
Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version)

The magical world has never been a safe place. Dragons, Trolls, Dementors, beings from the abyss, are just some of the dangers that inhabit it, not to mention the greatest terror in it, sentient beings. The fantastic and the extraordinary have always been linked to danger, but not everything has to be so bad. Where there is darkness, there will always be light. In this alternative reality, a variable is born, he was not meant to live, but he lives, slowly changing the gears of this world. When the broken fragments of a life in a different reality merge with the young Extimum at 5 years old, his perception of the world changes and he realizes where he is or isn't... Fighting to maintain the status quo is no longer an option when the world he thought he knew shows him that it is not exactly what he believed. A mysterious background, a complex destiny and a gift along with his arrival that promises to take him to the top of this world if he is willing to put in the effort. Join me in this coming-of-age story where both the young wizard will learn how to live and the author will improve in his description of his adventures. --- This version is an automatic translation with Google, I try when I can to improve the errors that may occur in the process, but as a non-native there can always be a problem or two, so I hope for your understanding. If you want to read the original version (Spanish), you can enter my profile or follow this link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-el-zorro-celestial_21135401405306205 - the original image on the cover is not mine, just modify it, if the owner wants me to remove it, he can tell me. --- This is the first story / fanfic that I write so I will upload some test chapters if you like it, constructive criticism is accepted - R18, R*p3, Reincarnation, Harem, Harry Potter, AU, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Dark.

Zeroz7 · Filmes
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60 Chs

Way to Hogwarts

Harry Potter: "I'm Harry Potter." After sitting across from Extimum, Harry looked at Extimum and introduced himself, although he was a bit impressed by Extimum's appearance, since this is a magical world he thought it might be normal.

Extimum: "Enoch, Extimum Enoch, it's a pleasure." Extimum also introduced himself and nodded slightly, maintaining an appearance open to the exchange, but not very expressive.

While they were having a casual talk someone again appeared at the door. A red-haired, blue-eyed boy with a fair complexion and a little freckled, he was wearing normal clothes, though some of them looked a bit old. (I will remove the last name of the characters that are too obvious)

???: "Excuse me, can I sit here? The other places are already full."

Harry looked at Extimum and seeing that Extimum had no problem nodded to the boy, who enthusiastically came in and sat down next to Harry.

Ron: "My name is Ron Weasley."

Harry: "I'm Harry Potter."

Extimum:" Extimum Enoch".

Hearing their names, his face quickly changing between excitement and curiosity, shooting a quick glance at Extimum before focusing on Harry.

Ron: "So it's true…do you have…the scar?".

Harry:" Ah, yeah".

Harry lifted the hair that covered his forehead and showed his scar.

Ron: "Fantastic". Ron was excited to meet Harry Potter and turned his gaze in Extimum's direction.

"And you're… Enoch? I've heard my dad talk about your family, he says they're very powerful and discreet. I also think I've heard talk about you, you are the current heir to the family, but, like your family, not much is known about you, it is said that it is almost impossible to take a picture of you and only those who have known you personally know what you are like".

Ron was quite surprised that just as he entered the train he had encountered two famous figures. First there was Harry Potter, and who hadn't heard of him?

Ron himself even read his books on occasion, though it was mainly that others read it to him or told him about it.

Then there was the Enoch family, even though they were pretty low-key and didn't make waves, their presence and prestige, added to the many myths and rumors about them, were never lacking.

Even Ron, who tended to be quite prejudiced towards certain families, had nothing to say about the Enoch family.

It was especially so, because he had heard his dad tell him that the Enoch family had been one of the main behind-the-scenes benefactors of the light side. in the previous wizarding war against Voldemort himself and though they hadn't acted directly, their influence alone had already given the faction great support.

Voldemort himself didn't dare do anything to them unless it was completely necessary, because even in his heyday he was quite wary of them despite their neutral attitude to the changes in the world.

Extimum only smiled slightly at his emotive reaction.

