

I arrived at my safe house on Sakaar. Huh, except Millennium old layer of dust, nothing has been touched. I picked up local currency wallet from secret vault and went to check my baby starfighter. To be on a safe side, I started self diagnostic and decided to actually change my old outfit. I got tired to wear the same for more that thousand years. It just didn't cross my mind to pack extra closes or spare armour when I was stocking my secret base in Niflheim.

So quick and nice shower later and I was tightly packed in a mix of asgardian and dark elves armour/ space friendly suite. Custom made, of course. I picked black hole singularity grenades, high density riffle and stored them in dimensional storage and attached handy close range pistol to the hip.

I checked communication device with a Harrow. It shows that diagnostic status was fine. So I put pre flight check out and standby orders and went to pickup a flyer.

Time to visit Grandmaster and figure out where is Brunnhilde. If I recall properly, Doctor Banner or Halk should be stack here as a champion. Let's see if I can give him a lift as well.

Short flight later to center tower, visitor entrance, and I am greeted by pretty face as soon as I land.

- Hello visitor! How can I serve you today!

- hello darling! Make a call to Grandmaster. Hela is here.

- one moment please!

I looked around while pretty face contacted her boss to report my arrival. All the same . It looks like nothing changes here since my last visit. My train of thoughts has been interrupted:

- please follow me, honoured guest!

We proceeded inside to elevators and moved up. Pretty face was visibly distressed and scared. Yep I totally get it. Grandmaster is unpredictable sometimes. You never know when he decides to just kill you. And kill he does. After arriving to top level elevator doors opened and I saw scattered beings in different wasted states. Grandmaster was sitting on his throne and guards were performing weird dance? Then he noticed our arrival:

- Hela! Darling long time no see? Where have you been? - he said, making sho-sho sign with hands toward pretty face. She basically teleported back to elevator and happily quickly closed doors.

- Well, i am not there but here , am I not?

- Yes, yes you are! I am so happy you come to visit! It became quite boring recently! I've got nice champion and it was nice and exciting for some time, but nobody can win against him! Quite a beast, quite a beast! You have to see! Or how about maybe a challenge? Last time you killed all my guards, I have so much excitement to find new one!

At this words his guards actually froze in place and all looked at as with horror expressions.

- Tempting offer. You know how to make people feel alive, don't you? How about I buy your champion instead?

- Oh dear! Everyone out! Out now!

It was actually hilarious to watch, even drank to oblivion jumped and rushed to closest exit to get hell out away. Nobody wanna die today.

In less than few moments we was left alone.

- Come, come here. Let me serve you a nice drink! My best of course. Made long time ago by vanished civilization. I visited them few times before that. It was quite fascinating society! Can you believe they thought they can play with one of the Infinity stones. Of course I told them how foolish it was. Why nobody listen? Am I not so convincing?

As expected, he notices Space stone, locked in my necklace and in his own way gave me a warning. Quite a charming guy.

- It was foolish on they side. Quite a lost. This drink is fabulous. I will treasure this experience and remember your gracious offer and warning.

We spent next half an hour enjoying a drink and nice relaxing music on a background.

This guy is half old like universe. Ageless relic of long time gone civilization. Collector is another similar guy of old days. While Collector actually collect unique treasures, Grandmaster collect experience. The more emotionally charged it the more value it has. It took me some time to figure it out, but when I did - I got nice hide out place and ability to get quite rare materials and services.

- Today I have a story for you Grandmaster. A story of betrayal, lost love and grand battle that ended with death of all but last Valkyrie's- the mightiest female warriors who battled on flying horses.

The trick is here to be as much dramatic as possible. So I shared a story of my love with Brunnhilde, the leader of Valkyrie's, the story of Odin betrayal of Valkyrie's and his rightful heir to the Asgardian throne over simple monitoring curse and fear of my powers. By the end of the story he was crying on my shoulder.

- And so he died powerless and alone in backwater planet - away from his people and family, releasing me from my prison. And here I am in a search of mighty warrior, my long lost love spared from the death in a battle of death and life.

- Oh dear.

He spend more time crying on my shoulder processing in his own unique way a story of my life. This is a currency that you can buy anything from Grandmaster and I spent it to buy a Hulk.

- Topaz! Get here now!

Another pretty face run inside, oh yeah. She the one was standing next to Grandmaster on my arrival.

- Topaz, I have a great news! Hela here just bought our champion and taking him away. We need to announce a new champion contest! I am so excited! But first you are going to take Hela to champion chamber and help her with whatever she ask you about! Now go go go! I see you later Hela! Please come and visit me again, quite a treasure you are!

- This way honoured guest Hela.

I followed another pretty face through internal corridors, elevator and more corridors to champion chamber. She stopped at the door and gave me full access.

- Leave. I will find my way out.

I made my way inside, looking around for Dr Banner alter ego - Hulk.

- Ah here you are darling. You are quite a wonderful, are you not?

- I am Hulk!

- Of course you are. One and only. I am Hela! Nice to meet you. We are leaving today. You comes with me to smash some bad guys and see your friends. Is there anything that you want to take?

- Halk is not leaving. Hulk likes here and people likes Halk!

- Of course we are leaving. Don't be silly. Your friends are missing you. And I promise you to fight some stronger foe!

- Hulk is strongest!

- Yes yes you are! So what do you want to take? I am sure you want to show your treasures to your friends! Let's pack it and be on our way!

Just like a kid. Prize, attention and positive emotions. Peace of cake.

- Hulk takes everything!

- Just put it together and I will hide it my storage. I will give you back everything, I promise!

- Hela promise?

- Yes, yes. Hela promise to keep your treasure safe and give you back!

And Hulk started to throw his stuff in one big pile in a middle of the room.

- Hulk done.

Quick charm latter and my dimension picked for heavier in few tones.

- Let's go darling. I need to find one person more and we go on adventure! To smash some bad guys and find your friends!

Time to find Brunnhilde. I hope we will not kill each other!

We went back to visitor entrance and yeah. Hulk is Hulk and my flyer is not big enough to be comfortable. I focused on my magic and tried to locate Brunnhilde. Maybe we don't need to fly? Nope. We still need a ride.

I turned around and got an idea!

- Hey Pretty face. Hulk and I need a ride. Oh and put my flyer in long term storage. I will pick it up other time.

- Yes, honourable visitor! Right away!

In less that minute we got quite a big flyer with driver!

- Let's go Hulk! Time to find my long lost love!

Short flight at my directions and we are standing upfront shitty hole/chip alcohol bar. Brunnhilde what happens to you.

When we entered - all not drunk enough eyes focused on us and silence fell and wrapped all beings around. I guess they actually don't like to see Halk that close! Good survival instincts!

I found Brunnhilde completely wasted on a bar table. Well no other time like now.

- Halk, darling. Can you her up and care for a bit?

All bar visitors were silently watching how we simply kidnapped wasted Brunnhilde and left a bar. No drama, no fighting. Get in and get out. I already called Harrow to our location and when we got out, my beauty was waiting outside bowering in a air. As soon as we got closer, ramp opened up and we got inside.

- Darling, give me her and find nice place to sit. Do you need anything from your treasure?

- Halk is fine. Halk is going to sleep.

With that he dropped Brunnhilde in my arms and actually went to the hangar corner. I quickly conjured him nice bed and carried my sleeping Beatty to my private cabin. Yeah she is completely out for another few hours.

Time to go and visit Xandar. Tight schedule. Chop chop. Fucking Odin. He fucked up and Hela is cleaning up. The fucking usual. I hope you have only milk as a drink in Valhalla.
