
Harry Potter : Wizard SI

"This is the story of a socially awkward medic's life after his reincarnation in the Harry Potter universe. " --------- This fanfic explores all aspects of J.K. Rowling's books, including magic, society, history, and even politics. ---------- As for romance, I didn't plan for it; I will wait for the characters to age and build upon it. The main character is only attracted to the female gender. ------ P.S: The first 6 chapters completely explain the mechanics of Magic. I kept it simple and precise. Please review, comment, and give power stones to the fic."

KK9494 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Chapter 22 : Detentions-2

-----After Snape's detention----


Carefully, I levitated the potion supplies to my second detention, or as I noted mentally, my first official detention recognized by Hogwarts.

The detention I just completed now was awesome—it was Snape's private session, off the records and meant only for the Slytherin circle. Fuck, I want another detention.

Let's bully Seamus, his cauldrons are the most painful to scrub. An easy detention.

As I made my way towards the Hogwarts hospital with the supplies in tow, I couldn't help but reflect on Snape's control over his magic. The AI had previously highlighted this aspect of his prowess, noting that even the infusion of his magic was measured in precise units, even for the most common of items.

The example of Snape's precision with the potion ingredients came to mind—3.45 L magic infusion for Dragon liver. This level of control was essential, especially when dealing with rare and potent ingredients like Unicorn hair, Dragon liver, and Dittany. Each ingredient required careful manipulation of magical energy, with Snape ensuring that the infusion was precise down to the last decimal point.

As I reached the hospital wing, I prepared myself for the detention ahead.


-Hospital Wing-

Entering the Hospital Wing's consultation room, I scanned the area for Madam Poppy and spotted her in the Intensive Care room through the connecting door. Making my way over, I handed her the potion, but her reaction caught me off guard.

She glanced me up and down before asking, "Are you the latest Genius-Idiot of this year?"

Confused by her peculiar title, I echoed, "Genius-Idiot?"

Madam Poppy gestured towards the patients on stretchers, each displaying varying states of distress. One individual had transparent skin, another had hollow eyes, and a third opened his mouth only to reveal a goldfish in place of his tongue.

My mouth twitched at the sight of these unfortunate cases, victims of reckless magic experimentation.

Madam Poppy proceeded to explain, "There's a reason the curriculum progresses gradually, with each year building upon the last. From basic spells like levitation and Lumos in the early years to more complex magic in the later ones. The OWL and NEWT years introduce students to advanced concepts like human transfiguration and explosive charms."

Pointing towards the patient with the fish tongue, she continued, "This wizard failed to properly master the principles of transfiguration back in their second year. And now, they suffer the consequences."

I nodded in understanding, regarding the importance of mastering the fundamentals before delving into more complex subjects.

It is life or death in magic.

As Madam Poppy finished her explanation, she turned towards me, her expression solemn. "You qualify as one for trying to enter the forbidden corridor, hence the name Idiot," she remarked with a hint of jest. "Which, coupled with your apparent genius from little Severus, comes the Genius-Idiot."

I chuckled at the clever play on words but made it clear, "I have no intention of keeping the 'idiot' title."

Deciding to put my skills to use, I raised my wand and cast a Diagnostic scan, uttering, "Ergitudo." This time, it was a full and deep scan, delving into the intricacies of each patient's condition.


As the data flooded my mind, my AI got to work, processing the information and organizing it into coherent reports. Madam Poppy observed silently as I spent the next ten minutes completing the deep scan.

After each report was meticulously crafted from the processed data, I retrieved a clipboard and used a basic application from my second-year studies in inorganic transfiguration to print the reports one by one.

[AI Tasks:

Process and analyze data from the deep scan.

Generate coherent reports for each patient based on the scan results.]


Name: Roger Davies

Condition: Transparent Skin


A severe case of epidermal transparency is likely caused by a failed attempt at Disillusion charm.

