
Harry Potter the Fifth House: Galegold(corrected and redone)

Credit: Cadenadeaventuras. A fair amount is his work early on with little changes then I decided to do my own thing. I'm doing some major changes to the story overall. I take no credit for his work. Keep in mind that my MC is obscenely smart in comparison to original. I do not own Harry Potter.

Echo_Chamber · Book&Literature
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56 Chs

Old letter

What happened in the pitch spread among students and teachers soon after the class concluded. Many said Aurelius should not have intervened between the two Houses, while others praised him for his insight and understanding.

The teachers were delighted to see that not all first-years were impulsive and someone responsible was not as rigid as Miss Granger.

The culprit of the news was currently in the library consulting the books related to potions since, in an hour, they had their first lesson with Snape. If he were going to follow the original plot, he would ask more advanced questions about potions to those who are calling. The attention would initially only have been on Harry, but Aurelius suspected it might extend to him due to the unrest of establishing a new House.

There wasn't just one new "celebrity" this year.

Oh, that reminded him that he had to stop by the common room so he could see the hatched occamy and pick up a letter meant for the potions master before the lesson, a letter he had been carrying the day he showed up at his mothers' house in the middle of the day in a flare of floo powder.

This was strange since, until then, his mothers were unaware that the fireplace in their home was connected to the floo network. Maybe the previous owner was a wizard and forgot about it or didn't know.

They had to close it later for security reasons.

... Later, in the dungeons...

Everyone looked around the Potions classroom to shudder at the sinister potion ingredients on the shelves around them, some of which were still moving.

Snape stormed into the classroom and asked Harry several questions after his bottling glory and avoiding death speech.

"Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

'Ah, the embedded apology and vow to Lily and Harry. Mate can't just apologize or not be a git and wait to see if Harry isn't a prick like his old man,' thought Aurelius.

"I don't know, sir," said the meek, unprepared boy.

"Where would I find a bezoar?"

'What the hell is a bezoar?' thought the boy, being hit by an onslaught of questions. "I don't know, sir." 'Isn't this supposed to be the first class? Why would I possibly know that? Why would I read about the ingredients not intended for use but purely theoretical? The potion we make today better damn contain at least half of this stuff. Otherwise, this is just some random trivia he threw together to piss me off.' He thought incredulously.

After he finished ridiculing Potter and ignoring Hermione, Snape turned to look at Aurelius; however, unlike Harry, his gaze held slight interest rather than spite.

"Tell me, Mr. Galegold. What is the most common use of the Lethe River water?"

"It is used to prepare the forgetfulness potion, Professor." Said a now-on-guard Aurelius.

"What is the common purpose for ground fairy wings?"

"As an activating agent commonly used for energizing and beautifying potions."

"Name a potion that contains bat spleen?"

"The enlargement solution."

Snape nodded, giving no praise, and turned to Harry.

"See students? There's a reason you're told to buy a book. I'm here to supervise. Not teach you what you should've learned from your book." Snape turned and looked at the rest of the class. "Why aren't you taking notes on everything? He asked them with an annoyed look. "Five points to Galegold," he murmured between the sounds of the feathers against the parchment.

Aurelius was surprised to receive points from Snape. He thought that he just wouldn't take away points if he answered correctly. Perhaps it was for giving him an opportunity to twist the dagger he plunged into Harry's reputation. Regardless, he wanted his advice on making the eyesight-curing potion. 'Also, I have to hand that envelope to him. I wonder what it is,' pondered the distracted tween.

After class ended, almost everyone ran out of the classroom, hoping not to spend a second more than necessary in the sinister place, except Aurelius, who walked over to Snape.

"Excuse me, Professor, this is for you." He pulled an old-looking letter from his student robes and held it out to him.

Snape gave him a cursory glance while his eye glanced over the envelope. He took the envelope that had a writing on the intended recipient. His eyes widened slightly, but for those who knew him, his eyes might as well be bugging out of his skull like a cartoon. He would be able to recognize Lily's handwriting anywhere.

For Severus Snape from Lily Evans.

He fixed his attention to a rune at the top and completed it according to methods known only to Lily and him.

He broke the wax seal and opened it while keeping the contents away from Aurelius's view.

He didn't understand why the kid had such an envelope, and it seemed to be quite old.

"Where did you get this?" Snape said, giving Aurelius his full attention.

"It was placed on top of me after I traveled through the floo as a baby to my adoptive parents," Aurelius answered him honestly.

"When did you arrive there?" asked Snape.

"I was told it was October 31, 1981," I responded.

Snape was silent. 'That was the same date as Lily's death and when Voldemort fell due to his own spell. The darkest day of my life, when I couldn't protect her, and Dumbledore didn't keep his promise to protect her in my stead.'

"If you don't have any more questions, Professor, I'll go. Oh, and if you deem it appropriate, I would also like to know the letter's contents later. After all, I've had it in my possession for over a decade. It's only natural that I'd be curious."

Aurelius left, and Snape stared at the letter with misty eyes, reminiscing for a few minutes.


Snape took a deep breath and carefully opened the letter's envelope, intending to keep it for himself later as a keepsake. He took out the letter and unfolded it.

<Hello Severus. I know you must have many questions...>