
Hex-The lies you were told

You were told that there are only six infinity stones and that they each existed when the universe first made its appearance as The Big Bang, but what if I told you that these were all lies. Lies told to protect you from the truth, to protect you from the weapon and definition of death and destruction? Hex, the name given to the mortal that was so unfairly forced and chosen to become the pain and misery of this power. The 'mother' of all six infinity stones. The original stone that overpowers them all.

Marnika_Stander · Filmes
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20 Chs

An Honourable Duty

1 week before Hex went into the chamber

Odin stared down on Hex as she lay on the operating table before him. Odin himself is exhausted from the amount of power he used to sedate her.

He noticed that recently Hex seemed to be sleeping less and less, yet never looked more healthier and strong. Eversince her light power emerged, she seemed to be constantly filled with healing and regenerating energy.

Her need for sleep becoming lesser by the day. Odin knew that the time for him to do his duty is now and went to her chambers this morning.

He waited for the perfect opportunity for when she would be in her deepest sleep. He was practically invisible to the naked eye and carefully approached her without producing any sound. Her senses would immediately alert her of a presence and she would wake up.

It was something she trained to perfection. The only way he made sure she would surely be asleep was to train her the whole day. After her training, she was immediately sent with Thor, Loki and the Warriors Three to prevent a battle from a rebellion group in a neighbouring planet.

Her regenerating power is relatively new and would not be able to sustain her energy from the whole day just yet. Odin's moment to set forth with his plan is now.

He used most of his power he has to sedate her, knowing full well that it would be an almost impossible task. Once asleep, her light power increases its speed of regeneration.

The amount of power he used almost made Odin himself fall unconscious from exhaustion. But he knew that now was not the time to worry about himself. He immediately called for guards to transport Hex to the medical rooms.

As he orders everyone to leave, he takes the Tesseract from the table in the middle of the room. While he was busy with sedating Hex, he ordered the guards to bring the cube to him.

Turning Hex's head, he uses his blade to cut her skin on her neck. Under sedation, her healing would be much slower but still faster than the average Asgardian.

Working fast, Odin produces power from the Space stone held in the Tesseract.

With still some of his energy left he uses the extracted power and submerges it within the wound he made with Hex. During this process, he uses the abilities he has to produce an enchantment of some sorts. Some would even call it a curse.

Something he taught himself from his time with Hela. Only he knew about this and he would gladly use it against unsuspecting enemies. An easy win.

The enchantment and power fully extracted from the Tesseract now surges through the veins of Hex. Her wound now closed and non existent to the naked eye. Only those with magical abilities and the knowledge there of would see it.

A long scar on the side of her neck, light rainbow colouring around it. If the powers become resistant towards the enchantment, it would simply increase its hold on her.

Such a simple task, yet both produces and prevents so much. She would never question her scar and she would not be aware of its magical influence on her.

The bond Hex and Loki's souls have must be seperated and removed from one another. Each time her consciousness and emotions make her decisions for her, she would be a step closer to losing her control over herself.

Odin always trained Hex to not use her emotions as judgment or taking action upon her decisions. It was something she perfected until she met Loki. Her humanity slowly becoming more apparent.

Odin thought of her to be weak. A weapon like Hex cannot be persuaded by emotion. She cannot have a weakness, and his son is that exact weakness enemies are looking for.

This enchantment will slowly take away the humanity she has and eventually turn her into the weapon she must be. Loki will be in danger in future battles and Hex cannot be seen as a weakness for him. Neither he for her. That is not what the Allfather is known for.

Her actions will be more precise, her fears non existent, her humanity all but lost. She will only be what she refuses to become, a dark soulless weapon used for destruction and death.

If only she knew that what she thinks is saving her is slowly tearing her apart from within. Her soul longs for its other half, but her mind slowly detaches itself with every attempt of salvation she makes.


Two days before Hex is put into her chamber

"Promise me you won't leave me alone with those people?" Loki asked Hex. Referring to Thor's coronation.

"Of course not. I can't miss his coronation. Besides, if I'm not there who are you going to judge the people with. You know damn well that making up stories and telling people's secrets are our thing. Especially since we can read what they are thinking and we have nothing better to do." Hex laughs as she walks beside Loki as they head towards the dining hall.

Loki smiled when she finished talking. "I heard there was a few scandals amongst the highborns attending the ceremony. My curiosity is killing me."

"Of course it is. You wouldn't be the god of Mischief for nothing now would you?" Hex laughed once again and entered the hall with Loki by her side.

He only smiled at their conversation and headed towards their table. Odin only stared in disbelief at the two that just walked in.

"Do not frown so much Odin. You will be cursed with that expression for the rest of your days." Frigga told the Allfather. "Something is bothering you." She more stated than asked.

"I need to put her in the chamber. This cannot continue. She is a weapon, not someone to rely on if you are feeling hurt Frigga. She needs to be sent away where her powers are needed." Odin spoke, his tone harsh.

Frigga looked towards Loki and Hex smiling and laughing with Thor and the Warriors Three.

"Our son is smiling Odin. For the first time he seems content and yet you frown upon that. Do you not wish to see your children happy? This is something to celebrate about, not shun for." Frigga said sternly.

She always said what's on her mind, never afraid of her King beside her. She was strong willed and powerful herself. Besides, she always knows the Allfather has no hate for her and that she was the only one who's opinion mattered for him.

