

I raised my eyebrow, the left one, to Aola and asked: "Is there any particular reason Aayla is in our bed?"

Aola smiled innocently and answered: "Yes there is, Ani, you taught her Occlumency, we taught her the Twi'lek ways, the girls tutored her the human customs. It is time she learns about the emotions in the bedroom. What is a better way than to learn it in our bed?"

I raised my other eyebrow and said: "Ermm, learn it in someone else's bed perhaps? Is this approved by the others? Padme? Did you agree with this?"

Padme nodded: "Yes, we did Ani, you told us that Aayla was a major character in the original timeline you foresaw, meaning she has the possibility to have a major part in our history. Training her is in our and her best interest."

Shiri commented: "We asked Aayla to join us to observe and listen to you, Ani, so start teaching already."

Bossy bitch! Although… should I be mad at them for bringing another woman into our bed? Nah, I'll bet you wouldn't either. Her skin color is still putting me off though, too much Watto to my liking, I hate that Smurf with a passion, I have to stop thinking Smurfette or Fida when I see her.

Well, it can't be helped, I might as well get over with it: "Aayla, split your attention between your own emotions and ours. Aola, Shiri, you brought her along, so start to get Little Dude in the mood."

Aola grinned: "Hypocrite! It is already standing tall, it just loves the attention. Come, Shiri, show Aayla what the Twi'lek matrons taught us."

While my twins made Little Dude happy, I lay backward on the bed and motioned the girls closer. The next hours, Aayla rode a roller coaster of emotions, her embarrassment by witnessing our play changed to curiosity when she felt the love between us, the rise to an orgasm and fall to be sated and rise to another one. It triggered something deep inside of her, her body started to respond to the visual and audio stimulants, her hormones and pheromones took her body over, after years of being repressed, Aayla allowed her body to answer nature's call.

I noticed the change and guided her: "Aayla, you started with not wanting to be here, and feeling embarrassed watching us, then, you noticed the love between us and the secret pleasure the girls have by being watched by you. Yes, they are secret perverts and love to be watched, you are a safe choice, we all like you and we know you can keep a secret. You started to get curious by watching our play."

I looked her in the eyes and continued: "That brings you to the emotions you are feeling now, arousal is the main one. Trust, guilt, lust, and confusion are alternating to the front of your mind, and your body is screaming for release."

I smiled and said: "That doesn't mean that you have to act on it, you are allowed to feel stimulated, you are allowed to feel emotions like this. To act on it is a decision you make for yourself. If you have a partner you are attracted to, you can seduce him or her, fuck each other's brains out, or masturbate if you are alone. You can also crop it up, and have a wet dream after a period of time, that is natures way to release the pressure and keep the cycle going."

I frowned: "You are being taught to suppress those emotions, no passion, arousal, sexual desire, hope, or even love have a place at the Jedi, they fear it will lead to the dark side. Tell me Aayla Secura, what do you want to do right now?"

Aayla shuddered and softly answered: "I don't know, Anakin, my mind wants to hide away, my body is screaming to have something that you all have for myself. I want arms around me to let me feel sheltered, I want lips on mine to feel wanted, a want my Lekku spoiled to feel complete, and I want to be fucked to feel loved."

Aayla sighed: "And I have no clue how to deal with these emotions."

Hah! Does she think I do? After a lifetime, and two or three Universes, I still am an emotional mess. My experiences are from books and movies, no, not from those idiot shrinks on TV, they are focused on drama and ratings instead of helping. Those so-called patients are attention-seeking sods that want to have their moment of fame.

Anyway, the question is, do we fuck Aayla or not? If we fuck the girl she might think we are taking advantage of her emotional vulnerability, if we don't fuck her, she might think that she is not worthy of our attention. My vote is for fucking, but that is the Horny Side of the Force speaking.

Shiri went over and hugged her: "Tonight it is your choice Aayla, you may join us, with or without Ani, stay and keep watching, or leave to your room. No matter what you decide, it will not change how we feel about you."

Padme nodded: "You became a dear friend of us Aayla, you grew on us these months, you can stay as our friend, be a friend with benefits, or stay and have fun with us for one night."

Aayla took a deep breath and sighed: "Not tonight, there is too much to deal with, and I don't want to start something that I might regret later. I'll go to my room and try to make sense of it all, good night everyone."

Aola gave her a hug and whispered: "Try masturbating Aayla, imagine our hands and lips on your body, and Ani's dick buried deep in your pussy. You will find that you will sleep better afterward."

Aayla almost ran out of the room. We looked at Aola questioningly, she shrugged: "I gave her some pointers that might help. Ani, I want to feel your dick deep inside of me."

Three months later, she had a good grasp of her emotions. Once a week Shiri and Aola dragged her into my bed for a session, too bad she never participated although I knew her pussy was dripping from desire.

That in itself proved that Aayla developed a good grip on her emotions, you can compare it to watching porn without jacking off. I know, it is almost impossible, because why else would you watch it? In Aayla's case, it is to acquire self-control, for me? The girls are double as horny, they liked to be watched by Aayla, and are trying to get her to participate without actually asking. Why would I complain? I don't think so too.

The fun stopped when she got recalled, part of me is curious if Aayla reported the emotion sessions to the Jedi High Council, just a written report would give them a boner, a Twi'lek doing a vocal report would cause brain damage or explode those dried out nut sacks.

Hah! I rule! Last night Aayla let us know she got promoted to Jedi Knight! I know it is hard to stay humble, but I accept all the credit for her promotion, it is all me. At least there is one balanced Jedi in the Galaxy, and she is masturbating using the memories of our orgi… lovemaking.


Life went on, the Republic and the Trade Federation are evenly matched, that is good news for us, it got the Trade Federation off our back, they can not spare any troops to attack us, ergo we are building my… our army up. We remodeled our Gundams, upgrading the armor, weapons, and Hyperdrive, the older models are used for escort duty for the transport ships.

A third shipyard next to our second one produced a new type of battle cruiser, mostly automated and armed to the teeth, it could be handled with a crew of twenty, and house a squadron of N2 interceptors and their pilots. As with the heavy transports, ten Gundams are attached to the hull, ready to be released by the first sign of trouble.

A lot of research went into finding countermeasures to the shields and weapons the Trade Federation developed for their battle droids and Core ships. Their new models could hold against Jedi which is bad news and could be a pivoting factor in the war.

It also is an indication the clone wars are about to start. The bad news? I kind of skipped the second and third movies… but come on! I knew the ending! Where is the suspense? Padme gets a twin, dies, and Anakin gets chopped up and gets an awesome voice. I remember I was in the room when they showed the movies on TV… or on DVD or whatever.

As far as I can remember I was doing raids in World of Warcraft with my son at that time. I must tell you, that was fucking difficult! Imagine a two-finger-typing old guy battling in a boss fight with twenty-four other dudes, mostly snotty brats fresh out of their diapers. Yeah, not my brightest idea to bond with my son. I did learn some things though, a Faceroll! You put your face on the keyboard and roll it from left to right, it does the trick most of the time… well, it did for me anyway.

Fun times… where was I? Ah battle cruisers… no, the R&D of the droidekas, nasty buggers those are, it took me sneaking into their factory and copying their blueprints and programming to duplicate the science. Yeah, my Phoenix animagus got a lot of work done. We made our own versions of battle droids, based on those scary Aliens. That movie scared the crap out of me, Sigourney Weaver being a babe made up for it a bit, but yeah, scary.

The guys on the shipyards can confirm it, they are scared shitless of the aliens that are engraving the Runes on our ships, now I gave them guns and shields… I rule! Fear me! Grovel under my boot! And hope they never watch Terminator or they will kick my ass.