Skin lacks opacity, rendering internal organs and structures visible.

Urgent treatment is required to restore normal skin pigmentation and prevent further complications.


Patient Name: Helena Pennsworth

Condition: Hollow Eyes


Eyes appear sunken and devoid of normal ocular structure.

Possible side effects of experimental spellcasting or potion misuse.

Recommend immediate examination by a specialist in ocular magic to assess the damage and determine an appropriate treatment plan.


Patient Name: Gregory Flennel

Condition: Fish Tongue


The tongue transfigured into a goldfish, rendering normal speech and eating functions impossible.

Likely the result of improper handling of transfiguration spells or insufficient understanding of transfiguration principles.

Treatment options include reverse transfiguration or surgical intervention to restore normal tongue anatomy.


Madam Poppy examined the reports with a keen eye, nodding in approval as she read through each one. "You are good at medical theory, no, strictly speaking, your medical knowledge is rock solid," she remarked, impressed. "As for the treatment knowledge, there are slight deficiencies. For example, the Hollow Eyes case can be solved with untransfiguration. The ocular structure has disappeared due to the transfiguration of the eyes. Even exhaustion of her magic reserves can break the transfiguration, but there is a chance of magical exhaustion in that treatment plan."

I acknowledged her assessment with a nod, understanding my limitations. It is the magical side of healing that I am deficient in. A few months of exposure to books is not enough to fill them.

Madam Poppy sighed; her tone still impressed. "I can see most of your knowledge is from the Muggle side of healing. Even so, I can make you a competent healer by the end of your Hogwarts education."

Considering her fame as one of the best healers in the world, that could be said to be the best compliment I have heard thus far.

"Healing is even more complex in the Wizarding world than in the Muggle world due to a simple reason," she added, her expression thoughtful. "Each case will be more magical than the rest."

God, she is good with words.

As I was, eager to dive into the world of healing magic, Madam suddenly burst my bubble with a stern nod. "You can start from the primary first aid in the consultation room," she directed, her tone firm but encouraging.


Before I could fully process her instructions, a swift motion of her wand sent me flying into the consultation room with an insanely fast Depulso.


 The world around me blurred as I hurtled towards the ground, the rush of air filling my ears. Instinctively, I extended one hand on the ground and executed a quick flip to ease the momentum.

Once I regained my bearings, I glanced around the consultation room, taking in the various students with minor injuries or transfiguration accidents. Madam Poppy's voice echoed in my ear as she shouted her advice, "A word of advice, little Arjun. Don't be a smartass. You can fill the knowledge at your own pace. Time to get started on the practical aspects."


With the doors closing behind me, I could only say helplessly, " Crazy witch."


Turning to the waiting patients, I said, ' I guess it is time to put theory into practice."

-Hospital Wing, Consultation room-

After quickly casting Episkey to heal scratches or cuts, I turned my attention to the next patient, a Ravenclaw student with burns from an Incendio accident.

As I prepared to administer a Wiggenweld potion, I couldn't help but comment to the member of Ravenclaw in front of me, "Can't you guys ask for help from your seniors or something? Especially for spells like this."

The Ravenclaw student sighed, wincing slightly as the potion began to take effect. "We tried, but most of the older students are busy with their studies or don't want to be bothered by us younger ones."

As I finished treating the twelfth Ravenclaw student of the day, I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief. "Another one," I muttered to myself, glancing around the Hospital Wing filled with injured students.

Flint had been a great help in mastering Incendio, but I never imagined I'd be seeing the consequences of the mishaps, so frequently in a single day.

Ravenclaw house had become the highest visitor to the Hospital Wing, surpassing even the usually conflict-prone Slytherins and the daring Gryffindors.

The reason is simple. It is their Overdependence on Knowledge from books, not quite realizing experience is knowledge in its own right.

I muttered out loud, "Can't these guys learn from the Hufflepuffs, who avoided the unnecessary pain by simply asking for help."