
Chapter 76 - Harry’s Trouble Part 2

Later that night as the sun set and the moon raised. Inside his cell, Harry just laid on the uncomfortable bed listening to the drunks in the cell next to his. He was sure this wasn't totally legal as Sirius has yet to appear.

'Well I am sure that Katie contacted him to ease his worry.' Harry thought as his godfather filled with worry since he yet to return.

Looking out of the window, Harry was glad it wasn't a full moon. Even if it was he wouldn't change but it would make the night very long.

While Harry was in his cell, two certain officers walked up to the station doors. Both wearing the get up used during the robbery earlier in the day, but this time with gloves. Walking in, John knocked out the clerk at the front desk when his back was turned.

Grabbing his set of keys they quickly moved the unconscious man to a nearby closet. Once there they continued to move deeper inside with a fast but cautious pace. Since they only had half of day planning they weren't completely sure who was and wasn't on duty.

"John, I will get the money and destroy our prints. You take care of the boy, before we meet back here and leave where the girls are waiting in the car." Han said quickly and quietly.

Nodding as he broke away, John went towards the holding cell. While he had to hide a few times, he managed to reach there without being caught. Knocking out the guard station near the cells, he grabbed the keys.

Quickly moving towards the cell, John wasn't sure how he should take care of the boy. Once he shot the boy, the whole station would come down on him and Han. So he had to take care of the teen quietly to give them enough time to get away.

'Sorry boy, but you should just blame your bad luck.' John said sliding the cell door open.


When Harry heard the cell open, he looked over at the dark man in a ski mask and winter gear. Seeing the gun in his hand, he wondered if he was about to be killed for being the witness. While it wasn't his first time dying or second really as his grandfather popped that cherry a couple times over, he wasn't really in a hurry to test out his immortality.

Rolling off the cot in swift movement and reaching the man in a few steps. Harry caught him off guard as he was sure the man thought he wouldn't move with the gun pointed at him. Disarming him as he smashed the man's hand into the bars before kicking the man stomach.

Growling in the unexpected pain and powerful kick, the man didn't fall but attempted to punch Harry. Brushing the man fist to the side, Harry countered by sending his own fist back. Hitting the man's chest, he watched as the man just brushed it off.

'I really hate how well made this coat is.' Harry thought as he figured that the coat thickness was lessening the damage he was inflicting.

While Harry wasn't a martial artist by any means or well versed in fighting with his hands. Harry could hold his own pretty well. Just not well enough as he felt a strong hand connecting with his head.

Snapping his head to side in hopes of lessing the impact even by a little bit. Harry grabbed the man's coat and tossed him to the ground. Following up as the man tried to get up, Harry began kicking the man side, but fell as his foot was grabbed.

Rolling across the ground as they fought, Harry managed to break away and get to his feet. Quickly lifting the man with his strength, Harry brought the man's back down hard on his leg. A loud snap was heard as the man shouted out in unexpected pain.

'The Backbreaker.' Harry chanted in his head.

Trying to crawl towards the gun, the man didn't really care if he was caught at this point or not. He just felt like this teen was a bit abnormal lifting him and breaking what he felt was his back. Only how would Harry allow him to achieve this.

Wiping the blood from his chin, Harry reached over and picked up the gun before tossing it out of the cell. Sliding the cell door shut as he trapped the man inside with him. He just wondered how the man was going to explain this one.

"You will pay for this? Han will be here soon once he sees I didn't come." John said.

"If you say so." Harry answered uncaringly. "I could be resting in a nice comfortable bed surrounded by hot women. Yet, here I am in a cell with a man who can only crawl and wait for his partner to rescue him."

"You're the one that did this to me." John cried out at the injustice. He was supposed to win and not have this much difficulty against a fourteen year old.

Soon, gunshots were heard as the building lit up with red lights going off. Shouting could be heard before the shots died off and a few officers rushed into the cell area. Once they arrived at Harry's cell they could only blink at the scene as it was unexpected.

"John it over, Han is dead and you're under arrest." One of them said. "Now come out of the cell nice and slowly."

Tears just ran down the man's face as he couldn't stand up. It took the two officers a few moments to realise this and blush only slightly as they called an ambulance for the man. As for Harry, he was still stuck in the cell for the time being until they could get his statement.

'Robbing the police station wasn't very bright of them.' Harry thought as he looked out at the moon.

It was only around noon the next day that Harry was released but was given a warning. It turns out he fractured the man back, but he was going to be fine. Something that didn't really worry him and for the man's revenge. He wasn't really worried about it, until he heard a gunshot and a sharp pain in his chest.

Looking down as he watched as his shirt quickly filled with blood as a couple more shots rang out. Turning around as he fell, he saw one of the girlfriends holding a revolver pointing at him before turning it on herself.

"Well this sucks." Harry thought as he hoped the girls wouldn't worry too bad. Then everything faded to black.

Thanks for Reading.


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