
They're Everywhere.

Lynn stamped her feet impatiently as she scouted the hallway for Simon.

She'd tried to call him after the wolf left her room but he didn't pick up. It was a first. He would usually pick up almost immediately. Two beeps were the latest, but now she'd left him fifteen missed calls but he didn't pick up. She was scared something had happened while she was out and was about to rush out to check up on Adam and Aaron when he finally sent a message saying everything was okay and that she'd helped a lot. She was relieved when she saw Adam and Aaron at school, but that wasn't all she was curious about.

She wanted to know more.

She sighed at Simon's peculiar branded hoodie as he walked toward her. She knew he was going for his books but before he could say anything, she took hold of his hand and dragged him to a place she knew would be empty at the time. Just as she thought, the court was empty.

"Where's your phone?" She shot at Simon. With a confused look, he took it out of his pocket and stretched it out to her. She took the phone and noticed it was different. "You got a new phone. I was trying to call you, I guess that's why you didn't pick up. What happened to the old one?"

"It cracked."

"You've only had that for a month, and why didn't

you just fix it instead of getting another one? This seems much more expensive than the last." Lynn said and Simon went quiet for a moment.

"I- didn't think about that." He said and Lynn could only stare at him.

"Must be nice living with a mind like yours." She said sarcastically.

The truth is it broke when he and White were busy throwing fists while she was asleep. It was beyond repair. Though she doesn't need to know that, he thought.

Remembering what had happened, he said.

"Lynn. I need you to be honest with me. I'm gonna say something now, tell me the first thing that comes to your mind okay?"

Lynn, caught off guard by his sudden change in mood replied seriously.

"Sure. I'm listening."

He wanted confirmation of how she knew White's nickname when she's never met him. He swallowed and the word came out.


Lynn stared back at him and her lips parted.

"Is- a beautiful- color??!" Her face wrung up confusedly as she wasn't even sure of what she was doing. Simon looked displeased as he waved it off.

"That's not it." He said and got serious again. Staring at her, he said "Snowdrop."

She paused as she seemed to give it a thought. Suddenly, she snapped her fingers and her eyes lit up.

"I got it! I got it! Isn't that the name of this movie featuring a popular artist?!"

A minute's silence passed as Simon tried to process her words.

"What?!" Simon said as his excitement dropped.

"What? That's not it? I didn't get it right?" She said obliviously as Simon looked away and let out the biggest sigh. He couldn't believe he was excited to hear her reply.

"Hey. Don't go sighing like that, you're the one who said to say the first thing on my mind! And I thought we were playing a game? What is this supposed to be about?"

Simon looked back at her as he let out another dejected sigh "Forget it."

"What?" Lynn said unbelievably.

"What did you want to talk about anyway?" Simon asked, changing the subject. She folded her arms suspiciously but got to the point anyway.

"Don't you have something to say to me?"

His brows furrowed "Like what?"

"Like what's been going on these past days? What happened after I blacked out yesterday?"

"Hm, nothing serious. Just a little of this and that."

"What is the 'little of this and that?"

He stared at her as he could understand why she would be curious about what's been happening, but he felt she didn't have to know more than she already did.

"Look Lynn, everything's fine now. We got through the mess thanks to you. Don't worry, you won't get dragged into all this anymore." He said as Lynn only gave him the look of are- you- kidding -me?.

"I got kidnapped and saw humans change into a full wolf. I also saw you move too fast and make a crack in the wall with just your hand but you say I should stay unaware of the truth of all this? Won't you at least tell me what you are?"

He slid his hands into his hood pocket and let out a soft sigh. He thought it was okay letting her know about that, if he didn't tell her, he knew she would bother all day.

"I'm a vampire."

"And so are Adam and Aaron." She added

"Wellll, Adam's a vampire, but Aaron isn't. He's a werewolf. He can also change into a full wolf."

She went silent for a moment before she said "So you're saying you take blood, can run a mile in ten seconds, and you also get affected by a cross?"

"First off, I do take blood... but donations. I don't attack humans. Also, it's five seconds, not ten. I run a mile in five seconds. And lastly, we do get affected by that– the cross that is, but that only affects weak vampires. I'm stronger so it doesn't work on me."

Lynn stared unbelievably at the smirk on his face. She couldn't believe there was more to the hot-faced idiot in front of her. She felt she was taking this too well. Seeing how his eyes were the normal honey-brown shade made her remember she had seen them turn red.

"I would've thought you're feeding me bullshit but I've seen this with my own eyes so it's a bit hard to deny."

