
Harry Potter the Fifth House: Galegold(corrected and redone)

Credit: Cadenadeaventuras. A fair amount is his work early on with little changes then I decided to do my own thing. I'm doing some major changes to the story overall. I take no credit for his work. Keep in mind that my MC is obscenely smart in comparison to original. I do not own Harry Potter.

Echo_Chamber · Livros e literatura
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56 Chs

Don't fly!

"Good morning, students!" Professor Hooch greeted all the students as she adjusted her gloves and went to a favorable position to give the lesson where everyone was in her field of vision.

"Good morning, Madam Hooch!"

Each student stood with a standard school-issued broom to their right.

Following Madam Hooch's instructions, everyone yelled "up!" to get the broom to travel from the floor to their hand, albeit with varying success.

Potter, Malfoy, and Galegold got it on the first time. Hermione's broom seemed to be obstinate so as not to travel to Hermione's hand, and Ron's broom hit him on the nose, resulting in laughter from everyone.

Following Neville's disastrous handling that nearly resulted in his demise, Professor Hooch warned that no one is to touch their broomsticks while she accompanied the unfortunate Neville to see Madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing.

"Oh, what do we have here?" Malfoy retrieved Neville's Remembrall from the ground.

"Give it here, Malfoy!" Harry couldn't help but step and demand the return of the sphere.

"What if I don't?" He pushed off the ground, heading into the air. As he stopped, he tossed the remembrall up and down with a smug grin "I'd better set it down somewhere safe, like the top of a tree."

Harry jumped on his broom and gave chase.

While Malfoy was tossing up the remembrall, it flew out and landed in Aurelius's palm to everyone's bewilderment. Aurelius looked at the students who were looking at him, wondering how he had done it. "We are wizards. Have none of you looked up some helpful everyday spells?" He looked around with an expression of disbelief.

The pureblood and half-blood students looked at each other awkwardly while rubbing the back of their heads, and some of the half-bloods understood what had happened. Still, they hadn't thought of using the summoning charm or wouldn't intervene in the first place and just watched the spectacle. The muggle-born weren't familiar with the charm.

"What is happening here?" Professor Hooch glared at the two students in the air despite her explicit instructions and warnings.

Hermione stepped forward to clarify the situation, and after confirming the version of the story with those present, the professor deducted twenty points from Slytherin for Draco, completely ignoring her order, and another twenty from Gryffindor for Harry's recklessness.

"As for you," Hooch looked at Aurelius with appreciation, "Thank you for de-escalating the situation. 10 points to Galegold."

"Thank you, Madam Hooch," he thanked her politely.

House points, for the most part, are pointless to him except for the promise he made to hatch the egg. Considering he thinks of the ridiculousness of the house point system.

'They do not give any real benefit and are just encouraging competition between houses and keeping the students in check through peer pressure. Furthermore, Dumbledore's blatant manipulation to hand out points like lemon drops to Gryffindor and Snape's obsession with taking points away from Gryffindor took the fun out of the supposedly fair competition between houses.'

The only value of the house cup was bragging rights. In other words, the cup was worthless in his eyes.

Hermione walked up to him and thanked him, "Thanks, Aurelius. Harry could have hurt himself chasing Malfoy. He could have waited and told the professor, but nooo, he had to take care of it himself. I swear it's like he doesn't trust adults to do their jobs." Said the ignorant Hermione.

"He might not, but either way, it doesn't matter. It isn't like I'm his caretaker," he replied. What he was going to do was stupid with a capital S if it weren't for plot armor, and he had barely exchanged a few words with the boy; they couldn't even be considered friends. Aurelius couldn't care less that Harry's talent with the broomstick won't be revealed and that he won't join the Gryffindor quidditch team this year.

"Why did you do that? Harry had it all under control!" Ron walked over with an embarrassed Harry and gave Aurelius a disgruntled look.

"That's your argument?" Aurelius looked at him with a questioning expression. "Harry has no flying experience, and Malfoy, based on his comfortability on a broom, suggests he's at least familiar. If Harry attempted to do that, chances are that he'd fall. All the students here are in their first years, and most have only just learned the levitation and lighting charm."

"Should I trust that all the students will whip out their wands and catch Harry if it came down to it? No. If we failed, Harry could be a body of broken limbs, if not dead. What I did was remove the source of the conflict and prevent any potential issues that could have arisen."

Harry blanched a bit as he heard the vivid and very possible repercussions of his impulsive actions. 'Was flying so dangerous? But soon after leaving the ground, he felt pleasant emotions while riding on the broom...it couldn't be that bad, right?'

Ron wanted to argue, but nothing came out, so after a few seconds of silence, he turned around, stomping away with a huff and a red face. In contrast, Harry gave Aurelius a grateful but conflicted look before leaving with a furious Weasley.

Malfoy was about to approach Aurelius with his two thugs to teach him a lesson, but seeing Harry and Ron walking off like that after exchanging words with him, he realized that he wasn't helping Potter; he was simply trying to defuse the situation.

So, in his infinite generosity, he let the matter drop and turned around, leaving behind a confused Crabbe and Goyle wondering why they were going back without doing anything.