The colonization of the new planets went smoothly, when we reach a certain population level, we manage to discover some new high-recourse-rich planets. The tally is at twenty-four already. A fun fact is that Padme and I have statues in the Gungan secret Capital, so far they claimed four planets that are ideal for them. Immigrants from all over the Galaxy are overflowing the immigration bureaus for a spot in our Coalition.

Anyway, we used these years to brainwas… teach our view of the Force on some Padawans, for some reason, only the female Padawans were convinced of our point of view, there is no way I let dudes ogle on my girls. Sending them to a whorehouse is counterproductive too, they abandoned their lightsabers after a few sessions and started to use their Little Dudes to battle.

When the Jedi commented on that fact I shrugged: "Meh, they are producing the next generation."

To be honest, that were only two Padawans that dropped the Force like that, the rest found their balance and accepted their emotions as a part of their life.

After two years, I called the Jedi High Council: "Master Jedi, these are the last Padawans that we taught about our way of the Force. It makes no sense that you are using years to brainwash them and let us undo that process when you send them to us. We taught enough Padawans for you to form an opinion, and frankly, we have more important things to do."


We celebrated Padme's end of term as a Queen of Naboo, she kept her position as the Coalition president for another five-year term to oversee the growth of our little Empire, our Hyperdrive is a well-guarded secret, not only is the Hyperdrive behind a closed of section, it is guarded by battle droids in the YT 1300 transport ships and our own models of transport ships. We plan to keep this advantage for at least a few decades if not longer. For now, our main problem is training the crews to man the new ships.

Poor Obi-Wan is still looking for Kamino, it is starting to be a race against time, the Trade Federation is gaining power with their new models of combat droids.

A few things I remember from fanfics made me search the extragalactic region for not only the Kamino planet but also for that Star Forge, the shipyard that uses a Star matter and the Force to fuel the energy to produce spaceships without mining for metals, I have to get my hands on that technology, the Starforge works with the Dark side of the Force, I bet I can get it to work with a balanced Force.

The concept of using matter from a Star combined with the Force is fascinating to me, as far as I can remember that Forge uses Jedi to fuel the Forge with their life Force. I can surpass that with the method we use to power our Runes on our new spaceships. A bit of tweaking and instead of Magic Power we infuse Force Energy.

Even if that Star Forge is a wreck, I bet I can extract enough of its secrets to build my… our own shipyard. An interesting new topic to research is how that Star Forge changes Energy and matter into useful metals. TV shows of Stargate SG1 provided some good ideas, the replicators from that show scared the crap out of me, but the beaming technology from the Asgards comes close to what I use with my Magic transfiguration.

To put it simply, I can change the atomic structure from one kind of metal into another with Transfiguration. With just the spell alone the effects are temporary, it would change back to its original shape when the magic holding the form dissipated. The spell and the knowledge of the atomic structure of both metals make the change permanent. That is how I made my Pegats and recently my Phrik.

That means I need to overtake several hurdles, an endless source of energy, because the demand will be enormous, a steady source of matter, and a device that can not only change one material into another but also transport it to a spot.

That means inventing a Magic Matter Converter, we already know how to use Magic Energy, charging the runes on the new ships is done by it. We discussed it among the girls and Mother, neither had a clue how to get it done.

Shiri commented: "We can't help you with this, Ani, the way you describe it you need to create a machine that does what you are doing. You gather matter from one place and change it into something else in another place. Not only changing the atomic structure, but its size and shape. That doesn't need only a lot of Magic power, but also a load of programming. Transfiguring matter into a Space ship is going to be a nightmare."

Aola thought it over and said: "That is not necessarily so Shiri, say that we build a new prototype, and do a full deep scan of it and store it in a database. All the materials are analyzed on the atomic structure, all that is left is to convert the matter into the materials from the database in the shape of the blueprints. We already have the atomic information of all the elements, so Ani has a place to start from."

I sighed: "I hope it is as simple as you explained it, Honey because we are running out of time. In the timeline I foresaw, the real war starts three or four years from now. I reckon we have between five to fifteen years with the changes we made, and there is still so much that needs to be done."

Yané patted my back: "Yes, Ani, but that doesn't mean it has to be you that does all the heavy lifting, you have us and the Engineering Corps, there is the Coalition and the people of our new planets. Concentrate on that Converter, and let the Engineering corps design a new model, or scan one of our current Spaceships."

Hmm, I wonder if I can steal that idea… "I have a new concept in mind, a defense platform in orbit. Picture a platform with an Ion Cannon on it with smaller laser guns against small space fighters, an automated defense system coupled with other platforms to combine and focus on bigger targets. A couple of dozen of them around Naboo can fend a fleet away. It is ideal for the planets that are on Hyperspace lanes and are easily targeted."

Yeah, I saw that in a Stargate SG1 Episode, I know, not very original, but I take every good idea and claim it as my brilliant plan. By the looks on their faces, I am going to score big tonight, maybe even use the handcuffs and whipped cream.

I looked around and said: "With unlimited energy and auto repair, we can even activate stealth and heavy shields, they will be indestructible. If we can produce enough of them, the Republic nor the Trade Federation won't be a threat anymore. Deploy them in strategic places on the Hyperlanes and we can stop all traffic. Isn't this a scary scenario?"

Padme sighed: "Yes Ani, a very scary scenario, I hope we won't need to use that, it will paint us as an evil organization, something we hope to avoid, I vote to station them to defend the planets of the Coalition. We are getting more applications from planets to join our Coalition, more than we can assure to protect, some of them are on the other side of the Galaxy."

Mother concluded: "Let's divide the tasks, Padme will do the diplomatic side along with some of the girls, the rest will join forces with the Engineering Corps to scan some of our Spaceships and design that platform, we are familiar with the way how your Magic works with our technology. You can concentrate on your matter converter."

That is a load off my back, I keep forgetting I have a whole organization working with me and the girls, Captain Panaka is General Panaka now, our shipyards keep on expanding in size, they even took the initiative to remodel the droids, there is no reason to put all the vital functions at the top, or make them look humanoid. Either way, I kept enough of the command codes so that a rogue general can't get the drop on us. I am not a very trusting guy.


My first tries were a bust, basing it on the Star Trek configuration doesn't work at all, that needs too much scanning and mapping every molecule needs too much computing to make it work. Taking it from a different angle, extracting matter from a Star is a bitch, getting close enough for one needs some serious shields, not to mention the stuff is bloody hot.

Six months later, I managed to create a station that could get close without melting down, a cylinder shape is the best to have the least exposure to the Star, with multi-layered shielding I succeeded to extract matter from the Star and store it. That completes the first stage of the operation.

The next stage is converting the stuff into something useful. At first, I pictured it like a fire hose, getting matter in from behind and spouting the new material out in front… that was a major bust, a 3D printer set-up didn't work at all, all mechanics were screwed up that way.

A working solution came when the Engineering Corps delivered the first scan of an N1 Starfighter and helped to program the computers to process the data. I covered the device with Phrik, bloody expensive stuff but magic and Force resistant, and instead of doing a transfiguration, I conjured an N1 Starfighter using the matter from the star and the solar energy to power it. The power drain was massive, it wasn't bad for a first try, it didn't fly at all though.

The Engineers took it to their research center to find the flaws, while I adjusted the faults on my side. More power sources, and a prolonged conjuration to stretch the time of the spell. I also noticed the need to scale the conjuring device up if I want to spell something bigger than an N1. A frigate is impossible right now, not for long though.

A few months later we conjured our first working model, the Runes needed some touching up, but the N1 was ready for action after a hefty testing session. The N2 Interceptor followed a half year later, so was our medium freighter and the Gundam. This concluded our first Magic Shipyard, it was not suited for bigger ships, and happily produced a ship every hour. The Reparo Runes kept the Station in top shape, and a steady stream of brand-new ships reinforced our ranks.

