
Help!: I Think My System Is Trying To Kill Me!

Author-san here! Well, I know you're all here for some adventure, so don't worry. I've got you covered! (^0^)  This is my original work, and I know you all will like it. So shamelessly lean back into your seats and read away!  Of course, don't forget to check out my other books: •I'm The King Of Technology. •Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You? •And finally: 'In A Cultivation World With An Entertainment Park.' You can also visit my website for more books: https://LumydeeNovels.Gumroad.com/ Well, that's enough of that. So back to the synopsis! ...... What to do? Ji Feng suddenly found himself in the body of a youngster named Wolfram Lockhart, the son of the deceased village head. Okay. So he transmigrated. That, he could live it.  But please... Can anyone tell him why he transmigrated with such a crazy system by his side? [Host, it looks like your uncle is heading your way. Hahahhahaha~... Host, you're about to get butchered. This is fun to watch!] '_' [Host, host, where are you going? So what if you're as weak as a chicken? Come on, dive into the battle. What's the worst that can happen?] '_' [Wait! Host, where are you doing? The battlefield is that way! Host! Host! Host!.. Dammit! What a waste of heavenly popcorn!] (:T^T:) .... One boy, one unbelievable system.  Ji Feng... No!... Wolfram Lockhart... now found himself in the strange world of Grandia, starting from the weakest level ever... A mortal! In this world of palladium, Sky ranking abilities, and Creatures of myths and legends, Wolfram only had one domain from it all.  With his head to the heavens and his little man out of his pants, he was quick to spray his fluid while raining uncountable curses at them.  Why? Why in God's name did they send him a Suicidal system?

lumydee · História
Classificações insuficientes
190 Chs

One Of The Chosen Ones?

[Do you bind or not?]




As expected.

The Transmigration guidebook was always right. 


He knew that given his noble heart of steel, the heavens would definitely pick him as one of the chosen ones.

Wolfram's eyes twinkled like a thief's torch in the night. 

Get ready world of Garnia; a dangerous legend is about to be born!

'System. Lay it on me. Quickly, tell me. What sort of system are you? Will you take me to the top? Will you make the entire world tremble at my feet in awe? Or wait… don't say it. You're about to make me break off my status as a peasant and carry me to the heavens?'

[Host! How did you know? It's as you've said. I shall carry you to the heavens!]


He knew it! He knew it!

He was indeed the chosen one!

Wolfram began giggling like a fool, not caring about his earlier pain.

[Host, I have to remind you that I don't belong to you yet.]

Ah– That's right.' Wolfram thought. He wasn't bound to it yet.

And now that he had calmed down, he realized that the system did not answer his first question too.

'What sort of system are you?'

[If the host wants to know, then bind with me first.]


Wolfram was a little confused by the system's conditions. 

But after thinking about it again, he didn't think there should be anything wrong with this method. 

After all, a mortal peasant guy like him in this world with no power was bound to die in a blink of an eye with the way things were going. 

So wouldn't it be wise to have the system at his disposal?

'Alright. System, I will bind with you.'

[Rea-... erh-erh... Excellent host. Binding Initiated!] 

Before Wolfram could ponder on the system's strangeness, he suddenly saw a blue transparent screen float opposite him.

On it was a giant loading bar.

2% Completion.

16... 33.... 61.... 79... 88.... 92... 100% Completion.


[Binding successful. Congratulations, host. Now, this system can only give you one piece of advice moving forward.]

Eh? Advice?

Wolfram suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

[That's right, Host. You are now bound to this daddy. So don't even think of running away after this!!]


Blink. Blink.

Excuse me, but why would he want to run away? 

What was going on here? And why did his system now sound like a gangster?

Alright. It was clear that he had fallen into a trap.

Wolfram forced a smile from his already pale lips while cursing his luck.

The fact that the system was secretly afraid of him running away showed that this system was a troublesome one. 

No wonder it wouldn't even answer his questions or speak about itself without binding with him. Sure enough, it wanted insurance first.

Well, no use crying over spilled milk. What's done is done.

He was never the type of person to dwell on misfortunes for long. So he might as well see what his gangster system was all about. 

