
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · Filmes
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65 Chs

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

(Disaster Strikes pt 4) (PG-13)

Scribbler Pov:


 After Mutism finishes what happened on their end Hiccup says. "Well lets get going." As some of the other people that came with Astrid come down. When all of a sudden their is a big bang.


 Astrid helps Hiccup, Askeladd helps Bjørn, and I head up to the deck. When I get their I see boulders from catapults attacking the berkian ship. "We got to go!!" I yell and we get going.


 Just as we are going back to the other berkian ships I hear weakly. "Wait, go to the island where Ryder is." I look and see Hiccup.


 "Why." I ask. "Because then we will be out of harms way and in safety." He says.


 "Guys get our ship and get going." I hear Astrid say to the other people. "Hiccup has something on that island he needs. He knows Ryder and Ryder is keeping something for him." She tells me.


 "Ok then everyone else goes with the berkians. That means you to Astrid, we will look after Hiccup. OK" I say to everyone and then Astrid. "OK." she responds and the berkians leave.


 The only people on the ship now are me, Hiccup, Mutism, and Dagur.


 Just as we are about to leave more boulders fly at us hitting the ships. Ours ends up sinking and the last thing I hear before going unconscious is a far off whistle.






Hiccup Pov:


As the ship starts to sink I notice that Dagur and Scribbler are unconscious. I guess their wounds are more serious. I hear Toothless blast the catapults as the ship goes under.


 All of a sudden I am grabbed and I look up and see Stormfly. "No grab the unconscious ones first. Take them to my island." I say and Stormfly does.


 Mutism keeps me up and just as we are about to fall under from exhaustion I hear Toothless. "Helps coming." I tell mutism as Toothless picks us up. After that I fall unconscious.



 I wake up to find myself in my room on the island. I walk out and go to the kitchen.


 When I arrive I see Mutism on a seat by the fireplace with an unconscious Scribbler and Dagur. "We should probably get them out of here. Dagur might just kill the Dragons on sight." I say to Mutism.


 "Ok, but what is with the NightFury and where do we take them." He asks me as he points to Toothless asleep in the corner.


 "The NightFury is my friend, honestly I am surprised you didn't try to kill him. As for these 2 their is a house I made for visitors on the island. We can take them there." I say to Mutism and he nods.


 "Follow me." I say but he asks me. "How are you going to get down with only one foot?" I was to caught up to remember and I was just limping against the wall.


 "I have a forge where I can make another one, Toothless." I call and he wakes up. "Can you take those 3 to the hut." I ask and he nods.


 As they head down I get to making the Replacement. By the time it is done it is the afternoon, almost dinner. Since the others should be awake I go and put on my gear since I don't want Dagur to know I am friends with Dragons. He just won't know what happened to me.


 I grab some food and jump out the flying cave using my Flight suit. I go over to the hut and land walking in seeing Scribbler up, Dagur pacing, and Mutism is sitting in a chair. "I brought dinner." I say.


 When I say that Dagur immediately got into a fighting stance and Scribbler cowered. "I only brought food, I am not here to fight." I say, when Mutism says. "He isn't lying, also he is the reason that we are alive."


 "Yeah but why wouldn't you let us out you said that we had to wait for someone." Dagur says to Mutism angry. "If I said Ryder you would have immediately ran out into an island full of dragons." Mutism Responds and Dagur quiets down.


 I leave them with the food and say. "I will take you guys back to your respective islands tomorrow. But don't explore the island unless you want to die. I will have a ship ready for you." I say and start to leave when Scribbler asks. "Where is Hiccup?"


 I hadn't accounted for this so I say. "I don't know he wasn't with you when I found you. If you could tell Stoick that would be appreciated since we aren't on good terms. Goodnight." An I leave.


 When I get back I send 6 Terrors to the hut to let me know if they leave. I go and have dinner when something enters the Flying cave. I go and look to see Mutism dropping from out of nowhere.


 "Ryder." He calls and I go out. "What do you want." I ask


 "Why did you hide your identity from them and the fact that you are alive?" He asks me. "Because at berk I was treated like an outcast, and 3 months before school they were going to replace me for someone else as Heir. Also now I don't have to worry about Berk being targeted because of me. That was why they attacked School." At this he looks to have understood it.


 "Then what do I tell Stoick, and how many ships do you have because don't forget we also have Scribbler to worry about." He asks me and I see reason.


 "Tell me father that you were together on the ship but after it sank I disappeared somewhere after you fell unconscious. As for Scribbler I will take him home since I only have 1 ship. Also how did you get up here." I ask him.


 "I have my ways and I will tell Stoick what you said to tell him." He says and I won't question him further.


 "Follow me I will show you the way out." I tell him. "What do you mean I thought this was the only entrance.?"


 "You took the flight entrance not the boat one." I say and I take him down and let him go to the others. I go to bed and the nest day I send Mutism and Dagur off on the ship.