor for them to hide their Identities. When Dagur asks. "Why?" I respond. "So you won't be ridiculed for riding a dragon." Thankfully he see's sense.


 When the day comes we set out and go to Berserker island. As we are going Dagur says. "I don't think I can go back after this. How do I hide that I am alive?" He asks. This surprises me since he is Dagur. "Easy when we get there, you go on the ground an after your family is safe, same for you Mutism if you want without your guys' armor on. Run into the forest with people on your trail, we knock them out and put down blood. You put on your armor and you hop on your dragons and it seems like you killed yourselves."


 "Ok." Dagur says and Mutism nods. "Though you will have to create an Alias to hide your true self. Like me and Nightsmith." I say, Scribbler at this moment decides to say. "The reason that I am called Nightsmith even though I don't know how to forge is so he has a front. It also helps so if I am captured they won't get any good weapons." An they nod.


 After an hour of flight more we arrive. We hide on a peak and Dagur and Mutism leave their armor on their dragons. "We will drop you by the prison at Night." I say since we will be invisible. At that moment Patch decides he is going to go TitanWing.


 "What was that." Dagur and Mutism ask. "Patch is not a normal dragon, he ages very fast." I say and they ask no more.


 Night comes and we head out to the prison. We drop them stealthily and take out the guards. I send off Toothless and we go around taking out the invaders. After that we regroup with Dagur but we get caught.


 Dagur says. "Get them out of here!!" An he and Mutism run off. We proceed to take Oswald and heather to a sea stack a safe distance away. After a while we decide to go back after Heather says. "Please they can't take on that many alone!"


 When we arrive we don't see Mutism but we see Dagur and a Dragon I have not seen before attacking the invaders. "Come on!" I say to Scribbler and we go. We pick up Dagur and I have a Whisper conversation with him. "Do you still want to do that." I ask and he nods no.


 I take him and his family back and they seem to believe that Mutism is dead since Dagur said he saw him run off into a Crowd. After that Fiasco I go back leaving Toothless to go home and finish taking out the Invaders. Turns out most of them left.


 After that me and Scribbler take Oswald, Dagur, and Heather back to Berserker Island. Oswald thanks us and we leave for home.


 When we arrive I see that Dragon from before. It lands in the landing cave and isn't big enough to go anywhere so we hurry in only to Find... Mutism?