Wolfram sighed: 'System... Now that I've binded with you, can you finally tell me what sort of system you are?'

[Tell you?... Host. This daddy doesn't want to say it. So you'll just have to find out as time goes on. That is. Don't even think of running away!]


Wolfram's mouth twitched helplessly.

'System, haven't we already bound to one another? So how can I still flee if the binding was already successful?'

Wolfram was confused.

Could it be that his Otaku Crossing guidebook was wrong?

[Host. That's the way it typically is. But for me, my hosts can still choose to unbind with me anytime before 2 assigned missions. After that, they won't have the chance anymore.]

'Why? Why is your case different from other systems?'

[Erm... Host. It's because I have the highest host-death-rate in the history of systems. So those bound to me get this 2 mission unbinding discount off.]


Wolfram almost went straight back into his coma from shock.

At this point, he didn't even know whether to break down in tears or kill himself again.

Crazy! Crazy!

What sort of sh**y luck did he have to get such a suicide system?


Wolfram had no tears but wanted to cry...

If the heavens could give a discount, then it showed the binders just how dangerous this system was.

But, as they say, the devil one knew was better than the angel they had never seen.

If he fled the scene now, this system would surely abandon him in this world to fend for himself. 

And without a doubt, his weak and lowly position will not be enough to keep him alive.


Do you like how dangerous this world was?

As a person who wasn't suicidal, taking his own life was just too bizarre and painful. 

So he dared not seek death at every turn. 

Additionally, he had inherited the emotions of his predecessor. So he had to take care of his loved ones here too.

Wolfram knew that he couldn't stay in this world without any support, especially after realizing his identity as a Mortal. 

This world was filled with mighty warriors, Paladins, mages, and many more. 

So what he needed now was strength! 

Of course, even though he would stay bound with the system, he still had to find out why this system had so many high death rates. 

It was better to be prepared and take caution than to blindly fall into a trap of its design.


Wolfram secretly thought things through in his heart, turning his attention to the suspended screen before him.

And on it, all he could see were just 3 available tabs: Stats, Storage, and Missions. 

Okay... Here goes nothing.

He clicked on the first.


Name: Wolfram Lockhart.

Age: 14 years and 1 month old. 

Identity: Peasant Son of Village Chief Cletus Lockhart from the Clovis village.

Powers: Mortal strength (6/20)

Skills: Mortal Hunting level (3/10), Literal Gatherer (9/10).

System Points: Empty... There's nothing there.


>No mission issued.  Mission Unlock requirements have not been met.


•Save yourself from your current predicament!

•Own or Create a settlement and mark as your territory.  ]


Wolfram stared at the screen deeply.

Create or Own his own settlement?


He was indeed the village chief's son. 

But at the moment, there was a major crisis in the village. And in the end, his status might not be his anymore.

His uncle had murdered his father in secret, thinking no one saw what he did. 

But at the time, the original owner, who was just about to salute and step into the scene, was so shocked by what he saw that he ran out frantically, making a noise.

Of course, his uncle saw his leaving silhouette and knew it was him.

So as one can imagine, the original owner was now living in the same village with his murderous uncle. 

He wasn't foolish enough to say anything because he had no evidence.

He did want to take revenge, but heh... how could his uncle not be prepared against this nephew of his?

Long story short, his uncle did a few things behind the scenes, and the village was divided into 3.

Most supported his uncle, some were neutral, and a few still thought of him as the one who should take over as Village chief.

Wolfram frowned. 

Judging from his current injuries, it should be that bastard uncle of his that did it.

So... Should he stay here and fight for his title and the next chief?

Or should he just leave and create his own settlement instead.

Wolfram was still deep in thought when suddenly, he heard strange voices coming from outside his room.

His pupils dilated at an incredible speed, and his heart continuously drummed in dread.


How could he forget the Transmigration Guidebook's number one scene?

After moments of getting up, didn't the protagonists always end up battling for their lives in some very plot-convenient scene?

That is, why couldn't they make their move later or even earlier before he came here?

Why now?

Sure enough.

If it were before, he would be happy.

But with the system he had, what chicken strength could he use to save himself?

To stay or leave? Which one would you pick? (*0*) This author wants to lnow.

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