The Defense platform tested out fine and was soon ready to get in production, we created a Magic Station for the sole purpose of producing them in bulk, one every hour got us up to speed. We remodeled bro-in-law Graxon's Heavy Transport to ship the platforms to their position, a team went along to install the platforms and command center on the planet. Once installed, 144 platforms for a planet can destroy a fleet in a matter of hours. After Naboo got theirs, every planet of the Coalition that is located on Hyperlanes got armed, the people were excited with the news of the new defense. To be safe, we build some fail saves, which prevent a nutcase take control of the platforms to target the planet.

Our next Magic Station is ten times the size of the first one, it took a year to build and Conjured a staggering 1 Battle Cruiser each day. The Aliens need a week to do the Runes for each ship, seven teams are rotating to serve all the ships. That pointed our next problem out, crews for the Battle Cruisers, we have plenty of new recruits, but experienced commanders are hard to find.


After dinner, we gathered for a meeting, Padme started: "The Coalition is gaining in popularity, we are at 235 original planets, and 120 new colonized planets. Most of these original planets are targeted by pirates and slavers, our charter that forbids owning or trading slaves is a big reason for joining us, that and the defense platforms."

She looked at me and commented: "Your idea of a Magic contract for the crews of the Spaceships made us feel safer, if happened before that a crew took off with a superior model to the competition for a quick gain. That makes it easier to arm the newcomers, once they got over the fact that they have to sign it in blood, knowing they get a top model eased the pain."

General Panaka nodded: "Mixing the troops in one Space Force is a good way to create unity, so is keeping the ratio of soldiers to the number of people living on the planet. It prevents one or two planets to dominate the power. At the moment we have 25 frigates, and 85 Battle Cruisers, I don't have a clear number on N1 and N2 Starfighters my chief of staff is keeping the tally. The new training center for the Space Force is up and running smoothly."

I smiled: "We are done catching up with the big guys, now we are equal, our fleet is smaller, but our firepower outmatches them completely. The rules of the Coalition are clear, we will defend ourselves when attacked, and kick their ass completely."

Eirtaé said: "The purpose of this meeting is the news of the Jedi moving into Geonosis, the capital planet of the Federation, and that Obi-wan Kenobi located the Planet Kamino. Isn't this the start of what you call the Clone Wars, Ani?

i answered: "Yep, it finally started, Padme, there are some choices to make. Does the Coalition want to get involved or not, is the first choice. If we do, what side do we take or do we form a faction of our own? That is a second choice. In how far are we going to take it if we do get involved? That is a third choice. And finally, what are the Coalition's plans involving our family and me?"

Those are important questions, especially the last one, the only time I allow to be used as a play-toy is when we are in bed role-playing. The Amazon tribe and the lone explorer, or the janitor in an all girl-school are my favorites, the Coven Master and his witches are fun too. Where was I… ah, Padme is up next.

Padme studied my expression closely; my lightly tilted head and raised left eyebrow, that, along with my innocent smile and doe-eyes made her realize that I am full of it. It also told her I don't care either way.

She carefully answered: "The Coalition prefers to stay in the background, Ani, our territory is too small, we are easily found if they have it in for us, tell me Ani, can we fend them off?"

I gathered my thoughts: "If I change our first Magic Shipyard to produce enough Defense Platforms to service the new members of the Coalition, then we can hold our own."

General Panaka added: "We are monitoring the Traffic on the Hyperspace Lanes in our region, by any sign of trouble, our fleet can reach each planet in a matter of hours, and arrive way ahead of the invaders. We have Gundams stationed on choke points in the Hyperlanes to monitor troop movements, with this, we have the element of surprise on our side."

Mum commented: "Why did we go through the effort to present the Jedi with a planet if we are going to let them die? The Padawans we taught your way of the Force are the seeds of the new Jedi movement, Ani. A movement you started, with some nourishment from us, it will change their ways."

Crap! I am getting guilt-tripped by Mum. She has a point though, I have to find a balance of what I can do without the Republic and the Trade Federation ganging up on me and the Jedi.

I looked at Rabé and Saché and asked: "Both of you have monitored Geonosis and Kamino, what are the troop movements?"

Rabé answered: "The Trade Federation is setting a trap for the Jedi at Geonosis, their plan is to lure the Jedi onto the planet and to block their air support ships at the asteroid belt. Those new B2 Battle droids are all deployed on strategic positions, so are the rest of the defenses, the B2s are going to be the major headache. We can have two thousand N2 Interceptors and a thousand Gundams there in a few hours, and ten Frigates are already there in stealth mode. Twenty Battle cruisers are on standby ten minutes away."

Saché reported: "Yoda took command of the Clones and is on the way to Geonosis, if my calculations are right they will arrive three to four to five hours after the Jedi."

I can't depend on Canon to help to choose the right solution, after all, I am supposed to be there with Padme, they held a number of important Masters prisoner on the planet, forcing the Jedi to stage a rescue mission. I am walking on eggshells here, a wrong move and they are knocking on our door, hmm, what to do…

Meh, let's break some eggs: "The purpose of the Jedi is to free the prisoners and eventually capture some Sith and rogue Jedi, so we are going to assist them just for that mission. Our Gundams will eliminate the shield generators, and the N2 Interceptors are on the battle droids and tanks. Dooku is there with Grievous, those two are major players and need to be eliminated. We leave the rest to the Clones. How does that sound?"

Shiri asked: "You are not using our countermeasures against the droids?"

I shook my head: "No, we better keep this as an isolated action to assist the Jedi in their mission, I prefer to keep as many secrets as I can, all the N2s must keep their stealth up, our Gundams look enough like their Vultures to confuse them."

Panaka nodded: "A pin-point support mission, the objective is to keep as many Jedi alive as possible and eliminate Dooku and Grievous. The Trade Federation won't retaliate for it if we keep our focus on the Jedi and Sith. They are probably glad to be rid of them."

"This is an opportunity to let your officers get some battle experience, and your command center to practice their mission planning." I told Panaka, "You just told us what the objectives are, give them to your staff and let them work it out. We won't comment or give pointers, by now they are familiar with the equipment and Space ships."

Aola cheered: "Great! We can have a few days off, the Space Force can handle it alone. There are four days left before the Jedi arrive at Geonosis. Oh, Panaka, tell your staff to protect the Padawans and Knights that visited us here as much as they can."

"Yes, protecting them will benefit the Jedi in the long run." Commented Padme, "But it is not a priority, Dooku and Grievous are. That and keeping a low profile to minimize our involvement."

Panaka stood up: "Then I'll be going to set the mission up. Thank you for the trust you showed in our Space Command, we won't let you down."


It is about time I let them handle the battles, they have the tools, what is left is to get the experience. This way I can focus on my R&D, we noticed that we neglected the civilian part of our society. There is room for a lot of improvements, starting with creating jobs and new technology.

A starting point is to expand our mining facilities. The shipyard that used to build the N2s is recommissioned to make mining ships. As a rule we mined only in star systems that have no habitable planets, there are plenty of those around to provide a steady inflow of raw materials, this way we keep the colonized planet's resources in reserve.

That is where our influence ended. We own the mining ships, shipyards, and transport corporations, that is more than enough to be filthy rich. We offered loans to start businesses and factories for 5% of the shares. No comments, please! This is good business! I am not a control freak at all! Ah, bite me.

Plans for all kinds of factories are set up, Speeders, bikes, household utilities, construction materials, everything to be self-sufficient in the long run. That is the start of the Skywalker Investment Bank, it regulated the loans and kept track of the revenue. Our Territory is small enough to mask the new Pegats without hurting the worth of the currency. It kickstarts our economy though, and our bank accounts.

