
Hazbin Hotel: Alastor x Lucifer [BL/Yaoi]

Alastor, the radio demon from hell and also a powerful overlord, is obsessed with the king of hell, Lucifer Morningstar.

Yasahiro_Kurokawa · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs

4 - The Plan ||

(I will write in this tense, because I already forgot to change it. I do not want to correct it after I wrote this whole chapter.)

After Charlie thought about other chances to take an end to the murderous intentions of the angels, it was already 6pm, and Vaggie gently knocked on the bedroom door of their shared room.

As she went in, she saw her girlfriend sitting on the edge of their bed, elbows on her knees and hands on her face. Vaggie could see that Charlie ws frustrated, and that she could not find any opportunity to change their situation.

Vaggie approached and sat down next to Charlie, wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. "We will find a plan, no matter what. Don't worry about that," she paused, "I know it is difficult for you, and it is also for the others, including me." Vaggie spoke in a spft tone and tried to ease Charlie's frustration. She patted her girlfriend's head gently to offer support.

Charlie didn't respond, she just leaned into her loved one's touch and cuddled with her. *"I love it when she's so clingy,"* thought Vaggie to herself and smiled.

On the next day, Charlie was once again ful of energy and tried her best to make things right. As she was with everyone in the living room of the hotel, Angel Dust, the porn star, spoke up: "Hey Charlie, why don't you ask your dad for help?," he asked in a bored tone while he was laying on the couch.

Charlie freezed a moment at Angel's question, but then responded: "Well... My dad... he is...," she struggled to find the right words as she went up and down the floor.

"Father complex?," Angel asked in a calm, yet curious tone, as he sat up.

Charlie sighed and nodded at his question. She had never talked to her father since seven years, and now she should ask him for help? Wouldn't be that awkward?

Hey guys! As you already know, I'm Yasahiro, the Author. I wanted to say sorry because my grammar and the tenses are not in the right 'version'. I am really sorry about that! And, I wanted to ask you all if you have any ideas for my book, questions, and if you like it. I would be very happy for some comments to read and answer!

Yasahiro_Kurokawacreators' thoughts