
Heroes? Villains? I Hate Them All

“There’s no such thing as heroes, those you call (heroes) are cheap individuals who play with the lives of the innocent just for fame.” At a very young age, Roy witnessed with his very eyes, the death of his parents who were caught in the battle between the mightiest hero of their city and the villain that threatened to destroy them. Growing up as a powerless orphan in a world of supernatural anomalies, he witnessed several inevitable casualties caused by the clashing of the so-called heroes and villains till one day…. he had enough. In an attempt to save a young boy from the same fate his parents suffered, he ended up another victim of the accursed cycle of death. However, fate was not done with him. “Heroes…. Villains…. I hate them… I hate them all!” After being granted a second chance at life by a supernatural deity, it didn't take long before he found out he awakened with supernatural abilities. Thanks to the intervention of what he referred to as (A true hero) who opened his eyes to the truth, Roy had only one goal in life, to end the cycle of pain and suffering. Follow Roy as he fights through various obstacles, embarking on numerous adventures all in order to become, The Top Hero of the city! Disclaimer: The cover photo isn't mine, credits to the artist! And I'll gladly bring it down if they don't approve of it.

Nikage · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Enter Jin Zhen

"Oh my God!"

"What the hell happened here!?"

At long last, the valiant heroes who the hopeless little boy had hoped on before he passed away had finally shown their faces.

A set of heroes, reaching up to seven in total stood at the frontline of the crater which they estimated to be about fifty meters deep.

"However you view this, this was no normal battle." A mysterious figure voiced out from behind the seven.

"Jin Sensei!" They all chorused, giving off a sense of familiarity with the individual that addressed them.

Jin Zhen, the only hero without a codename is a man who was recently incorporated into the hero's game, however his power and accomplishments rose him to the top instantly.

He is a 6"2 tall individual with a lean, athletic frame that suggests both strength and grace. His chiseled features are accentuated by high cheekbones and a strong jawline, giving him a commanding presence. His eyes, a striking shade of deep brown, are often described as intense and expressive reflecting his brown silky hair.

His clothing included tailored suits that highlighted his statuesque physique. He gravitates towards colors that exude sophistication, such as charcoal gray, navy blue, and occasionally a daring deep burgundy.

His shirts are always crisp and perfectly fitted, often in classic whites or subtle patterns that add a touch of personality without overshadowing his overall polished appearance.

This man was part of an association of heroes known widely as "Alpha-Order". Dating several years ago in the large city of Azarock, an unexpected threat which called for the strength of each individual heroes spelled doom and destruction for everyone. To curb this, every individual hero banned together and formed what is known as "Heroes-Association".

From that point on, many branches were developed under this association and throughout the years only four of those associations had taken it's rightful place at the top, one of those four was the Alpha-Order.

"Huh?" Jin uttered.

Stepping forward, his gaze was directed to what laid at the bottom of the crater.

"Is he dead?" He said, questioning his subordinates understanding of the situation.

"We don't know sir, we only just got here." They responded.

"I see." With a soft reply, Jin slotted his hands into his pockets. Stretching his right leg forward, he succumbed to the effects of gravity and descended swiftly towards the bottom of the crater.

His silky brown hair flapped gracefully in the wind as the momentum of his descent increased exponentially. His subordinates were not worried in the least, after all this was a man considered to be the top dog of the Alpha-Order.

He landed gracefully, crouching on his two feet with his hands still inserted into his pockets for show.

"Jin Sensei! What's the situation!?" Ridden by curiosity, his subordinates didn't allow him time to examine the victim.

Examining the body of the victim, Jin made a shocking discovery. "No injuries? And somehow he ended up in the bottom of this huge crater?"

"Not to mention he's just a kid, and I can't even sense his Soul-Energy. What exactly caused that explosion?" Contemplating within his thoughts, a slight sigh escaped his mouth as he picked up the body of Roy and placed him on his shoulder.

"Call an ambulance! This kid is still alive." He proclaimed to his surbordinates.

"Yes sir!"

It didn't take long before an ambulance arrived at the scene as well as the police force of the city, this unknown yet potent catastrophe had to be addressed. No one could pinpoint the source of the large crater and from all the evidence presented, that kid couldn't have done it or so they thought.

An inevitable conclusion was reached, whoever was responsible for this was still at large.

The ambulance departed swiftly, rushing the young man towards the nearest hospital for a proper examination.

"I'll talk to the boy when he regains consciousness." Jin said, requesting for permission to continue the investigation his way.

"Oh hell no, you damn heroes stole our jobs to protect people and now you want to steal the only thing that's actually paying us our salary? We don't need your help!" The captain of the police force proclaimed, scolding Jin for his request.

"With all due respect sir, who do you think the boy is going to choose? The police force who can't do anything against this special wave of criminals or the people actually protecting them?" Stuck with his habit of inserting his hands into his pockets, Jin questioned them before departing to the hospital.

"Tch.." Grunting with frustration, the captains eyes twitched as both him and his force watched another hero take over their jobs.

"By the way, why don't you have a codename? I thought those are supposed to boost the confidence of civilians in heroes?" Frustrations aside, he had always wondered why the most famous top dog of the Alpha-Order was the only hero without a codename.

Jin halted his movements, turning his head backwards over his left shoulder to face the captain, he wore a huge smirk on his face.

"Because I am Jin Zhen, there is no greater confidence booster than that."

With his final words to the police force, he proceeded to the hospital to continue the investigation.


[Clive Aisle Hospital]

"You bastard!"

Yelling out of shock, Roy's upper body rose up swiftly from the bed. Charging towards his doom was one of the last things he could remember before he died.


He mumbled, as the nightmare was seemingly over.

"Ugh, my head." He massaged his head with his right hand as it appeared he awakened with a huge headache. Coming back from the dead was not something that occurred naturally as no one usually gets do-overs in life.

It took his head several moments to adjust to his body's current condition. He still felt the pains from his once broken arm, this feeling of pain was the last thing his nervous system and brain registered. Automatically, it would be the first thing he felt.

"You've finally regained consciousness, so how was it? You know, the other side?"

Startled by the voice he heard from the side of the bed, he focused his gaze quickly towards the progenitor.

"Jin Zhen.."

Roy's voice had a mix of anger and surprise. Jin Zhen is considered to be the next strongest hero after Magna so it indeed came as a shock to him, it was also appalling to Roy that he woke up in his second chance at life only to find a hero next to him.

Personally, his grudge with heroes was not nearly as deep as his grudge with villains. However, that didn't mean he despised them enough to kill them like every other villain. It only meant now that he has been granted a second chance at life, he'd right the wrongs of humanity once and for all.