
Harry Potter : Wizard SI

"This is the story of a socially awkward medic's life after his reincarnation in the Harry Potter universe. " --------- This fanfic explores all aspects of J.K. Rowling's books, including magic, society, history, and even politics. ---------- As for romance, I didn't plan for it; I will wait for the characters to age and build upon it. The main character is only attracted to the female gender. ------ P.S: The first 6 chapters completely explain the mechanics of Magic. I kept it simple and precise. Please review, comment, and give power stones to the fic."

KK9494 · Book&Literature
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31 Chs

Chapter 23 : Detentions-3

---------Hogwarts grounds---------


As I knocked on the door of Hagrid's hut, it swung open to reveal the towering figure of the half-giant.

Hagrid's expression was less than welcoming, his muttered words betraying his disdain for Slytherins. "Snakes," he grumbled, "not even a single good one among you."

I bit back the retort that sprang to mind, reminding myself that patience was key when dealing with Hagrid's prejudices. With a resigned sigh, I followed him as he set off around the Hogwarts grounds, his wand cane held aloft like a beacon.



We inspected every nook and cranny, ensuring no weeds or other irregularities were marring the landscape. Hagrid took his duties as groundskeeper seriously, closing gates and tending to any issues with meticulous care.

As we stood at the boundary near the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid grunted out his explanation. "Gatekeeper duties are over," he rumbled, "now we must ensure the forest surroundings are secure. With that, the daily duties will be completed."

He then outlined the additional tasks, his tone gruff and unwelcoming. "There's a once-weekly routine of venturing into the depths of the Forbidden Forest to maintain relations with its inhabitants and check for any human intruders, as dictated by the Pact. And a monthly check of the Black Lake by coordinating with the Merfolk friends there." His gaze narrowed at me. "Don't irritate them with your mouth, slimy snake. Never give your false friendship here."

His hostility toward Slytherin's house was striking, and I couldn't help but feel the awkward tension in the air. With his animosity toward Slytherins, I couldn't blame my housemates for their apprehension towards him. Perhaps there was truth to the rumours of some Slytherins being sent to the hospital wing after run-ins with Hagrid. But then again, I could also imagine instances where students tried to push his buttons, provoking his retaliation.

The Slytherin crowd can be a bit snakish due to the social environment in the House. Searching for weakness in everyone, like a snake search for weakness in prey.

Strangely, despite his rough exterior, Hagrid seemed to have a sense of justice about him. He is trying his best to not take out his anger on me and to be fair in supervising my detention.

I couldn't shake the image of a young Hagrid, trusting Tom Riddle and confiding in him about raising Aragog, only to be betrayed in the end. It was a tragic tale.

In my new life at Hogwarts, I found myself observing the hidden aspects of people that often went unnoticed in the movies or books from my previous life.

Take Draco Malfoy, for instance. While he was often depicted as a bully, I discovered there was truth to that portrayal, but there was more to him than met the eye. Despite his arrogance and privileged upbringing, Draco was surprisingly friendly to those within Slytherin's house. It was as if he saw them as an extension of his social circle, a relationship built by their common upbringings and culture.

Due to his spoiled nature, he couldn't and at the same time didn't want to comprehend the circumstances and thoughts of the other houses. However, I noticed him having a friendly relationship with the purebloods who supported neutral or Dark faction thoughts. With others, he reacted with his default hostility and disdain.

Then there was Professor Snape, with a reputation for hostility towards Gryffindor students. This was kind of true, though they were quite adventurous with potions, a nightmare for any potions master.

You see, Hogwarts potions had contracts with numerous places like Saint Mungo's, which were made in class by the students and professors. The professor had the responsibility to check the quality of potions made and fulfil the contract.

So, I can imagine his frustrations with Neville, Seamus, and the twins. While the twins' pranks were mindful of the costly ingredients, the cases of Neville and Seamus were a complete loss for potion stores.

However, as a Slytherin myself, I soon realized that Snape's demeanour towards my house was quite different. While he still maintained his strict demeanour, there was an underlying sense of fairness and loyalty towards Slytherin students.

 It isn't a wonder that his past with the Marauders and Lily Evans had shaped his perspectives and attitudes. After all, a person is the sum of his past experiences.

And then there was Hagrid, the gentle giant of Hogwarts. Despite his outward gruffness and aversion to Slytherin's house, I could see a softer side to him. He tended to the creatures of the Forbidden Forest with care and affection, even showing me the intricacies of our tasks despite his dislike for my house. It was a side of Hagrid that was rarely portrayed in the media, overshadowed by his occasional clashes with Slytherin students.

