
Heroes: The Cancer of the Multiverse

In a dying universe, a supernatural being chooses Atlas to save the multiverse from collapse. The threat comes from the increasing number of heroes being reincarnated into other universes. Atlas is tasked with hunting down these heroes, who have been granted powerful boons that make them nearly invincible. Atlas must rely on his wit and surprise to take down these powerful foes, and each new universe he enters presents a unique challenge with a different power system to master. With only his experience to aid him, Atlas begins his mission to save the multiverse. Will he succeed, or will the heroes prove too powerful to defeat? This story will feature dynamic character development, with a focus on character interactions rather than solely on the whole hero buisness. The Mc will also not always get what he wants or needs. He will only be able to fight the Hero with abilities he can reasonably get, and naturally, each universe he goes through will give him more of an advantage compared to the common people, but the real Heroes will always have something like classical fanfiction heroes, which means powers like Devil Fruits, Haki,  Ninjutusus, systems, cultivation, powerful bloodlines, magic, Marvel or DC powers, an inbuilt AI or other weird but powerful abilities.  P.S.: I don't own the rights to most universes that will be explored.

Sergeantgreen · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
87 Chs

Interlude: Generic Hero Part III

As Ethan stepped out of the enchanting Ollivanders, he couldn't help but notice the growing impatience of those in line behind him. A sense of guilt washed over him, realizing that he had spent an extraordinary amount of time within the shop's magical walls, perhaps longer than all the others combined. A pang of concern prickled his thoughts as he scanned the bustling crowd, his eyes frantically searching for his grandmother. To his relief, Professor McGonagall approached him, her voice carrying a comforting reassurance.

"Fear not, Ethan. Your grandmother went into the shop just behind you. She shall emerge momentarily," the professor informed him, her voice laced with a gentle tone.

And just as she had predicted, his grandmother emerged from the neighboring store, a radiant smile adorning her face. Ethan's gaze shifted downward as he found himself holding a small terrarium, inside of which resided a lively little toad. His grandmother's voice bubbled with childlike excitement as she explained her thoughtful gesture.

"My sister had a toad when she attended Hogwarts, you see. She told me that toads were quite popular pets among wizards, so I thought I would get one for you. I know we have our financial struggles, but remember, Ethan, life cannot always be lived frugally," his grandmother expressed in a whimsical manner, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Don't worry, dear, she wasn't too expensive. I managed to get a marvelous discount. Isn't she cool? Look at how she jumps around!"

Ethan couldn't help but sigh inwardly, knowing well that toads were often seen as the epitome of mundane and unexciting pets. While he understood that his grandmother's intentions were pure and rooted in her desire to bring him joy, he couldn't find it within himself to tell her to return the toad. Even Professor McGonagall regarded him with a hint of pity, and a few curious glances were cast his way by other parents, but no words were spoken.

For some reason, that look of pity sparked a flicker of anger within Ethan. He believed there was no need for pity simply because he received a sincere gift, even if it happened to be a mundane toad. Determined to show his gratitude, he mustered a smile, concealing any trace of disappointment. The name felix—symbolizing good fortune and luck—danced at the tip of his tongue, ready to be bestowed upon the toad. However, his grandmother insisted that the toad was female and should be aptly named Felicia.

Suppressing a sigh, Ethan nodded and embraced the name Felicia, accepting the toad as his lucky companion, even if it didn't quite align with his expectations. After all, his grandmother's happiness was far more important than his own personal preferences.

Once everyone had acquired their wands and the excitement settled into a more subdued anticipation, Professor McGonagall gathered the group. Her voice, filled with wisdom and guidance, resonated through the bustling streets of Diagon Alley.

"Remember, until you turn seventeen, casting magic is only allowed within the confines of the school. Practice caution and never attempt spells without proper supervision. However, you should delve into the books you've acquired today, using them as a foundation for your upcoming studies," Professor McGonagall explained, her words a gentle reminder of the responsibilities that awaited them.

Ethan listened and was quite annoyed by that rule. He had already imagined himself grinding all first-year spells and collecting the sweet sweet skillpoints with his system, but it looked like he had to restrain himself.


Upon returning home, Ethan wasted no time delving into his newfound treasure trove of books. Naturally, the first one on his agenda was the Handbook his grandmother had purchased along with Felicia. He realized that if he wanted to ensure the toad's survival beyond the first day, he needed to familiarize himself with its needs. The clerk had assured his grandmother that toads were relatively easy to care for, requiring only protection from winter's chill and a diet of insects. Ethan soon discovered that, aside from their propensity for jumping and eating, toads led a rather uneventful existence. He understood why some people deemed them boring. After feeding Felicia and offering her some affectionate strokes, he unexpectedly unlocked a skill called "toad handling." Naturally, he declined this particular skill, wanting to reserve every available skill slot for when he could finally wield his wand.

