
Madér Tree Bud

A wry smile played across Xinya's face as he held the pulsating plant in his hand. Glancing at his friends, he could only give a helpless shrug towards the looks that they were giving him.

"You triggered a quest didn't you?" Wandering Sound asked through party voice chat. He knew that the man did, he didn't even know why he was asking. If there was one thing that he was sure of, it was that Drifting Cloud could trigger all sorts of strange quests.

Bobbing his head yes to Wandering Sound's question, Xinya let out a small sigh.

Melting Snow, who was looking at Drifting Cloud with gleaming eyes said, "Do you think it would be an adventure type one, like going to a Fae dungeon."

"Do you think we are strong enough to handle that sort of thing?" Wei asked with a roll of her eyes. "And it might not even be sharable did you think of that?"