
Hex-The lies you were told

You were told that there are only six infinity stones and that they each existed when the universe first made its appearance as The Big Bang, but what if I told you that these were all lies. Lies told to protect you from the truth, to protect you from the weapon and definition of death and destruction? Hex, the name given to the mortal that was so unfairly forced and chosen to become the pain and misery of this power. The 'mother' of all six infinity stones. The original stone that overpowers them all.

Marnika_Stander · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

A Long Lost Friend

*2 weeks before Hex went into the chamber*

Hex was running towards Loki's chambers and trailing behind her was Frigga with a worried expression on her face.

Moments before this, Hex was in the stables tending to her horse when Frigga came with urgent news. Neither of the woman knew why they both suddenly felt a sudden urge to reach Loki as soon as possible.

The light of day was already starting to dissappear when the two ran to reach Loki and by the time they managed to get to his door it was already nearly nightfall.

Hex's heart was hammering in her chest, her gut tying in knots as if awaiting something before her. Frigga told Hex to do what she can and left to fetch the Allfather and Thor.

As Hex's shaking hand touched the handle of Loki's door she heard it. The faintest sound of a blade and droplets of liquid hitting a surface. Hex's hearing picking up the small splatters the liquid made when it fell.

She immediately opened the door expecting Loki to be in his chambers in front of her, but was faced with nothing but a room.

A large bed on her right in the middle of the room, all messy and half of the sheets draped on the floor. Loki's bed was always neatly made when it was not used.

The floor lenght mirror on her left of the room, cracked with a visible hand print in the glass. The vanity table next to it had a book on it with its pages torn from it as it all layed sprawled on the floor. Loki wouldn't even dare to rip pages from a book.

The curtains closed off the non-existing daylight from outside, creating a dark and eery feeling in the room. Loki hated the dark, especially in his room.

Hex stepped into the room and headed towards the doorway which headed towards the young prince's bathroom.

The room was hot, indicating that his bathroom was in use. The hot water tended to heat up the whole space. The bath visible now from where Hex was standing just outside the doorway was indeed filled.

The steam still rising from the bath's contents. The water no longer clear, but an almost crimson red.

As Hex moved inside the bathroom she could see red footprints on the floor leading up to what she presumed to be Loki himself.

His head hung low as he sat slumped against the wall. His black trousers soaked from the water and his bare chest stained. His arms hung loosely on his sides, both baring fresh scars.

A used blade sat at his feet and the sounds of his blood dripping on the floor beside him echoed through out the whole bathroom.

"Loki?!" Hex screamed as she ran to him.

She cradled him in her arms, her once light grey dress now bearing Loki's crimson mark.

She put her palms on his face, caressing his cheeks as she puts strands of his hair behind his ears. She wiped away his tears from his face and brought her forehead onto his.

He was cold, it wasn't unsual for him. But this was a different cold Hex realised. He fell limp in her arms as she held him. Her face now stained with tears of her own.

Laying him back on the wall she tore the dress and wrapped his arms in them. As her gaze went up his arms towards his torso she noticed him covered in scratches.

Staring at his hands she saw his nails covered in dried blood and realised where they came from.

"Loki?" She asked, but there was no response. "Loki, please answer me." She cried.

"I will not leave you, you are not alone." Hex held his hand to her face and put her cheek in his palm.

He gave no response and she gently put his arm down. She once again moved forward and held him in her arms, caressing his hair.

She treated him with care as if he could break at any moment. Not that he already hasn't. Hex thought sadly.

His breaths grew more shallow each second and Hex could only wish for help to arrive quicker. She did not know how to save a life, she was only trained to destroy it.

Frigga came running into the room along with Thor and Odin by her side. Thor fell to his knees upon seeing his brother in Hex's arms and slammed his wrists on the floor, cracking it upon impact. His own tears making their way down his face.

Frigga went quiet and knelt down next to the boy she grew to love as her own. She only held his hand and silently mourned for him, for she knows it is too late to save her son.

"We need to move him. There is no hope for his lost soul. He should be..." Odin could not finish his sentence when Hex interrupted him.

"NO!! You wouldn't even dare to come closer." She seethed at him. "He is your son! He is still alive! How could you speak as if he was not still breathing life?!"

"He is dying! We cannot help him. We need to arrange everything accordingly." Odin spoke harshly.

"Father..." Thor started but was interrupted by Hex.

"He is not dead! He will not be dead, I cannot let that happen!!" He screamed at Odin and looked down at the perfectly sculpted face beneath her.

"There is nothing we can do. We must let him go." Frigga spoke, her voice cracking. For she too knew that the prince is too far gone for help to arrive in time.

As Hex wept, her tears fell onto Loki's face and traveled down his cheek. Her tears making Loki 'cry' along with her. Both souls weeping as one.

With one last gentle stroke on his face, Loki stopped taking in the air around him. Hex could hear the subtle beat of his heart coming to a stand still under her hand.

The prince is lost, his soul departing from them both. Hex cried as she held him close to her and could slowly feel her own soul losing a piece of itself. Her heart slowing down to a steady pace as if it too was dying along with the man she held in her arms.

Hex let out a scream as Loki fell completely limp in her arms. Her head held high as her scream echoed through out Asgard. The prince was gone, the galaxy gaining another star in the sky.

As she screamed, her hair slowly turned white. Starting from her roots and slowly trailing down until she was left resembling that of a ghost. Her veins mirroring the phantom colouring of her locks.

As her scream stopped and her eyes opened, she no longer beared the ember colour that Loki adored so much, but was replaced with the same white of her hair and veins.

Frigga ubruptly stood up and took a few steps back. She wasn't scared of Hex, but rather intrigued at the new ability. Thor too stood and stared at the phenomena before him.

Odin only bared an expression of annoyance. As this was the exact ability he was trying to avoid and keep away from Hex. He wanted people to deem her a demon not an angel.

Hex no longer shed tears and stared down onto Loki's features. As she put her forehead onto his and held his face in her hands, his cuts seem to heal themselves.

His body becoming one again, his soul returning to its rightful owner. His heart sterring beneath his chest and his injuries only left with a mere memory interpreted by simple scars.

Hex's soul embracing Loki's again, a greeting for a long lost friend. Death it seems was not welcome in the midst of the god and the keeper.

Loki's hand slowly reached up to Hex's face and stroked her cheek. As he tucked her snow white hair behind her ear they gazed into one anothers eyes.

As their souls connected once again, Hex's colouring dissappeared and she returned to herself once more.

"You know I hate seeing you cry darling." He said, wiping away a stray tear from Hex's face.

"Why did you leave me? You're not allowed to go unless I'm right next to you." Hex said.

"I will never accept death if it means you walk the path to Valhalla with me." Loki said sadly.

Hex could only smile at what he said. She knows he is in pain and she vows to stay with him. She vowed that she will not leave him alone. For after all, a soul cannot be whole when it means it loses a part of its other half.

Frigga ran to the pair and embraced her son, crying tears of joy. Thor also joining in and almost crushing everyone in the process.

Odin only slowly turned around and left. He knew what Hex's new abilities meant and how she was able to reach them in the first place.

He was aware of their souls connecting as one and he would not allow his greatest weapon to be weakened. He knew he had to do something to prevent Hex ever becoming weak again.

He would have to turn her against her greatest enemy. He had to turn her against herself.