
Hex-The lies you were told

You were told that there are only six infinity stones and that they each existed when the universe first made its appearance as The Big Bang, but what if I told you that these were all lies. Lies told to protect you from the truth, to protect you from the weapon and definition of death and destruction? Hex, the name given to the mortal that was so unfairly forced and chosen to become the pain and misery of this power. The 'mother' of all six infinity stones. The original stone that overpowers them all.

Marnika_Stander · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

The Formerly

Centuries ago

-A week after the mortal became Hex-

Hex was given sleeping quarters on Asgard during the time she would be trained. Her chambers were a simple affair with a single bed in the centre of the room, a dresser topped with a mirror and an adjoined bathroom that included a simple tub and lavatory. Asgard was known for its use of gold and it definitely showed in her room. The bedframe, tub, lavatory and dresser had gold elements designed in them and even the carpet on the floor had gold sewn in it. She did not understand how they managed to do that.

The only clothes she had were the torn rags on her now toned and perfectly muscled frame. Tired of feeling dirty she cleaned herself in the tub, appreciating the hot water she has. She has never had the privilege of making use of soaps, shampoos and hot baths. She used everything she could, afraid that she might never get another chance. Of course she did not make use of the shampoo available since her hair had been lost in the transmitting process of the stone to her body.

After drying herself, she walked towards the dresser. After staring in awe at the new dresses in front of her, she chose a simple black gown that hugged her new curves and flowed down from the waste down to her ankles. It had a low cut v-line that almost reached her bellybutton and at her shoulders it had golden clips that held more of the material flowing at her back which made it almost resemble a cape. She wore simple golden gladiator flat shoes to fit with the dress and admired her new look in the mirror.

She hated that she no longer had her beautiful long her, but she did not fret over it for too long as she knew that it would eventually grow back. Still staring at herself in the mirror she felt like her new look needed something more. She opened the small golden and wooden box on top of the dresser and found a few pieces of jewellery.

She took a simple golden arm band and put it on. Satisfied, she knocked on the door as she was told to do for when she is done dressing. Odin and the rest of the creators wanted to speak with her as soon as she is presentable enough to be walking around in Asgard.

Opening the door, a guard motioned for her to follow him. A few steps down from her room and a walk alongside the palace gardens, once past the gardens they would turn right into a corridor where they would walk straight until they were met with more stairs. Once at the top of the stairs it is a left turn and straight walk down a hallway that goes past the palace library, the kitchen, dining hall and also an open plaza that held a big golden statue of Odin in the middle. Once past the plaza you would come face to face with the big golden doors that opens to the throne room. This was the path Hex and the guard had to take on their way to Odin.

While making their way down the stairs from Hex's chambers and walking past the gardens, Hex couldn't help but admire how beautiful Asgard is. The sky was almost as golden as the palace during this time of day, it was almost noon. The flowers were of all colours and the smell Hex got from the breeze blowing towards her through the gardens, were almost peaceful. She had never experienced such beauty before. She remembered to embrace and appreciate this moment, a memory she is keeping for if she needs positivity in her life.

Hex was so caught up in her surroundings, she failed to notice the abrupt stop the guard made in front of her. This causes Hex to walked head first into the golden armoured back of the guard and stumble back, landing on her rear end.

The guard did not even budge with the impact and Hex just huffed while standing up on her feet again all while rubbing her forehead. She frowned and wondered what made the guard suddenly stop in his tracks. She looked past the guard and noticed a few maids hurrying after someone walking past both Hex and the guard. The guard made a bow with his head and when the small crowd was long past them, he continued with his walk towards where Odin was waiting.

Confused, Hex just stared at the passing group and only wondered who this person could be. She could not see a face, her 1,65m stature made it impossible for her to see past the tall Asgardians.

Still admiring the golden designs and elements of the castle on their journey, Hex kept a close eye on the guards movements. She stayed wary, too worried that she would again walk into his back.

Halfway up the stairs she thought about why there had to be so many of them. She was almost out of breath when they reached the top and they still had a while to walk before reaching the throne room. The doors to the library were open and she caught a quick glimpse of how it looked on the inside. She was amazed at how big it was and at how many books there were and she immediately knew that it would become her favourite room out of everything here. Hex has never had the opportunity to have books of her own and she could not read, but she loves the silence she can find there as well as how the books smelled. She also promised herself that if she were to stay here long, that she would be able to learn how to read them.

Hex and the guard passed the kitchens and dining hall that were filled with laughter and music. Smiling to herself, she focused on the tall statue in the middle of the plaza they passed. Odin had his armour on, his weapon in his hand aimed towards the sky while sitting on his horse. It seemed a bit too excessive for Hex's taste and she frowned at it before looking ahead towards the big golden doors.

