
Chapter 57: A New Job

When I got back to my room in the afternoon, it was already empty... good...

I kept working on all the projects I had and realized that I need more clones. With Hannah and Susan in the conservatory, with Hermione in the library, with Cho in the Quidditch stadium, with Lavender and Parvati at breakfast... and so much more.

I'm tired, I feel like since I got to Hogwarts I haven't had free time... it must be because that's how it is.

I would say that I had no problems with Gemma at this time, since I did not see her, until what...

"Weasley! What did you do to our prefect?" A 3rd grader yelled at me, if I remember correctly, I think Tracey told me the gossip about him having a crush on Gemma.


"Shut the fuck up, she hasn't acted normal for days" he said, pulling his wand out and pointing it at me.

"Don't ask me if you're going to shut me up later, it's stupid" I complained.

"Oculus cruent..." The boy was casting a spell.

When I saw that he was actually attacking me, I didn't hesitate and threw a stream of blood in his face, the boy who didn't finish his spell tried to dodge it, but I had already taken my way and pointed my wand at his legs.

"Locomotor Mortis"

The boy moved to the side, dodging my spell, but he didn't notice that while I was casting the spell I had also grabbed a vase from a table and threw it at him. The vase hit him on the head, it's shattering and knocking the young man who was at least a head taller than me to the ground.

I walked over to him and slammed my foot into his stomach. He tried to get up and resist, but I applied some [Pain] blood magic, which caused him to shriek. I had a lot of practice with criminals, so I knew the point at which it would immobilize an ordinary child.

"Stop Weasley" yelled another student.

"Why? He started"

"What are you doing?" A prefect shouted when he saw us and pointed his wand at me "Get off of him this instant"

At this moment there were already several students around me, several pointing their wands at me, difficult for me in this situation being completely surrounded but not so much considering that I had a hostage.

"Stop" a female voice was heard.

The group of students made their way, and they saw that it was Gemma, who didn't look as good as she did before. It seems that after that day she stopped wearing makeup, among other things.

"Hello Gemma, long time no see" I smiled warmly at her.

"Weasley" she said my name but without much force as she clenched her fists tight "Let it go" her voice was somewhat monotonous, none of the drive she once had.

"Are you asking me politely? It seems you were educated a bit" I commented, but another boy jumped to insult me.

"Weasley, you have 5 seconds to let him go before I makes you vomit your own intestines."

"Yes?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at the person who said that.

"Stop Travis, you don't know what he's capable of" Gemma stopped him, what attracted her here were some screams that seemed very familiar to her.

"hehehe Gemma's right, she seems like she learned" I said as I applied some magic to my foot.

"AAAAAAAHHH" yelled the boy below me.

"Stop," Gemma yelled, trembling.

"...ok, he started, if you withdraw I will stop"

"Everyone, put your wands down" Gemma said quickly.

Some disagreed, but listened to their prefect, hoping it was all part of her plan.

When everyone took a few steps back, I took my foot off the boy's stomach and walked over to Gemma, they all looked at me and held their wands firmly but still didn't make a move. Already in front of her, I could see how her hands were shaking, and her knees seemed to be unstable, her gaze was not directed at me and her eyes were covered by her hair.

"I want to play with you again" I whispered when I got close enough

While saying those words, I charged my hand with [Pain-Ecstasy] and spanked her when I had almost passed her.


"HAAAAhhhh" Gemma let out a howl as she fell to the ground, her legs no longer able to support her, and she collapsed.

Several Slytherin cast their spells at me with my back turned, but before any of them hit me, I just melted into a pool of blood, the clone I had caused all of this with just disappeared.

The snakes were angry, they wanted to go after me, but they took the time to help the prefect, to whom they thought that 'Weasley' did something to her that caused her to cry out in pain... but only Gemma knew that it wasn't just pain, the emotions she felt with that blow caused her mind bringing back the memories of that night that happened recently... causing her to even lose control of her bladder for a very slight moment. Her teeth didn't stop banging together, while her legs didn't regain their solidity until after a few minutes.


-With Tenebrius-




"Tonks, stop throwing bits of paper at me!"



