
Hex-The lies you were told

You were told that there are only six infinity stones and that they each existed when the universe first made its appearance as The Big Bang, but what if I told you that these were all lies. Lies told to protect you from the truth, to protect you from the weapon and definition of death and destruction? Hex, the name given to the mortal that was so unfairly forced and chosen to become the pain and misery of this power. The 'mother' of all six infinity stones. The original stone that overpowers them all.

Marnika_Stander · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Death Becomes Her

-At the time of the creation of the six infinity stones-

It was in the very beginning of the creation of the universe when the formation of power has started. The creators of the universe all gathered to decide whether to keep this power as it is or change and hide it to prevent future enemies from starting war and destruction. Odin was among them and as a god seeking power himself, he wanted to keep this force of nature in its true form.

Unfortunately for him, the others were not keen on the idea of making power so easy to gain and overthrew his vote. It was decided to split the original stone of the universe into six different smaller stones, each representing a different form of power and destruction. Power itself, the mind, the soul, reality, space and time. Thus, making it very difficult and possibly impossible for one enemy to obtain them if these stones are kept hidden from the world. Although, it was also decided that a piece of the original stone must be kept as well. For if there should be a slight chance of these six stones to end up in the grasp of a power-seeking enemy, that the original can be used to defeat or control the six stones and prevent the destruction of the entire existence.

The original stone had to be kept in a place where no being would find it if seeking for it and it was eventually decided to be put on Earth. The place that holds no beings with power and therefore would be the least considered place for this stone to be kept. Not only would Earth be the planet chosen to hide this stone, but a mortal must be chosen to hold power. A weak and simple human in control of the universe? Enemies would laugh at the idea.

The breaking of the original stone started a collision force which killed some of the creators in the process. The stones were scattered across the universe during this, making it impossible for the still-living creators to know the possible locations. Those that were still left alive, Odin being among them, travelled to Earth and chose the weakest human they could find.

A young woman, 23 in her years. The creators appeared as simple humans when they found her in the furthest and most secluded part of the world. She was the perfect selection since she was alone and weak from an illness unknown to them. No one would suspect anything if she would have disappeared or died, since they did not know if she would survive the power that would be given to her. Her dark brown wavy hair hung past her thin waist and the old fabric full of holes she wore as clothes barely hung on her as she weakly stood up from her stained mattress laying on the floor. Her emerald eyes have long lost their shine and sunk deep in her face, dark purple circles under them. Her cheeks no longer pink, but rather disappearing from not eating enough. No muscle on the poor girl, but rather bone and pale flesh was covering what little she had on her. The creators almost felt sorry for the poor human, but they soon dismissed the idea of caring about a mortal and continued with what they originally planned.

They took the poor girl from her chambers and teleported to a room where the stone hovered in the middle. Almost as if it was waiting for its owner to claim it. The room was made from an unknown material, almost black but shining, giving a mirror effect as they walked. The girl stared wide-eyed at this new place foreign to what she has grown to know in her miserable years of living. She secretly wished that this would be death coming for her since the hope of living a happy life has long but disappeared from her thoughts.

The creators dragged her by her arms, feet dragging on the floor, and threw her in front of the stone. Too weak to stand up, she decided to stay sitting on her knees instead. Looking up from her position, she could see the faint black and white glow that surrounded the mysterious stone, along with it a faint hum that got increasingly louder the longer she stared in wonder at it. Mesmerized by its beauty, the girl completely forgot about where she was. She was startled when Odin came standing next to her, his icy blue eyes burning into hers. She gulped in fear as to what was about to happen.

What felt like hours to her but was merely a few seconds of Odin not saying a word, he finally spoke. His tone calm but almost menacing at the same time. The girl knew that this man was not a person you would want to cross paths with, and yet here she was staring right at him.

"My dear, do you know who we are?" She didn't say a word but slowly shook her head in response to the fear of what would happen if she didn't. "Good. You are weak. Even for a human. No one would know or care if would have disappeared." His words hurt, but she knew every word he said was true. He continued: " You are chosen by us because of this. You are to become the bearer of this stone." He pointed to the stone in front of her, and she stared confused, but still stayed silent and listened to what this man had to say. "You do not have a choice in the matter. You might die during this process, or you might end up being the most powerful weapon in this universe. The process will not be easy, it will be painful, and you would most definitely seek death. We will not give it to you. You will suffer, you will scream, and the stone will decide your fate. It will decide whether you be worthy of life or not."

