
has been cancelled

After his master died in the hands of the Azure lightning sect, Frank escaped to another another Continent to start his rise in power to avenge his masters death with the sect and all participants. using the fallen black lightning manual they killed him for ,Frank sets to rise in the martial arts world but distrustful towards man he grooms Demon beasts as his aides and companion in the journey taking the cultivation world a storm with his wits and battle power. . . stay as he journeys the martial world to find it's mysteries while fighting adversity with little plot armour. . I'm new to writing so do forgive me if I suck too much. Also English isn't my base language so I will fuck up a lot of spellings and stuff ,I apologize in advance book should get better as I progress ,so there is little development in the first chapters of it . Feel free to criticize, curse and advise me . I welcome all thank you should you read my book .I'm so bored over here just so you know I'm improvising the whole thing ryt now so ignore the plot holes *if u looking for some smut chapters I'm working towards it won't be much though*

broken_pen_ · Eastern
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24 Chs

escaping the Simo clans pursuit

it has been a week since the fight at the restaurant and things seem to have cooled down here in keeps reef city. I've been cultivating all this while n finally close to breaking through to early stage and I have also managed to comprehend all of the 1st stage of the fallen black lightning manual .

I took a bath wore my cloak and went down for a breakfast in the inn.

after having my fill I went out n started traveling by rooftop towards the closest city gates. Soon I arrived at the gate I went through with the crowd but just as I was to go out one of the guards stopped me and told me to take my hood down .

Getting in my situation I started looking around thinking of a plan but seeing everyone else complying and taking off their coats was but a bucket of cold water to me .I held the hood but didn't take it off ,seeing my actions the guard approached me and I waited thinking of a plan .I started circulating my qi to mostly my legs and right hand to make a run for it.

soon as he got close enough I punched him in the face and sent him flying a meter away . Within that moment I hi tailed heading towards the forest too loose them . Seeing me escape and the guard I hit on the ground six guards broke off to chase after me while I heard another send a message saying they've found me and need reinforcements.

Made use of my head start a put a few hundred metres between us , looking back I found them slowly closing the distance and to make matters worse for me all of them had a higher cultivation base. Adding salt they soon used movement techniques , truly wish to cry since I didn't learn any technique especially movement techniques.

when they covered half the distance, I reached the forest thinking fast I jumped onto a tree branch n started jumping and swinging on the hoping too loose them .Though they followed they couldn't cover up the distance anymore the chase went on for around 30 minutes with us deep in the forest close to the red core beast area I was left with half my Qi.

Realizing I can't escape and with no reinforcements in sight I decided to eliminate my chasers . Diving down into some thick bushes I unsheathed my sword and covered it in Qi waiting for the perfect moment. Just as one guard was jumping close to my bush I jumped out cut out his neck taking him by surprise then I jumped into hiding again.

The other 5 soon came over and saw the corpse of their companion they took out their weapons and got ready to fight .

with them being on guard i picked up a stone and threw it to another bush when they turned to look at it I jumped another one going for the head again but he managed to dodge the kill blow and I ended critically injuring his shoulder .

Jumping back to hide again i got intercepted by a flaming sword strike seeing he used a martial art I hurriedly raised my sword to block but got blasted away with the hit shaking my organs. After rolling on the ground got up and jumped onto a tree to hide on the branches then I started running away again heading straight to the red core beast region they soon followed after me .

The chase continued until I ran into a late stage yellow core beast ,I'm no match for it but going back is the same but when red crest Ape saw me in its area it got mad n came me really fast. Turned back and ran toward my chasers while cursing my luck for all this shit in one day. The guards saw me running back to them they readied their weapons but I just raised my hands and shouted I surrender.

Hearing my words they got confused for a while and just as I was a few meters from them. Grabbed a branch and flung myself side Ways changing direction to the right and I ran with my last effort speed then dived into some bushes again. When the guards realized I ran to the side they were about to chase after me but soon they heard the sound from the direction I came from they turned to find a mad red crest Ape charging at them .

I could hear them cursing me as they got attacked by the ape and jumped down to the ground to fight it better .They sent the one injured to look for me since he won't do too well in the fight a stage above him. As much as I want I wanted to watch the fight I had to get my ass out of here before I get killed. Moving out the bushes I started running on the ground again this time going heading a bit outside the forest .

Encountered some mid stage beasts along the way but i just ignored them and kept running soon my guy was catching up seems he are a minor healing pill and stopped the bleeding or worsening of his injury.

Reached a clearing near a stream which oddly had no beast close by.

I stopped turned to face my guy.

Man just ignored everything and attacked me with his spear I rolled to the side. Standing up I Covered my sword legs and arms in Qi and slashed at at his leg, he blocked with the shaft of his spear and threw a punch I arched my back dodging the blow and moved back. Pretty good for someone at the initial stage but block this , Raging serpent strikes he attacked stabbing his spear at me multiple times .

I put more lightning Qi into my sword and had it fully covered with lightning I blocked several of the strikes aimed at my vitals but had my left hand and right leg injured. I swear to learn the techniques soon as I recover I mumbled to myself. when he retracted his spear I attacked him on his injured shoulder he tried to block but was late as I reopened his wound then I punched his stomach.

He moved back but I didn't let him get me in his spears range I started attacking at close range with punches and kicks forcing him not to use his spear. Soon we accumulated more injuries and I realized I was running out of Qi. I thew a faint at his injured shoulder with my left hand when he tried to block it did a spin and stabbed his dantian with my sword .he went down and crippled and i finished him off by cutting off his head.