"I'm just bored" she complained as she spread out on her desk.

"I told you they probably wouldn't let us out anymore after what we did" I replied as she continued working on overdue reports.

"They are idiots, we only hit the bad guys, and now, they think we are a menace"

"Welcome to the world of superheroes"

"Let's talk to Moody, maybe if we ask him he'll give us a mission, even if it's counting ducklings in the park" She snorts.

"That's a terrible Idea"

"but we can try"


Tonks at that moment got up and came over to me, put her arms around my neck and gave me a lick on the cheek.

"Please" she made a pitiful face.


"I need it" She said, moaning after nibbling on my ear.

"Is it a bad idea"

"Ahhh...Tenebrius" She moaned again.

Just as she was about to scold her for the loudness of her moaning, which might have alerted our office neighbors, we received a letter. When I opened it, I saw that it was from Remus Lupin, who had decided to accept our deal and would start from today.

When I read it, I was happy and looked at Tonks.

"Okay, I'm happy today, let's ask Moody" I smiled at her .

"You won't agree when I beg you, but if after that... I'm doubting your tastes right now, how can it be that you ignore this beauty, but with just one letter from a ragged old man, your mood improves so much? "

"So we're not going"

"No! I was wrong, you are clearly a hottie, and you want every woman in this world. You are magnificent, and I even get a little wet just saying your name..." She regretted it and flattered me as she grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the office, she wasn't going to let a prank take away her chance to get out of this office.

We leave and go to Alastor's office, when we get there we find him as usual, working.

"What are you two doing here?" He asked us when he saw us.

"We want to know if we have any jobs outside the ministry" To keep Tonks out of trouble, I was the one to do the talking.

"You are not going to leave your office until the programme is over, go away"

"But that's not fair" Tonks complained.

"I'm their boss, and they're going to follow my orders, unless they have a revolt planned..." Moody looked at us as if to discern from our expressions if that was our plan.

"Alastor... I understand that you doubt me, and to be honest I would too, but at least let her get out and move her legs" I said to the crazy auror.

"I don't trust either of them for anything more than filling out paperwork, and even with that I doubt your intentions. The answer is no"

"The ministry would not let you do that, in the programme there is also a calcification for field work, so it is necessary to leave"

"You've had enough fieldwork for a lifetime!"

"Maybe, but it's graded every other week, so if it's not done, the blame will be on you. I have no problem with not being graded, but let Nymphadora go out and do what she came to the ministry to do"

I don't mind being blamed at all... and if you say that's what she came to the ministry for, then why did you come...?" he was talking, but someone knocked on the door.

"Come in..." Moody yelled.

The door opened and down the stairs came a witch, who curiously was the same one who during Garrick's trial had questioned why I sang everything I said.

She was a somewhat older witch who in her eye wore a monocle, her hair was short and gray, and her expression, appearance and way of moving gave the feeling of authority and discipline, the kind of teacher you don't like for being too strict.

"What do you want Amelia?" Alastor asked, surprising me a bit.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt"

"Never mind, they were already leaving. What's wrong? Fudge again?"

"The usual" Sigh "The budget of our department has already been cut so much that it is not convenient to hire an assistant. At least last year more practitioners came, and I had some help, but this year even that was cut" she began to comment.

When I heard that I was shocked, cutting the number of practitioners was stupid. They use us as cheap labor, what am I saying? They don't pay us anything, how do they cut that...

"This time nobody came to do their internship in my area, so I was having problems with the amount of work. I asked and found out that in your department you had two interns and I wanted to know if you would lend me one..."

"It's us" I quickly exclaimed.

"Akaichi shut up!" Alastor chided me.

Amelia Bones turned around and looked at us, somewhat surprised. At first, she hadn't realized who we were, maybe her workload was too much for her, since she looked very tired and if she didn't even recognize Tonks's pink hair then she was very bad.

"Alastor, that's a great offer, you can keep me away from your department and send Tonks on missions without worrying about me" I said.

"I won't let that happen"

"What's wrong Alastor?" Amelia asked, confused by the Auror's attitude.

"It's just that due to my unreliable origins he suspects that I have bad intentions towards…well, everything" I commented.

