
Harry Potter. A Black Prodigy

Disclaimer Except Main character and some magic tricks, I don't own anything. Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. Synopsis: Ethan who transmigrated to the world of Harry Potter as Nigel Black. Follow the journey of Nigel Black to witness, how he clashes with his problems and enemies, to surpass anyone who came before or anyone who is coming. Honing his skills to perfection, to understand the concept and workings of magic,and acknowledged as the GOD OF MAGIC, to become the legend whose stories were told for generations. ************************************ I'm planning to keep stockpile of atleast 5 chapters which will be uploaded, after satisfactory responses and Power Stones.....

Mr_Myeterious · Filmes
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22 Chs

Platform 9 ¾ And Hogwarts Express

King's Cross Station

Like any other day, the station was full of people. In the midst of the crowd, we see our protagonist standing between platforms 9 and 10.

'I know that the way to platform is through one of the pillars, but which one, I don't know. I'll have to wait for someone to arrive first. Thank goodness, I arrived earlier,' Nigel thought while looking at his pendant watch.

After some time of waiting for someone to arrive, he saw a girl around his age with red silky hair, with a beautiful face. She was wearing an oversized old dress, rather thin and small body framed by her age, with round broken glass frames and a lightning-shaped mark on her forehead. She was pushing her trolley and looking around nervously.

Seeing her, Nigel instantly recognised her 'Isn't she cute' With that in mind, he approached her.

Rose's POV

I was really happy since yesterday, and the excitement of going to Hogwarts and leaving the Dursleys was so high that I could barely sleep yesterday. I was accompanied by my aunt, uncle, and cousin Dursley to King's Cross Station, but after seeing my ticket, they left after laughing.

And now I am here alone, searching for an invisible platform to board my train. While I was thinking, I saw a boy around my age but taller than most boys his age, approaching me. His clothes seemed to be made of the expensive material, he has the darkest black hair I have ever seen. But most attractive were his dark blue eyes, unlike my green eyes, that held confidence and power.

"Hello, I am talking to you, are you listening?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by his voice, which was kind, warm, and powerful.

3rd pov

Rose listening to his words blushed because of embarrassment and hastily replied, "Ah, yes, I was thinking about something else," after calming down.

"So, what are you doing here? Is anyone with you or not?" Nigel asked warmly, showing that he can be caring when needed.

"I came here with my uncle, aunt, and cousin, but they left. Can you help me to get to..." she said, nervously asking the question at last, on how to properly.

"...get to Platform 9 ¾," Nigel completed her question with a smirk.

"You are a wiza..." Rose was going to exclaim when suddenly Nigel placed his hand over her mouth to stop her. She was shocked to know that he knew about Platform 9 ¾, as she came only on one occasion.

"Keep your tone low, there are Muggles around here and yes I am" Nigel said, removing his hand from her mouth confirming her theory.

Again, Rose blushed due to embarrassment but calmed down. "Sorry, and yes, I want to know if you know where Platform 9 ¾ is," Rose answered.

"I know that Platform 9 ¾ is between platforms 9 and 10, and the way is through one of the pillars, but that is the problem. I don't know which one," Nigel answered.

"Then what should we do?" Rose asked.

"Probably wait for someone to arrive," Nigel said, and they sat while keeping an eye out for magical people.

" My name is Nigel Black," Nigel said

"Nice to meet you, my name is Rose Potter."she introduced herself.

They didn't have to wait too long because they saw a lady shouting, "Packed with Muggles everywhere!" and saw that she was accompanied by four boys and one girl. One boy was older-looking, two of them were identical to each other, probably twins, one boy the same age as them, and a small girl, 1 or 2 years younger than them, holding hands with her mother. Nigel approached the family with Rose.

When they reached the family, they heard the mother saying, "Percy, you go first."

And then the older looking boy walked in a fast pace towards the pillar, and when he was about to collide, he went through the pillar. Rose turned towards Nigel, a shock present on her face, and Nigel gave her a knowing smile.

And he signaled Rose to go and ask,

"Um, excuse me," Rose said tentatively, "could you tell me how to get to Platform 9 ¾?"

Mrs. Weasley turned to her with a warm smile. "Of course, dear! You just have to run straight at the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. Don't worry, it'll feel like you're crashing into it, but you'll pass right through." Rose's eyes lit up in surprise.

"Thank you! I appreciate it." She thanked.

"No problem at all, dear," Mrs. Weasley replied kindly.

"Are you off to Hogwarts for your first year?" Rose nodded eagerly.

"Yes, I am. "She replied

"Well, you're in good company then," Mrs. Weasley said, gesturing to her children. "These are my children. Now, quickly, you don't want to miss the train!" Mrs Weasley said.

As Rose and Nigel emerged from the other side of the barrier, they found themselves separated from the Weasleys. Standing before the Hogwarts Express, Nigel couldn't help but admire its beauty, and he turned to see that Rose shared his sentiments about the train.

