
The Tables Have Turned

The great men opened the gate to the forest. Bai Xing cautiously stepped in, ignoring the pain after the battle. He walked through several ornate arches, past a beautiful garden, and into a grand palace courtyard. men with swords stepped out of the way and a massive door was unlocked by a presence inside. There was a man in green robes, the same man in green robes that sliced an elders head off, no, wait. This was no man. There was an unknown feeling that swept over Bai Xing telling him that this was not a man, but a god.

"Welcome, Bai Xing. I have been expecting you," said the Forest God.

"What do you want with me?" Bai Xing asked.

The forest god cleared his throat and started to speak.

"You are special, Bai Xing, but the elders could not see that, so I disposed of them. You, Bai Xing, are a titan born," he revealed.

"I am? You're joking, right?" He stumbled.

"Why joke now. The elders are growing in power and could kill us."

"Well they are very powerful," Bai Xing observed.

"Correct, but we don't have that type of magic," the Forest God told him.

"What do you mean?" Bai Xing asked.

"Someones giving it to them. There would have to be someone with immense overwhelming power supplying it to them," The Forest god said.

"Why would anyone want to give some old elders their power?" Bai Xing asked.

"Oh, no one would willingly give power to anyone unless they truly loved them or it was to save the lives of many people." The Forest god replied

"So you are saying someone is being forced to give them their inner energy?" Bai Xing asked.

"Exactly." The Forest God replied. "We need to find out who is doing this and rescue your brother"