But not this time. He thinks she doesn't understand, he thinks that she doesn't know better. He doesn't blame her, she has not seen what Hex can become and what she is meant for. Only Odin, Hela and a few others that have long since passed.

Or that is what he thinks. Thor and Loki knows too and Hex would have caused a lot of destruction if they did not succeed in helping her. It was the day they both promised to protect her, because they realised how truly valuable she could be if she were to end up in the wrong enemies hands.

That very same night, Hex was summoned to Odin's throne room. Her chamber standing below him on the floor. Hex knew what this meant and she did not like it one bit.

"I will not! You cannot keep putting me away and wake me up again when ever you feel like playing puppet! I am not a toy!" Hex yelled at the Allfather.

"No! You are a weapon! A very powerful and dangerous one!" Odin yelled.

"I am still human. You cannot treat me like the object you think I am. I still feel, I still think I can still breath! I have done your bidding for centuries and you still don't thank me for it. You still throw me on the side!" Hex's eyes have become slightly darker and her hands started conjuring her golden power.

"I will not leave! I do not care if I have to kill you Odin. I honestly think I would be doing Asgard a favour!" Hex smiled wickedly. This is not who she is. This is not her speaking. This is the enchantment doing what it is intended for.

Her dark side is being enhanced and she will start losing control over how much she is using. But Odin does not seem fazed. The enchantment cannot harm the enchanter. He wielded his hand and conjured her power to disperse.

Still on her dark side and under the control of Odin, she walked towards the chamber. Seemingly unaware of how she is being manipulated. Once inside and closed off inside the chamber, Odin releases his hold on Hex and walks towards her.

Suddenly aware of not being able to use her power or strenght to break her out, tears form in her eyes.

"What have you done to me?" She cried out. Her body now more human than ever.

"I have improved your chamber. It seems your light side does have a usefulness after all. The chamber now forces your weaker side on you, making you weak. You are practically Midgardian in this state. Non detectable by anyone or anything regarding magical energy and source." Odin spoke non chalantly.

Hex's face grew to horror as he continued.

"You will be sent to Midgard my dear, where you will be only awakened if a universal threat makes its way. The Midgardians will only be told that you are used as a last resort, nothing more. A Midgardian named Nicholas J Fury will be keeping watch on you. As far as he is concerned, you are a threat to them if not used as a weapon."

Of course the Midgardian could open the chamber up when ever he feels like it, but he too was put under the enchantment of the Tesseract. He would never open up the chamber, never tell anyone about the chamber and he would hide the chamber. Nicholas J Fury found himself under the control of Odin.


The following day Thor, Loki and the Warriors Three left to battle Frost Giants after Thor decided on eliminating the enemy for good. They almost all lost that day if it wasn't for Odin coming to their rescue.

It was then that Loki started questioning his identity when a Frost Giant touched him and the god was unscathed. His turmoil from within started as Thanos invaded his weakened mind.

Suddenly confused, he ran towards Hex's chambers. She was not on the battlefield with them like she usually would be.

As he entered her chambers it seemed untouched. It was still early morning and it does not seem like she slept in here at all. His brows furrowed but headed towards the library where she sometimes fell asleep with a book on her lap.

He smiled at the thought of seeing her small frame curled up on a reading chair, but his smile soon faded as he could not find her in the library either.

The gardens were empty of her presence, so was the dining hall and so was the stables. He was about to try another location when Odin found him wondering the halls.

"Loki! Join me in the throne room." Odin stated.

Loki hesitantly walked into the room and stood before the Allfather. His lack of patience on finding Hex is evident in his shifting from one foot to the other. Something was wrong and he knows it.

"I assume your adventures in the castle is upon you trying to locate Hex am I correct?" Odin asked the god before him.

Loki's head whipped towards Odin, his eyes searching for something on the Allfathers features but finding nothing.

"What do you know?" Loki asked suspiciously.

"She is not here. She left in her chamber. She would not tell me where she is located." Odin spoke, Loki seemingly not believing the words of the Allfather.

"She spoke of finding a better meaning for her power. That she is no longer needed here and does not have a purpose for staying." Odin spoke, his words of lies easily leaving his mouth.

"I am sorry my son. I know how you cared for her, but now you know the true hardships of letting your emotions consume you." Odin spoke those last words and left the throne room with Loki behind.

Loki fell to his knees and put his head in his hands as tears stained his face. He thought himself to be weak, to think that anyone ever loved him for who he is. To think that someone cared for him.

No one loves you, you are weak. The voice in his head spoke, fueling his anger and hatred towards the woman who made him empty promises.

He lifted his head from his hands and stared into the abyss, his eyes not focusing onto anything in particular.

She is gone, the other half of his soul has left. There's no one here to make him smile any longer, there is no one here that cares. She was the only light that saved him and now that light as dissappeared.

Show them what you really are. Show them why they shouldn't have underestimated what you can do. Kill them all! No mercy! No weakness. The voice yelled in his head. His emotions now locked away and gone from his face. His soul trapped underneath the hatred.

His mind now damaged and controlled. No more is he the weakling in the family. He will be their god! He will be their King!

Loki abruptly stood from his place and walked out the throne room, slamming the door behind him.

"They will see! They will bend their knees for me. Their heads bowed to the god before them. They will see!" He said to himself as he made is way to where the Tesseract is held.