"Alastor! We've already told you, you can't distrust everyone, that's why they sanctioned you the other time"

"These two here are the ones responsible for the arrests of the WA487 file, where the Durevic-Gatriller case is. You know very well how those arrests ended, these two are the ones who made them" explained Alastor.

"How...?" Amelia was shocked and gave us a deep look, she knew about those arrests, but she didn't consider that the young Merlin's Order winners had carried them out "Wait...they're just interns, how come they could be assigned those arrests?" Amelia realized the error in that statement.

"Ask the ones above, I'm sick of them doing things like this" Alastor complained as he took a drink from his hip flask.

"You sent them on a mission like that?!" Amelia said, somewhat furious.

"What do you want me to do? I yelled at them all I could, but they don't even care about me... do you still want to take them now that you know?"

"Wait, give us at least a chance. What happened was not our fault, please Miss Amelia, give us a chance" I begged a little.

"..." Amelia hesitated, but... "I think I could still use a few extra hands. Alastor, let me take one of them, I'll keep it under surveillance and if it doesn't meet my requirements I'll return it to you. I'll just borrow for short periods of time, and then can go back to the work here"

"...Okay, do what you want, the less I have to waste my time watching them the better" Alastor didn't fight anymore.

"Okay, you can come with me" Amelia told Tonks.

"hahaha" I laughed involuntarily.

When I did, everyone looked at me.

"Sorry, but I think if you're looking for office work, you're wrong...Tonks has the focus of a hummingbird on that topic" I laughed and Tonks nudged me.

"I think taking her would be the most convenient, you're better for field work" she told me, she judged that the peculiarity of the arrests was my thing and that Tonks was calmer, so she decided to choose her.

"Tonks is like a giant Pixi, and she confuses the records a lot, besides her clumsiness makes 2 out of 10 files get stained with a drink" When I said that, Amelia gave my partner a questioning look.

"...he...is right" Tonks agreed, since it was the usual, and although she was upset, what I said was not a lie.

"Fine" she sighed, "I guess you'll come then, but I won't tolerate anything about limits" she clarified, since she doubted my administrative capacity. From what she heard, she had the idea that I was more of a fighter than a scholar.

I started to follow Amelia ignoring Tonks' worried look and before leaving the door I turned to Moody and said.

"Alastor, now that I'm gone I don't think there will be any problems with Tonks having jobs outside the office, you don't want your superiors to complain to you by sending more missions like the previous one... I guess if you personally assign them missions they won't have any excuses to give you more complicated ones" after those words I went out following Amelia.

We walked without saying a word to each other. We got to her office, it was small, unlike Moody's where you could almost play tennis inside it. It had a large desk opposite the door and a smaller one to one side, there were also several cabinets, as well as a few pieces of furniture. Something remarkable is that on her desk, in addition to the normal office supplies and other miscellaneous things, there was also a photo of some people I did not know and another of Susan.

"That over there would be your desk, it hasn't been used in a long time, so you should check what it has" she said as she approached one of the cabinets and removed a small mountain of papers "Here, fill out these reports, with that you will prove if you can do this job"

I took the files from her and sat down at the desk. She sat in hers and continued with her work, completely ignoring me, not because she despised me, but because it seemed like she had a lot to do.

I concentrated on doing this job well, while I prayed that Moody would listen to my words and give Tonks something to do. Within half an hour I finished all the reports, it seemed like this place was pretty good for work as my [Reading] and [Writing] skills worked at very high capacity.

When I'm done, I stand in front of Amelia's desk and get her attention.


"I'm done" I replied as I left my work on the table.

"...I think it's better that you go" she said somewhat annoyed "You're clearly not good for this job" she thought I did things in a hurry because the paperwork she gave me was for at least two and a half hours.

"Can you at least look at my work before you judges it?" I asked without the slightest disgust or annoyance, just the normal cordiality of a subordinate to a boss.

Amelia wasn't happy, but she felt it was the right thing to see my work first, even if it was a mess. She began to read and at first found no problem, then she went on and on...surprised and unaware several minutes passed as she read the reports.

"... they are... fine?" She looked at me in surprise and confusion.

