
Her Love For Him!

I met I boy and fallen for him but may be destiny wanted something else, Something really cruel. But I am not that girl who give up so easily I'll make him fall from me even more harder, I am going to snatch him from my stupid fucking destiny. **** 'Shivaay Singh Oberoi' A lovable and intelligent boy who became cruel and ruthless Mafia Boss because of some incidents. 'Ojashwi Singhania' A cute and extrovert who loves him since childhood. Will she able to tame him or he'll destroy her....?

WrittenbyWitch · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


~Shivaay's POV~

We all went inside the castle while some servant took our bags to the room. Ojashwi was so excited that she got everything she wanted in her life.

A maid came and said, "Mam everything is ready."

Mrs. Singhania [Aunty] says to us, "Maid will take you to your room, You can rest there....and one more thing we are waiting for you on Lunch."

"Yeah sure Bhabhi" mom said.

{Bhabhi means sister in law}


I came down from my bedroom to the dining room. I saw everyone was there, everyone was waiting for me. I went there and sat on the sofa beside my uncle, Dad and Uncle were watching some news stuff. Ayan bhaiya, Ojashwi and A girl....I don't know who she was. They were talking about something and Ojashwi showed something to them on her phone. Mom and aunty were in the kitchen.

{Bhaiya means Big Brother}

I looked at Ojashwi but she was busy with her phone. Maybe she hasn't noticed me yet. I was about to poked my brother and told him to call on my phone but my sudden thought hit me like-

'Man what the hell you were about to do? you were about to pretend like you have lost your phone, so you can gain her attention....really man? you were the one who said you never gonna feel anything for her now you are trying to gain her attention.'

'OH FUCK!! what the hell I was about to do.'

I was regretting my decision but then mom came out of the kitchen and called us for lunch. When I started walking toward the dining table my eyes met the most beautiful forest green eyes which were looking at me so meticulously. Whenever I scrutinised her Angelic face and her eyes I always found myself somewhere lost, somewhere lost in her thoughts.

Oh Darling, All the city lights

Never Shine As Bright As Your Eyes!!


~Ojashwi's POV~

I was about to reach the dining table but suddenly Ahana came close to me and whispered in my ears "Babe! look back."

When I looked back I saw he had changed his clothes. Maybe he had a shower because his hair was messy and wet. To be honest right now he was looking like a perfect example of PERFECTION, he was wearing black knee length shorts with white T-shirt and black drop shoulder shirt.

My eyes met with his honey brown eyes or I can say Amber eyes, but suddenly he broke our eye contact and went to dining table like he ignored me.

'What was that? Did he just ignore you?' My consciousness said.

I settled on my seat and he sat opposite of me but where he settled down that chair was just in front of me that's why I was able to see his face clearly and that scene was make my heartbeat fast, super fast like if my heart beats like that for one more minute I will die for sure.

Ahana kicked my feet while coming close to me and whispered, "Babe you need to stop staring at him and finish your lunch. If you don't do that then I'm sure your parents will ask you why you aren't eating your lunch and you know very well you will not be able to answer that shit."

"I know," I said while kicking her back.

Everyone was so happy they were enjoying every second. I was admiring them and thinking I am lucky I have a family like them. After some time suddenly dad's phone started ringing....RING....RING....RING. He picked the call and after 40 seconds of talking, he cut the call and said while looking at mom, "Right now I have to go and maybe I'll be late at night."

After seeing papa in a hurry uncle got up from his chair and said to dad, "Wait Vikram I'm coming too."

They both went out of the house, they were in such a hurry. I started panicking to see them . I saw Shivaay. He was so calm. Seeing him like this I couldn't stop myself and I asked him, "Aren't you worried?"

Firstly he looked at me and replied in a super calm tone, "Worried?...for what?" After saying this he again started finishing his lunch.

"They both went out in a hurry, don't you think something bad had happened."

After hearing what I said he again looked at me and said, "Happening something bad is part of their job and I know they can handle that shit too."

"No, Happening something bad isn't part of their job, how the hell can you say that?"

"Wait...don't tell me you don't know what they do...you know right?" he said while giving me a little taunting smile.

"I know they are businessmen" I roared at him.

"Really, then you know nothing about them, You are really stupid. They are-" Suddenly Aunty stopped him and said, "Both of you stop fighting and finish your lunch. Okay?"

I was so confused why he was talking like that, Dad is a businessman isn't he? Then, why was he talking like that? He's such an Asshole.