Simon shrugged as if to say 'believe it or not.

"Do Jane and Noel know about this?"

"Jane, yes. Noel, no." He answered and added immediately "And you can't tell her."

"Why not?"

"Noel's human, and so are you. It's dangerous to get involved with us and I wouldn't want you or Noel to be in danger." He said hoping she could see how much he meant what he'd just said.

"Fine." She said and he nodded. "But why do you speak like Jane isn't also human."

He went silent and Lynn's eyes widened "Which one is she?"


She couldn't hide her shock as she just remembered she'd also seen a lot of people during their gathering.

"Is there any other person normal around me except Noel?!"

"Of course. Chris is also a human. So you also can't tell him, no matter how hot you think he is." He jested as Lynn hurriedly cupped his mouth and looked around frantically.

"Are you crazy?! What if someone heard you?!"

He pulled her hand off as he could hear her heart racing. He shook his head as he thought White still had a long way to go.

"You're not worried people would hear us secretly talking about werewolves and vampires but us talking about how hot Chris is?"

"Shut it!" She shot through gritted teeth as Simon raised his hands in a surrender form.

"Sorry." He said. The bell rang and their heads perked up. "Let's get to class."

She agreed and they turned to leave but Simon stopped and back at Lynn once again with a stern look.

"I'm letting you onto all this for a reason. I would be lying if I said you're safe right now but you need to trust me when I say this. Adam, Aaron, and Jane, if you come across any other of our kind...run. If you can't get out, just call my name." He pointed to his ear "I can't just run a mile in seconds, I've also got great hearing. You have to promise to tell me if anything happens. I'll be there as fast I can."

She could tell he was serious. She nodded.


He left as she was left wondering what exactly he was being so careful of. She suddenly remembered something else she wanted to ask him. Back when she had been kidnapped, the voice she heard in her head, She couldn't tell who it was.

She walked out and went into her classroom with half of the class already settled in. Noel waved her fingers at her and said with a smile.

"Hey girl"

"Hey," Lynn replied as she took her seat.

"Where've you been? I was surprised to see myself on a desk before you." She said.

"I was with Simon."

"Oh. Thank goodness you look better now. You looked so pale yesterday I thought you were fading off."

Lynn chuckled "I guess I was just a little bit stressed."

She still couldn't explain what had made her so weak, but she felt better so she felt didn't have to worry about it anymore.

"Don't push it, for real. Let me know anytime you feel stressed, and I'll fly you out of here." She clicked her tongue and they both laughed.


At lunchtime, Noel and Lynn discussed their way to the cafeteria. Noel planned to get her hair done at the salon and Lynn decided to go with her.

"I don't have practice today," Lynn said as they made their way to an empty table.

"I really don't know what style to go with this time. What do you think Lynn?" Noel asked and Lynn looked at her.

Her radiant brown skin stood out beautifully, even more as she put up her black curly hair in a bun with neatly lined edges.

"I honestly think anything would look good on you," Lynn said truthfully.

"There you go flattering me again," Noel said as she waved her hand with a smile, but Lynn knew she liked it.

"Just shave it off. Then you have less to think about." Simon said as he took a seat with Jane.

"This is why you still don't have a girlfriend." Jane pointed out as Simon looked sour.

"That's a sensitive topic Jane and you know it."

"It's exactly why she picked it," Noel said and they both smiled. "By the way, what are you gonna do about the test you missed? Mr. Cr.awler could let you take it again but I'm not sure about Miss Tess. She takes attendance very seriously."

"Oh that, I already took it."

"What?!" Noel and Lynn said in unison.

"How'd you do that?"

"I just spoke to her and she let me take it." He shrugged and they both stared wide-eyed at him. He could understand Noel being shocked but he didn't know why Lynn was. But then again, he didn't tell her about their mind control. One of the perks of being a vampire that he loved. Adam and Aaron joined the table.

"Oh Aaron, here." Jane threw a pack of chips to Aaron. "That's the flavor you asked me to get you, right?"

"Yeah. Thanks a lot. It's so hard to find this around." Aaron beamed as they all stared at the garlic-flavored chips.

"Where's mine?" Adam asked as he stretched out his hand to Jane.

"You didn't ask me to get you one. Besides, that was the last one on the shelf."

"But I want one."

"Sorry." Lynn shrugged with a smile and Adam stared at Aaron. They knew he was ready to start something.

"Why didn't you get one for me too?" He pouted.

"Why should I? You don't even like this flavor."

"Yes, I do," Adam replied immediately and grabbed the chips.


