
Heroes? Villains? I Hate Them All

“There’s no such thing as heroes, those you call (heroes) are cheap individuals who play with the lives of the innocent just for fame.” At a very young age, Roy witnessed with his very eyes, the death of his parents who were caught in the battle between the mightiest hero of their city and the villain that threatened to destroy them. Growing up as a powerless orphan in a world of supernatural anomalies, he witnessed several inevitable casualties caused by the clashing of the so-called heroes and villains till one day…. he had enough. In an attempt to save a young boy from the same fate his parents suffered, he ended up another victim of the accursed cycle of death. However, fate was not done with him. “Heroes…. Villains…. I hate them… I hate them all!” After being granted a second chance at life by a supernatural deity, it didn't take long before he found out he awakened with supernatural abilities. Thanks to the intervention of what he referred to as (A true hero) who opened his eyes to the truth, Roy had only one goal in life, to end the cycle of pain and suffering. Follow Roy as he fights through various obstacles, embarking on numerous adventures all in order to become, The Top Hero of the city! Disclaimer: The cover photo isn't mine, credits to the artist! And I'll gladly bring it down if they don't approve of it.

Nikage · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

What Comes Next

Jin was experienced enough to detect the unpleasant feeling in the air, the feeling of not being wanted at any costs.

"Oh? What's this?" He muttered in his thoughts.

The situation became even more complex, when he first met Roy beneath the crater he was unable to sense or detect his Soul-Energy. But now for some reason, he could.

The attack on central Azarock and Roy's survival went public and soon everyone was talking about it.

"The other side? Tch, for a hero you really are delusional." Responding to his previous statement, Roy got up from the bed he laid in and picked up his jacket. He had no reason to stay close to any hero.

"An explosion powerful enough to level numerous city blocks and you only came out of it with a scratch?, now there's only one possible way that you could have come out of that alive. And there's only one way that I am now able to sense your Soul-Energy." Crossing his legs together and aligning his fingers, he smiled at the young Ryo.

"You just awakened your Soul-Core, didn't you?"

Uninterested in giving a response, he put on his jacket and walked towards the entrance of the room.

"You should be careful kid, new Soul-Users like you are unaware of the dangers that follows from awakening your Soul-Core." Jin said, leaving a stern note of warning to Roy.

"Soul-Energy? Soul-User? What is this guy talking about?" Roy mumbled softly, obviously confused by the terminologies implemented by Jin.

He smiled.

"I see you're unfamiliar with these concepts, you see Soul-Core is just the essence of our being. Not everyone is fortunate enough to develop one but those who are, are granted access to extraordinary abilities. An individuals Soul-Core is powered by what is known as Soul-Energy, that Soul-Energy determines the grade of an individuals Soul-Core. As for Soul-Users, to cut it short they are the users of Soul-Energy." With a detailed explanation, Jin delved into the concept of Soul-Core.

"Intriguing, but I didn't ask for an explanation." Roy stated simply, leaving the room instantly.

"Hey! Your not cleared to go!" The nurse in charge of watching over Roy exclaimed as she returned to the room only to find him leaving, but Roy ignored her remarks regardless.

"Honestly, kids this days." Heaving a heavy sigh, the nurse placed her right hand on her hip.

"It's okay, apparently he's fine." Jin said, placing his hand on the shoulder of the nurse.

"Oh..." The nurse responded softly, her cheeks turning red as she was a huge fan of Jin Zhen so him touching her almost made her lose her mind.

"Oh my God! It's Jin Zhen!" She jubilated in her thoughts.

"Can I take a look at the patients records?" He requested.

"Oh, right!" The nurse replied, coming back to her senses.

"His name is Roy Hiroto, we don't have much details about him but apparently he is an orphan. No next of kin." She added, handing over the patient's document to Jin.

"I see, this would be really useful. Thanks a lot." Jin expressed his gratitude as he left the room the next second.

"Roy Hiroto huh.." He mumbled as he drew out his cellphone and dialed a number on it.

[Conversation on phone]

Jin: "Yo, Tasashi how's everything? I need your help with something."

Tasashi: "After leaving me on read for three months, you have the nerve to call my number, and ask me for help!?"

Jin: "Oh come on man it's not like that, duty called. A hero's gotta do what a hero's got to do."

Tasashi: "Don't you dare use that excuse!"


Tasashi: "Tch, what is it that you want?"

Jin: "I need your help researching a kid named Roy Hiroto."

Tasashi: "Hiroto? That doesn't sound like a name belonging to a noble or royal family. Who is he?"

Jin: "My best guess, a commoner."

Tasashi: "What? A commoner? What's so special about a commoner that Jin Zhen gained interest in him?"

Jin: "Apparently, he awakened at the moment of his death."

Tasashi: "What!? You can't be serious! A commoner? Awaken? Preposterous!"

Jin: "I know it's hard to believe, which is why I need information on him. There's been no records in history that a commoner was able to awaken a Soul-Core. I want to get to the bottom of this."

Tasashi: "I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

Jin: "I'm on my way."

[Line disconnected]

"Good grief, this city just keeps getting stranger and stranger each passing day." Heaving a sigh, Jin departed from the hospital and headed towards Tasashi's residence.

A total of two hours had passed by since Roy left the hospital, he was mentally and physically tired after everything that had transpired so far. Refusing to go back to the orphanage, he went back to his marital home. Fortunately for him, it hasn't been destroyed so far.

Standing right in front of his marital home, it brought back so many good memories from his early childhood. He was yet to reach eighteen years of age making him underage.

A soft smile appeared on his face, some memories were just worth remembering.



Being a Soul-User now, he was now able to sense the Soul-Energy of other Soul-Users. His happy thoughts were interrupted by a large ball of flame which he was able to dodge at the last minute by plunging sideways after sensing where the ball of flames was directed at.

Unknown to Roy, by dodging the ball of flames at the last minute, he exposed his marital home to an inevitable danger. The flames engulfed the house swiftly burning down every nook and cranny of his home.

Roy watched with horror as his memories were burnt to a crisp.

"You're the boy who survived against my brother, are you not?"

The assailant revealed himself to be the brother of the huge man who attacked and killed Roy, they possessed the same similarities, the same Soul-Energy and even the same facial and body features.

"That means, you're the one who killed him. You bastard! Prepare to pay with your life!" He exclaimed, flames engulfing his two hands as he directed his gaze at Roy.

Roy on the other hand was flabbergasted, he paid no attention to the words his assailant spoke. His only focus was on his burning house.

"Tch, give a break... just give me a goddamn break!" He grunted.

Getting up to his feet, his facial expression changed. The radiant smile he had on his face turned upside down, his pupils dilated in anger as he turned his head slowly to face his assailant.

"That was my home, and you just burnt it down."

As he spoke, blue electricity, unlike the purple one he utilized during his awakening, sparked off his body little by little. His eyes reflecting his desire for revenge and payback.

"I'll kill you." He said, his voice laced with anger and hate.