
has been cancelled

After his master died in the hands of the Azure lightning sect, Frank escaped to another another Continent to start his rise in power to avenge his masters death with the sect and all participants. using the fallen black lightning manual they killed him for ,Frank sets to rise in the martial arts world but distrustful towards man he grooms Demon beasts as his aides and companion in the journey taking the cultivation world a storm with his wits and battle power. . . stay as he journeys the martial world to find it's mysteries while fighting adversity with little plot armour. . I'm new to writing so do forgive me if I suck too much. Also English isn't my base language so I will fuck up a lot of spellings and stuff ,I apologize in advance book should get better as I progress ,so there is little development in the first chapters of it . Feel free to criticize, curse and advise me . I welcome all thank you should you read my book .I'm so bored over here just so you know I'm improvising the whole thing ryt now so ignore the plot holes *if u looking for some smut chapters I'm working towards it won't be much though*

broken_pen_ · Oriental
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24 Chs

capt 2, visiting the library

when I woke up tomorrow I found that I was still in the inn and what happened yesterday was not a nightmare. Getting up from the bed I went to the bathroom and took a bath before taking some clothes from my space ring I got dressed and left the inn heading for the library.

Taking a walk I realized some people looking at me curiously and only then I realised I was wearing foreign clothes to them, I went by a store and bought a few changes , wearing black pants and a gray t-shirt .

minutes after walking and asking I arrived at the Silver book library.

walking to the register I asked the locations of the tittles I'm interested in .

Finding that I had to pay a spiritual stone for the duration of my stay.

First I went over to learn some history of the continent and the country's in .After that I studied the common sense of the area n also the some land marks .

Going to the the cultivators section I got books concerning a lot but I was most interested in the flora and fauna here ,I also learned of the six danger zones around here know as the ash cloud mountains, haunted miasma forest ,the great beast mountain range, northern frozen peaks, and the triangle of the lost. but the one I was most interested in happens to be called lightning valley in Maylay .

it's a area Rich in lightning energies and is full of powerful lightning storms constantly, only powerful beasts reign in it and some crazy lightning cultivators go there for training but only powerful ones as it's highly risky for low level cultivators a lightning strike can kill them if the beasts don't do it first . Seems like it would be a good place to practice my art n maybe I can find a lightning attribute treasure there too .

i spent a full day in the library absorbing all kinds of knowledge on danger areas n other places to look for. I also learned a lot about the forces around here .Now I can say I'm not as illiterate as before concerning the area. I went of the novel by the next day feeling hungry I looked for a restaurant for a meal n a found one that seemed popular called springs restaurant.

Walking in I got welcomed by the smell of rice ,meat and wine .

The inside looked pretty well too with well spaced tables plenty of natural light n great decor. Took at seat at a corner window and ordered some food for myself ,few minutes into eating few minutes into waiting a commotion started as a bunch to teens walking in causing a ruckus.

Few of those guys came straight to me .The initial spirit absorbing stage. Hey this is Young master Simo's table so why don't scram along so he can eat in peace said the guy in the lead .I looked up to him then the rest of the gang n saw the so call young master Simo.

dresses luxuriously with a sword strapped on his waist . Must be from a good background in this city I thought.

looking around I saw everyone looking at me with pity ."poor guy he must be new here n now is getting bullied by Derrek Simo and his lackeys" I heard a guy say from one side n he wasn't the only one .

Seeing my place still has half its contents, I just said wait till I'm done n I'll move ,then I got back to eating my food.

Seems the guys felt insulted by it coz soon my table was surrounded by them. One picked up my Juice jug and poured it over my head ,look now you're all wet why not go out to change clothes Seeing them spoiling my food like that I got mad. I grabbed the plate and threw it at Derrek, while every one was surprised I took the chance knock down the two lackeys, jumped from my table n stomped down Derek's face.

Leaving his head head in the floor with him knocked out ,I awoke my qi and jumped the rest of the lackeys I punched one in the face n sent him flying to another table. The rest came to their senses n I found myself surrounded by the other 5 initial stage cultivators .

One struck with a punch I ducked the punch and punched his gut knocking his air out, I slid back and blocked a kick from another but got punched in the face. Turned back and punched on his side ,then did a b-kick to another. Turned and faced the last lackey standing n charged at him .

He got ready to fight but I just flipped over him and hi tailed to the the door leaving everyone speechless.Call it a coward move but I ain't gonna fight the local snakes with no back up ,I value my life. What if someone already went to call for help and they find me still fighting.

Running out the restaurant I ran into the market place n dived into the crowds then into an alley loosing my tails .

I changed my clothes n wore a cloak to cover my face then climbed up and started running on the roof tops .Few minutes later I saw some guards looking around for what I'd assume to be me .I moved on rooftop till I reached my Inn sadly I found one watching the entrance through a window.

I decided to skip the hustle and just go through a window into my room. After taking a bath I took some spirit stones and continued to cultivate by night I finished the 1st 2 mid grade stones n decided to spend the rest of the night focusing on comprehending the fallen black lightning manual.

To say it's quite difficult to comprehend it even in the start just hard will it get as I progress n I'm not strong enough to eat the treasures master left for me .The lightning spiral fruit will help consolidate my core and the rest can only help after looks like I'll have to find more resources myself ,guess I'll need a sect after all .