"I know. Between me and my partner, I'm the one who does 80% of the office work. I'm quite capable at this, although I don't particularly like it, but I take it upon myself to do my best"


"Why, having such skill in office work during arrests, did we use such brutal methods? We didn't want that mission, but if we didn't do it, then a lot of bad things would happen to us... It just so happened that if we completed it well while doing it in a way that wouldn't be convenient for the ministry, we could avoid being given another one as dangerous as that... it may be silly but it was the only way to protect my partner and allow her to have a future here"

"...hmm" she just nodded "in that cabinet over there, second drawer, there are several files to fill out that you can do. Then you can read these requests and records to give me a report on my pending" She points to some folders that were in a corner on her desk.

"Right now" I said to get to work.

I took the folders and took several more reports from the cabinet, it had an expansion spell, so there were a lot and I could only take a few before my hands were too heavy.

I started my work and time passed, when it was afternoon Amelia called me to give her the pending report. I got up with a few sheets that I had written with the details and the folders of the respective reports.

"Okay, tell me what we got"

"You have been requested to participate in 3 important trials in the next two days, there are also 14 other minor trials where her participation is not necessary..."

"How is my participation not necessary?" She asked confused, she has never differentiated judgments by importance.

"Separate trials by importance, persons to be tried, crimes or infractions committed and by applicants for trials"

"It's not your job to determine which trial I go to and which I don't. I don't want you changing my schedule to your liking, understand?" Amelia reprimanded me, determining which lawsuits to go to and which ones not, was not in my power.

"Yes Madam Bones, I'm sorry" I excused me and then gave she details of the trials she was going to participate in.

"What's next?"

"We have 12 complaints, two of which are high priority, and I would suggest that you look at it and approve it within the next few hours."

"Which?" she asked her.

"These two... suspicions of trafficking in magical creatures, they have several pieces of evidence that I consider decisive, and possibly the culprits should already be moving. The other is about a case of a dark wizard in Leeds, there is not much evidence, but it has been accused of kidnapping children, so if it becomes real we should quickly send a detachment of Aurors, even if it's false it's better to be safe than sorry" I explained while she's reading the two reports I gave her.

She stared at the folders with the data of the complaints and at one point she took out her pen and signed them, then took out a stamp and stamped it on both folders.

"These complaints are approved, and you will take them to the Auror department once you finish the report" she ordered.

"As you wish"

"Go on"

"Of the other 10 complaints, only 7 are relevant and should be approved within today and tomorrow"

"I told you not to put your ideas on the job" she complained annoyed, but then she kept looking at me for a while "But why do you consider it irrelevant?"

"Checking the records, one of them is a complaint due to the failure of a chimney in the Floo Network and requests that it be repaired. This complaint has been repeated for 4 months and the complainant has been to St, Mungo about 5 times since that the complaints have been made..."

"How do you know that?"

"When I noticed the repetition quirk I check the files, it was the moment I went to the bathroom, I took some time to investigate" I said as I handed her a copy of the files I 'Borrowed' from the other department "I guess this person is trying to make homemade Floo Powder, so it's not worth spending a lot of effort going to see it, we can wait until the end of the month to send someone and check if my assumption is true, if so, it can be blamed for obstruction of the work of the government agency"

"..." Amelia nodded slightly as she had her hand on her chin thinking after reading the file "And the other two"

"The other two complaints are related. They're a couple of magic item stores in Diagon Alley, something similar happened with the same stores a month ago, but with different complaints. I think they're trying to eliminate each other, it's a business competition more than a real crisis... if you don't mind, can I give you a suggestion?"

"Say it"

"It is possible that both owners will try to bribe whoever we send to cause trouble for their opponent, so I suggest sending a rookie with a strong sense of justice. If we send someone like that, it would be more difficult for him to accept the bribe compared to those who already worked on this for a long time. If things get worse later with the stores I would choose to send a large group to both and find errors equally, punish them severely so that they get scared and stop bothering the ministry" I told her, and she thought for a while.

"Next time, do what I say and don't put your ideas in the reports... go ahead"

And so I went on recounting Mrs. Bones's earrings...