While we took a break from the military, we started a new Shipyard for civilian passenger spaceships. From small, 50 passengers, to huge, 50.000 passengers, to commute between our planets. This way the planets are more reachable for the common folks, and creates a more close society. It is comparable to the time the cities in the US were connected by roads and horse wagons that takes weeks or months to reach, to the time you can take an airplane and fly there in a matter of hours.

We had those plans for a year but never had the time to execute them, the time was right, most of all we were having fun doing it. When the news of our Skywalker Investment Bank came out, we got overwhelmed with applications for loans, a lot of them with decent business plans, written out in detail.

The nights were more fun though, the Banker with his secretaries gained in popularity, too bad the Pirate and his slaves did not work, too close to home that one. Neither was the Master and his slaves, or anything with a slave in it. We missed out on a lot of role-playing that way.

The Queen and her seven maidens punishing the evil wizard were fun for them, but not so much for me though, being chained up is not as comfy as I thought it would be, and Eirtaé got out of control with her bondage and bloody whips. I freaked out when she put a strap-on on her body and grinned evilly at me. Don't get me wrong, I kind of like kinky stuff, but I prefer that hole to be a one-way traffic system, the size of that thing scared me shitless… it would make me shitless… I cried.

The next day I buggered Eirtaé senseless, the bitch begged for more, she became a total S/M freak, I am lucky she is the only one with that quirk. Anyway, our nights are filled with love and lube.


We watched the action on Geonosis in our own command center on twenty big screens, observing the foolishness of the Jedi storming the capital city with a few hundred Jedi is kind of weird. Depending on their light sabers, thinking they have the upper hand, they got smacked down by the defenses of the Trade Company with the new droids and weapons. It put the Jedi on their back foot from the start.

General Panaka took no risks and went on full force on Dooku and Grievous with a surprise attack, when the smoke cleared up, what remains were some scorched bones and two molten light sabers. I must say that for peaceful and nonviolent people, the Naboos did a good job. For this mission Panaka went for a Naboo-only Space Force, that way he can claim that Naboo came to the rescue of their friends, and declare it as a solitaire action out of the Coalition's control.

With air support from the N2 Interceptors, the Jedi went in to free the hostages, even with our help, they lost quite a few of their own. Aayla got tracked on one monitor, and impressed us all with her skills, more so with the emotions she showed us. Anger and determination, confronting overwhelming opposition, hope, and relief when she saw our air support, firmness, and focus to reach her goal. She made us proud today.

When the fleet at the asteroid belt wanted to assist the troops on the planet, they got blocked by our Frigates, with pinpoint blasts we eliminated the engines from all the ships with one big surprise attack. Keeping the shields up is costly in fuel, a coordinated attack on all the ships at once crippled them enough for the Jedi to complete their mission.

Shiri commented: "Mace Windu is a fool, doesn't he know that without us he would lose 80% or more of his force? Why does he want to storm the government building?"

I shrugged: "Because he is an idiot, the first thing that is to be done at an invasion is to secure the rulers to a safe place."

General Panaka's voice sounded through the speakers on the planet: "Master Windu! You freed your fellow Jedi, we will cover your retreat to your ships, if you are to advance further then we will leave without looking back. We assist in a rescue mission, not help you invade the Trade Federation. Choose wise Master Windu."

Padme nodded approvingly: "That is a master stroke of General Panaka, he took care of two troubles at once, declaring this a rescue mission and stopping Windu's foolishness. I bet the Coalition partners are relieved too."

One of the lieutenants of Panaka's staff was stationed with us as a liaison, he commented: "This is broadcast in all the military headquarters of the Coalition. That declaration of General Panaka was planned, this way the Coalition got proof we did a solitary mission and can learn from our actions. The Generals from the founding planets helped us in the planning of the mission and understood the reason for a Naboo-only force."

Mother softly commented: "This means you can leave the military actions and planning to the Generals, and can focus on yourself, Ani. I watched you working non-stop for years, first, it was to keep us both alive, then Aola and Shiri needed your help, Naboo, the Jedi, the Coalition… it is time for you to enjoy what you build for us."

I sighed: "You are right, Mum, the Foresight I had for the future is completely changed, I can not tell what is going to happen next."


The aftermath of the battle of Geonosis gave the Jedi and the Trade Federation both a black eye and a dip in their reputation, footage of the attack went on the net and commented harshly. The dangerous battle droids clearly are a danger to society, if a few of them go rogue, as it happened before, they would be unstoppable.

The foolishness of the Jedi got a lot of slack too, attacking the capital planet of an enemy with less than three hundred Jedi did their reputation no good at all. The Republic lost face too, the Jedi had to be rescued by the tiny Naboo force while they were helplessly pinned down

Master Windu took most of the blame, his arrogance was widely discussed and criticized, his reckless action to save two Masters and four Padawan cost the lives of twenty Jedi, an unacceptable outcome, one that have consequences. The lack of communication between Master Windu and Master Yoda was another topic of discussion, Yoda arrived five hours after the battle on sight. Better communications would have saved the lives of most of the Jedi.

This is all in our favor though. We proved our dominance with superior technology and tactics, our actions showed restriction by refusing to do more than assist the Jedi, even refusing to go for the government building. WE RULE! Take that bitches!

Now we can take our time to fortify our planets. The clone wars started, and we managed to stay out of it. While those superpowers are battling each other into oblivion, we train our army and wait for our time. I don't have much information about the clone wars anyway.

It is true, I hardly saw the sixth/third movie/episode, I never saw the anime of the franchise or the tv shows. I did play a Star Wars game though, a flight simulator, I got to fly spaceships and do missions with them, I thought I did great, with an hour average for each level. My son took a look when I was struggling at level six and asked if he could try it. That little snot cleared the game in two hours! He rushed from level one through level six in under 30 minutes. That was the last time I played a flight simulator. I know, I am a poor loser, not very skilled in gaming either.


Where was I?… ah having time for myself. You know, if you spend years doing nothing else than working, you find that when there is no job, there is nothing to replace it. I have to find a hobby that doesn't include my abilities, R&D, and shagging, although that last bit is debatable.

The solution? A road trip! A Solo road trip, Aola and Shiri are visiting the in-laws, Padme and the girls visit their family too, even Mum found a bloke she wanted to shag. That left me all alone… Free at last! Well, at last, the pressure is gone.

On Earth, I would load my camper, or book a room on a resort… or stake a tent in my backyard, depending on the cash in my pocket. Cash is not a problem, a camper either, at the moment we have more Spaceships than pilots... Pilots we trust with cutting-edge technology. I took a N2 Interceptor out and loaded my supplies in it, in other words, I put my backpack in my cabin. With a bit of remodeling.

I have my private Spaceship ready to go out into the big Galaxy. A galaxy I can cross in less than a week. I took one of my C-3POs with me as a co-pilot and soundboard. I know they have my personality and it would be like I am talking to myself. When everything was ready, I went for one last shag with the girls, and the morning after I took off with C-3PO. Let's forget about those problems for a while.

Four hours into my trip I received a holo call from Yoda: "Hmm, Young one, fools we are, solutions we seek, help us you can, hmm?"

I answered: "What if my help is unacceptable to your upbringing? What if my solution is going against the order's way of life?"

The green Muppet sighed "Hmm, if solution is the answer, change our way we must. Happy about it we are not"

I bet they are not happy. Admitting your mistakes gets harder when you are aging. Admitting that your way of life is full of flaws is even harder. The worst part? Admitting it to a brat not even two decades old and who is telling it for ten years. Yep, that is a very bitter pill to swallow. I thought for a few minutes, not that I had to, it was just to sass Yoda.

"I was just preparing a holiday trip," I finally said, "I'll take one Jedi with me, if the Jedi has a Padawan, it can come along. The trip will last about 3 weeks.

