
Harry Potter: twin destiny

At the beginning of this story, there were two children, both having lost their families due to the thirst for power of a man and the fear of his end. Two children, one blessed by destiny, the other endowed with a mind worthy of the greatest. Two children, one having grown up with a horrible family, the other in the utter solitude. Two children who, at the age of eleven, are destined to meet. as usual, I don't have the rights except for my characters, and English is not my native language. If you're still here, welcome to my imagination PS- the mc is a boy it's just that the first name is male only in france and i knew it too late PPS-i will not post on the week-end

lamortnoir974 · Filmes
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33 Chs

The match

| October 19, 1991 | Quidditch Stadium |

"Hurry up, Lilian, we're going to miss the start of the match!" I was being pulled by both arms by Tracey and Blaise, who were evidently too excited for my taste.

Today was the day of my brother's first match, unfortunately against Slytherin. This means that someone resembling me almost exactly will be playing against our house team, and I've seen enough Quidditch fans to know that they are illogical in their behavior and very sensitive when their team loses.

"You know, Tracey, it's because of you that a blind person is watching a match in a place where they can only see part of the game environment. And on top of that, it's a noisy place for someone with enhanced hearing. And it's because you made me feel guilty by saying that I wanted us all to spend time together that I had to come, after spending the two days you left me without sleep to understand and devise a method for me to be in this stadium without bleeding from the ears. So, I swear that if you ask me to hurry up one more time, I'll propel you onto the field." The annoyance of the situation was clearly audible in my voice.

But my threats had an entirely different effect than intended. "Really, can you propel me onto the field!?" She seemed too delighted by that.

"Forget it, Lilian. Today, all reason and logic have left Tracey's body. If you say the sun will become one of the game balls, she'll believe you and say it's too cool. You can only submit to her whims and hope not to hear too much about the match for the next few days." Daphné seemed to have more experience in this situation, so I followed her advice.

"Come on, man, it's going to be cool to witness the match, and your brother is playing too."

"Again, I'm blind, and you expect me to shout in support of Harry in the middle of all the Slytherins? I know I'm sometimes crazy, but I'm not suicidal." I made the remark still annoyed. Lately, I've been dropping my smiley facade more and more in their presence to experience my emotions more, and I think they've noticed.

"In any case, I thank you, princess, for describing the match to me. Even if I don't understand this sport, since my brother and Tracey are part of my circle, I'll try to enjoy it more."

Even though I could see normally with my owl, I didn't want to abuse that sight too much, so that others wouldn't notice, no matter how low the chances were, in magic, nothing is impossible. It's always better to be considered blind than seeing. So, I asked Daphné to be my eyes today.

"Don't worry, Lilian, at least it will keep me away from Tracey. You can't imagine the person she becomes in a Quidditch match."

Approaching our ordeal, we settled on the west side of the stadium, right in front of the professors' stands.


"Welcome, wizards and witches of Hogwarts, to the beginning of the Quidditch House Cup. Today on the agenda, we have on one side, the noble serpents of Slytherin. And on the other, the valiant lions of Gryffindor. I don't believe I need to remind you of the rules, but for our new spectators this year, we'll do it anyway." I already regretted coming, but at least, I have to admit, the commentator does a good job of being neutral in the presentation, even if she is a Gryffindor, from what Daphné describes to me.

"The players can move anywhere they want within the boundaries of their playing area. 

The captain of a team can request a 'timeout' by addressing the referee. 

The referee, who is Madame Hooch in this case, is the queen in this game, deciding who is at fault or not. 

It is forbidden to seize another player or their broomstick; only the balls are allowed.

 In case of injury, there will be no substitute player. The team will continue the match without the missing player. 

It is allowed to carry a wand on the field, provided that it is not used in any circumstances against a player from the opposing team, or against their broomstick, against the referee, against one of the balls, or against a spectator. 

Only the Chaser in possession of the Quaffle has the right to enter the goal area.

 If more than one Chaser is present, the goal is canceled.

 A Quidditch match ends when the Golden Snitch has been caught or by mutual consent of the captains of both teams."

On this last rule, I had to speak up. "What a crappy rule! Why not just set a standard time like any other sport? And it's not valid in terms of economics. If the Seeker catches the Golden Snitch in the first few minutes, thousands of people would have bought their tickets, maybe at a high price, just for a few minutes. The tickets wouldn't be worth their price then."

Tracey got angry after hearing me complain for the twentieth time. "Can't you shut up and just enjoy the atmosphere of the match? Honestly, if you don't like these rules, then create your own Quidditch competition."

Note to self: Create a competition with improved rules to make more money.

"Now that the rules have been explained, Madame Hooch can start the game."

The moment I heard that, I used the spell I created for this occasion. The spell is based on the Protego Shield Charm, protecting from sound.