Honestly speaking, he had a little prejudice against Ron, after all, in the movies his character wasn't very trustworthy and although he later found out that the original character was actually quite important in the series (in the books) and it was in the movie where they reduced its importance, he still did not know what it would be like in this new reality.

At the moment it did not seem so different from the movies, but he supposed that he should first meet him before judging him and more so now that like everyone else, they were just children.

However, if there was one thing to note so far, it's that while all the characters you've seen so far bore a strong resemblance to their actors from the movie, they seemed to look better here.

He put it down to perhaps magic further enhancing humans or subtly influencing the body of magical beings.

Even if there is no such thing as mana running through this world, surely there is something similar that works.

After a while, a lady passed by pushing a cart full of sweets.

???: "Would you like anything from the trolley, darlings?"

Ron perked up looking at the wide variety, but could only sigh as he remembered that he couldn't afford it, so he just showed a food wrapper that was in his pocket.

Ron: "No thanks, I brought something".

Harry immediately picked up on Ron's reluctance and remembering that he had a little cash with him and could afford it, Harry reached into his pocket to pull out his money.

Harry: "I want it all." Pulling the money out of his pocket, Harry told the cart lady.

Seeing his actions, Ron was surprised that Harry had so much money with him.

Extimum blinked slightly, not too surprised by his actions, but he thought he was somewhat wasteful with his money not knowing its value.

Not that he particularly cared, but he knew Harry was doing it because he wanted to share, so he decided to interfere.

At the same time, he also thought that it wouldn't hurt to explain the value of money to him if he had the chance.

Extimum: "Let me pay half". Smiling slightly, he took out some of the money his uncle had given him, took a part of what Harry had taken out, paid the lady, then took a part of the sweets to leave the rest to Harry and Ron.

Then the three of them sat down and began to taste the great variety of magical sweets, even for Extimum who was from the magical world, the taste of some of the sweets surprised him.

Although he has tasted the food of the magical world, he did not have or take the time to try the sweets or special foods.

Also, although in general the food in the magical world is good, some dishes are too strange and made him wonder who came up with those flavors, the perfect example is the Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans

Why would anyone include the taste of snot or intestines in a candy? Even if it was fun to see the expression of the one who consumed it, it would not be a pleasant experience for the one who was unlucky enough to taste it.

All in all, there was a subtle twisted sense of humor in some things about wizards.

They kept tasting their sweets, until Ron noticed Harry's interest in his rat and remembered the spell his brothers taught him and since he wanted to show off a bit, he decided to give it a try.

Ron: "It's Scabbers, isn't pathetic?"

Harry: "I guess so…" Harry replied a little unsure what Ron was referring to.

Ron: "Fred taught me how to change their color to yellow, shall I teach you?"

Harry: "Yeah". Since Harry hadn't seen much magic and wanted to know more about it, he was excited at the prospect of learning a spell.

Extimum just let out a small smile and watched from the side.

As Ron prepared to "cast" his spell, a girl stood over the doorway and peered into the compartment.

She had thick brown hair, brown eyes, and large front teeth that stood out a bit; she was already wearing her Hogwarts uniform.

Seeing her interruption annoyed Ron a little, after all, he was about to cast his spell when he was interrupted, but he looked at the girl anyway waiting for her to say what she needed to.

The girl, realizing that everyone had directed their gaze towards her, spoke.

Hermione: "Mm, have you seen a toad? a boy named Neville lost it".

Ron: "Ah, no". Ron got uncomfortable at the way the girl just interrupted without even apologizing.

Hermione: "Oh, were you about to do magic?, then go ahead." Remembering that the boy before her was about to do magic before she arrived, Hermione decided to encourage him again, after all, she was still new to the wizarding world and very interested in everything related to magic.

Ron still felt annoyed at the slightly commanding tone in which the girl in front of him was saying things, but remembering that he was about to show off his spell, he put that aside and braced himself again.

While all this was happening, for Extimum it was different, the moment he saw Hermione he felt inexplicably uncomfortable, as if something inside him stirred.

That faint feeling quickly morphed into restlessness, and from restlessness to desire… a possessive one.

