
Harry Potter: The God of Magic (BEING REWRITTEN)

---THIS STORY IS CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN--- (Disclaimer: the first few chapters are a little rough due to me trying to find my footing with this story but after that, the story cements itself as in my opinion a pretty good one. and let's be honest, there is way worse out there lmao. Enjoy!) 'Why? Why must this go on? When will it end?' these words were the first thoughts that a "new" baby had. Alaric Reinhardt has lived through countless lifetimes, reincarnated every few centuries. the baffling thing is, he keeps reincarnating into the same bloodline. From the dawn of man to the height of the roman empire, to the discovery of the Americas, he has seen it all. It wasn't until he was reincarnated into the 11th century that he realized he was in the world of harry potter. After countless times of being reincarnated, he has finally made it to the 20th century in Britain. How will he live this life, will he stay secluded, will he venture out and make a name for himself, only time will tell, and he has plenty of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi guys, this is my first attempt at fanfic, if there are any grammar, spelling, or even issues with the harry potter continuity that I didn't purposely change, please tell me. With that being said this is a slight AU, there won't be any giant changes like Harry's parents being alive, no, they are very much dead. with that being said, a character or two or an event or two might be slightly changed for the betterment of the story With that being said I hope you all like my story!

LazyCaveman · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

All Hollows Eve

All Hallows Eve, better known as, Halloween.

A time for little muggle boys and girls to dress up and go door to door asking for candy from strangers.

Such a joyous occasion, for the children anyways, the adults, meh, just another holiday where they throw money down the toilet essentially.

However, Halloween isn't as innocent of a holiday for wizarding kind as it is in the muggle world. While the muggles have labeled the old stories and legends as fictitious, that couldn't be further from the truth.

Samhain was a real person and a wizard at that. While the stories and folklore state that on this day the veil between the spirit realm and ours becomes almost nonexistent, the sole reason for that is due to the actions of an overly curious wizard.

While Samhain wasn't exactly a dark wizard the likes of Moldymort, Grindelwald, or even Herpo the Foul, he wasn't exactly a champion of light, he was right around the dark grey area.

So it comes as no surprise that he, upon learning of it, tried to tear open the veil between the spirit realm and ours, and while he did succeed, he also managed to tear a rift into another realm, the realm of the dead, yes that's right, they are different.

Unbeknownst to Samhain who thought the realm of the dead and the spirit realm were one and the same, they were not. While the spirit realm held beings like sprites, elemental spirits, and much more.

The Realm of the Dead was a dark dreary place that reeked of death, go figure.

So, on that fateful night, Samhain opened the door to both realms, the spirit realm wasn't all that bad, in fact, there still exists several ways to summon beings from that realm, using what is called spirit magic, a rare form of magic that is mainly practiced by the natives of north America, along with select groups of eastern wizard sects.

So, on this night when Samahin unleashed literal hell on earth, evil beings ran rampant and wreaked havoc on anyone and everyone, it took some of the most powerful wizards of the time to contain the evil beings and seal them away once again.

Once that was over, Samahin faced the consequences of his actions by being...


Anti-climatic I know right?

Anywho, the reason this information has been brought up, was because of the fact that Alaric was currently sitting in a History of Magic class, led by the ever so boring

Binns, the resident ghost teacher.

'Ugh, one of the worst parts of being a reincarnator, especially one like myself, is having to listen to history lessons where I was actually an active member of.' Alaric thought as he reminisced about one of his past lives during the BC era when Samhain occurred.

As Alaric was about to mentally check out and mess around in his mental space with a new spell he was working on, he felt a sudden nudge from his side.

"Yes, Daphne?" Alaric said with disinterest at his second cousin who was elbowing him in the rib.

"You do realize that this is important stuff that we need to know for our exams, right?" Daphne said with a pointed look


"Yes Daphne I do in fact know that which is why I have the entire event memorized, Occlumencey sure is wonderful, isn't it?" Alaric said with a smug look at his slightly annoyed cousin.

"I said to stop bringing that up!" Daphne said in a loud tone but not quite a yell

"Not my fault that you still haven't been able to successfully learn the art of Occlumencey." Alaric shrugged

Yep, you heard right folks, the infamous 'Ice Princess' of Hogwarts, the heir of a rich, powerful, and old pure-blood family, still is unable to learn Occlumencey, something that most if not all of her pure-blooded contemporaries have learned.

"Well, it's okay Daphne, not everyone can be as perfect as Alaric," said Tracey who was currently occupying the seat next to Daphne, putting the greengrass scion in between her best friend and annoyingly perfect second cousin.

"Huh, so you think I'm perfect, do you, Tracey?" Alaric asked with slight amusement at the now blushing half-blood witch.

"Shh! All three of you need to be quiet so I can listen!" Hermione said while shushing the Slytherin trio

--The Next Day, October 31, 1991, The Great Hall, Hogwarts--

It was currently dinner time and all of the excitable young wizards and witches in training were stuffing their gullets with an assortment of different foods, from fine meats to fresh veggies, and of course the occasional piece of candy.

As the children were talking among themselves while inhaling their food, the faculty were also sitting at their high chairs eating their meal with way more etiquette than the children.

Professor McGonagall was currently dining on a delectable shepherd's pie with a schooled elegance.

Snape was indulging in some grilled chicken breast while wearing his signature scowl.