These people were more complex than they appeared in the media.

===After a month===

It had been over a month since I began my detentions, and my days were filled with tasks, leaving little time for anything else besides the occasional weekend visit to fill my database with necessary information.

However, despite the lack of private time, I had made significant progress in both Potions and Healing magic.

Healing magic, in particular, proved to be a fascinating field, combining various disciplines such as charms and Transfiguration. As I delved deeper into its intricacies, my skills flourished, and I grew increasingly confident in my abilities.

I was certain that if I were to sit for the year-end tests now, I would easily achieve an O+ grade in all my subjects, such was the extent of my progress.

Potions, too, saw rapid advancement on my part. I found myself just a few steps away from delving into OWL potions like the Healing Potion, a prospect that excited me.

Yet, amidst all this progress, what truly warmed my heart was the recognition I received from Hagrid.

It had taken over a month of showcasing my knowledge of magical creatures and tending to the injuries of the forest residents, but finally, Hagrid acknowledged my efforts. Even more heartening was the fact that Fluffy, the three-headed dog, played a significant role in earning Hagrid's respect.

I wonder if Dumbledore taught me about massaging Fluffy for this. Of course, he did. He wants to see what kind of person I am.

Hagrid's shouts of "Careful, Arjun!" as I used the Bandage charm on an injured Thestral serve as proof of our growing friendship.



 It was a clear indication of his good nature and his willingness to look past his prejudices. On just that point, Hagrid is far better than 99.99% of all people I know.

As Hagrid and I ventured deeper into the Forbidden Forest, he began to share insights into the misunderstood creatures that inhabited its depths. It was at that point we found this injured horse.

 "Thestrals are misunderstood creatures," he explained, his voice tinged with frustration. "Their magic makes them visible only to those who have witnessed death, which unfortunately gives them a bad reputation as omens of misfortune. Many fear them and misunderstand their nature, leading to them being hunted and ostracized."


I lent an ear to Hagrid's woes while walking further into the forest, leaving the Thestral to his family.

Noting the bitterness in Hagrid's tone, which hinted at personal experiences mirrored in his words. It was evident that his deep connection with magical creatures stemmed from a place of empathy and understanding, of the prejudice they faced just like Hagrid.

Unfortunately, he doesn't get that a Thestral's bite can cleave through the bone like a knife through cake.


"Here is the dittany spot. I gather them here for the potions class."


As we continued our journey, Hagrid pointed out various ingredients scattered throughout the forest, each possessing unique properties essential for potion-making. With a twinkle in his eye, he revealed that he had brokered deals with his magical animal friends to supply me with these ingredients, even in secret. In exchange, the potions I brewed would be used for the well-being of his friends, ensuring a mutually beneficial arrangement.

The opportunity to practice potion-making in such a unique and secluded environment was a gift, one that I eagerly embraced.

With Hagrid's guidance and the resources provided by his animal friends, I began to set up a private perimeter within the forest to hone my skills.

This partnership with Hagrid could be the next major factor after Snape's instruction, contributing to my progress in potions. 




As I walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, lost in thought, the weight of my self-realization pressed heavily upon me.

 It was Hagrid's circumstances, mostly his situation with Tom Riddle, that were enlightening to me.

I had chosen to conceal certain truths about my heritage, fearing the consequences of full disclosure in Slytherin. But now, as I thought about the potential fallout of revealing my full identity to the Slytherin house, I couldn't shake the image of Hagrid.

While Slytherins are no Hagrid, they will take this the same way he did. Betrayal.

In Slytherin's house, wealth, power, and reputation were prized above all else. The expectations placed upon Slytherins were high, and the pressure to maintain a facade of superiority was relentless. To be associated with anything less than pureblood lineage was to risk ridicule and scorn.

Even me being a potential Half-blood was barely acceptable, due to my talent.

When the truth comes out about my Muggle-born status, I have no doubt it will come out at one point in the future. It would be seen as a betrayal, a breach of trust that could have far-reaching consequences. Slytherins were not known for their forgiveness, especially when it came to matters of blood status and lineage.

Draco and others are not as kind as Hagrid; they might as well become my lifelong enemies. As for Daphne and others, they will probably be angry about being fooled.

The few casual acquaintances I made in other houses will be just that—acquaintances. Only after joining the house did, I realize how deep the fracture with the other houses runs for Slytherin.

Be it Ravenclaw, Gryffindor or even the kind Hufflepuff, they keep the rich and powerful Slytherins at arm's distance. So, the prideful snakes, bite back due to their hurt ego.