Now it was Yoda's turn to drag his feet and pretended to think of someone, "Knight Secura you know, hmm, her Padawan she will bring. In Coruscant they are, hmm."

I sighed: "I'll be there in six hours. Tell her to bring a tunic made of natural fabric, the Padawan too." I closed the call.

"I thought this is supposed to be a holiday?" asked C-3PO, "I remember her as a stubborn brat, did she change a lot after you put your personality in this tin can?"

I shrugged: "Yep, she tasted the Dark side for a bit, and the months she spent at home with us made her find her balance. What the battle of Geonosis did to her… we will find out soon enough."

"I can pass these six hours to finalize our long-range scanners," said C-3PO, "the data that C-1PO and C-2PO sent just now is enough to build a working model, they also said that they still hate those names you gave us, and these bodies too."

I turned to C-3PO: "You know I can't put you in a clone, that spell doesn't work on a living body, it would take a Horcrux to achieve that, and you three are definitively not Horcruxes. How do you feel about those assassin droids? Those are bad-ass robots, I think I can find a couple of those droids if you want."

C-3PO looked at me: "You want to turn us into a foulmouthed killer droid? Where do I sign? Everything is better than this bucket of bolts!"

"We better create one from scratch, we stole… liberated the blueprints from all the droids the Federation has produced, even the ones from their allies, see that the three of you can come up with a working model. A built-in jetpack comes to mind, a complete Phrik coating to defend against lightsabers, you know, stuff like that"

C-3PO did his most evil impression of a dark chuckle: "Hohoho, Master, you are spoiling us, I'll send word to C-1PO and C-2PO so they can get a headstart."


We arrived at the Jedi temple, C-3PO used the opportunity to do a deep scan of the temple and the Dark Well deep below, while I went outside to meet the Jedi Council.

The atmosphere was completely different than last time, Master Windu's ego took a serious beating, and he let Yoda do the talking.

"Hmm, thank you we must, your help most welcome it was, hmm, pointed out our many flaws you did. Change, we must." started Yoda, "Learn from you Magic we must, or doomed we are." Sighed Yoda

That five-year-old way of speech is getting on my nerves, at least they are ready to listen. Well, I better serve them my five Pegats worth of wisdom, rub some salt in their wounds, put a mirror in front of them, you know, that kind of crap. It will be fun to do though.

"You moved your young lings from here, that is a start," I said, "let them grow up in nature, teach them emotions, how to recognize them, and to control and balance them to find their peace of mind. Emotions yet peace is what you need to strive for."

I continued: "Love, hate, anger, lust, joy, there are thousands of different emotions, learn to recognize them and to control them, not suppress them."

"The main flaw of this order is how you abduct Force-sensitive children. A child flourishes in a loving familial environment. The parents hate you for the way you steal their children, some see it as an honor, most see it as an abuse of power"

The Masters felt uncomfortable, what I am telling them is nothing new, and yet nothing was done about it for ages.

"A solution for this," I said, looking at them all, "Is to bring the parents along to the training grounds and employ them. So that the children can keep in contact with their parents. Another way is to let the child stay at home and train the child with a modified Holocron, or Holo call via the net. From six to ten years they can come to the Jedi planet."

I am not done yet with these naffers: "Another big flaw is how you discard the children that don't make it to Padawan, and dump them in the Agir-Corps. Make teams of six or more and train them as a unit for the ones that crave action. A Jedi knight is more than able to train them, some will like it even better than being on a leach."

I addressed Yoda: "A fair warning Master Yoda, your clone army is highly trained and programmed, but remember, the original is a Mandalorian. That means those clones are too. Don't treat them as if they are droids or slaves, and remember who ordered them and why."

I stood up and said: "I think this is enough to meditate about. Once Knight Secura is ready, we will depart. Live long and prosper, Masters." Meh, inserting a Trekkie can not hurt.


Aayla waited for me with her Padawan, she looked familiar, a female Tortuga, a few years younger than me, Aayla is seven years older than me… it is still within my limits, you know, ten years up and ten years down with fifteen as a bottom line. It saddens me that all spots are already taken, I'll keep it at a look but don't touch. Although, Aayla being blue-colored reminds me too much of Watto to get my juices flowing.

"Knight Secura" I greeted her, "congratulation on your promotion, my fiancees give you their well wishes, and their condolences when they heard of our trip together."

Aayla smiled: "Thank you, Master Anakin, your fiancees and I kept in contact all this time, I will give them a call later. May I present my Padawan Ahsoka Tano, we are together for a half year now."

Ahsoka nodded and kept still, I softly said: "I saw the footage, Padawan, you were very brave on Geonosis, many would crack under that kind of pressure. You have my respect."

"Come on board," I said, on a lighter note, "I made your rooms bigger, I even wedged a training room in, you will love them."

Ahsoka's eyes bulged out when she entered a small Starfighter and moved into a room, bigger than the ship itself. Aayla smiled at the accommodations, everything was high class, with all the bells and whistles. She is going to enjoy these three weeks.

"When you are settled, I want to introduce you to my co-pilot, and give a tour of my little ship." were my parting words.

C-3PO took off and Hyper jumped away, he made a full stop when we reached a planet. When we maneuvered the ship in orbit, we took our time to read and analyze the data of the Dark Well and calibrated our new long-range scanner with them.

Aayla came in with Ahsoka, I introduced C-3PO: "This bucket of bolts and wires is C-3PO, soon in a new and improved body he hopes. Make no mistake, he has my knowledge and my character, in a way you can say he is a piece of me. If you ask, it is Magic."

C-3PO nodded: "Jedi, welcome on board, please inform me if my Master is peeking on you, I will tattle on him to his wives if he does." he continued: "The scan will take a day, Master, we have to stay on one spot for it, you can entertain the Jedi."

"Or explain what we are doing," I added. "Aayla, Miss Ahsoka, come, I have some snacks in stasis cabinets."

Once seated, and nibbling on some food I said: "On this trip, we are going to locate Dark Wells, like the one under the Jedi Temple, and if possible disable them. That way the shroud over the force will be lifted. C-3PO scanned the well below the Jedi temple and programmed out the long-range scanner. You heard him, we need to stay put for a day to find the wells and a pattern in that grid."

Aayla was speechless, after a bit she asked "You can scan for these Dark Wells? Many Masters tried to locate them through the force and failed."

I shrugged: "If those dimwits can't even feel the one below their asses, how do you expect them to find some of those light years away from them? Meditating and letting the Force guide you is for lazy bums, Aayla. You need to take control of the Force, focus your mind on the result or task you want to do, and channel the Force through it."

I grinned and teased: "You can view my Magic as a higher evolution in the way of using the Force. Compare it with a baby's first steps to running an obstacle course in your temple."

Burn! Their faces said it all, I said: "And here is my prove." I changed them both into poodles, a blue one, named Fida, and a brown/white striped one named… hmm? I am out of proper names? Meh, I'll use Fifi again.

Fida didn't appreciate the change and attacked my leg, growling like a rabid dog, Fifi froze up and examined her new body, looked around, and joined Fida in her attack. I tried to fend them off with a rolled-up newspaper, but it didn't work though.

Finally, I turned them back and asked: "Is this possible with your force, Aayla? Have you tried to do Magic of your own?"

She glared at me: "Never do that again you brat! You don't know half how disturbing that felt to me. Did you ask for me so you can bully me?"

"Hey! I never asked for you specifically!" I protested, "You can blame Yoda for that honor, he is the one that volunteered you for the job."

Ahsoka asked: "Are you going to teach us to do Magic, Master Skywalker? To do what you just did to us?"

"It takes years to get to this level," I answered, "I am born with this knowledge, learning it the normal way takes years, it's a process that never ends. But I can get you started if you want to learn."

Ahsoka nodded: "I want to learn, Master Skywalker."