"So, how is it?" Nigel asked, gesturing toward the train.

"Beautiful," Rose replied in a low tone.

"Let's go " Nigel suggested.

"Let's go," Rose agreed

As they began to board the train, Nigel went in first. When it was Rose's turn, she struggled with loading her belongings onto the train.

"Let me help you," Nigel offered

Rose nodded in approval, and what she witnessed amazed her. Nigel extended his hand toward her trolley, gestured upwards, and to her astonishment, the trolley started levitating. With effortless ease, he loaded her entire trolley onto the train.

"Let's go," Nigel's voice snapped her out of her reverie, and they began to walk, searching for an empty compartment. After some time, they found one and proceeded to settle their luggage, with Nigel's magic making the process much smoother.

After settling their luggage, they sat comfortably facing each other near the window. As they gazed outside, they observed parents bidding farewell to their children. Witnessing this scene, Rose was prompted to ask a question.

"Nigel, why didn't your parents come for you? This is your first time after all," Rose inquired.

"Well, Rose, I am an orphan"

Nigel replied with a smile.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't know that," Rose apologized.

"Don't worry about it. As you said, you didn't know," Nigel reassured her.

"Well, I understand. Unlike you though, I was raised by my Aunt's family. ?" Rose said.

"About your parents, whole wizarding community knows." He said

"Now that I think of it. They would have known the whole story, that's why I can be easily recognised. To prevent that I have covered my scar with hair" she said knowingly.

"Yes, they know, but let's not talk about that. I want to warn you though, to expect different reactions from different types of people after knowing your name," Nigel suggested.

"Yes, you are right. " replied Rose, showing her concern.

"Well, whenever you need help , you can ask me, or if you just want to spend some time, I will be available for you," Nigel reassured her.Rose gave him a thankful nod, and they continued their conversation.

As the time approached 11 o'clock, the train started with a warning horn. After some time, they sat in comfortable silence, enjoying the ride.However, the silence was broken by the opening door, and they saw a red-headed boy standing in front of them.

"Can I sit here? All the other compartments are full," the red-headed boy asked.They nodded in agreement, and he entered, loudly settling his luggage before sitting on the same side as Rose, maintaining a distance.

"We met at the station," Ron exclaimed, receiving nods of approval from them.

"Well, we haven't been introduced. Hi, my name is Ron, Ron Weasley. Nice to meet you," introduced Ron himself.

"Nigel Black," replied Nigel, looking directly into Ron's eyes.

"Hii, my name is Rose Potter," introduced Rose with a smile.Initially shocked, Ron now heart beating quickens , his cheeks turned red as a blush spread across his face at the sight of his childhood crush sitting in front of him. Nigel noticed this and was amused, looking into Ron's surface thoughts to confirm his suspicions.

'Looks like little Ronald has a crush, but unfortunately, she is already taken,' thought Nigel possessively towards Rose.Ron, whose face was all red, asked,

"By Rose Potter, you mean the real Rose Potter, right?"

"Yes," Rose replied awkwardly.

"Wicked! So, do you have a scar on your forehead?" Ron asked excitedly, his awkwardness dissipating.

"Yes," Rose replied, moving her hair sideways to reveal the most popular scar in wizarding Britain.Ron became even more excited and was about to ask more questions when Nigel intervened,

"Let's not talk about that. She is not comfortable."

After listening to Nigel, Ron paused. He didn't know why, but he felt that he should. There was a momentary silence, and then they began to enjoy the train ride. Ron, who didn't like the silent atmosphere, spoke up to break the silence.

"So, do you have any idea about the Sorting Ceremony? My brothers told me that we have to fight a troll to be selected," Ron asked.

"I'm sure they're joking. They wouldn't take such an exam which risks students safety" Nigel said with a matter-of-fact tone.

"Which house you want to go ? I personally wants to go in Gryffindor; my whole family has been there." Ron said, changing the subject and showing his support for the lions.

Nigel, who was listening to him, thought,

'Now I have to take action.' With that, He casually looked in Ron's eyes and commanded him to believe that he have some urgent work from his brother, so he should immediately go and find them and to not return to compartment .

"Sorry, but I have to meet my brothers. See you later." Ron said and left the compartment.

"Rose, how much do you know about the houses and their history?" Nigel asked after Ron in serious tone.


This is Important you should read.

Hello, readers author here.

Ask any doubt related to story in comment,

And share you experience.

From here our cannon truly starts, some time you may feel conversation forceful.

So please tell me, its my first time writing so I will learn from my mistakes. After some chapter you will have no issues.

I started changing orignal universe story little by little, started building my own story.

If anyone have some Idea about intresting things we could do to make it much more interesting then please comment down.

Next Chapter:- Hogwart's Houses.

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