
67. Chapter 67

The room felt a little emptier with Gabriel gone, and Castiel found himself relieved that Balthazar had agreed to stay. He was more than capable of protecting Dean by himself, but there was a measure of comfort to be found in the knowledge that, if something happened, Balthazar could take Dean and flee while Castiel dealt with the problem. He would never let Dean face demons again.

He ran his hands through Dean’s hair, just enjoying the feel of having Dean snuggled against him. Gabriel had sent Dean into sleep, but Castiel could already tell that it wasn’t going to be a pleasant one. Just when they’d finally got Dean to the point where he was starting to believe he’d never be going back to hell, this happened. All of Dean’s memories about hell were going to be back in full force. They were in for some very unpleasant nights.

“Are you okay?” Balthazar asked, drawing Castiel’s attention back to him. For the first time, Castiel really looked at his brother. Outwardly Balthazar looked as well put together as he always did. Inwardly, Castiel could tell that something had changed. Seeing Dean in such distress had rattled his brother.

“I’m fine. I’m used to being banished,” Castiel said with a grimace. It was never a pleasant experience, but it was more aggravating than anything. “And Dean will be okay too, thanks to you. He’ll have some nightmares, and I imagine he’ll be very clingy for the next couple of weeks, but it could’ve been so much worse. Thank you, Balthazar. I can’t express my gratitude enough.”

Balthazar waved a hand dismissively. “It’s not a big deal, Cas. He means a lot to you. I may not understand why you took a hatchling, but I know you would be devestated if anything happened to him.”

Castiel smiled a little at that. No matter how attached to Dean he got – and Castiel suspected Balthazar was far more attached than he wanted to admit - Balthazar would never be one to take a hatchling or nestling. He’d made that exceptionally clear and, unlike Gabriel, his feelings would never change. But that made his protection of Dean all the more meaningful as far as Castiel was concerned.

“I would be,” he admitted, pressing a kiss to the top of Dean’s head. Since the moment they’d met, he’d felt a connection to Dean like none other. That connection had only flourished and deepened since Dean became a hatchling and losing Dean now would be more than just devestating; it would kill him.

“I think you should stick close to the nest for a while,” Balthazar said. “Or at least avoid Singer’s house. Don’t go anywhere that you could be ambushed.”

“Don’t worry. We won’t be going anywhere,” Castiel said. He’d entertained thoughts about taking Dean shopping again, but that trip was going to be pushed out by a couple of weeks at least. He suspected, but didn’t say, that Dean was going to be very little when he woke up again. That alone would be enough to make them stay around the nest where it was safest.

He cupped his hands around the baby and belatedly realized that Dean needed to be changed. It was a testament to just how upset Dean had been that he hadn’t just peed in his diaper, but had messed it as well. In his hysteria, Dean probably hadn’t even realized. Castiel could’ve just used his grace to change him, but he needed the physical contact right now. So he gathered Dean into his arms and stood.

“I’m going to change Dean and put him down,” he said. “I’ll be right back.”

Balthazar nodded and settled back on the couch to wait. Castiel carried Dean down the hall and into the nursery. Dean was a boneless weight in his arms, thumb tucked into his mouth. He snuffled as Castiel set him down on the changing table, wings fluttering. Castiel stroked his wings gently until Dean settled down a little. Only then did he begin removing Dean’s scorched, soot-covered clothing. He banished the clothing as soon as it was off and then used his grace to clean Dean of sweat, ash and soot. A bath would’ve been preferable, but that could wait until Dean woke.

Holy fire. They’d used holy fire against a hatchling. Castiel’s hands and wings trembled a little, both with rage and fear. That could’ve killed Dean. It could’ve burned his wings off. If Dean lost his wings, that would’ve been it. He’d have been a hatchling who could never fly or get into heaven unless he was with an angel. After everything Dean had gone through, that would’ve been unspeakably cruel.

As he set about using baby wipes to clean between Dean’s thighs, Castiel hoped more than ever that Gabriel, Anael and the others had found who was responsible. He very much wanted the opportunity to look the demon responsible in the eyes as he stabbed them with his angel blade. He wanted to be able to tell Dean that he was safe and this would never happen again, and be able to put the proof of a dead demon behind it.

He finished cleaning Dean, rubbed in some cream, and then put another diaper on the baby. Even though it wasn’t cool in the house, Dean was shivering a little, so he decided not to leave Dean naked. He fetched a green bodysuit and, in an effort to avoid disturbing Dean anymore than he already had, used his grace to get it onto Dean. He snapped the crotch shut and then picked Dean up again.

“You’re safe now, my sweet little angel,” he whispered to Dean. He moved over to Dean’s bed and gently laid Dean down, sliding both his bee and his fox into Dean’s arms. He picked up a pacifier from the nightstand and substituted that for Dean’s thumb. Dean began to suck immediately. Castiel smiled down at him fondly, heart aching with how much he loved this baby.

He stood there for a few minutes, just watching Dean sleep, before he looked around at the bed. Hannah had sold him this particular model because it could be easily converted into a crib: there were slats on each side that could be slid up and fastened together. It was already a bit higher than a normal bed to compensate for when the change would be made, though he doubted that Dean had noticed that.

