
66. Chapter 66

Dean cried and cried and cried. Every time Gabriel thought he might have cried himself out, the sobbing would start back up in full force. Finally, concerned that Dean was going to make himself sick, Gabriel touched the baby on the shoulder and used just a little bit of his grace to send Dean to sleep. Dean’s gasping cries slowed as he drifted off, though tears continued to stream down his cheeks and his grip on Castiel didn’t ease.

“Thank you,” Castiel said absently, still stroking Dean’s hair. His hands and wings were both shaking with the remains of adrenaline and fear, but Gabriel didn’t even think his brother realized. Castiel wouldn’t leave Dean alone for days now – which was fair, because Dean was going to be stuck to Castiel like glue.

Gabriel didn’t have that luxury.

“I have to go,” he said, full of reluctance. One of his wings was curled around both Castiel and Dean and he wanted it to stay that way. It felt right to have them both where he could keep an eye on them and smite anyone who dared to try and hurt them. Had it been his choice, he would’ve stayed where he was until Dean woke up again and they went through the next round of hysterics.

"What? Why?" Castiel looked up with beseeching eyes, grace panicked. Gabiel reached out instinctively and soothed him with his own grace. He loved the way that Castiel was so responsive to him now. There was nothing but complete trust between them, which was something that Gabriel wouldn't have even dreamed about all those months ago. Dean's presence had changed everything. The funny thing was, it was unlikely the baby would ever realize just how much he'd changed.

"Sam is calling me," Gabriel said, keeping his voice calm. "He's confused and very worried about you, me and Dean."

Balthazar shifted his weight. "He saw Dean," he offered. "And heard him, I suspect, when Dean was trapped in the holy fire."

That explained Sam's sense of urgency. Gabriel had seen the memories that Anael had given to Castiel as well. He'd never seen Dean that panicked, and Sam probably hadn't either. And it wasn't just losing Castiel and Gabriel, though that was obviously a part of it: it was the threat of being pulled back to hell that had really made Dean lose it. Gabriel suspected that Sam was finally realizing just what kind of impact those forty years of hell had had on his big brother. That couldn't have been a fun thing to grapple with. No wonder Sam sounded so freaked out.

Castiel sighed. "If Sam needs you, you have to go," he said, resigned.

"You and Dean are safe in the nest. Nothing can touch you. I have it heavily warded and I will know if anything happens," Gabriel told him. Castiel already knew that, but he thought the reassurance might help. "I'm going to go talk to Sam and then Anael. I want to know if they've figured out who is behind all this. Then I'll be right back." He lowered his eyes back to Dean just as Sparks twitched in Dean's lap. The kitten let out a soft sound of pain. Immediately, Gabriel reached out and touched her to heal the damage done.

"I'll stay with you," Balthazar offered.

"Would you?" Castiel looked a little comforted by the offer. "Thank you, Balthazar."

"Yes, thank you," Gabriel said. He suspected there was more to Balthazar's offer than he was letting on; Dean's charm had definitely gotten to Balthazar. Gabriel hadn't seen Balthazar as angry as he'd been when he saw Dean trapped in the holy fire in centuries. He probably wanted to stick around so that he could see for himself that Dean and Castiel were both safe, not that he'd ever be willing to admit it. But then, he didn't have to. It was enough that Gabriel could know he wasn't leaving his brother and nephew alone.

Reluctantly, he disentangled himself and stood, spreading his wings. He took a second to make sure that the wards on the nest really were as secure as he'd said they were before he flew away, heading for Bobby's house. He could feel his brethren standing watching; a few of them stirred as he passed by, but the grace of archangel's was well known through heaven and they all recognized him and knew that he wasn't a threat. Gabriel landed, unimpeded, right on Bobby's front porch. He could've flown right into the house if he wanted, but after such an upsetting day that seemed like an excellent way to end up with a gut full of hot lead. Guns couldn't kill him, but that didn't mean Gabriel enjoyed being shot.

So he knocked on the door instead, and then stood and waited. A human probably wouldn't have been able to hear the footsteps inside the house, but Gabriel could. He knew that it was Sam: he could see straight through the walls and that meant he knew exactly how awful Sam looked. Anael had healed him of the damage he'd sustained in the fight, but that hadn't done much for Sam's mentally or emotionally. Sam walked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders, face pale and a glassy look in his eyes.

The second the door opened, Gabriel pulled him into a hug. Sam tensed for a moment, hands coming up to defend himself, until he realized who it was. Then he sagged into Gabriel's hold like a puppet with its strings cut, hands hanging limply at his sides. Gabriel easily supported his weight, wrapping four of his wings around Sam. Even though Sam wouldn't be able to feel them the way Dean could, the sensation would still be comforting on a subconscious level. Then he gently eased his way into the house, kicking the door shut behind them.

"Shh, Sammy," he murmured, closing his eyes and gently rubbing Sam's back. He could hear Sam's ragged breathing and knew that Sam was holding on by a threat. Had they not been in Bobby's house, Sam might have given in and broken down. But they were, so he didn't. He did, however, stand there for a very long time and allow Gabriel to hold him.

Finally, Sam pulled away a little and straightened up. Some of the strain was gone from his face when he met Gabriel's eyes. "Dean?"

"He's fine. He's with Cas and Balthazar and Sparks. They're taking good care of him," Gabriel said. He wasn't surprised to see Sam relax at the information. Even though Anael had already told him that, the trust of the Winchesters was very hard-earned and he hadn't believed it until he heard it from Gabriel instead. Gabriel found himself honored.

