
The Discovery

Bai xing and, the offerings, the forest god and his army were standing outside the gate to the village of Chen Shuchun.

"I mean that someone is supplying power and energy to the Elders." The Forest God explained. "There is only one way to stop this madness. There is a locked chest in my woods that I have tried to open for centuries, but only two titan borns can open it."

"How are we going to find another titan born?" Bai Xing asked.

"You are a titan born, so doesn't that mean that your brother is too?" He asked rhetorically.

"But he died seventeen years ago!" Bai Xing exclaimed. He had only been twelve when the event occured.

"No, the Elders sensed powers in him so they brought him to their underground cavern underneath the sacred temple," he explained.

"So are we headed there?" Bai Xing asked.

"Yes," the Forest God replied. They waited until nightfall to sneak into the sacred temple. They crawled into the temple. Bai Xing searched for hours but was unsuccessful. He fell down to his knees and trembled. He banged his fist on a wall in frustration and the wall fell down and tumbled into a dark passageway. The posse walked in and immediately got jumped by several monsters. They were fairly weak and went down easy, but when they perished, a blue light floated out of their dead bodies and flew into Bai Xing's ring.

"What's that you have there?" The Forest God asked.

"Oh, it's my mothers ring," he replied. He showed him it. The Forest God gasped. It was a blackstone ring with a ruby and a dragon curling around it.

"Bai Xing, I've only seen one of these before," he said. "You'll find out what it does soon enough." They trudged on through the hallway, fighting

off monsters for hours until they came to a split path. Bai Xing cursed under his breath.

"A fork in the road," Bai Xing said.

"Guards, go this way. Bai Xing and I will stay on this path," said the Forest God. The guards nodded and sprinted the other way. Bai Xing and the Forest God did not have to walk far to find the end of the hallway. There was nothing of interest except a small birdbath. Bai Xing was tired and thirsty, so he decided to take a drink. Little did he know, the water would come in handy later in his life. They heard the slap of footsteps coming toward them. The guards had returned.

"Sir, we have found a door," said one of the guards.

"Superb, lead us to it," said the Forest God. They walked to the door and slowly creaked it open. It revealed a rack of tools for torturing. A burly man was chained to the top of the ceiling. A saw and an iron maiden were pierced into his torso. Blood was splattered all over the ground. However, Bai Xing had felt a connection. A very strong connection that he hadn't felt in a long, long time. This was his brother.