
Hellish Evolution

What happens when you wake up in the middle of cave, as a monster you've only seen in fantasy stories? When you get told to grow stronger on the pain of permanent death? When the first being you see kills you... 20...40... 1000 times? What happens when you don't want to be a plaything for the gods anymore? Ash died not a happy death but one filled with suffering. His only wish to be free. For him however, the gods had other plans. (Abandoned, sorry)

Waffie · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Choices, choices...

The sound of screams echoed through the network of caves, death almost hurrying through the sharp rocks as Ash silently moved from one monster to the next.

<<Warning, 5 minutes remaining till ejection from dungeon>>

Ash sped up, knowing his time was limited. As he killed the 80th goblin, he noticed a shadow rushing towards him. In panic, Ash lifted his dagger to block it, and was blown back, hitting the wall of the cave.

<What the hell? This guy…>

Ash's eyes narrowed, as he carefully stood back up, dust falling from the makeshift clothes on his back. He checked his stats again.


Name: Ash

Race: Goblin (35%)


- Agility: D

- Vitality: E

- Intelligence: B+

- Strength: E

Combat Power: F-

Potential: ERROR!!


Absorption, World Language, Pain Resistance (III), Combat Mastery (V), Vital Strike (D), Enhanced Sense (VI), Enhanced Accuracy (II)


He had noticed, of course, that the speed in which his skills upgraded significantly slowed down as he fought more and more goblins. What Ash could not have known, was that his strengthening speed was already making waves, especially for the Gods. What he couldn't have known, was that over a hundred higher Gods were watching his every move.



The two monsters watched each other cautiously, both knowing only one of them will survive.

<<Warning, 3 minutes remaining till ejection from dungeon>>

Ash launched himself sideways, throwing his daggers at the larger figure. The figure did not dodge, as expected, instead catching the dagger in mid air. Ash's eyes widened in shock yet he kept dodging the returning stones launched by the figure. It stepped into the light, a box appearing over its head.

<[dEtEcetyion} leoaarnnnnn...!!!@#... Error detected... skill upgraded... [Analysis] learned>

Ash winced, his head filled with a shooting pain almost causing him to lose consciousness. As he hastily defended against the figure he managed to see the box.

<<Hobgoblin (88%)>>

<<Warning, 60 seconds remaining till ejection from dungeon>>

Sounds of fighting echoed through the cave, the occasional blood splattering onto the larger figures face.

<<Warning, 10 seconds remaining till ejection from dungeon>>

Ash roared, stabbing in a final bid to fight back, yet only lightly scrapping the hobgoblin's shoulder, him feeling a heavy blow to the side of the head as the hobgoblin laughed.

His eyesight faded, the taste of copper filling his mouth.

The hobgoblin smiled, striking its knife at Ash.

Ash felt the knife pierce into his neck...

<<Returning to the Arena>>

...and found himself sitting in the Arena, facing those hard stone walls and that singular goblin in the centre of the cave.



Hmm? Oh, the other one's back. I finally seem to have my restrictions released, maybe it'll actually die this time-


When did it get this good at fighting? I only agreed to this to evolve, but why does it feel like its the only thing changing??

Shit. That's the third time you've cut off my arm, it doesn't seem to be growing back, please end me. Maybe this time I'll be set free.


no stop dont look at me with pity JUST KILL ME ALREADY

THANK YO- wait why arent i reviving no YOU LIED TO ME YOU BASTARDS-___________________________________________________

Ash watched the goblin fall back to the floor, sorrow filling his eyes. Sorrow not for its fate but its purpose to lose, never have a break. A training dummy, stuck in a place to be killed over. And over. And over again until time is up.

He remembered his newest skill as he ate, energy returning to his exhausted body.

<I wonder if I can analysis my skills...>

<<Analysis: shows detailed infor->>

Ash fell down again, screaming as information flooded his brain.

<<Analysis: shows detailed informati->>


<<Analysis: shows detailed information about t->>

<<Analysis: shows detailed information about the target. Amou->>


Barely digested food sat on the cold hard stone, pooling around Ash's near unconscious body.

"One more goddamn time..."

<<Analysis: shows detailed information about the target. Amount of information limited to skill's level. Can only view information of targets a maximum of 2 grades above user. As skill puts great strain upon user's mind, use is not recommended to thos->>



<<Analysis: shows detailed information about the target. Amount of information limited to skill's level. Can only view information of targets a maximum of 2 grades above user. As skill puts great strain upon user's mind, use is not recommended to those with low willpower.>>

"Heh, finally", Ash said, relieved.

<<Timer: 2 days remaining>>

Ash looked towards the centre of the cave, almost afraid of what he would see. He was not disappointed; there lay a dark, purple troll, five times his size with tusks the size of his arm and biceps larger than his head.

<Maybe... I can leave the cave for my hour...?>

<<Notice: As the champion has not fought for several days, they may not leave the Arena until they have completed a wave>>

"Oh fuck you, you bastards!", he yelled, yet the only answer were the troll's ears perking up.

He sighed, picked up his dagger, and began running at the trolls.

The instant he entered within 10 meters of the troll, it stood up and rushed towards him, swinging its club wildly with seemingly impossible speed.

Ash dodged to the side, narrowly missing it and kicked off the ground, landing behind the troll. Yet the troll was already facing him, turning with a speed that belied its massive size and launching a kick towards Ash's head.


Ash swung his dagger, aiming for the opening to the trolls neck-


He rolled beneath its legs, attempting to injure its groin-


Ash stood up again from the far side of the cave, cracked his knuckles and sighed.



Ash charged, and yet again, the troll swung his club towards him. Ash dodged to the side, kicked off the ground, landed on the trolls head and flipped backwards as it rolled to get rid of him, landing neatly on the ground.

He launched himself forward, aiming towards the troll's head. A spurt of bright yellow blood flew through the air.

Ash dived away, dodging the troll's final attack and watched as it slowly kneeled down, its expression seemingly holding a grateful smile as it died.



Name: Ash

Race: Goblin (99%)


- Agility: B

- Vitality: D

- Intelligence: S

- Strength: D+

Combat Power: F

Potential: ERROR!!


Absorption, World Language, Pain Resistance (V), Combat Mastery (V), Vital Strike (D), Enhanced Sense (VI), Enhanced Accuracy (II), Analysis (I), Mental Fortitude (IV)


"99%... What happens after it hits 100 I wonder...", Ash whispered to himself. "Do I evolve? Or am I not even a goblin yet..."

<<Attention Champion. As you have reached the limit of your first form's evolution, you may now leave the Arena early. You may also evolve or completely change your species. After this choice, you may not change completely again, and may only evolve. Your final potential will be decided by your choice and how much of your innate potential you have unlocked. This change is irreversible>>

<<Evolutions unlocked:

1. Dragon.

2. Hobgoblin.

3. Hellhound.

4. Griffin.

5. Chimera.


876. Phoenix.

877. Qilin.

878. Bird.

879. Wolf.

880. Fox.

Champion may choose specific species of monster-type. Once choosing a monster path, before choosing a specific species, the type is locked. Choose carefully>>

<Oh, fuck me>

One month to write this. Yes, I did forget this novel existed, and yes, uploads gonna be slow till term holidays. Sorry. Seeing as my influx of tests are calming down over this weekend, I'll try releasing a couple of chapters though. Also 1200 words as promised >:)

Waffiecreators' thoughts