I have no problem teaching the kid, she was Anakin's Padawan in the movies, so this is kind of compensation for it. Some might find her attractive, but it doesn't work for me though, I am hooked on my girls so others don't stand a chance.

"Great, we start tomorrow." I said, "Here study this data chip and rehearse the ritual that is in the file Dark Well Ritual. Kind of obvious I know, but I try to be user-friendly here."

"What does this ritual do, Anakin?" asked Aayla, "Going on the name it has to do with the Dark Wells."

"You guessed it right, Aayla, this ritual cleanses the Dark taint of the Well and restores its original purpose. A power node to tap into the Force." I explained, "Building a temple or home above one gives a power boost to perform Magic. The Sith used it to hide their actions from the Jedi. I must say both Jedi and Sith degraded from the original Force users."

With these last mysterious words, I left them, I haven't got a clue who or what those originals were, but claiming knowledge of them and criticizing what they are now, is… evil, I know, but it will make them listen to me. I'll bet Aayla will tattle on me to Yoda. Meh, who cares hmm?


The next morning, we got a clear view of the Dark Wells. Those Sith did a good job on them, it must have taken centuries to complete it.

"As you can see Aayla," I showed her on the map, "It is like a spiderweb that is spread out on the galaxy. The trick now is to find the anchor points of that web. If we can cleanse enough of them, the web will collapse. That is one of the reasons the Well under the Jedi temple stays corrupt."

Aayla studied the map and commented: "Most of those Wells are unreachable, they are not connected to any Hyperspace lanes, and they are too far apart, how do you think to destroy that web in three weeks' time? It is impossible."

C-3PO gave his creepy laugh: "Hohoho, Young Jedi, nothing is impossible for an evolved Force user! Magic rules! That and technology, we call it Magitech. Master, I advise you to start with these twenty Wells that are highlighted. If we do one or two a day, the rest will collapse. Although it is best to clean them all afterward."

C-3PO pointed at the nearest Well: "We can start with this one, ETA eighteen hours."

I nodded: "Set a course and move."

Ahsoka asked: "Are we going to cross wild space? The chances to survive such a trip is less than 1%!"

C-3PO chuckled: "My dear Padawan, nothing is impossible for our Master. He is not breaking the laws of physics, he is rewriting them. Too long has this Galaxy stagnated in the past. My Master is the Future!" yeah, imagine the voice of Vader with it, the effect is freaking the kid out.

Aayla followed our progress on the screen after twenty minutes she asked: "You found a way to avoid the debris and gravity wells in Hyperspace?"

"I did," I smugly answered, "I multiplied the speed of my Hyperdrive too, these N2 Interceptors are the fastest Starfighters in this Galaxy, and no, you can't have one."

Aayla shrugged "I'll ask one from Aola or Shiri, I think Smi will give me one too."

BITCH? Going behind my back and playing the Mum card? Where is a planet that I can dump her on?

I calmed down and said: "Not going to happen, Honey, you might be sexy as hell, but these Starfighters are our main advantage, not even when you suck my dick or offer a threesome with your Padawan. These ships have too many Magic secrets."

Aayla blushed a Marine blue color, and mumbled: "I bet I'll get one if I do a threesome with the twins." Crap, she might get one that way.

I tried to divert the attention "Did you manage to study the ritual? The wording must be done in that ancient language, one word out of place and we can start all over."

Ahsoka commented: "The words are strange when you don't know the meaning, can your protocol droid translate the ritual?"

"I am not a fucking protocol droid!" came from the cockpit. "That I happen to know the translation of that ritual or know six million languages doesn't mean squat."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes: "Can your not-protocol droid that knows six million languages help translate the ritual, please?"

"Girl, I just started to like you," grumbled C-3PO, "that is not going to happen now. Too much sass for your own good."

Ahsoka shrugged: "I can say the same about you, droids get melted down for less."

"Stop it please," I interrupted, "I am not in the mood to hear you two bickering at each other for three weeks. Ahsoka, be more respectful to C-3PO, C3, help the Padawan out, or we are stuck for months."

Can you believe those two both rolled their eyes at me? I am sorry that I made C-3PO's eyes able to rotate. Aayla watched the spectacle from the side with a smile Hah, she is able to smile after all. Now that those two found a common enemy, they bonded faster than I can tie my shoelaces, yeah, I am a pre-Velcro dude with clumsy fingers.


We reached the planet just after dinner, we located the Well on the planet where the sun just raised into the sky. We landed close by, a few blasts from my guns cleared most of the flora, Aayla and Ahsoka took care of the animals that wanted to eat us. An hour later we exposed the ruins of a small temple, cautiously we entered the temple while C-3PO took the N2 to the sky to give us cover.

We found the Well deep in the basement, the walls, I conjured some light balls and examined the room. The floor and ceiling were covered in symbols and Runes, all walls had them too, Aayla recorded them all. It took twenty minutes to erase all the graffiti, and an hour to carve ours, each of us took a side in a triangle around the Well. A Well that projected Dark vibes that tried to influence us.

"Aayla, Ahsoka," I warned them, "You know what this Well is doing, recognize what it is doing, and cancel it out. The Dark feeling will stay inside for as long as we are here and the Well is not cleansed. All negative thoughts you have are influenced by the Well and are not yours. Contain the dark feelings, and focus on your task."

"Done! Show time," I called out, "You know the ritual, no weapon, metal, or synthetic materials on your body, the only thing allowed are natural fibers if you don't have them, then you go naked."

We stored our outfits away just outside the room and took our place on the Magic Circle. Too bad they have clothes with natural fibers. That I don't have romantic feelings for them doesn't mean that I won't like some eye candy. Both are fine piece of asses... Or is it pieces of ass?

The ritual itself took two hours to complete, two hours of nonstop chanting before the Darkness faded, and the Well shined bright.

I sighed: "It is done, you can go up now, I have to carve temporary Runes on the wall to prevent the corruption from coming back. It will take about an hour."


An hour later we left the planet and headed to the next one, while Aayla and Ahsoka went straight to bed.

I reported our findings to Padme and the girls with a holo call: "We located the Dark Wells and the method to disable them all. It is like a spider web, we are cleansing the anchors, and hopefully, the rest will collapse. Here is the data and the ritual circle we have to draw. These are the temporary runes on the wall. Can you program some of the aliens and send them to us? And program some Aliens to remove carvings from the walls, floor, and ceilings. It will speed us up."

Padme asked: "What if cleansing the anchors is not enough? What if it needs more than that?"

I shrugged, when the outer anchors are gone, and it is not enough, then I go for the center of the web. If that doesn't help, then we program some N2s and stuff them with Aliens. On every uninhabited planet with a Well, they have to remove all the runes and symbols from the room."

I held my hands up: "After all that, the bloody Jedi can go for it. Although I bet it will collapse sooner than that."

Shiri smiled: "We trust your judgment, Ani. Tell us about Aayla's Padawan. Who is she? What is she like?"

"Ahsoka Tano, a Togruta, five years or so younger than me. In the original timeline, she would be my Padawan. She is smart, skillful, she was on Geonosis, if you see the footage of that battle you will recognize her. C-3PO likes her."

Yané chuckled: "In other words, you like her too. C-3PO is a reflection of you after all."

I shrugged: "I like you more. Enough about me, tell me about your day."


When I woke up, we arrived at our next stop. After breakfast, C-3Po landed. He warned: "There are some big predators lurking around, they are attracted to the Well, it is possible there are some mutations inside of that temple."

I nodded: "That will be no problem at all C3, I have two warriors with me with glowy sticks to protect me. We will manage."

The animals were nastier than we expected, I had to chip in to clear the temple. The big animals were easy, the dark bugs, however, they kept on coming. In the end, I had to go outside and ward the complete temple against insects. Three hours later all the bugs were cleared mutant ants are a bitch to deal with I can tell you.