"Thank god," Sam said, running his hands through his hair. "They just... disappeared. I didn't know what happened. Anael said… but I didn’t know…"

"Dean was very upset. Balthazar took him home. It was the safest place for him," Gabriel said.

"He was safe here," Sam argued.

"Not as safe as he could be in the nest," Gabriel said patiently. It was true that Bobby's house was heavily warded against demons, but as the attack had proven there were ways around that.

For a moment it seemed like Sam might continue arguing. But then all at once he deflated. "No, you're right. I just - I was worried about him. I've never heard Dean sound like that before. He was terrified."

"They threatened him with going back to hell?" Gabriel asked, even though he already knew the answer was yes.

Sam nodded slowly. "Yeah. The demon who seemed to be the leader said they wanted to take him back and Dean lost it. He started screaming for you and Cas and then finally Balthazar. I was trying to get to him, but there were just so many demons. They were everywhere." He swallowed hard. "Jody got stabbed. She almost died. One of your sisters healed her in the nick of time."

“Is she okay?” Gabriel said, because he knew that Sam would want him to ask. Sure enough, Sam turned back towards him and some of the bleakness left his eyes.

“Yeah. A little freaked, but she and Bobby are having a drink and that seems to be helping.”

“Did you have one?”

“No. I just… every time I shut my eyes I hear Dean screaming all over then. He was crying and yelling for Daddy.” The shake in Sam’s hands became more pronounced as he ran his hands through his hair again. “I don’t know why… it made me remember when we were kids and Dad used to leave us when he’d go on hunting trips. Sometimes Dean would have nightmares and wake up crying for him. I always cried for Dean.”

Unsure of how to respond to that, Gabriel just watched him. “You know what kind of relationship Dean and Cas have now,” he said after a pause.

“I know. I remember. I couldn’t forget even if I wanted to. But I’ve never… Dean’s never… he’s never depended on anyone like that.” Sam sounded frustrated, but Gabriel understood what he meant.

“Oh, Sammy. Dean’s not leaving you behind,” Gabriel said gently, privately thinking just how ironic it was that he’d had to have this conversation with both the Winchesters. These two really needed to learn to become better communicators. “He can depend on Cas and me, but so can you. My brothers and sisters would’ve responded to your call too. And so would Cas and I. Me especially. I will always be there when you need me.”

Sam shuddered. It was subtle, but Gabriel saw it. He closed the distance between them and put a hand on Sam’s shoulder, even though he wanted to hug Sam again. “I mean that. Okay?”

“Okay,” Sam said hoarsely. “Dean… he’s really alright?”

“He was sleeping when I left,” Gabriel said, choosing not to admit the circumstances that had led to that. “I could hear you calling for me, so I came here.”

“I didn’t call for you.”

Amused, Gabriel tapped Sam’s chest. “Your soul was calling for me, kiddo. It was as loud as though you were standing right next to me bellowing in my poor ears. I figured I better come calm you down before you had a heart attack. I’d hate to have to explain to Dean-o that you died from a heart attack after the fight was over.”

Sam flushed. “I was worried,” he muttered defensively.

And frightened, though Gabriel knew Sam would never admit to that. He squeezed Sam’s shoulder. “I know. I was worried too. I’m glad that you guys are okay.”

Sam just nodded. “Will Dean be okay when he wakes up?” he asked. “I mean… about hell?”

“Probably not right away,” Gabriel said, figuring honesty was best. Sam was smart enough to know that this kind of trauma didn’t just disappear. “But Cas and I have been working on it with him. He’s been having way less nightmares than he was, but I’m guessing at least some of the progress we’ve made will disappear.”

“But you’ll keep helping him,” Sam said.

“Of course we will. I can guarantee you that Cas won’t be letting Dean out of his sight for the next little while, and we’re both going to reassure Dean at every opportunity that is never going back,” Gabriel said. “It’s a setback, but we’ll work through it. Dean will be okay.”

“Good,” Sam muttered, finally relaxing a bit.

“Will you be okay?” Gabriel asked.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Sam said, looking startled.

“You were attacked too.”

“Well yeah, but they weren’t really after me. They wanted Dean. Bobby, Jody and I were just collateral damage.” Sam shrugged. “Besides, I’ve fought more than my share of demons. It’s no big deal.”

Gabriel didn’t like the way that Sam was playing this off as though it were no different than a regular encounter with demons. But he wasn’t really sure how to keep pushing it either. “I’m looking into figuring out who was behind what happened. I’m going to smite them,” he said finally. If he couldn’t help Sam right now, at least he could reassure Sam that whoever was behind this was dealt with.

Sam smiled. “That’s all I can ask for,” he said. “Well, that and I was wondering if you could get Dean to call me when he… when he feels like he can. I know what he’s like. He’s going to get all freaked because we heard him yelling for Cas and he’ll try to avoid us.”

“I will,” Gabriel promised. Sam wasn’t wrong. Dean had been worried about this for a long time. “It might be a little while.”

“That’s fine. So long as I know he’s safe and cared for,” Sam said. “I think I might have that drink now. Want one?”

“Sure,” Gabriel said. He could stick around for one drink before he went to find Anael. Besides, he was preoccupied with wondering, as he followed Sam into the kitchen, that while he and Cas were taking care of Dean, just who was taking care of Sam.