"Rock paper scissors!" Adam rushed, catching Aaron off guard as he threw scissors while Adam showed paper. The others laughed as Aaron shook his head in disbelief.

"Why call the game when you never win? Hand it over." Aaron said and Adam hesitated before slowly stretching the chips out to him.

"It's not fair. I want something from Jane too." Adam stared at Jane and she gave him a look that said 'seriously?'

Jane sighed and said "Alright. I'll get you ice cream later."

"Yes!" Adam pumped his fist.

"I want one too," Aaron said and they all looked at him. "What?"

"No way. She already got you the chips."

"Then you have it." Aaron shoved the chips at Adam.

"Eww no! I don't even like this flavor."

"But you said you did! Take it..."

Noel slammed her fork on the tray and they all flinched. She glared at the twins and said.

"What are you, elementary kids? If you don't stop all that whining I'll take that chip and eat it."

Aaron slowly withdrew the chips as he knew she could do it.

"You don't have to be so harsh," Adam said and Noel looked at him.

"Don't make me take out your teeth."

Adam cupped his hand over his mouth as he stared at her eyes widened. He wasn't sure if she knew it but she'd just threatened his weak point.

"You frighten me, Noel," Simon said as his body shivered.

Lynn couldn't stop staring at all of them. She still couldn't believe the ones in front of her were vampires and werewolves. They looked nothing out of place, she looked around the cafeteria wondering who amongst them wasn't human. It felt weird but thrilling at the same time.

"Hey, guys." Chris stood at their table as Lynn's head swerved to him.

"What took you so long? We were getting impatient without you around." Simon asked as he gave Lynn a weird smile but the killer look she returned made his smile disappear.

"I had to round up something. I'll be eating with my class today so you guys eat up."



"Hm." He turned to leave and Lynn let out a low sigh. She would be lying if she said she wasn't waiting up for him.

"Oh right. Lynn."

"Yeah?" Her head shot up.

"Do you have time this weekend?"

"This weekend?" She gave it a thought "Uh, yeah I do."

"Really?" Chris said and flashed her a smile that filled her stomach "Cool. Save it up for me."

"O-okay." She said taken aback. She watched Chris leave without giving much details so she looked back at the table. "What's going on this weekend?"

She finally noticed the shocked look on their faces.


"Who else did Chris ask to free up Saturday raise your hand?" Noel whispered excitedly as no hands went up except Lynn's. She blinked confusedly as Jane and Noel shared a silent squeal. It took her a while to realize.

"Wait. It's just gonna be two of us?!" She freaked out.

"It's about time," Adam said "Chris might be dumb but he was bound to find out. I'm just surprised it took him this long to move."

"True." Aaron said and scoffed "He didn't even invite us to come along."

"Yeah right. To do what? Third wheel your way around them?" Noel asked and looked at Lynn.

"You have to tell us everything that happens okay?" Noel beamed along with Jane.

"W-wait hold on... You all knew?" Lynn asked and they all gave her a questioning look.

"Know about what?" Jane asked.

"I mean... You know... Me, liking Chris." She said as her voice trailed off shyly.

"Aren't you just the cutest thing out there," Jane said with a smile.

"I wouldn't be surprised if the whole school knows," Simon said and her mouth dropped.


"Don't mind him, he's just teasing you," Noel paused and added seriously "But he's right. I also won't be surprised. You wear it on your face like makeup don't worry girl we've got you."

Lynn couldn't believe she had been so obvious all this while. And it was just going to be the two of them?!

"I feel like my head's gonna pop out if I think about this any longer," Lynn said as she suddenly didn't have the appetite to eat her lunch, she felt giddy in her stomach and her face wouldn't stop feeling hot.

Simon silently observed Lynn as all he could think about was White. He really wished her strong feelings weren't for Chris but for White, but that was out of his control.

After school, Noel and Lynn arrived at the salon. Noel went in and Lynn was about to follow suit when she saw something drop from the corner of her eyes. A paper had dropped from someone's pocket.

"Hey." She called out but he didn't seem to have heard her cause he kept walking. His red hoody covered him up so she couldn't see him. She went back to pick it up and opened it to see directions drawn on it.

"This looks important." She thought and went after him. More like she ran, he walked fast. "Excuse me! Slow down, you dropped something."

"Hey!" She tapped him and felt him flinch.

As he turned back, the wind picked up and blew off his hoody. His long white hair fell down his back and disappeared into the hoodie, exposing his chiseled face. His pale skin radiated under the shade and his pretty blue eyes met hers.

She froze.