"Mumma listen, Dad is a businessman right, then....then why Shivaay is talking like Dad is Mafia or something?"

After listening to my question. Aunty and Mumma looked at each other it seems like they so shocked when I looked at Shivaay, he was staring at me with disappointed eyes, "Mumma tell me"

"Yess my love they are businessman and you know sometimes Dad's deal got stop because of some bad people and he's the Director of his Industry that's why Papa was in so hurry"

"Okay Mumma" I said but I'm not satisfied I can feel something fishy.

"Now both of you, finish your lunch" Aunty said pointing her index finger toward our lunch plates.

After finishing my lunch I went to my room and lay on my bed. Ahana came to my room and we were talking about our school time but she said something which made my heart flutter. She said, "Shivaay is really handsome right now just look at him."

"Wait what? what do you mean right now?" I asked her.

"Yeahh right now he's wandering in the garden with his damn perfect look."

I quickly got up from bed and went to the window where Ahana was standing and I saw him, she was right. Without saying anything to her I went out of the room and started running toward the garden. I reached the garden's gate, I took a deep breath and started walking toward him. My heart was beating really fast like it would burst out at any moment.

I went near him and I asked, "What are you doing here?"

He turned right to look at me and confessed, "Nothing, I was just looking at your garden. It's the first time I've ever seen something like that. This is really beautiful."

"Oh really, Then I'm sure you'll like my secret place too" I cheered.

"Is that so?"

"Yeahh....Hey firstly let's be friends." I said while giving my hand to him for a handshake.

He shaked my hand and said, "Okay, Sure."

Finally, I did it. We are friends now.

'Yeah I'm proud of you girl.' My consciousness said.

"What are you thinking?" Shivaay asked me while having a confused expression on his face.

"Nothing, I was content that we are friends now" I confessed with a little smile.

"And why are you content? Is there any specific ground behind that?" he questioned with his killer tiny smile.

"Umm, I don't know....by the way you have a really beautiful smile."

He turned his face left while putting the back side of hand on his lips and whispered, "Really, You are the first one who said that" he whispered so slowly however I was able to hear him.

"Lier! What about your parents??"

"Expect them"

"Damn man, how can you be so stupid? When your parents already tell you that you have a pretty smile then why do you care about anyone?" I exclaimed.

"No it's not like that. You are wrong....I..I don't know how to explain" he replied.

"Fine, Fine, Fine. let me take you somewhere" after saying this I hold his hand and start running after me he runs too. We both arrived at my 'secret place' (first place in chapter 1). It's not exactly a secret but I always come here whenever I want some peace. Only Ahana knows about this place.


~Shivaay's POV~

In the distance, there is a grove of trees the same size and shape. Sunlight arrows through the brunch of the trees. How could paradise look like, you might ask, never mind if Gods do exist, this place is their hideaway or some kind of their playground. That might seem a bit ironic. There you might see mackerel-blue sky and sea-silver cloud chasing the grass into shadow coming from the dusk. I was able to hear the sound of birds and water. The birds were singing while water was giving them a beat for their beautiful song. It seems like If you came here at night, you would notice the wind music of the trees, birds and water and gentle creaking and whispering of leaves.

"Ovii, Is there a river or lake somewhere near?" I questioned her.

"Fucking damn boy! You really have good ears. Yeahh there is a river.'' She cheered with a little shocking expression.

I smiled at her and she smiled at me too. Whenever she smiles I find myself falling for her smile again and again.

I was just scanning everywhere then she asked while having a huge smile on her face, "So how's it?"

I closed my eyes and inhaled a long deep breath like I was trying to catch all air inside me after 31 second I opened my eyes again and looked at her Gaze was fixed on me with little excitement which was easily to notice and then I told her, "This is the best place I've ever been...Ummm.... Thank you for taking me here."

"Really.....You can come here with me whenever you want" She said with excitement

'What? With me?'

"Umm....Sure why not" I replied

After listening to my reply she gave me a beautiful smile and I smiled too. We spent approx 5 hours there. We played so many games and we talked a lot, she told me so many things about her. In those conversations she was talking and I was just listening to her. To be honest I can listen to her stupid talks for a whole straight day or maybe my whole life!


So, this was chapter Four of

'Her Love For Him'

Do you like the chapter? And what do you think about Shivaay how's he?

I am reminding you again if you like this story don't forget to read this chapter and at this book in your library.

That motivates me!