"I realized in the middle of the creation that if I reverse the effect of the basic spell to imprison instead of protect, I would create a noise-cancelling spell. Then I had the idea to create several other spells in the same line to make a perfect camouflage spell. It will be very complicated and will take, I estimate, years to learn how to conceal my presence, magic, heat, etc...

But anyway, those are ideas to think about another time. For now, I isolated Daphné and myself from the noise of the outside world.

"What's happening? I can't hear anything!?" Like anyone would when experiencing the sensation of losing a sense, Daphné panicked.

"Don't worry, Daphné, it's just me who surrounded us with a noise-cancelling spell. I was already starting to feel blood in my ears, so I isolated us from the noise of the outside world while protecting us from the sound. Let me know if it bothers you, but I thought it would be more comfortable for you to describe the match without being disturbed by others. Oh, and don't worry, we can't hear them, but they can hear us."

She remained frozen at my words and turned towards me with resentment.

"Okay, I've had enough and refuse to miss out on this opportunity. Lilian, you said you would return the favor? In that case, I want you to teach us more about magic. Tracey, Blaise, and me. We can't be so behind you if we want to remain friends."

These words caught me off guard. I don't think I did something so absurd for her to abandon her competitive spirit. She has always refused my help to learn something, so I don't understand.

Seeing my confusion, she explained, "I've been thinking about it since our conversation together, but if I want to become the best, I must not slow down my learning for just an ego game, not with the price it would cost. That's why I want you to teach us, all of us, so that no one is left behind."

We decided to discuss it later. The match was about to begin."


****(third person point of view)****

As the match was in full swing, filled with twists and turns between Gryffindor's skills and Slytherin's sinister tactics, an extraordinary incident occurred on the field.

"It looks like your brother has a problem. He can't control his broomstick; it's going all over the place like a Graphorn someone is trying to ride," said Daphné with amazement.

'It's strange; I saw my brother riding that broom perfectly, even with his eyes closed. I don't think stage fright is preventing him from playing well; I know him well enough to say he's an adrenaline junkie. Someone must be interfering with him, but I can't see without Skotádi. Damn,' thought Lilian, worried about her twin.

"Daphné, I'm going to do something that might bother you, maybe even make you angry with me for a long time, so forgive me," said Lilian Potter, who, to her friend's surprise, delved into Daphné's immediate memory using Legilimency.

The young witch froze in shock at her friend's action. Wizards, especially pure-bloods, have many secrets, so if someone is caught rummaging through their memories, it can be a reason for the death penalty with immediate execution. But knowing Lilian, Daphné knew he wasn't looking for those secrets but maybe trying to see through her; she thought, but that didn't prevent her from feeling embarrassed.

Lilian didn't know it yet, but this kind of act had several meanings in the wizarding community recently. A certain Gilderoy Lockhart, through his books, popularized a trend where only very intimate couples share their senses with Legilimency in "A Night with a Vampire," a book that, of course, Daphné secretly read.

"Look towards the professors' stands; Snape and Quirrell seem to be casting a curse on Harry. One is casting the curse, and the other is disrupting it," said Lilian with hatred in her voice.

"Do you have any idea who is doing what?" asked Daphné after recovering from her emotions.

"No. Snape could either protect my brother or intentionally harm him because he reminds him of my father. The same goes for Quirrell; he could harm my brother for a reason I don't know and protect him since he is the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor; he must have realized it's a curse," the worry and panic were evident in Lilian's voice.

"So what do we do?" questioned Daphné.

"We protect my brother if he falls. The curse serves only that purpose, and we are too far to interact with them."

As the two Slytherins paid attention to Harry Potter's possible fall, a young Gryffindor with brown hair resolved the situation by using humanity's first great discovery that distracted the two professors: fire.

With Harry Potter regaining control of his broomstick, guided by luck and a bit of talent, Gryffindor secured the first victory of the season.


****(POV Lilian Potter)****

"Damn, we were almost winning this match! We eliminated three players from their team, including the goalkeeper. It's disappointing that your brother, Lilian, caught the Golden Snitch with his mouth," said Tracey, still caught up in the emotions of the match.


"What's wrong with both of you? Why are you so silent like this since the match?" asked Blaise.

The atmosphere was awkward between Daphné and me. I made a mistake in the heat of the action and out of concern, which could jeopardize our group. I panicked, not knowing what to do to make amends.

"Nothing happened; we're just tired. But if you don't mind, we have some matters to settle privately with Lilian. Are you coming?" said Daphné. I didn't know if I should be happy that she was willing to talk or terrified, but she gave me that look she only gave to those outside our group—the Ice Queen's gaze.

"Yes, I'm coming." I was forced to follow for my own survival.