While engrossed in his reading, Ethan's grandmother interjected with an exclamation of delight, casting her attention upon Felicia. "Oh, a toad! How sweet! My sister had a toad," she remarked, oblivious to her previous involvement in the toad's acquisition. Ethan felt a pang of sadness, witnessing his grandmother's memory fade and hearing the repetition of her sister's story for the fifth time. Yet, he clung to the hope that the potion Professor McGonagall had arranged would bring her some relief. The professor had already made arrangements with Snape, who had agreed to provide Ethan with two private lessons focused on the potion.

As Ethan busily flipped through his other schoolbooks at an inhuman speed, he absentmindedly petted Felicia. His grandmother, noticing the toad's presence, chimed in with childlike delight. "Oh, a toad! How sweet. My sister had a toad," she exclaimed, her memory betraying her as she repeated the tale for the fifth time. Though it pained Ethan to witness her forgetfulness, he held onto the hope that the upcoming potion would bring her some relief. Professor McGonagall had already arranged for Snape to provide him with two private lessons concerning the potion, and Ethan found solace in that.

Ethan scrutinized his skill list, contemplating which abilities he desired to acquire.


Ethan Brown

Age: 11

Health 100%

Mana 100%

Stamina 100%

Tier 1 Skills:

Thinking Level 83

Sleeping (in bed): Level 46

Headstart: Level 19

Experimenting: Level 67







Tier 1 Skillpoints: 219

Tier 1 Skills (Stagnant)

Breathing: Level 122

Walking: Level 121

Reading: Level 200

Talking: Level 138

Calculating: Level 104

Studying: Level 179

Writing: Level 106

Memorize: Level 100

Teaching: Level 100

Punching: Level 80

Tier 2 Skills

Collaborative Learning: Level 41

Pleasing Voice: Level 100

Jab: Level 97

Sensory Memory: Level 41

Marathon: Level 72

Precise Calculation: Level 59

Elaborate Writing: Level 29

Enduring Respiration: Level 87

Contextual Perception: Level 90


Tier 2 Skillpoints: 616

Tier 3 Skills (Locked)

Level (Locked)


Tier 3 Skillpoints: 0

Tier 4 Skills (Locked)

Level (Locked)

Requirements to Unlock

Collect 50 Tier 3 Skillpoints

As Ethan glanced at the list of his skills, a tinge of melancholy washed over him. The rapid progress he had once experienced in certain areas had significantly dwindled after he departed from the government program for gifted children. Naturally there were exceptions too, like the skill pleasant voice levelled like crazy because he could read everything out loud instead of just reading for himself. Now that he knew he was a wizard, he felt a surge of gratitude for not getting the government's support for an IT-career. Had he been able to do so, his skill slots would have undoubtedly been occupied by a different set of abilities.

With six free Tier 1 skill slots at his disposal, Ethan was relieved to find that his previous skill set remained remarkably useful for any aspiring wizard, enabling him to study at an astonishing speed. He was confident that at least one skill related solely to spellcasting would be attainable, and he eagerly planned to acquire the Potioneering skill as soon as possible. Not only was it a lucrative profession, but it also held the key to healing his grandmother. Ethan even contemplated taking a highly specialized skill solely for the Memory Potion that Professor McGonagall had mentioned. He hoped that this skill could eventually be fused with Potioneering, but even if it couldn't, he was willing to make the sacrifice.

This left him with three more skill slots to fill, which proved more challenging as he was unaware of the specific requirements for their advancement. If specific spells, like his Punching spell, could level up through usage, he considered grinding these spells relentlessly. He imagined a Shock spell capable of incapacitating someone for days after his system boosted its power, or a Protego charm becoming an impenetrable defense surpassing even solid walls. Tempted to select one skill for offense and another for defense, he would still have a single skill slot remaining. The possibilities seemed endless, and even seemingly mundane skills like "Sleeping" needed to be reconsidered as his circumstances changed once more.


The following day, as promised, a package containing potion samples from Professor McGonagall arrived. Ethan couldn't contain his excitement as he witnessed the miraculous effects of the potions on his grandmother. For the first time since her dementia diagnosis, she experienced a day filled with clarity and joy. The potions worked so well that Ethan believed they were a complete cure, surpassing even Professor McGonagall's expectations. However, the bittersweet reality set in when his grandmother gained enough lucidity to comprehend how much the disease had changed her. In response, Ethan made a heartfelt promise to study diligently and provide her with a steady supply of potions, allowing her to lead an almost normal life once again.

This time, his grandmother didn't dismiss his concerns with reassurances. Instead, she expressed genuine gratitude. However, the effects of the potion were temporary, lasting only six hours before his grandmother gradually returned to her previous state. With a heavy heart, Ethan made the difficult decision to withhold the remaining potion samples. He wanted his grandmother to be as self-sufficient as possible during his absence, ensuring that they didn't waste a single precious potion until a reliable supply could be secured. He still asked a friendly neighbour to look after her every few days in case something happened. He just hoped that his gran would in that case be able to sent the neighbours letter to him.