She stared at Odin in shock and started unknowingly shake under his words as he spoke. Death? She thought to herself. If only they knew that the girl would welcome death with open arms. She wouldn't mind the pain, it would be nothing compared to what she lived through before, but it was the thought of becoming a weapon that stirred something within her.

Odin grabbed the girl and lifted her up, forcing her on her feet. She stumbled but managed to keep herself upright. Taking a blade from his armour, Odin sliced at the girl aiming for her neck. But the girl grew up with abuse and torture and in fear flinched quicker than what Odin would have anticipated her to react. So, instead of the blade cutting her throat, it sliced her on the side of her neck onto her shoulder, just missing what would have been a slow death. Screaming in pain and holding her neck, she fell to the ground.

The blood was covering what little clothes she had on. Cursing under his breath, Odin grabbed the knife and let the blood drip onto the stone. He did not care if she was dead or not. Her life would have depended on the stone anyways. If she were to be chosen to live, it would have brought her back. Odin thought killing the girl would prevent her from running or resisting, but when he saw how weak she was when she fell to the ground, he knew that the idea was foolish. She wouldn't even make it a few meters away! No, she wouldn't even be able to stand. Weak! He thought and spat beside her. He despised humans, but he knew that a human was the only option they had. The only option he had, no matter how many times he would hate to admit it.

The stone immediately started to disintegrate into small particles almost unseen to the naked eye and immediately went for the open wound on the girl's neck. Screaming, the girl laid on the floor, clutching her frail body, hugging herself as the air left her lungs from the pain. She started shaking uncontrollably and started crying at what seemed like knives stabbing into her repeatedly. This was torture, and she could not do anything about it. Still screaming, the stone entered her blood and became one with her. Her veins were glowing gold on her arms, legs, face and even under eyes. Her hair started disintegrating and disappeared completely.

Her muscle started building within her, earning another torturous scream from within her. She was looking death and wondered why it never came. Her cheeks and eyes no longer hollow, her skin no longer pale, and her bone no longer trying to pierce her skin. The stone changed her; she became one with it. The true form of what she was destined to be. Whimpering on the floor, the pain subsided.

She still looked as if gold was painted on her skin when she tried to open her eyes. She laid on the floor, breathing heavily from the death that almost claimed her. Her wound no longer there but instead a mark of remembrance of what she conquered. When she opened her eyes, the emeralds shone like they never did before with hints of gold within them. As she stood up, embracing her power and strength, the gold disappeared from her eyes and skin. Fear was still within her, as she did not know what this new power meant. Odin came stalking closer to her and roughly grabbed her face in his hand, forcing her to look up at him from her small stature. He had a wicked and deadly smile on his face.

"Mine," He said. "You are mine now. My power. My weapon and my cause for destruction." A shocked and confused expression on her face as he spat those words.

"Odin! Let the girl go!" One of the creators yelled. "You know what will happen if she is used for vengeance and power! We need to train and hide her. She cannot be used for simple wars and disputes. Only if necessary!"

Odin almost gave a growl at those words, but he knew the others were right. He wanted power, but not like this. This is destruction.

"Well, then. Let's get started. The sooner she knows how to control it, the sooner she can disappear." Odin said. It was quiet for a moment.

"She needs a name." One of the female creators spoke. "What do we call you, dear?" The woman spoke kindly, but the girl knew that it was only because of what she is now. The creators were afraid of what the girl might do to them if they were not careful.

"N..No. I..I don't ha..have a name." The girl spoke suddenly becoming sad at the thought of never even receiving a name from the life she lived on Earth.

"Well then, I suppose we give you one?" The woman and the other creators thought for a brief moment. Odin just kept staring at the girl. Not with care, but with annoyance. "Hex." He suddenly said. "She is the mother of the six stones; she might as well represent them. Her name will be Hex."

Hex? The girl thought for a moment and smiled within herself. She finally had a name; she finally has an identity.