"This is another thing to add to our to-do list for the next well. We eat first and do the ritual after."

Aayla nodded: "Some food and a bit of rest is welcome. How are you holding out Ahsoka?"

"I am fine, Master," she answered, "I did not expect those insects to be so violent, that was the Well that made them that way, isn't it? What will they do when the Well is cleansed? Will they spread out on the planet and pollute it?"

"I didn't think about that," I said, "to be honest, the animals are attracted to the Well, so they stay in this region. When this goes away… We have to think about it, I'll ask the girls later at home."

The cleansing ritual went fine, after warding the room, we left for the next Well.

I addressed another problem: "Aayla, Ahsoka, we have to do a cleansing ritual on ourselves too, at least after two Wells, or the Dark Well will affect our thinking too much. Two Wells, that is four hours in close proximity of pure evil, that will taint everyone."

"Check the data chip under the file Beneficial Rituals," I continued, "the first ten rituals are the ones I do with my fiancees, number eleven is the most suited for us. We do it after dinner, study the ritual, it is a short one, I'll prepare the Magic circle."

Ahsoka's voice came out of her room: "We have to do that Naked?"

"ah, my bad! It is ritual twelve!" I shouted, "Nr11 is a fertility ritual, satisfaction guaranteed, the baby too."

"Don't mind him Ahsoka," Aayla comforted her, "He did that on purpose to rile you up."

I pouted: "Aayla, you spoilsport, you can suck all the fun out of our trip. Sometimes I get bored alright."

"Really?" came from her room, "Tell me, on how many projects are you working on today?"

"Well, first is to get new bodies for C-1-2-and 3PO, that is a group project, by the way." I said, "Second is doing an update on my long-range scanner using the current data, third is programming some N2s and aliens to clear the Dark Wells, the miasma, and corrupted animals around those wells. We have to automate them, there are hundreds of Dark Wells, and doing so many rituals gets boring."

Aayla's voice came out of her room: "Hmm? Did you say something?"

"Hey! You are perving on the first ten rituals! I can tell!" I shouted. It's true, I can tell, there are pictures included and demonstration videos, and Jedi are nosy by nature.

"Ah, shut up, I am trying to find my balance." shot Aayla back.

Nope, she is rubbing one off, even perving on my voice while rubbing, I know, I would do the same.

Two hours later we completed the cleansing ritual, and C-3PO dealt with most of the tainted animals, and we are on the way to the next Well.


The N2 Interceptors with the Alien workers were waiting for us, C-3PO took the remote control over and started clearing the temple, while my trusty aliens made quick work of the opposition. Once in the chamber with the Dark Well, the alien workers rushed in to remove all Graffiti from the chamber and inscribe the runic circle. The Well was cleansed in record time.

On the way to the next Well, C-3PO commented: "I send 3 N2 Interceptors ahead to clear the temple and start removing the graffiti. That will be speeding things up and save you a lot of work."

"Good thinking C3," I said, "We are going to spend around two hours on each Well, the rest of the time I will teach Magic to our guests and do our research."

C-3PO did his Dart Vader impression: "Master, to change a match into a needle, they must first know what a match is. You have a long way ahead of you, Master." Chuckling he continued: "What are you going to use for their wand core? There are no Unicorns or dragons around, you know."

Crap! I forgot all about wands!

C-3PO teased further: "Imagine, Master, thousands of Jedi in need of a Phoenix tail feather for their wand. You would be the most popular bird of this Galaxy."

"Not if I can help it, Merlin damned!" I growled, "They have to stay away from my tail! It hurt like a bitch when you pluck one out. I know, I have done it once."

"What are you going to use for a core?" asked C3, "without a wand, it is going to be hard to channel their Magic, or are you going to teach that ritual you did to amplify your core, so they can do wandless Magic?"

"I better not teach them that ritual," I said, "There are too many details that could cause the ritual to backfire when done wrong. The arithmancy alone is a nightmare, calculating the right position of the planets and the gravity well from the center of our Galaxy is a bitch. I got lucky on Tatooine, a few minutes too soon or too late doing that ritual would make me a squib."

C-3PO commented: "That is why you timed it right, Master. I checked your calculations, they were spot on the Mark. I agree with not teaching that ritual, eventually, the Jedi will experiment with it and cause disasters. What about letting them use their lightsabers as a focus? They are carrying it around with them all the time."

I thought for a minute: "That is possible, a bit silly if you imagine them using their sabers as a wand. As a Staff perhaps? In Merlin's era, they used Staffs instead of wands, it could work."

I took the lightsaber of Dart Maul out of my backpack and studied it, hmm, I have to get rid of that evil taint first… aha! Naked Rituals! I got two rituals that are able to clean that taint, both are naked, one of them requires mixing body fluids… I doubt they agree with that one. There is another ritual, but that one demands parts of a Magic animal; I, being the only one in this Galaxy for as far as I know, would lose my tail feathers again. Nope, naked ritual is the way to go.

At dinner, I made my sales pitch: "To teach you girls Magic, I have to create a focus to channel your inner Force, C-3PO suggested that I adjust your Lightsabers because they are already connected to you."

I sighed: "The trouble with that is that I have to experiment with your Lightsabers with the risk to do irreparable damage. I have a solution for that, but I bet you are not going to like that."

Aayla knew me too well and suspected a trap: "Tell us about your solution first, Anakin, I can say in advance that I am not comfortable handing you my lightsaber to tinker with."

I showed Dart Maul's red Lightsaber: "This is a Sith Lightsaber, for me to able to experiment with it, we have to remove the evil taint."

Ahsoka interrupted me: "I know! This needs another one of your horny rituals, isn't it? A virgin? I went through those files, half of them required sex or virgins, a lot of them both."

I grinned: "You went through all those files, Ahsoka? Perhaps you did that to see the animated instructions? I know Aayla does that all the time, but you too? You are only fifteen and already a pervert? I'm impressed."

Aayla sighed: "Stop teasing her, Ani, show us which ritual we have to do. Ahsoka, take his teasing as a way to get your emotions under control. Embarrassment to be naked, anger for being teased, humiliation for losing that temper, shame as you are looking forwards to doing that ritual. There are three of us here Ahsoka, this is Anakin's way of training control to us. He is triggering our emotions, we have to deal with them."

I added: "And it is fun for me to do that. Ahsoka, you are young and pretty, and at an age that your primal instincts are making you go looking for a mate. Jedi deal with this to suppress those instincts, I want you to recognize those feelings for what they are and act on them with an open mind. Being aroused doesn't mean that you have to shag the first male you meet, or refuse to shag the one you love out of duty."

I smiled at Ahsoka: "My Primal instinct wants to shag all available females, to spread my genes as much as achievable. A female Primal instinct is to look for the best possible male for their offspring because they are limited in the number of children they can bare."

I held my hand up to stop her from commenting: "I know about my Primal instinct, and yes, I want to shag both of you, but I already have a relationship with eight wonderful girls, acting on my Primal instinct would damage that relation. So I control my urges and limit them within social standards, look but don't touch in this case, and tease you a lot about it."

C-3PO added: "You can use this example on all your emotions, but in this case, my Master just wants to see you naked."

"Way to go to kill the mood asshole!" I growled, "A bit more and they would be putty in my hands and even eager to show me the goods! Now I have to start all over! They are not stupid you know."

Aayla sighed: "What ritual are you planning Anakin? Stop getting us emotional for a bit, and focus on teaching us Magic."

I glared at C-3PO: "See what you have done? Now they are on to me and I have to find another way to push their buttons."

C-3PO answered: "You just taught them Control, Master. As Mistress Aayla said, focus on the ritual."

