
Harry Potter. A Black Prodigy

Disclaimer Except Main character and some magic tricks, I don't own anything. Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. Synopsis: Ethan who transmigrated to the world of Harry Potter as Nigel Black. Follow the journey of Nigel Black to witness, how he clashes with his problems and enemies, to surpass anyone who came before or anyone who is coming. Honing his skills to perfection, to understand the concept and workings of magic,and acknowledged as the GOD OF MAGIC, to become the legend whose stories were told for generations. ************************************ I'm planning to keep stockpile of atleast 5 chapters which will be uploaded, after satisfactory responses and Power Stones.....

Mr_Myeterious · Filmes
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22 Chs

Spell Modification

"I am going to the library, I will meet with you two over dinner. Then we would discuss how to proceed from there." With that.

Nigel bid farewell to his friends, assuring them he would attend to their needs after dinner.

He headed to the library, where he began searching for books on spell creation and workings.

After 45 minutes of thorough searching, he found the desired book. Taking a seat at a nearby table, he delved into the book, completing it in less than an hour. He gained various ideas on how to tweak spells to achieve desired conditions.

For instance, there were three types of the Incendio spell: Incendio Duo and Trio.

The normal Incendio flame had a typical red color with an orange tint and relatively lower temperature compared to the other two. Incendio Duo projected a jet of green flame, hotter than the previous one,

while Incendio Trio, the hottest of them all, emitted blue flames. Eager to test his theory about altering the power and nature of spells, he made his way to the seventh floor Room of Requirement.

Now he was standing in front of a painting in which a wizard is trying to teach dance to trolls but ultimately failing.

He started pacing back and forth three times in front of painting while thinking of a large area with lots of training dummies and a wall clock with an alarm set on 6.0 clock PM.

A double gate appeared and started opening slowly revealing exactly what Nigel thought room to be a large dark room with a dozen dummies and a pendulum clock mounted on top.

'Wow this room really is a masterpiece in even a wizarding world that no one known can replicate it' he thought.

'I took all this risk on a simple theory that voldemort wouldn't come here to check for his Horcrux to not alarm Dumbledore, but it's just a speculation'

With that he entered inside and the door behind closed and it will not allow anyone else to enter until outside one can match the one inside the imagination of the room.

He goes near a dummy.

"Let's test my theory that spell efficiency and power can be increased"

With these words he fired incendio on 1st dummy of the same intensity and heat which he used in Herbology class.

When he stopped spelling the dummy had a 3rd degree burn which will be huge damage in case of muggles but here in the wizarding world it can be treated like a normal burn and it will not leave any sacr.

"Enough to escape from a 5th year student but only if he gave an opening, but not enough so let's increase its heat and be more precise"

With that he fired another Incendio and this one made a hole in the dummy.

"Hmm it can be used as a leaser beam but it took a lot more time which is scary in battle.

I have to see the effects of the incendio duo and tria."

He then fired a green fire towards dummy and

It tore through dummy in half a time of normal incendo did.

He fired a Blue one next which was incendio tria and it was devastating it tore through dummy in mere seconds and left a deep hole on the wall which repaired itself afterwards.

"Wow that was amazing, now let's put more power in the spell"

He fired a blue beam of fire fire which was left a hole in the dummy torso and the material of the dummy melted at the point of contact.

'Hmm that's what is called satisfying results

"Now let's test the severing charm 'Diffendo'"

He again asked the room to rearrange the lost dummies.

"Diffendo" he was shocked to see the results it slashed the whole dummy in half.

*Wow, and they taught this in the first year, guess they don't have the same power as me but this is a power killing technique"


He was going to proceed but the clock alarm halted him,

'Huh time is already up, Guess I have to come here tomorrow again. I have many theories and many Ideas from anime to replicate like, using diffindo and Sectumsempra to replicate Sukuna cleave and dismantle, jutsu from Naruto, mana zone from Black clover and many more ideas. It will take time but It will be worth it. And I also have to train both Rose and Selina, after all I can't do all things myself.' he thought while exiting the Room of requirement.

He then proceeded to walk towards the great hall.

In his way he saw many other students from different classes and different houses.

When he was near he spotted Rose and Selina in the last of the crowd of Slytherin going towards the great hall. He sped up his face and reached them out.

