
Harry Potter: Using science to be IMMORTAL

Murphy, whose worldview has been solidified by materialism, arrives in the materialistic world of magic and, unable to adapt to the world, decides to change it. And in order to travel to the end of magic, he must pool his resources, pull together talent, build an organization, fiddle with human nature, and become the mastermind behind it all. Murphy: "Technology for wizards, magic for muggles. All for the greatest good!" Aurora: "Nice words, abusing the three unforgivable spells, nibbling on big melons everywhere, violating the secrecy law, infiltrating the Ministry of Magic, and controlling the Ancient Spirit Pavilion, and you're still saying that you're not a black wizard?" Pit avoidance guide: 1, the beginning of the bitter fight workers, grumpy and irritable. 2, the early part of the screwing money, big capitalist. 3, Hogwarts school part, the fourth volume only began. Pit guide: 1, technology wizard, a lot of theory to complete. 2, self-research a variety of ways to reach the gods, currently the main route of transformation. 3, huge brain hole, behind the scenes. 4, do not want to see how Tom step by step to become the savior? ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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196 Chs

Chapter 99: We Must Change the World

The current businesses of Umbrella Corporation, if not entirely unrelated to the electronics industry, are at best very distantly connected. One is in biotechnology, the other in electronics – they seem worlds apart.

Like Boris's forecast for Umbrella's future, Patrick also believes that vertical integration is the most suitable development strategy for the company. Therefore, he was not supportive of Murphy's idea to "venture into the electronics industry," although he did explore the idea as Murphy had instructed.

The leap is too big. Umbrella has no foundation in this area, and the chip industry requires significant technical accumulation. Charging into this field would be like a lamb entering a wolf's den – a surefire way to squander resources.

However, in Murphy's view, this is something he must do.

Why enter the electronics industry? Because the pace of technological development is too slow!

Although the technology world at this time isn't as intensely competitive as it would be thirty years later, it's already advancing rapidly. The electronics industry, in particular, is evolving at a breakneck pace.

But for Murphy, who comes from the future, many of the current technologies still fall short.

For example, the gene sequencing technology desperately needed by the transformation research team is only in its infancy. Thirty years later, Boris's genetic changes after becoming a vampire wouldn't require guesswork about what genes were added. Instead, a complete genome sequencing compared against human and bat genomes would reveal all differences.

Likewise, the spell research team struggles to measure spell effects accurately due to limitations in physical sensors and the lack of non-invasive human sensors. They can't quantify the relationship between wizards and spells.

Future technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, super-resolution microscopy, optogenetics, computer simulation, and various analytical techniques would be tremendous boosts to research, significantly accelerating progress.

In his previous life, Murphy, with a computer science background, hadn't delved into these scientific technologies. He knew their names but not their intricacies.

To reintroduce these technologies to this world, he has only one path – to genuinely accelerate the world's technological advancement. That means getting experts in their respective fields to redevelop these technologies.

And the only industry capable of accelerating all scientific research is the electronics industry.

Smaller transistors, more circuits, faster computing speeds, larger storage, more complex algorithms... all lead to more precise data, more complete theories, and more advanced technologies.

The rapidly accelerating technological train of humanity's next thirty years is racing on silicon tracks. Moore's Law is the iron rule of technological progress for the next thirty years.

Hence, Murphy's logic is clear.

To better study magic, advanced technology is needed. For advanced technology, faster computers are necessary. For faster computers, better chips are essential.

And better chips will either naturally emerge in a few decades or need to be created by Murphy.

But this reason couldn't be explained to Patrick.

"I believe in this industry." That's all Murphy could say.

This reasoning obviously wasn't convincing to Patrick, but he didn't argue and instead asked, "Are you sure you want to enter this industry?"


Patrick nodded. "Then let's think of a way. Do you have a specific plan?"

The chip industry is vast, and the electronics industry is even larger. Patrick wanted to know which specific segment Murphy was interested in.

"Of course."

"Let's start with chips. We'll first build a semi-industrial chain from IP core design to IC architecture to chip manufacturing. Then we'll expand to a complete chip industry chain. Meanwhile, we need to layout in personal computers and other personal electronic products. For software, we need to build our own system and application environment. Based on my vision, our chip architecture will be ahead of this era and incompatible with existing software and hardware."

Listening, Patrick felt like his boss was either insane or an even more ambitious visionary than Steve Jobs.

It's like combining Intel, Apple, and Microsoft!

One chip is already a challenge, and now Murphy wants to create a whole new computer and software system. Each of these is a money-burning monster.

"Just asking, can the company buy back my shares?" Patrick inquired.

Murphy laughed, "Thinking of running away?"

"Who wouldn't want to run after hearing your plan? If I don't, I might end up so broke I can't afford pants," Patrick retorted.

"What if we only do computers? Use existing chips and systems; if we get the design right, we can still develop," Patrick suggested.

His idol, Steve Jobs, started precisely this way. Apple began as a computer assembly store.

"No!" Murphy flatly refused.

Do I lack money? What use do I have for a Lenovo-like entity?

"Patrick, don't you understand?" he looked at his partner earnestly. "I'm not just trying to fill my pockets with fancy sales tricks or unique pricing strategies. We must push the boundaries of technology! We must change the world!!"

Patrick was stunned.

Change the world...

This was strikingly similar to what his idol had said!

He felt like he was back to two years ago when that young man suddenly walked into his office...

Wait, young man?

The man in front of him looked more like a youth...

But that's not important.

Patrick felt his passion reignite.

Yes, he had forgotten.

Did he leave his position at Blue Mountain Company to follow an unknown boy and start from scratch for money? To live comfortably in his later years?

No, that wasn't it!

He saw a great endeavor, the possibility of changing the world through it.

He wanted to be part of the creation of that great endeavor, to make his life legendary – even if just a small part of that legend.

"I understand," Patrick calmed down.

"But what about the funding? Continue selling Umbrella's shares?"

Due to its insane profitability, Umbrella Corporation's overall valuation has skyrocketed. If Murphy is willing to go public, he could immediately elevate Umbrella into the ranks of super companies worth tens of billions of pounds.

But going public means more scrutiny and regulation, something Murphy is reluctant to do, and it would bring many troubles to Umbrella.

"Not necessarily, but I don't want to touch Umbrella's shares for now. However, Isis Pharmaceuticals and Camelot can be considered."

While Umbrella Corporation itself cannot go public, the two subsidiaries can. Offering about 20% of their shares publicly wouldn't affect control and is a viable path to quickly raise funds.

"Let's go through the procedures first and see if it's suitable. But we can't delay the chip factory. Get some experts to do an assessment and bring a plan. I want to know what it takes to build a chip manufacturing line like never before and how much it will cost."

Patrick looked at Murphy, feeling he had become more enigmatic. He couldn't see through his boss anymore.

"Okay, since you've made up your mind, I won't try to persuade you anymore. But you still need to think carefully. The richest and smartest people in the world are in the electronics industry; what makes us think we can do better than them?"


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