A month had passed, and the highly anticipated moment had arrived. An hour before the Hogwarts Express departed for Hogsmeade, Ethan stood at King's Cross Station. Armed with Professor McGonagall's detailed instructions on how to access Platform 9¾ and the knowledge he had from the movies, he felt confident and prepared.

Excitement coursed through him as he stepped onto the train, and even before he could fully settle in, his black wand began to glow. With a flick of his wrist, he effortlessly cast the lumos charm, witnessing his mana decrease slightly to 99%. However, his toad, Felicia, seemed less thrilled about the train ride and attempted to make a hasty escape. Drawing from his knowledge, Ethan expertly handled his amphibious companion, preventing any misadventures. He didn't plan to let Felica go on as many adventures as Neville let his Toad go on.

Being early, most compartments remained unoccupied, granting Ethan a solitary space to share with Felicia. As he peered out the window, he observed a growing crowd of people streaming onto the platform. However, after a brief moment of observation, Ethan decided that his time would be better spent honing the skills he desired. He cast the lumos and nox spells in tandem repeatedly, determined to unlock the specific abilities he sought. Testing the spells a few more times, he awaited any signs of similar spells unlocking before examining the array of new skills available to him.


Tier 1

Skill Level: unavailable

Level up requirements:

Use any kind of magic 50 times


Magic becomes easier to control

Baselevel + Skill Level * 0,5%

Among the choices, "Magic" caught his attention as a broad and fundamental skill for a wizard. Tempting as it was, Ethan wanted to explore other options first. Spellcasting, the skill he had anticipated, appeared with intriguing possibilities.


Tier 1

Skill Level: unavailable

Level up requirements:

Cast 100 spells


Increase the speed at which you cast spells

Baselevel + Skill Level * 1%


Increase the speed at which you cast spells

General 1% per Level

With a wand 2% per Level

With an incantation 2% per Level

With a wand and an incantation 3% per Level

In a Train:5 % per Level

While sitting: 3% per Level

The options presented to him indicated the potential for nonverbal spells, although they were not listed yet since Ethan hadn't cast any. The same applied to wandless magic, another avenue he found fascinating. However, considering his limited skill slots, he had to choose carefully. One thought crossed his mind: fusing wandless magic, wand magic, verbal spells, and nonverbal magic into a single powerful skill. Yet, such a decision would significantly postpone his potioneering plans, which he was unwilling to delay. Reluctantly, he opted for the version that enhanced his spellcasting speed with a wand and an incantation. He was pleased that it focused on speed rather than raw power, recalling how his punching skill (now jab) had progressed much faster with a speed bonus.

The next skill that caught his eye was lumos.

Cast the skill "lumos"

Tier 1

Skill Level: unavailable

Level up requirements:

Cast lumos 50 times


Increase the speed at which you cast spells

Baselevel + Skill Level * 5%

The astounding 5% boost was tempting, yet Ethan hesitated to dedicate a skill slot solely to lumos. Though he longed for variants like casting Lumos with a wand, he knew he couldn't be too greedy. Observing the pattern, he deduced that it would likely require 50 spellcasts to unlock the corresponding skill for each spell. This might prove challenging for more complex spells like the giant fire serpent Voldemort summoned in his duel against Dumbledore, but the rewards would likely match the effort. Fortunately, he already had a perfect training ground in mind—the Room of Requirement.

Continuing to cast lumos and nox in tandem, he diligently honed his newly acquired skill, aided by the headstart boost. His compartment resembled a vibrant disco, with flickering lights illuminating the space. Sensing Felicia's unease, Ethan covered the tip of his wand, reducing the disturbance caused by the erratic glow. He also noticed that his mana remained above 98% despite the repeated spellcasting within the hour. Uncertain if the spell required mana solely upon activation rather than per cast, he resolved to further test this hypothesis during his skill grinding sessions.

Just as the announcement of the impending departure echoed through the train, two girls stumbled into Ethan's compartment, almost losing their balance in the process. One was a statuesque, athletic blonde with a ponytail and a captivating face. The other, a petite brunette, appeared utterly breathless, as if she had just completed a marathon.

"You should've done more sports, Amy," the blonde girl chided the brunette between gasps for air.

"I... hate... sports..." Amy managed to wheeze out, her breath still ragged.

Perplexed, Ethan observed the two girls, thinking they hadn't noticed his presence yet. However, his suspicion was confirmed as the blonde girl's surprised gaze met his.

"Amy, pull yourself together. We have company," the blonde girl instructed, assisting Amy to at least sit upright.

"Hello, my name is Leona," the blonde introduced herself, extending her hand. "And this lazy bum here is Amy."

"I'm not... lazy... I'm just... not sporty... you stupid tomboy," Amy retorted, gradually regaining her breath.

"Who are you calling a tomboy, you... you..." Leona stammered, momentarily at a loss for a fitting insult.

Ethan cleared his throat, interrupting their small quarrel, and extended his hand in introduction.