"Hii" he said from behind Rose startling her.

"Woh Nigel you nearly gave me a heart attack." Rose said while taking a deep breath to calm her beating heart.

"So what did you find out" Selina asked.

"Aren't you asking too many questions on our first day of meeting?" he asked, raising an eyebrow with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"Oh, sorry, I thought—never mind," she said with frustration, embarrassment, and a tinge of sadness.

"What, I'm just joking. We're friends now, and I won't leave you even if you ask me to," he said, trying to cheer her up. It worked; she gave a slight smile.

"So, what did you do?" Rose inquired this time.

"How about this: I'll tell you both when you've mastered all the first-year spells," he proposed.

"But you have to teach us," Rose bargained.

"I could teach you the spells taught at school, if only you wouldn't complain and do whatever I told you two to do," he presented his side of the bargain while looking at both Rose and Selina.

Rose turned towards Selina, who nodded in agreement. Rose then turned back to Nigel and said, "Deal."

"Deal. Let's get dinner first, and after that, we could plan for it," Nigel said, and they agreed. They entered the Great Hall, served food, and began eating while making small talk.

After half an hour, Nigel said to both Rose and Selina, "Let's go," confirming that they had both finished eating. They nodded in agreement.

"So, what are you going to teach us?" Rose asked excitedly, like a child promised their favorite toy.

"We have exactly three and a half hours before the curfew, so we have to plan accordingly. First, find an abandoned classroom for our practice. We can practice outside campus during the day, but not now," he said authoritatively, leaving no room for argument.

After some searching, they found what they were looking for. A room in which they made themselves comfortable in the room, illuminated by moonlight from the window.

"Let's start" he said

"Let's start" Rose and Selina Said in unison.

"In early days people didn't perform magic by using spells they used their will but only few of them can get the desired solution maximum but for others it doesn't. So after so many years rituals and runes come into picture but creating runic structure and performing rituals is very complicated and time consuming. So after decades spells come into picture and because of its easy method and effectiveness it is pravticed till now." Nigel explained about the origin of spells which he read in a spell related book in the library.

"Spell is like a command which triggers the magic inside your body to perform said task.

That's why the wrongly casted spell ends in disaster and this also makes spell creations very hard. Many lost their lives in the process of making spells so it's also removed from Hogwarts syllabus." Actually Hogwarts has a book based on spell creations in the restricted section but he didn't tell them.

"A caster can blend spells for the best outcome according to situations like this" he then demonstrated by creating a small incendio but also changing heat and intensity.

"What I just did is, increase the magic output hence increasing the flame. Selina I know that you already have many 1st year spells but try to increase the intensity, and after that I will teach rose two new spells.

"Rose as I have an advantage over you I want you to catch up fast because I won't slow down my pace." Selina said to push Rose forward and It worked now she has a fire to catch up to her.

"All right let's do it." Rose exclaimed.

With that they started

"All right stop you two, you manage to get pretty much control over your flame. Now try to control this." Saying that he gave his wand a movement and incarnation 'incendio duo'

From the tip of the wand a green flame comes out it was hotter than the previous flame.

"Selina do you know how to perform this spell" he asked

"Yes" she answered

"Good go for increasing the intensity. I will give her a theory." He said to Selina

"Now that Rose listen, this spell has the same wand movement but with a different incantation. Just like you performed previously in incendio do it the same as he instructed.

Rose nodded and started practising.......

"Come on the curfew is in 15 minutes we have to reach the common room before hand."with that he started moving out.

"Yes" they said in an exhausted voice and started following him to the common room.

"You two did pretty well. You manage to learn incendio duo and tria and also learn to control its intensity. " They cheered.

"But your speed is awfully slow, if you face an older student. You will lose, so tomorrow we will work on speed." They deflated but quickly became more determined.

With that word they reached common room and parted their way towards their own dormatiory.


Hey, How is the chapter?

And Give me more Power Stones.

If I got more than 200 Power Stones i will immediately upload next chapter.


This chapter took more time than others because first I have to write senarios then make dialogues according to character.

But its turn out pretty good.

So help me reach more than 200 Power Stones and I will upload next chapter immediately.

Mr_Myeteriouscreators' thoughts