Flitwick was currently having a jolly old time conversing with his compatriots while munching on a plate of fish and chips.

And the head honcho of the school himself, Albus "Too many damn names" Dumbledore was sitting upon his golden 'throne' while eating a plate of Stornoway Black Pudding, a traditional Scottish dish, while oddly drinking a German drink.

Dumbles was currently sipping on a pint of Eierlikör, or for non-germans, spiked eggnog, with a German twist of course.

As the old man took a sip of the devilishly delicious drink, Alaric couldn't help but be a touch envious.

'Oh, what I wouldn't give to have a nice cold pint of Eierlikör right now.' Alaric thought while heaving the heaviest of sighs

"Oi, what do you reckon's got Reinhardt so down, the bloke looks like someone kicked his puppy." A random upper-year Slytherin said to his friend, not paying close enough attention to his voice level

Before he knew what hit him, the 5th year suddenly yelped in pain as he felt a very strong sting hit his ribs and a welt start to form.

"Bloody hell! who the hell sent that hex!" the 5th year stood up and surveyed his housemates to no avail

'Bloody moron.' Alaric thought as he went back to his plate of schnitzel that he asked the elves to make for him.

That's right, he found the kitchen entrance and had been requesting some dishes from the overly excited elves for quite some time now.


Alaric was currently walking through the halls of Hogwarts as he was entranced in his mind while trying to think of a new spell he could create just to pass the time, he kept brainstorming until he felt his body bump into something hard.

Pulling himself out of his mental space, Alaric realized that he had chanced upon the entrance to the Hogwarts Kitchens, home to the many house elves that are bonded to the castle itself.

'Note to self, study the castle, and find what makes it tick.' Alaric thought to himself as he made a mental note for later projects

Alaric decided to enter into the enormous kitchen and see what was going on inside, as he stepped through the entrance, he was met with the sight of dozens of elves all scurrying around preparing the food for that night's meal.

"Ah, it's a little student!" one of the elves cried out as he spotted Alaric, and with that, it was like the floodgates had opened, dozens upon dozens of house elves crowded Alaric

"Uh, hello, my name is Alaric Reinhardt," Alaric introduced himself, now slightly regretting his decision.

"Hello little Aly!" the elves chanted toward a bewildered Alaric

'Aly, really.' Alaric mentally facepalmed at the nickname he was given by the elves

"Litle Aly, please come, Boppie will make you anything you want!" one elf said as she tried to lead him to the small elf-sized tables

"No! I Ricky will cook for him!" Another elf with a surprisingly normal name yelled as he tried to do the same as Boppie.

After the first two house elves said that, the rest started fighting over who would cook for them, it almost escalated to the house elves throwing hands but Alaric decided to stop them before that happened, as entertaining as it would've been, he can't let them come to fisticuffs over a meal.

"Everyone, please! I just wanted to drop by and say hello, but, I will come back and ask for you to make me special meals every day and you all can rotate who makes it, how about that?" Alaric said as he proposed something that would go on to become known among the elves as a very prestigious job.

--Flashback end--

'Those elves sure are nuts.' Alaric thought to himself with a slight smile thinking about their antics.

"What's got you smiling, if it's something that can crack that stone face then it must be funny." A fellow first-year Slytherin who was sitting next to Alaric

"Unless you also want a stinging hex, I suggest you can it," Alaric said with a neutral face as if he didn't just threaten someone

"Bloody hell, I should've known that was you!" the first said with some shock mixed with enlightenment.

"So Rhys, what are your holiday plans?" Alaric asked his Welsh friend while making small talk since he felt like it

That's right, Alaric Reinhardt, one of the coldest and hardest people to talk to, has made a new friend.

Rhys Kendrick is a half-blooded wizard who originates from a small wizard-muggle mixed village outside of Holyhead.

Rhys' father is an employee at the Ministry of Magic and he works in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, while his mom is a muggle who fell for Rhys' father when they met by accident. She is currently a stay-at-home mom raising his little sister Gwendolyn.

Alaric had first met Rhys in transfiguration class when McGonagall had paired up the students with each other to practice transfiguring small items right after one another.

At first, Alaric was annoyed by the talkative kid and ignored him for the better part of two weeks, that is until the blubbering talkative idiot started to grow on Alaric. Little by little, Alaric started to warm up to the half-blooded Welsh wizard.

Now, the two have a decent friendship. Much to Alaric's chagrin, that means that he now has to listen to the Welsh wonder talk his ear off every meal they have.

--Later that night during the feast--

As the children were now eating their dessert, Alaric enjoying a nice slice of pumpkin pie, the door suddenly burst open, and from the entrance out came a distraught Professor Quirrell yelling bloody murder.



"In the dungeon!" he yelled with a voice crack that was all too forced

"Troll in the dungeon!"

As he made it to the faculty table, Dumbledore and a few other professors stood up as Quirrell was about to finish his performance.

"Thought you ought to know."


And with a final thump from an "unconscious" Quirrell, the children all started to scream and shout and let it all out- *ahem* the children all started to go into a frenzy as they were scared shitless.

'Hmm, I think ill go have myself a peak at the troll, and watch the free pay-per-view fight.' Alaric mused to himself as he got up from the table, cast an illusion spell on himself, and used [Celeri] to get out of the threat hall.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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