
Hex-The lies you were told

You were told that there are only six infinity stones and that they each existed when the universe first made its appearance as The Big Bang, but what if I told you that these were all lies. Lies told to protect you from the truth, to protect you from the weapon and definition of death and destruction? Hex, the name given to the mortal that was so unfairly forced and chosen to become the pain and misery of this power. The 'mother' of all six infinity stones. The original stone that overpowers them all.

Marnika_Stander · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


A few months before Hex finishes her training. Hela is fully grown at this time.

Hex does not remember how she got in this situation, wrapped in chains with her hands bound above her head. She only remembers glimpses. Her nails breaking and her fingers bleeding as she dug them into the wooden floors. She remembers how she tried to get away but all that was left behind was her scratch marks as she got dragged.

Her forehead cut badly with the blood falling down her face and it meticulously dripping on the floor. She sat with her knees to her chest as she shivered. She was only wearing shreds of what use to be a dress. Her face tainted and stained with dirt and past shed tears. Her lips dried and chapped. Her hair tangled and all over the place.

She heard it before she felt it. The whip. It stung her back as it ripped her skin. She did not scream, not anymore. She clenched her teeth and continued glaring at the figure before her. Odin. He was partly responsible for her being here. He was the reason she cannot remember how they caught her in the first place. He is the reason why she can't even fight back.

Hela was the one doing the torture. She wanted Hex's dark side, but she refuses. Hex knows what they really want from her. A weapon. Hela convinced Odin to create it for use against Hex. Of course the only way they would succeed is for using her own power against her.

Hex was not giving in. It has been three days of the same torture. No water. No food. And because of her fast healing and strength, her wounds disappeared. This made Hela the more excited to start each time. The memory of the torture is the scars she chooses to bare. A reminder of strength and durability.

Odin has the ability to weaponize and enchant objects. Hela would extract some of Hex's dark side's life source and Odin will use it to enchant a ship. The aircraft was designed to be ever evolving. This means that it can be improved in size and durability against Hex. Hex would be fighting a war against her own abilities. If she manages to destroy it she will be left weak enough to kill.

Odin only agreed on creating such a weapon for preparation. Meaning that if Hex completely turned to her dark side, there would still be a chance for her to be destroyed and stopped. What Odin did not know was that Hela intends on using it against Hex no matter what.

The whipping stopped and Hex was breathing heavily through her nose. Hela simply held a knife to her throat.

"Still not giving in are you? You're stronger than I thought." She smiled menacingly.

She pierced Hex's skin near her neck and started slicing through to just past her shoulder. She grabbed her by the hair and unchained Hex, making her fall to the floor. She pulled her up by the roots and forced Hex to look at her directly in the eye. Hex only glared at the cruel goddess before her.

Enough, Hex thought.

She whipped her head forward, ignoring the pain of some of her hair ripping from her scalp. Hela was stunned and as she glared back at Hex, her nose started bleeding. Hex broke it. Hex smiled and stood up, smiling as she held eye contact with Hela. She broke the chain still keeping her hands together and let it fall to the floor.

Hex stood on her feet and conjured her golden power. Golden lines now painted her skin, with dark material covering what is exposed. Her dress long but forgotten on the floor. She conjured a weapon in her hand, the golden blade had streaks of black within it. Hex's rage taking over as she unknowingly uses her dark side.

Hela only smiled at this and conjured her own blade. Odin only stood waiting, knowing that this is the only way they would be able to get to Hex's dark power. By her using it with rage instead of thinking rationally. She still had to learn how to control her emotions in regards with her power.

Hela threw a blade towards Hex, but Hex simply broke it in half with her own. Shattering it before it could reach her. Surprise was momentarily on Hela's face but soon replaced by determination once again. Hela ran towards Hex and soon both were conversing in a fight of punching, kicking and cutting.

Hela caught Hex by surprise and gave her an upper cut, causing Hex's lip to split. Hex's rage took over and her eyes turned dark momentarily before she shook her head and continued with their sparring. She managed cut Hela on her side making the goddess fall on her knees. She was quick to recover and they both started fighting again.

Hela pushed Hex off her, making her stumble. They have been going at it for hours and Hex was growing impatient. As Hela tried coming at her again, Hex simply whipped her hand up and her dark shadows wrapped around Hela's throat. The goddess was thrown to the floor, knocking her head as she landed. As she slowly struggles to stand again, Hex started hovering in front of her. Hex's eyes was dark and her veins was cracks of ink beneath her skin. Her now black hair waved around her as she stared at the goddess.

Hela only smirked as she stood up. Conjuring her blades as she started throwing it towards Hex. Hex dodged and broke all of them coming her way. While doing this she also conjured her dark power around Hela's feet. It was slowly draining her power and her life. But Hela was not losing easily since she draws her power from Asgard. Her power was limitless but Hex was growing fatigued, her body tiring from all the power she is using.

Hela saw an opening as Hex momentarily faltered in her movements. Hela struck her hand on Hex's forehead and starting draining her power from her. Hex screamed as the power surging beneath her skin is being sucked from her. Hela knew she will not be able to hold the power and as she focused on Hex, she conjured the power in front of Odin with her other hand.

Odin stepped forward and started casting the power into the weaponized aircraft.

"Hela that is enough. We do not need all of it." Odin said as Hela continued to torture Hex with the pain and suffering. "Hela!" She whipped her head towards the Allfather. "Enough!" Hela simply dropped her hand making Hex fall to the ground.

Hex sucked in the air around her as if breathing for the first time. She coughed and held onto the floor. "No." She softly cried to herself.

Hela only smiled as she sees Odin succeed in their creation. The ship changed before them. Starting from simple metal turning to a complete dark mass from indestructible material. The surface of it slightly moving from the power running within it. Odin sighed in relief and ordered the guards to ensure it is kept hidden.

Over the years Hela made sure to find out where it is kept and when Odin cast her out of Asgard she disappeared along with the weapon. Odin never managed to find it again, only hoping that Hex would be strong enough to defeat it if Hela ever manages to use it against her.