
Hello Mister Cat: It’s been a lifetime!

He thought she wanted to commit suicide and tried to stop her: “There is always hope. As long as you believe, there will always be a way. Come down from that railing first and let's talk about it." She saw it as a chance to prank him instead of clearing up the misunderstanding: With a cunning smile on her face she yelled at the sky. "I don't believe you! Just let me be! I am going to die!" She spread her arms out like an eagle, preparing to face her ‘death’ bravely. A little bit into their relationship: Scene 1: "My, how terrifying Master Quince! But if my character and background is credible, on what grounds do you intend to throw me in jail?" Queen asked, her eyes shining with amusement. "Attempting to wreck havoc, causing psychological pain and emotional trauma." Quince deadpanned. "Psychological pain and...what?!" Queen half yelled the words out. ‘You smelly cat!!! What psychological pain, throughout our interaction you only had that non expression on your face ok?!' Scene 2: "It's ill mannered of you to suddenly read someone else's documents." He said coldly. "But you are not someone else. You're my fiancé." She replied matter of factly. "My point still stands." Quince replied as he bit out those words. "Yeah well, let it continue standing then." Scene 3: "Jealousy is a petty and useless emotion Miss Vancroft. I already have a fiancée." "Oh is that so?" Queen tilted her head before saying, "Are you trying to say that I don't have to worry about anyone else as I am the only one in your eyes Master Quince?" Note: This is definitely not a story about a helpless damsel or weak female~ Nor is this a story about the bullied female lead~ it’s the male lead that...*whoops* author just dodged a shoe from the male lead~ see you in the book! ? *If you are looking for something light, sweet, poignant and funny to read with no annoying misunderstandings then this is the book for you!* **All credits for the picture goes to the original owner on Pinterest**

Imagine163 · Geral
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83 Chs

The unorthodox meeting

Queen slowly stood atop the railing, with her front facing against the man. She couldn't see the man's face as he was standing in the shadows. She took a deep breath before giving a performance that would leave the man speechless every time he thought of this moment.

"But what am I do?!" Queen wailed. "I have nothing! Absolutely nothing left! What am I to live for?" Queen closed her eyes and tilted her face upwards, as the moon light shone brightly on her face, acting as a natural spotlight for her.

"Don't give up! Tell me what's wrong, I may be able to help" the man said. His deep voice eliciting a strange reaction from Queen, it somehow made her feel goosebumps all over.

Disregarding her reaction, Queen continued with her stellar performance. "Tell me! how are you going to help? My father died since I was but a small babe! My mother has cancer and my boyfriend! That scum! He stole all of the money I saved up to help my poor mother!"

Queen's voice started shivering as she spoke. She looked so pitiful, like a frail branch that is about to break off from a tree.

She covered her face with her hands and trembled as the wind mercilessly blew past her. Anyone who saw her then would feel their hearts break for this poor girl.

However, the truth is, the reason this pitiful girl is shivering is not due to the grief that she pretends to have but due to the laughter that she is trying her damnedest to suppress.

'Oh my god, oh my god! I totally deserve the leading actress award! Oh shit! This is so funny, I can barely hold on! But...why is this guy so quiet?' Queen was confused, so she spread her fingers to peek through the gap and tried to see the man's reaction.

To her dismay, she couldn't see anything as he was still standing in the shadows. However, she could tell from his tailored-cut suit, expensive loafers and watch that he is most likely one of the few VIPS here.

She kept wailing and sobbing as she waited for him to say something. 'God damn it! No matter how accomplish of an actress I am, crying nonstop is still tiring alright! Bloody bastard! Say something!' Queen cursed in her mind after a few minutes went by and the man still kept his silence.

After a short while, the man slowly started speaking, "There is always hope. As long as you believe, there will always be a way. Come down from that railing first and let's talk about it." his voice was so gentle that it stunned Queen. It sounded so charming and anyone who heard him talk using this tone would undoubtedly follow his words.

But Queen was not done being difficult. It's been a long time since she last trolled someone, she was not going to let go of this opportunity. She maneuvered herself on the railing and turned her back against the man.

With a cunning smile on her face she yelled at the sky.

"I don't believe you! Just let me be! I am going to die!" She spread her arms out like an eagle, preparing to face her death bravely.

It was merely a ploy on Queen's part to troll the man. However, at that moment, a strong gust of wind blew over. Queen lost her balance and her body started going forward towards the sea!

Queen let out a loud shriek and cursed herself for pushing her prank too far. But as she was about to fall over, she heard loud footsteps behind her and soon enough a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist. The man swung her over, making her face him. Her face crashed against his chest and she was immediately overwhelmed by his fresh minty scent. After calming down for a bit, she immediately looked up at the man's face.

He too was looking down at her. In that moment, as soon as she gazed into the man's eyes, Queen knew.

'I have found you at last, my cat.'