Maybe it was time to start converting it. Dean slept extremely well in his stroller and part of that was because he was enclosed on all sides and didn’t need to worry about anyone sneaking up on or attacking him without his knowledge. A lifetime of sleeping in the backseat of the Impala was to thank for that. It stood to reason that, once Dean got over his initial embarrassment at yet another babyish object being introduced to him, he would feel the same way about sleeping in a crib.

But with something of this magnitude it was always best to start lightly, so Castiel only raised three sides of the crib. That would still give Dean a way to leave the bed if he needed to, but he’d be able to get used to being in a crib. If Dean received the change well, Castiel would give it a couple of days and then raise the fourth side. The only problem then would be preventing Dean from just climbing over the sides; he’d have to use his grace to create a wall or cover of some kind that only Castiel or Gabriel could breach. He didn’t want Dean to hurt himself by falling.

That brought to mind the bouncer, and how upset Dean had been when he couldn’t escape and Castiel left the room. Castiel stared pensively at the crib and his sleeping baby for a few moments before he decided that, for the first few days of having Dean’s crib fully intact and inescapable, he would move Dean’s crib into his own room. It would comfort Dean enormously if he woke during the night and saw Castiel only a few feet away.

Decision made, Castiel switched on Dean’s mobile and set it so that it would play continously. Then he crept over to the door and slipped through, leaving it open partway. Dean had never been shy about getting out of bed and coming to find him, but sometimes when he woke from a nightmare he would lay in bed and cry – like the thought of going to find Castiel didn’t occur to him. He would feel Dean’s distress through their connection, but he also wanted to be able to hear him.

Balthazar was still waiting for him in the living room. Castiel moved back over to the couch and sat, leaning his head against his brother’s shoulder. A moment later, he felt an arm and a wing wrap securely around him. He was used to only sitting this way with Gabriel, but he couldn’t deny that Balthazar’s comfort was nice. After the events of the day, he was more tired than he wanted to admit.

Some hours later, Castiel felt something in the wards of the nest change. He sat upright, nearly toppling Balthazar off the couch, and looked intently at the door. Gabriel’s grace beckoned him. Castiel leapt up and charged over to the door, Balthazar on his heels. They could both feel something ugly tickling at their grace. It was an unfortunately familiar feeling by now.

“Hey little bro,” Gabriel said cheerfully. “I have a surprise for you.”

Castiel stopped short and stared. Gabriel wasn’t alone. He had several of their brethren with him, including Anael and Samandriel. Each angel was holding onto a demon. Gabriel had his hand clamped around a woman who was wearing a waitressing uniform. His grip was tight enough that a normal human would’ve been sobbing in pain. The demon merely hissed, eyes flashing black with rage.

“What is this?” Castiel demanded. He flicked a glance back at Balthazar, silently imploring him to remain in the doorway and protect Dean. Balthazar nodded slightly and obeyed, his sword sliding down into his hand. That left Castiel free to walk down the steps.

“We tracked down the demons who attacked you,” Anael said. “Turns out it was someone you knew.” Disgust and rage rang through her voice.

“Crowley?” Castiel said.

“Hardly,” the demon being held by Gabriel scoffed. “I would never be loyal to him. Lucifer is the true king of hell.”

Gabriel snorted. “That’s where you’re wrong,” he hissed. “Lucy went back in the cage and he’s never coming out. You have my word on that. Crowley’s agreed to play by our rules and that means he gets to be the king of hell. You’ve made a mistake going after the Winchesters.”

“Who –” Castiel began, but then the demon spat at him and its – her – eyes flashed back again.

“You’ve forgotten me so soon, Castiel?” she asked. “Or maybe you just liked my old vessel better. Sorry, that one got destroyed. It’s me, Meg.”

“Meg?” Castiel repeated, shocked. His interactions with the demon had been brief, but he’d heard Sam and Dean complain about her plenty. She was utterly loyal to Lucifer and had tried to kill both boys several times over the years. They’d always managed to thwart her in the end. His anger grew as he realized that this time, she’d nearly succeeded.

Meg smirked. “Imagine my surprise when I found out that Dean had gone the way of an angel,” she said gleefully. “I knew then and there that my father’s actions had scarred him deeper than he wanted to admit. An angel in hell. It would be a truly fitting ending, don’t you think?”

“Dean will never go back to hell!” Castiel exclaimed.

“Are you so sure about that?” Meg purred. “I’ve vowed to make them pay. You think that if you kill me, it’s going to stop? Please. Crowley is nothing compared to Lucifer. He can’t control the demon. And Lucifer will escape someday. It’s inevitable. And when that happens, he’s gonna –”

Whatever else Meg was going to say was cut off by a choked gasp. She reeled in Gabriel’s grip, electricity pulsing over her skin, as she looked down at Castiel’s sword in disbelief. He’d stabbed her in the chest, right where her blackened heart would be. Gabriel let go in disgust and the human body Meg had been possessing fell to the ground, smoking and empty.