

I thought that right after I vanished, I'll come back to nothingness. I'll be wandering and floating around in an unknown world.


Did you ever wonder what it felt like when you die? Will you be full of happiness to finally leave this chaotic world or will you be full of regrets of things you didn’t do before?

I did not regret anything in my life except on leaving Devoree all alone. If only I stay, if I stay with her and give her the life she ever dreamed of, things will not end up like this.

But at the back of my mind, there's something telling me that if those didn't happen, I will not get to see or meet those two who gave my life a worth.

If it wasn't for those two, I will not realize that my life will be valuable. I saved a life. And the best feeling is 'that life' shares the same blood as mine. Though she might not be directly related to ours. I can see my child in her.