
Hellboy x reader

ssavanna14 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


Reader: signs (are you being serious right now you don't believe me)

Hb: why should I you have don't nothing but make me crazy sense you got here you pulled pranks on me everyday, told me that there where mission when there is no missions and on top of that now your telling me that this nick guy is the one we are looking for with no evidence except you saying that he looked at you funny.

Reader:(Silence) signs (but)

Hb: no no but the only reason your even in the B.P.R.D is because you are a criminal that needed to be tamed. You are just like your parents nothing but a bad person and I wish we never took you in.

Reader: in Tears. (Reader starts to sign)(but stops) Reader acutely talking: you now what f***you Hellboy I never want to see you or the team or so called team ever again.

Reader: runs away.

Nick: (about to knock on the door but it flys open) umm is everything ok in here I here'd some yelling.

Hb: (berthing heavily)(very angry yells at nicks face) everything is just fine.

Nick: oh I see (looks at Hb)

Hb:see what exactly

Nick: you guys had a lovers fight that happens sometime.

Hb: (blush's a little bit it is replaced by anger) we did not have a lovers fight.

Nick:smiles then what happen to make the reader run off like that it must have been bad enough for them to go run out in the middle of a storm like that hope they will be ok out there it's one of our bad seasons Floods and heavy rain.

Hb: still mad reader will be fine they can take care of them selfs now back to business so we can go home the sooner the better.

Nick: yes now here is all the information...

Back to reader

Reader: who does he think he is to say that to me he does not know the hole story of my life and to think that he thinks that about me angry or not (hits a tree and it falls over) reader makes it to a park and sits down next to the river (thunder and lightning and the heavy rain starts) that's just great and I don't even know where the hotel is and I don't have a Jacket. (Starts walking)

3 hours later

(Thunder,lightening, rain and the flood)

Reader: stuck in a tree (the water started to rise from the rivers trapping the reader) someone HELP ME

Hb: man this is hard work I better go see if Reader has made it back yet and at lest Calm down. (Walks away to the room leaves his Phone communicator on the table with nick).

Nick: hmmm now what does this do oops (got ride of all the Distress calls) now how did that happen hahaha one down one to go.

Hb: Reader are you in here hello are you still mad at me look (opens the door) I'm Huh... (empty room) Reader hello are you in the bath room (looks in the bath room) not there Either (loud thunder sound heavy rain).

Hb: where are you Reader are you still out there (reaches for his cell) hmm I must have left it down stairs (runs down stairs to get the cell)

Reader: please someone HELP ME I can't hold on much longer please (falling unconscious)

Hb: there it is.

Nick: there what is (he panics did he find me out grabs gun from his pocket and Ames it at Hb under the table)

Hb: my cell I need to check something .

Nick: few (puts gum away) why do you need your cell.

Hb:Reader has not comeback yet and I need to see if they have called me ( looks at cell)

10 missed text 15missed call.

(He starts to panic reads one of the text) reader: hellboy I'm lost give me directions to the hotel,next text hellboy are you there, hellboy are you still mad at me, hellboy I need help I'm lost, hellboy please help me it raining to hard to see anything and the water is getting higher, hellboy help me I'm stuck in a tree and I'm cold,wet, lost and I can't hang one anymore the water is rising please help.

Hb: (runs out the hotel looking for reader) reader, reader where are you yell out of you here me( rains poring, waters rising, and can't find reader)

Hb: Reader, reader.

Nick: hahaha this is better then I thought it's like killing two bird with one stone good luck.

Reader: woke up reader, reader( reaches for flash light start waving it weekly)

Hb: there's a light reader( here's hellboy help) I'm coming Reader hang on (dives off bridge into water) ( makes it to the tree) I got you Reader stay with me come on (swims with Reader back to the bridge and runs back to the hotel)

Hb: someone get a doctor reader needs help.

Doctors: come on let take them to there room to see what they need let's go(takes Reader from Hb)

Hb: please be ok I'm sorry(nick walks up put hand on shoulder)

Nick: hmmm man hope readers going to be ok it's be ashamed it they died after that argument happened and it all happened because you did not believe them haha.

Hb: what did you say( looks at nick)

Nick: I said I hope readers going to be ok arguing leads to nothing good have a good rest of the night.

Back at the room

Doctor: you are on lucky person reader any longer you would have got Hypothermia now I just need you to rest have a good night.(leaves the room)(runs in to Hb) oh help are you readers friend.

Hb: yes how are they doing are they ok.

Doctor: yes they will love if you are asking but they would have a little bit of hypothermia but they will be fine in the morning just keep them warm we changed there clothes and but warm water bottles under them to keep warm but we have to wait and see what happen have a goodnight.

Hb: ya night (walks in) looks at Reader (walks over goes to his knees and grabs readers hand) reader if you can here me I am so so sorry I should have believed you and trusted you please if you can here me I am so sorry this happened to you I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but please make it through the night. (Kisses readers hand)

Reader: herd every word and smiles turns there head to Hb and starts to talk red I expect you your apology and thank you for finding me in time but I have something to tell you.

Hb: what is it Reader?

Reader: one of my other powers is I can't die so please don't worry about that(takes his hand and kisses it) thank for being considered about me.

Reader: so how's the case going.

Hb: smiles it's going but I think you may be Wright nick is definitely up to something we can't say for shore or at lest not here he may be listing but wright now you need rest.

Reader: friends

Hb: friends

Reader: know get in the bed and go to sleep

Hb: (smiles and gets in bed) goodnight.

Reader: goodnight


Nick: dame it dame it they are still alive (stops straightening clothes) it ok they still don't know that it's you master we will get them tomorrow.