Extimum: 'What's wrong with me? It's not like I haven't seen pretty women before and even if I did, I shouldn't feel that way, besides, although Hermione will surely be beautiful and more so in this world, currently I can only say that she is pretty'.

Extimum was confused, even if we ignore everything else, we can't ignore the fact that while he has a more mature mind, he is still that of an 11-year-old boy and still shouldn't be attracted to women, moreover, the feeling it was a little more primordial, the only explanation could be his bloodline, although he didn't know what could make him react like that to her, anyway, it wasn't difficult to suppress that uncomfortable feeling.

Ron: "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow". After Ron finished the spell, there was a small light in Scabbers, however, nothing else happened after that.

Hearing Ron chanting the fake spell his brothers gave him brought Extimum out of his thoughts, however, he was no longer in the mood to tease him.

Extimum: "Your brothers must have tricked you with the spell, spells aren't usually like that, unless of course you're trying to do a ritual."

Harry just shrugged; Hermione on the other hand looked at Extimum, as she was concentrating on looking for the toad she didn't pay much attention to those inside, but now that she looked better she was a little surprised by Extimum's appearance, however, deciding to be prudent she didn't comment on it.

Hermione: "I don't think it's a real spell either, because well, it doesn't work, does it?"

Ron couldn't help but feel annoyed at her tone again, looking at Harry and Extimum for understanding, causing Harry to only smile slightly and Extimum to wave his hand slightly as if to indicate that he wasn't taking it too seriously.

Hermione: "Of course I've only tried simple spells, but it's worked fine."

Listening to Hermione, Extimum couldn't help but think that Hermione's words really did sound a bit scathing or authoritative, if it wasn't that he knew a bit of the context of her behavior, he might find her quite annoying and offensive, but it was nothing that a little "help" couldn't fix.

Hermione took out her wand and sat down next to Extimum, to face Harry. Then she cast a spell.

Hermione: "For example, Oculus reparo." After the spell took effect, Harry's previously cracked glasses returned to their original state.

Harry was very surprised by the effect and took off his glasses to check it out in more detail, however, as he took off his glasses, it ended up again revealing the scar on his forehead, which was clearly seen by Hermione, making her exclaim.

Hermione: "Boiled snails, you're Harry Potter."

Listening to her, Extimum couldn't help but his lip trembled and he almost smiled, but he quickly regained his stoic face, although he grew up in the magical world, since he didn't have too long contact with the outside, found some of the expressions funny and tried to use them minimally or not at all.

With her exclamation, Hermione also realized that she had been speaking freely all along without even introducing herself, so she quickly introduced herself.

Hermione: "I'm Hermione Granger." After introducing herself, Hermione hoped to get to know the others a bit more, so she turned her attention to Ron, hoping that he would introduce himself as well.

Ron: "ñamn* Ron Weasley." Ron, who was still chewing on his candy, introduced himself.

Hermione felt a little disgusted by his act of talking with food in his mouth and shifted her gaze to Extimum, who, noticing her gaze, also looked at her and replied.

Extimum: "I am Extimum Enoch." Extimum took advantage of his closeness to observe her better and see if there was something special in her that he had overlooked to cause such a feeling in him.

Only now did Hermione notice Extimum's eyes, in addition to their incredible deep purple color, she also noticed his almost predatory pupil and couldn't help but inexplicably blush a little, but she quickly shook it off and paid attention to his last name, which surprised her again.

She had read a book with the famous families and the Enoch were surely among the most mysterious on the list, but her racing thoughts were interrupted when she remembered why she was here in the first place and the time that had passed.

Hermione: "You have to change now, we'll be at the station soon." After finishing her words, she quickly left the compartment, after all, she still needed to search for Neville's toad.



As I said in the synopsis, this version is translated by google translator and the quality may not have been very good, although I am not English enough to write it in the language and correct it.

On the other hand, if someone wants to help or detects an inconsistency in the text, they can mark it for me to review it, you can also look for the Main version in Spanish or if you want to help leave me a comment

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