She does not know Odin very well, but she did not like how much he showed the riches and power he had. He always seemed to make it clear to her that he is a king and that she should be bowing and respecting him. Even though this is her first time on Asgard itself and in his kingdom, she still did not approve of the idea bowing and kneeling in front of him. She wasn't a very religious person herself, but she believed to be treated like a king, you must earn the name and respect from the people. From what Hex has experienced and saw, Odin did not earn the title king or god in her eyes.

The guard knocked on the door and Hex could hear Odin telling the other guards behind the doors to open them. The guard that escorted Hex to the throne room side stepped and motioned for Hex to enter the room. While slowly walking into the room, Hex admired the décor. Excessive yet again with an excessive and unnecessarily large throne at the far end on top of a few steps. Odin made sure that he would be taller, bigger and imperial when he would be sitting on it. He wanted to prove a point with the layout of the room.

Hex walked towards the throne where Odin was sitting, standing next to him was a young girl, aged around thirteen in Midgardian years. The girl had raven hair and did not resemble Odin at all. Hex would not have guessed the girl to be Odin's daughter if the girl did not have Odin's icy glare. She was young, but Hex knew that the girl was the same as her father. They both had the same look on their faces, the same stare and the same hunger.

At the very bottom of the steps were the rest of the creators. She came to know some of them a bit more from her week spent in the black room she was brought to for the stone. They taught Hex how to contain her new gifts. Not her powers, but her appearance. Hex had to get used to the sudden weight of her muscle she had gained and she had to start getting used to walking and moving with her new physique. Even though it was only muscle and the new curves she had to get used to, Hex found it difficult to learn to how to move like a normal human being again. Her times being ill in bed made her forget. Hex also had to get used to controlling her emotions and senses since they were more advanced.

After she managed to gain control over everything, they sent her to Asgard where she will be properly trained in combat, magic and any other training they thought were necessary for her new gifts. Once she has done her training her protection of the universe will start. Although Hex had a feeling deep down that Odin had different ideas. She also knew that he would be training her and from what she learned from his behaviour, she knew that it was going to be a difficult process.

Hex stopped in front of the steps and stood in a neutral position staring up at Odin. His blonde hair hanging at his shoulders, his golden armour and his blue eyes. Most men that looked like him would be considered handsome but his hard expression he always wore made that thought disappear from Hex's mind. She dispised men that think they belong above everyone else. That is the only type of men she came to know from her time on Midgard.

Hex did not bow or make any acknowledgement towards Odin other than just staring at him, waiting for him to speak. He noticed her lack of what he considered to be respect and had an angry expression in his eyes for a moment before dismissing the matter.

"Welcome to Asgard! I presume you find your chambers comfortable enough?" Odin spoke, motioning towards the dress Hex was wearing.

"I do. Although I would prefer to have something that provides a but more cover at the front. But I guess that decision is not mine now is it?" Hex said.

She knew he chose the dresses for her, because she knows how he looks at her. There was always this hunger in his eyes when he looked at her and she hated it. She did not like being put on display for mens eyes to wander. Hex also knew that it made this matter worse for her ever since her fusion with the stone. She had more curves and would definitely be considered as beautiful. Her skin a bit more tanned and clear, she did not appreciate the beauty they claimed her to be. That would only make her feel more of an object and that is something she absolutely despised being.

"It's not!" Odin said with a grin, but his tone had a warning undertone to it. "You will wear what I give you and you wear it when I tell you to wear it. Besides the point, this is not why I have summoned to all here." Odin spoke that last sentence more clearly to make sure that everyone is paying attention. He stood up from his throne and stepped down the stairs towards Hex. He had a look in his eyes that Hex did not like. She could easily read a person by looking in their eyes and Odin had a danger in his.

"Hex here will start training tomorrow. She will be beaten and thrown until she learns. There is not mercy here in Asgard. If you are weak, you are cast out and killed. In your case, shown what it means if you are not strong enough." The girl standing next to the throne smiled wickedly when Odin spoke. She had the same deadly and dangerous look in her eyes at that moment.

Hex held no fear, it was an emotion she learned to hide away the previous week. Odin's threats were empty to her, but she still did not look forward to the pain she would have to endure.

Odin stepped in front of Hex, close enough that she could feel his breath on her face. She refused to move, she did not give him the satisfaction of him thinking he is making an impression. He took Hex's chin in his hands and forced her to look up at him when he spoke.

"You my dear, will become the best of the best. You will become powerful in both combat and use of magic. You will not fail, you will thrive! I will make sure of it myself. Me and my daughter here," Odin said pointing to the girl at the top of the steps, "Hela, will be teaching you ourselves. And just a warning dear. We do not play with our food." Odin let go of Hex's chin and smiled wickedly at her as he waited for a response.

"Very well then. I'll see you at the break of dawn." Hex said smiling back. As she finished her sentence she turned to the other creators who were still in the room. "Good night." Hex said then turned around and walked out of the golden doors without sparing another glance towards Odin and Hela not even caring what expressions they held. She walked herself to her chambers and ate her dinner in peace while sitting on the window sill, staring out onto the celestial sky. Appreciating the quiet before the storm.