Defeated, I sighed: "Alright, one ritual has to be done on a full moon, yes, without clothes or jewels. The other one can be done everywhere but requires a virgin preferably more than one. The full moon ritual needs shagging. Nr14 and 18 on the data chip explain it all."

Fucking Tin-Can ruined all my fun, getting them worked up and flustered is the only joy I have for having them on my trip, after all, I am on a holiday, and holidays are supposed to be fun.


Two Dark Wells later, and the cleansing ritual, we removed the evil taint from the Lightsaber. Ahsoka learned her lesson and controlled her embarrassment for being naked in my presence, no matter how much I looked at her tits and snatch. It helped her that my girls were looking in on us during the ritual. On the other hand, she did get an eyeful of my dingaling, who was standing proud and tall of course.

It took three days to get it right, a simple adjustment to the controlling part that regulated the size of the light, into regulating the Force out in a focused beam. No, that isn't right, it needs to take the Force from within the body and channel it through the saber, not a beam. Once I knew what to look for, the adjustment is easy.

I demonstrated it on the next planet we landed on, although I underestimated the extra boost a wand can give, my Bombarda left a crater as if a small asteroid crashed on the planet, vanishing the surroundings from plants and animals cleared, an area of five football stadiums.

Talking about football… the difference between Europe and the US about what football is, that's bloody confusing. In Europe they play football with their feet, in the US they do it with their hands. Something went wrong when that ship sailed across the ocean I guess, but then again, it is more fun to see a bunch of men dog-piling on each other than to see them kick the shit out of each other. Me? I am more for martial arts… ok, they kicked the shit out of me too. Chess seems interesting…

Aayla and Ahsoka swallowed when I animated the ground, and five 150ft tall golems went on a rampage in the woods. Another animation raised a pack of wolves, and a flock of birds, all of them went to search for tainted animals.

I turned to Aayla and commented: "I think I used a bit too much Magic, come, we will cleanse the Well and start your Magic lessons."

When the Well was clean, we stood outside in the clearing, I handed the saber/wand to the girls and said: "When we are on the way to the next planet, you can analyze this and adjust your Lightsaber like this one. The first thing about Magic you must study is that it comes from the inside of your body, you can picture it as if you absorb the Force from the outside and refine it in your body into Magic Energy. To use that Energy, you channel it through your body and guide it into your dominant hand."

I used my hand to do a Lumos: "With enough power, you don't need wands, but, as you noticed, with wands the power multiplies tenfold, twentyfold, up to a hundredfold or more, depending on the focus you use."

I placed some pieces of paper on the ground: "Try to channel the energy in your body and guide it through your hand into your focus, imagining lifting the paper up, word that picture with a name, Wingardium Leviosa, for example."

That made them lose concentration, Aayla raised an eyebrow: "Wingardium Leviosa? Whatever does that mean?"

I sighed, how do I explain that if even I don't completely know the reason, I just tell her some bullshit… I am good at that lately.

"To do spells, you must picture what you want to do. To do the exact same spell over and over, it is easier to give it a name. That can be dangerous, if you name a cutting curse Yoda, the chance exists that if you are angry at Yoda, you can accidentally cut someone when you say Yoda! To solve that you can use an old language to name the spells."

It was a fun few hours, slowly they succeeded and the papers flew up into the sky. "Make sure you don't use the Force, you can tell the difference." I told them, "Using the force is easier at first, but you will notice that Magic is more diversified, and has more permanent applications."

Ahsoka asked: "Like what you did in your Starfighter? I want to learn that too."

I sagely nodded: "And it all starts with lifting a piece of paper into the air. Magic has different branches, Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Arithmancy, and Runes are the major courses, once you got a grasp on these, you can specialize, like expanding the rooms in spaceships."

"We will only practice transfiguration on a planet," I said, "accidentally making a window in the outer hull would not be the best course of action."

When I noticed them getting tired, I said: 'Enough! As you can feel, the Magic in your body is not endless. By using it a lot you will increase the volume, and some techniques can speed the recuperation up. Come, we leave for the next planet, I bet dinner is almost ready. It is Aayla's turn to cook."

In other words, some ration packs, heated in a microwave.


Two weeks into our holiday, Yoda reported to Aayla that our actions showed results, in some regions the force became more clear and lighter.

Our short-range scanner detected that the next planet was inhabited by humanoid life forms and waited on our orders. This must be one of the Sith bases, or they must have felt their control over the Dark Veil slipping away and came to guard their Well.

A closer scan detected a fleet hidden in an asteroid belt, and a large droid army guarding the Temple.

I made a call: "General Panaka? Ah, good day General, I am facing a fleet under Sith control and a droid army on the planet. I just sent you the scan of that system and the position of the star. This is a good opportunity to do some Sith damage. Can you take care of it?"

"It is Fleet Admiral these days, Anakin," Panaka responded while he studied the data, "this is quite the gathering you have there, this looks like a major base on that system. Give us two days to prepare, and… given the distance, two days travel time. We will contact you when we are about to arrive."

I disconnected the Holo Call, and turned to my students: "Did you know that Arithmancy and Ancient Runes work well together? No? We have four days to find out, I bet you are going to like it. Oh and Aayla, not one word to the council, or you Ahsoka, I like to keep the element of surprise. No sensing out with the Force too, I suspect a high-ranking Sith to be there."

Ahsoka asked: "Why can't we report it Anakin? The council has to be informed about this Sith army."

Aayla answered in my place: "A secret shared is not a secret anymore, my Padawan, Fleet Admiral Panaka will keep the objective a secret until the fleet is well on the way. He has the power to rally a task force without alerting the enemy."

I added: "Plus, there are spies in the Temple, a cleaning lady that has money problems is enough to ruin the most secret operations. Anyway, we have four days of free time to study Magic. Now, Runes, my Ladies…

Those four days were fun, trying to explain, the different alphabets to novices, Futhark, elder and younger, Egyptian, Sumerian, Kanji, the ones from native America, the North and South ones… Ahsoka got tears in her eyes when I named over thirty different alphabets and their uses, she groaned when I explained the different combinations u used to Rune our Spaceships.

"This will take forever!" She complained, "Learning five of those alphabets and their meanings will keep us busy for a year."

"That is why a Runesmith, Enchanter, and ward specialist are high-paying jobs." I said, "A talented one will be in high demand and fully booked ahead for months. We can cheat a bit with programming it in a computer, but much also depends on the person spelling it."

I projected the hologram of the Interceptor: "Not only do you have to know what you have engraved, like these Rune clusters on the hull of the ship, but also the effects it has on other components that have different Runes and spells like the engines and weapons."

"That is where Arithmancy comes into place," I lectured, "with it, we can calculate the effects of the different Magics on each other, again, an Arithmancy Master is worth its weight in Pegats."

Ahsoka dryly commented: "And you are all of the above."

"Ah, but Student Tano, I have Tonnes of Pegats to show for it." I grinned, "I tell you a little secret, did you know my ships don't use a single drop of fuel? Do you know how many ships we own? How many Credits do I save each day? See? A few Runes and spells in the right place is enough to accomplish that."

Not to mention Magic contracts that prevent spilling the secrets I teach them without my permission. They are pretty, but I stopped thinking with my Little Head long ago. What I teach them is enough to place simple Wards around their buildings, to Ward bugs and pests, some alarms for evil intent, simple things like that.

Expansion Runes are way over their head, but reinforcement Runes, stasis Runes, any simple single function can be done with what I am willing to share. It is enough to let the Jedi get a taste of Magic, the next Evolution of the Force.


Fleet Admiral Panaka contacted me: "Anakin, we arrive in three hours' time. Do you have anything to report out of what you send us?"

"One thing only, Admiral," I answered, "There are some Siths on the Planet, I will deal with them myself. Good hunting"